11-28-2013, 08:20 AM
Turrican Soundtrack Anthology
Chris H�lsbeck


Info (

Link Removed

11-28-2013, 09:01 AM
Big thanks for THIS.

Sucks for having missed this, cant longer purchase it.

11-28-2013, 10:02 AM
You will be able to purchase it in a couple of weeks! It's now out only for Kickstarter supporters, but it will be available to purchase to everyone very soon!

I can't ever thank you enough for this Jessie! Chris and his music is the main reason why I began (and still am) making music with a computer. ^_^

11-28-2013, 10:12 AM
Thank you so much, H�lsbeck is a genius! Always loved Turrican music.

11-28-2013, 11:04 AM
Thanks a lot!

11-28-2013, 01:30 PM
Really, thanks!

11-28-2013, 03:58 PM
Fantastic! Thank you, Jessie!!!

11-28-2013, 04:12 PM
Thanks a lot

11-28-2013, 06:26 PM
Excellent! Many thanks!

11-28-2013, 09:21 PM
Thank you sooooo much for sharing this!!!!
Excellent stuff!!!!! :fabulousbatman:

Chris Huelsbeck
11-28-2013, 09:44 PM
Hi guys,

while I appreciate your enthusiasm for my album, I would prefer if you don't post it, since I am planning to start selling the online version in a few days. This is not a big record label or conglomerate, it's just me trying to make a decent living with my music, so I would appeal to you to take the link down and rather point people to the Bandcamp page, once it is released. I will have some full length previews and it will also appear later on services like Spotify, where almost anyone can listen for free, but I still receive at least some streaming royalties. This is all important income for me as an independent freelance musician.

Thank you for your consideration

Chris Huelsbeck

11-28-2013, 10:46 PM
Oh my!!!!!.. The main Man Himself.

Rest assured the link would be taken down.
Thank you for the time and effort.

11-29-2013, 02:52 AM
Thank you share!

Chris Huelsbeck
11-29-2013, 07:23 AM
Thanks so much for your understanding! :)

I will let you know when the Bandcamp and Spotify releases are ready.

Happy Thanksgiving


11-29-2013, 07:43 AM
Hi Chris,

These games have some mean music so can't wait to get a copy to listen to.

What sort of price will it be? I guess it depends on which version right or will there be the CDs only now?

In a couple of weeks hey?

11-29-2013, 07:47 AM
Wow.This is so weird.
Chris Huelsbeck here!
How we can know you are Chris 100% ?
Anyway.I will say something if you are the real Chris.
If all composers do like you how we can listen their music?
I am a poor person without credit card.If i wanna buy your music,i can't.
You must understand:your favorite fans always will buy your albums(rich people),but fans which cannot buy your albums,always will download for free.
Jessie removed the download link now,but tomorrow another user will start a new thread with your album.
Anyway you got money from creators of games.I know you wanna got money from 2 places.Is not my business but you must know:
-This is the world:poor people and rich people.
Nobody can change that-nobody can stop us.Only God of course:)
Respect,if you are Chris.

11-29-2013, 08:15 AM
@ Nicejob seriously??? I mean SERIOUSLY????

I was being modest over on Alpha's thread, then you pull this stunt. I think its high time you just start lurking over here, NO joke. Mind you if you have been on FFShrine for ages you would know - it is not uncommon to have a Composer/or Someone related to an album to kindly request the removal of said album link(s). From the top of my head, Shatter and Soul Calibur come to mind, pretty sure there are more.

Correction - Jessie didn't remove the link, after I saw Chris H's request post ( , you could see by my reaction post, ( and also noted by the forum indicator that he was still onsite (in the forum) led me to make a post over @ the Questions | Feedback | Assistance section, ( and as a result another MOD made the alterations the to original posts.

That being said, he asked we obliged, C'est fini.

Chris Huelsbeck
11-29-2013, 08:23 AM
Nicejob: all good points if there are people truly so poor that they can't afford to purchase music that they like to listen to and I'm a very reasonable and generous person (just ask any fan that ever interacted with me). If you look at my older Bandcamp releases, you'll see that they all have unrestricted free streaming enabled and my albums always also appear on legal streaming services like Spotify, which is ad supported and still pays a few cents per stream. But if people just give away my music (and even before an official release) without concern what that does to an independent artist, it's just not fair. I know that I will not be able to keep all such copies off the internet forever, but I just try and ask nicely. In due time, my new albums will also be available via streaming on Bandcamp etc. and there will also be times when I will lower the price for special occasions. But if the music is worth to anyone to want to listen too, they should be so nice to acquire it in a way that enables me to make more cool tracks in the future. And btw: this is not just a way for me to make some additional money on the side, this is very much part of my overall budgeting and I don't live in luxury here, far from it. But coming back to your point of affordability: I'm even thinking about a way where fans of my music can earn download credits if they spread the word about my works, but I have not quite figured out the details.

---------- Post added at 11:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:17 PM ----------

iwannabelikemike: thanks for your interest, the release should come soon (in a few days), but I have not decided on a firm price point yet. Likely, there will be an introductory deal on Bandcamp, which will also include FLAC option (directly from the CD Masters) and the full PDF Booklet/Liner Notes.

11-29-2013, 09:10 AM
@ Nicejob seriously??? I mean SERIOUSLY????

I was being modest over on Alpha's thread, then you pull this stunt. I think its high time you just start lurking over here, NO joke. Mind you if you have been on FFShrine for ages you would know - it is not uncommon to have a Composer/or Someone related to an album to kindly request the removal of said album link(s). From the top of my head, Shatter and Soul Calibur come to mind, pretty sure there are more.

Correction - Jessie didn't remove the link, after I saw Chris H's request post ( , you could see by my reaction post, ( and also noted by the forum indicator that he was still onsite (in the forum) led me to make a post over @ the Questions | Feedback | Assistance section, ( and as a result another MOD made the alterations the to original posts.

That being said, he asked we obliged, C'est fini.

Really you cannot stop follow me everywhere i go?
When i post some comment with my opinion you are there and always you have something to say...
No one ask your opinion about me and no one allow you harassing people around this forum.
If you coment here,comment about this thread no about my person or about my acts.
People are free to say their opinion.
BTW:can you tell me what means your presence here?
You just download from this forum and spam.
Stop spy my every comment.
I don't like you really.
Come one:you hunt every comment and when you don't like the truth,you post some words without meaning?
You are flamer or what?

Nicejob: all good points if there are people truly so poor that they can't afford to purchase music that they like to listen to and I'm a very reasonable and generous person (just ask any fan that ever interacted with me). If you look at my older Bandcamp releases, you'll see that they all have unrestricted free streaming enabled and my albums always also appear on legal streaming services like Spotify, which is ad supported and still pays a few cents per stream. But if people just give away my music (and even before an official release) without concern what that does to an independent artist, it's just not fair. I know that I will not be able to keep all such copies off the internet forever, but I just try and ask nicely. In due time, my new albums will also be available via streaming on Bandcamp etc. and there will also be times when I will lower the price for special occasions. But if the music is worth to anyone to want to listen too, they should be so nice to acquire it in a way that enables me to make more cool tracks in the future. And btw: this is not just a way for me to make some additional money on the side, this is very much part of my overall budgeting and I don't live in luxury here, far from it. But coming back to your point of affordability: I'm even thinking about a way where fans of my music can earn download credits if they spread the word about my works, but I have not quite figured out the details.

---------- Post added at 11:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:17 PM ----------

iwannabelikemike: thanks for your interest, the release should come soon (in a few days), but I have not decided on a firm price point yet. Likely, there will be an introductory deal on Bandcamp, which will also include FLAC option (directly from the CD Masters) and the full PDF Booklet/Liner Notes.

understood what you just said.I don't wanna be rude.This world is unfair with masters like you.I like so much your music.Specially i like Giana Sisters.My daughter is happy when listen your music.
What i have said on previously comment its the truth.Im sorry for you really.I pray for you,no one to this forum start a new thread with Turican Anthology Flac or Mp3.
If i delete all my soundtracks from pc i will be an empty man.All soundtracks was collected free from internet.I have 51 albums.
aoshivx 100% download your music for free,but he just fluff up around here...
Now i have a question for you:
What should i do with all my music?
Should i delete all or keep?
If you were me what would you do?
Conscience scold me when downloading free music.
Should i stop download music or stop extract music from archive of games?
Tell me your opinion as human not as a composer.

Don't reply anymore where you find me.Don't say my username anymore.Prove me you're not a kid.

11-29-2013, 09:37 AM
Queue in | Street Fighter II turbo - Ken stage track |


Lol. You made me chuckle.

The thing you fail to realize, is you lack the adept grammar skills without coming off as disrespectful.
Let me tell if you still cannot comprehend the level of your immaturity, it is only kids that run away from issues, be a man and face it, rather than brushing under the carpet with silly comments like dont "Don't reply anymore.....". I don't think I was trying to be condescending in any form but rather to correct you. Then again, I am at fault. I mean how could I write a response at you and EXPECT you to be take it to heart quietly.

Queue in | Street Fighter II turbo - Continue track |

11-29-2013, 10:07 AM
Que in Street Fighter II turbo - Ken stage track


Lol. You made me chuckle.

The thing you fail to realize, is you lack the adept grammar skills without coming off as disrespectful.
Let me tell if you still cannot comprehend the level of your immaturity, it is only kids that run away from issues, be a man and face it, rather than brushing under the carpet with silly comments like dont "Don't reply anymore". I don't think I was trying to be condescending in any form but rather to correct you. Then again, I am at fault. I mean how could I write a response at you and EXPECT you to be take it to heart quietly.

Que in Street Fighter II turbo - Continue track

You are here just for attention people who can't speak good english...
Im so sorry for persons like you.You know,i don't care about my english or about my grammar.My native language is not Eng.
Again you never helping this forum.You just downloading and spamming.
I put you many questions and youre not able to answer me.The most important question was:
What means your presence here?
You never started a real thread here on ffshrine..You never help someone here.I know you got idea from what i have said on prev.
Also your grammar is horrible;)
I never learned english at school.
BTW i tried make conversation with Chris not with you.
Again:I am free to say my opinion.
Again:Please stop use my name on your comments.
Stop you kiddy!Grow up.
I will ignore any comment from now on.You can rage much as you can.I don't care.
Anyway you prove me your kid mind:)
I swear you can't stop reply on this comment LoL

Leon Scott Kennedy
11-29-2013, 10:52 AM
First things first: stop it, you two, before the "exchange" escalates into something worse. If you have actual problems with each other, I shall remind you both that the board comes with an ignore tool (, perhaps you should use it. :)

Now, I've no problems admitting that I couldn't verify if the user Chris Huelsbeck is actually the composer (though, his behaviour and manners seem to indicate he is), when I've removed the links; I was in a rush yesterday... Personal stuff and all that crap. Still, the links have been removed as a precautionary measure. Better to be safe than sorry, no?
I'd dare to say that if the links haven't been "restored", by now, some other Staffer has either verified the man is the "real deal", or we simply don't want to push our luck. At any rate, no big deal.

A suggestion: don't be presumptuous. Probably it's because of poor wording on your part, but you come off as presumptuous. The fact that you can't afford to buy every goddamn release you want doesn't entitle you to steal it. Keep in mind that none of us, as human beings, actually need this stuff to live, it simply allows us to enjoy life better. EDIT: Also, this is an open forum, anyone is free to participate and discuss, as long as it doesn't get down to personal insults. As far as I can see, aoshivx tried to reason with you... No flaming or harassment of any sort.

Chris Huelsbeck
11-29-2013, 11:40 AM
Thanks so much Leon for your help and understanding! If you like to verify my identity, email me at [email protected] and I can give you my Skype connection.

Nicejob: No, I would not suggest that you delete your 50+ albums, though I would hope that when you finally earn better money not to forget to support your favorite artists in the future. However, I certainly have had a problem with the posting of the link (which I know wasn't you).

11-29-2013, 12:40 PM
I'm not presumptuous.I just wanted aoshivx stop follow my post everywhere in this forum.He always comment about my english speaking or grammar.This thing for me is harrasing.I has been insulted 3 times by him on different threads and you called me ''presumptuous''.Unfair from you.
You have a bad day or what?You rush calling me without reason with word like that...
You can check previously comments for see who started this fight.
I just said my opinion and he comment about that.I don't like such thing.

Master Chris,when i won more money i make a credits card specially for buy your new score's.Thanks for advice.

11-29-2013, 01:12 PM
I didn't know this was actually gonna be up for sale again otherwise I wouldn't have posted it. But then again, I should've known considering the download was from bandcamp.

I apologize for posting it here, I had the strange idea that once it was released that it wouldn't be for sale anymore, but I was thinking of the limited CD release and got confused.

Sorry again.

Leon Scott Kennedy
11-29-2013, 01:33 PM
Thanks so much Leon for your help and understanding! If you like to verify my identity, email me at [email protected] and I can give you my Skype connection.

Nicejob: No, I would not suggest that you delete your 50+ albums, though I would hope that when you finally earn better money not to forget to support your favorite artists in the future. However, I certainly have had a problem with the posting of the link (which I know wasn't you).
There's no need to thank me, sir. It's kind of our "job" to take action when such issues arise. If anything, we should be grateful that you've resorted to a mere takedown request. Also, I believe you've pretty much proved you are the composer, but I sincerely appreciate the willingness to cooperate :). In this day and age anyone could register on a board claiming to be a composer, or some law-man entitled to act on their behalf, or that of a label. Though I've not been moderating here for long, I'm sure the Shrine gets someone attempting to "troll" from time to time.

I'm not presumptuous.I just wanted aoshivx stop follow my post everywhere in this forum.He always comment about my english speaking or grammar.This thing for me is harrasing.I has been insulted 3 times by him on different threads and you called me ''presumptuous''.Unfair from you.
You have a bad day or what?You rush calling me without reason with word like that...
You can check previously comments for see who started this fight.
I just said my opinion and he comment about that.I don't like such thing.

Master Chris,when i won more money i make a credits card specially for buy your new score's.Thanks for advice.
Nicejob, sorry, my calling you "presumptuous" was strictly regarding your attitude about soundtracks. You gave the impression you felt entitled to download this release, simply because you couldn't afford it. As bad as it sounds, what if you can't? It's not food, it's a luxury item.
Also, I'm sorry to hear that this isn't the first time you had problems with aoshivx, in my email inbox there's only a report "sourced" from this thread.

I'm gonna say the following only once: this is an open forum. Users living in different countries surf it, each of them having varying degree of "skills" with English; keep that in mind. I can't say I like users suggesting others to simply lurk, anyone is entitled just as much as you are to... Join the conversation. Also, don't take the Join Date too seriously, an individual registered in 2007 may have never participated to the board, thus, not knowing "shit" about what's likely to happen around here. My previous suggestion still stands, anyway, there's an ignore function you're free to use, if you can't stand each other.
I personally don't like when users get banned, or rather... I'd like for us to keep reserving such treatment only to the folks which prove to be of some disturbance to the board/forum as a whole. Not for this kind of bickering. Calm down, both of you.

11-29-2013, 02:00 PM
I did told you guys it would be on sale to the general public soon (3rd post).
I'm really looking forward to this, Chris has been a gigantic influence in my life and I do my best to promote his amazing work anyway I can (

I just wanted to give everyone a heads up that Chris is doing a Black Friday promotion on his Bandcamp page ( You can get all of his releases 40% off for the remainder of today! Just type black_friday on checkout. I really recommend you to get this if you haven't already (

11-29-2013, 02:12 PM
Good Leon
I apologise for my behavior.At my age i think should stop burn when someone acting like that in comments.
I'l promise,i will be carefull next time.
Have a nice day and thank for your implication.

11-29-2013, 02:27 PM
Thanks for the feedback there Leon S. K. maybe I did slightly go over on the lurk thing, my apologies, but I don't know what Nicejob is talking about. Dude is tripping, best believe. The only time I recall ever referring to his English skill was once here (, which I do not think was even remotely close to being offensive or malicious at all. Pretty sure he agreed with what I said, for why would HE himself have LIKED the comment, only to remove it. I assume shortly after this whole Turrican Fallout. (No comment on that)

I have been on FFshrine long before the date stamp on my account, and I have treated every member here with the same sense of humility
and level of respect I have done with Nicejob. To what degree he feels I have harassed him and have insulted him on 3 separate occasions,
(not once, not twice but three times) well he will have to clarify that himself.

11-29-2013, 03:15 PM
I didn't know this was actually gonna be up for sale again otherwise I wouldn't have posted it. But then again, I should've known considering the download was from bandcamp.

I apologize for posting it here, I had the strange idea that once it was released that it wouldn't be for sale anymore, but I was thinking of the limited CD release and got confused.

Sorry again.

Hi "Jessie",

and yet, strangely, you have no problems with posting other CDs that are still available for sale :)
as listed here:

Thread 78978

a list which, coincidentally, has several titles you bought on ebay last year
and which were only available from one retailer who shipped those CDs to Ireland....

...and BTW, just because something isn't for sale at the moment, that doesn't mean
it won't be again in the future - although sites like FFShrine make that highly improbable....

Leon Scott Kennedy
11-29-2013, 03:40 PM
[...] although sites like FFShrine make that highly improbable....
Oh, yeah, it's so easy to blame websites like this, too bad such scenario isn't always true. Most of the time, the label themselves don't bother to reprint their stuff, not even on the likes of Amazon or iTunes, as digital releases. I'd dare to say it isn't really "our" fault, a lot of these albums get printed in limited quantity to begin with, once they all sell out and the publisher gets "its" income, who gives a damn, anymore.

At any rate, you don't have to worry. Links will be removed, shall copyright holder(s) file takedown requests, just like it has happened here. Up until then, people get to enjoy whatever. :)

11-29-2013, 03:43 PM
Aaaanndd here we go:
A new fight will start again.
Now Jessie suffering,not me ;)
I am with Jessie.

11-29-2013, 04:45 PM
Hi "Jessie",

and yet, strangely, you have no problems with posting other CDs that are still available for sale :)
as listed here:

Thread 78978

a list which, coincidentally, has several titles you bought on ebay last year
and which were only available from one retailer who shipped those CDs to Ireland....

Well, think of it this way. You see me as a monster for sharing music that i buy, what i'd like to point out is that i most likely wouldn't have bought any of those CDs if i hadn't either heard them first by downloading them elsewhere before buying, liked the composers or heard the music from the game or whatever. So, just because i share the music doesn't mean people aren't going to buy it because they can download it free, i download music free and buy it myself after if i think it's something i'd want to have myself, but i can't buy everything. Doesn't mean i'm entitled to it but i'd like to be able to listen to it and i do try and purchase them when i can, i'm pretty sure there are a lot of others out there too that are the same, so you shouldn't think so negatively that one person sharing something will stop everyone from purchasing it, this is not the case. Soundtracks from Japan do get posted a lot more than others and they still manage to sell out and go out of print. I've been around long enough to know people request music that's widely available and could easily purchase it themselves, but they either can't or refuse to. If someone doesn't share it they won't buy it themselves otherwise they'd buy it anyway instead of requesting it. Not trying to justify what i do, just saying that's how some people are, not sharing the music isn't going to get you a sale if they can't or are not willing to buy it in the first place.

When people buy vgm it's usually based on the composer and want to support them, from playing the game and loving the music or just out of curiosity. I've no idea if iwannabelikemike downloaded this or not but he already showed an interest in purchasing this when released on bandcamp, i also saw another member show their interest in buying it a few days ago too so that goes to show that even though there's a link to download it there's still people that will buy it regardless because they are supporters of the vgm community and maybe collectors like myself.

...and BTW, just because something isn't for sale at the moment, that doesn't mean
it won't be again in the future - although sites like FFShrine make that highly improbable....

I don't think this is a true statement. If there's a high enough demand for something and is very popular then it'll get re-released regardless if it's shared on this forum or any forum for that matter. The problem is that digital releases aren't going to sell as much as a CD release for the simple fact that most people want something physical for their money, so reprinting a CD is going to cost a lot more for a label/composer than releasing it digitally and therefore might not sell as well as a result, so they might not think it's worth the risk. So i personally don't see sites posting music being the reason why it's unlikely that music will be re-released for that reason. There are also lots of CDs that are rare and out of print that can't even be downloaded due to their rarity, i don't see any of them being re-released, even though i wish they would, even in digital form or even a stream somewhere. The Land of Genesis Soundtrack is one of the CDs i got from ebay that you mentioned, not many people would have heard or known about that soundtrack but i was over the moon to see it for sale and it is a brilliant soundtrack. But i don't think many people would buy it not knowing about it and not being able to sample it first, so hopefully by my posting it others did buy it when it was available because it is an amazing soundtrack that i thought i would never have gotten and i felt it needed to be heard.

11-29-2013, 05:01 PM
I stand with Jessie on this one.

11-29-2013, 05:20 PM
Hi "Jessie",

and yet, strangely, you have no problems with posting other CDs that are still available for sale :)
as listed here:

Thread 78978

a list which, coincidentally, has several titles you bought on ebay last year
and which were only available from one retailer who shipped those CDs to Ireland....

...and BTW, just because something isn't for sale at the moment, that doesn't mean
it won't be again in the future - although sites like FFShrine make that highly improbable....

Actually, free-sharing can oftentimes lead to a boost in popularity of a certain game or series. Just look at what happened with Super Meat Boy [the game and the soundtrack]; it became more well-known because its software was passed along throughout the 'net, which effectively increased the soundtrack's "infamy" as well. In fact, even the developer himself said something along the lines of "Piracy can sometimes be good, because it helps make a product known."

Additionally, sharing the music can actually bring awareness to the game itself. People who hear a soundtrack which catches their attention feel a developed interest in possibly purchasing the game and thereby supporting the developers. If I'm not mistaken, the composer[s] get a cut from game sales also, so they have two ways to be reimbursed for composing the game's music and compiling a soundtrack.

Since obtaining a number of soundtracks, myself, I've been yearning to try out a good number of games myself, but lack the appropriate systems. Nevertheless, seeing as it's Black Friday and nearing the holiday season, who knows, I might just go show my love for them. Besides, I've been too engrossed in Xenoblade to do much else in gaming, as you can surely tell. ;)

11-29-2013, 05:41 PM
Jessie has a good point about free downloads making more people become aware of the music, but I'm not sure how much that actually helps sales. I've seen projects which you can buy do really poorly even though the music is popular (Bionic Commando Rearmed soundtrack for instance. Capcom stated they didn't profit from the soundtrack release). I got a bad feeling the majority of people download music and don't even consider buying it.

By the way, I backed the Turrican music project on kickstarter so I got my copy that way and I can say it's definitely worth buying it. Anyone's a fan of Chris Huelsbeck or Turrican music should buy it when it's available.

11-29-2013, 09:11 PM
I was actually slightly Shocked when the E-Mail suddenly arrived yesterday... it was just so sudden without an Indicator. And the whole Project didn't really recieve monthly updates xD.

Anyway, if you like Synths, Synthrock, Synthpop maybe, are a fan of Chris H�lsbeck or the C64/Amiga Music Scene , than this may just be for you :D

11-30-2013, 05:32 PM
Im sorry Jess.
Your words healed me.

11-30-2013, 06:51 PM
Nicejob, as i said in the other thread, don't let things people say make you so angry. Posting replies like this doesn't make you look good to others when others think you're an ok guy. You said you love Chris' music and respect him but what do you think he'd think if he saw your reply right now?

Just think before posting in future and please edit your post.

11-30-2013, 07:17 PM
So my comment was properly.
I have right when i said:''No one can stop sharing''
In different ways we continue sharring.With different reasons we will found way to share flac or mp3 soundtracks.
All these because we are borred.All these because we love people or friends.
I agree with Jessie but i am agree with Chris to.
Both have different explanation.
I heard about Chris after i played Giana Sisters ( :) ).I was able to extract music for free from archive of games.
Now i am wondering:is fair what i have done?
For me it is.Because i don't care what is fair or not when we talk about soundtracks or games.
For Chris,is not.Because he work hard making this.That's is life.Fair people and unfair people.Downloaders and buyers.
Anyway:me,Jessie and other people of whole world never stop buy and share,download and upload.

About Aoshivx i have some words to say:
If i can come in your house for see your face my punch will be yours with all my pleasure.Don't act like Van Damme behind keyboard.I know you are nerd with some glasses.I told you stupid: stop fluff around here.
I let you say to much for your personality wich is low compared with any people of this forum.
Your mother know your free time is wasted insulting people on forums?
I saw your history on this forum:only Thanks you posted as comments.-.-
Why you has been decided comment about my coment?
The answer is this:
Because you have no life,you are bored,rude and your education is low to much under normal.
And i will answer why i liked your fcking joke comment on alpha thread.
Because i mistake and i was drunked and i laugh.And because i don't know english.Then i translate with google and i figured out what you have said.then i removed my like.Lol your so sh1t kid.Believe me: i have so much pleasure to beat you right now.Only for fun.
Shame on you.If you are from U.N.I.C.E.F or if you have some HANDICAP or if you have some disease i am sorry for all my words.
But i think you have just low education of kids born after 2000 year.Their parents didn't care about that!
I am not sorry for that words what i said on top.
I keep my words and i am agree with myself.
I said here what i think about this sh1t person with name aoshivx who asked on past about my download links

People can see i was nice with him and he sh1t and make bad joke about my comments and about my english.
I tried stop him but he wont listen me.

Follow me aoshivx now:i'l go fck your young mother.Only for fun:)

You can banned me Leon or Jessie because of your rules.I will start a new account only for download soundtracks from this nice forum!
I respect your decission but i will always fck all kids who can't keep their mouth shut.I don't care about accounts.I just care about humanity and my honnor.

O_O You preach for him to prove he's not a child, and you keep arguing and saying completely ridiculous things as well. Don't make me come over to both your countries and bitch slap you. If you don't care about accounts, maybe they can IP ban you? What will you do then? Mind your keyboard? I suggest you do so. Especially if you don't care about your account. Prove you have humanity by shutting the fuck up.

Jessie's in the right in this thread, and I wish those self righteous people would relax on their evil and incorrect definition of typical forum users that post music. EVERYBODY likes to sample something before you put your money down, that's why demos exist for games. Who in their right mind will buy something without hearing it? Yes, streams work for that, but even free services like Spotify don't work in all countries. It is still not supported in Canada, something that I'm still baffled by. I'm not going to bother rehashing everything that's already been said, just a little sad that we're entering 2014 and this discussion is still being had.

Then again, I'm sure it will still be an issue 50 years from now.

11-30-2013, 07:29 PM
O_O You preach for him to prove he's not a child, and you keep arguing and saying completely ridiculous things as well. Don't make me come over to both your countries and bitch slap you. If you don't care about accounts, maybe they can IP ban you? What will you do then? Mind your keyboard? I suggest you do so. Especially if you don't care about your account. Prove you have humanity by shutting the fuck up.

Jessie's in the right in this thread, and I wish those self righteous people would relax on their evil and incorrect definition of typical forum users that post music. EVERYBODY likes to sample something before you put your money down, that's why demos exist for games. Who in their right mind will buy something without hearing it? Yes, streams work for that, but even free services like Spotify don't work in all countries. It is still not supported in Canada, something that I'm still baffled by. I'm not going to bother rehashing everything that's already been said, just a little sad that we're entering 2014 and this discussion is still being had.

Then again, I'm sure it will still be an issue 50 years from now.

Another biatch kid.What a hell is wrong with dogs in these days?
Moron i never talk with you and i never insulted you.Son of a b1tch.Get a fck off!!
No one ask your fcking stupid comment.
No one care about your opinion.
You shut a fck up and don't reply.

Jessie i listen you and edited that post but this last donkey who replied make me say this ;)


11-30-2013, 07:48 PM
See? You say one thing and suddenly curse words start flowing out every orifice. We're dealing with a ten year old, folks. Time to get that bug repellent.

These days? I've been here 6 years longer than you have hah. You call people retards and idiots, when you can't even string together a cohesive sentence of English. Internet kids these days would deem that an epic fail. I haven't even commented on your intellect, because that is just too easy. Think that one through before you decide to judge others on how "stupid" they are.

All I did was to tell you to shut the fuck up, which was before your edit, and you then acted as if I kicked your dog and assault me in any way your limited thinking capacity is capable of. It's really sad. The problem is you're not acting your age... except if you actually are ten, then I guess you are acting your age. Anyway, I'm better than this back and forth pissing contest, so I'm going to act my own age and leave it at that. Have fun with that temper tantrum, sparky.

11-30-2013, 07:58 PM
Ok guys, just stop it already... and close this thread.

11-30-2013, 07:59 PM
See? You say one thing and suddenly curse words start flowing out every orifice. We're dealing with a ten year old, folks. Time to get that bug repellent.

These days? I've been here 6 years longer than you have hah. You call people retards and idiots, when you can't even string together a cohesive sentence of English. Internet kids these days would deem that an epic fail.

i know ffshrine before on you.
I found ffshrine in 2005 when i start search ways to rip music from prince of persia the two thrones.
I have 20+ accounts here.
Sh1t people like you made angery me and i insulted them,get banned and created new accounts.
Now with your last comment you decayed.pff.
lawl 10years.if i was on 10 years sure you don't find me here.
Please go to your monkey friends and leave me alone.
But you can't go i know.A person like you who was grown by grandmother is hard to understand.
Ohh i forget you live in jungle ;)

Leon Scott Kennedy
11-30-2013, 08:05 PM
Hmm... You know what, folks? Looking at these kind of shows, can't say I mind the extra amount of work which sadly keeps me off of this place and my "moderation" duties, as of late.

Nicejob, given the way you behaved in this thread and in Alpha's I believe you need a cooldown period (= ban), though that will ultimately be up to Jessie. Just allow me to get one thing straight:

You previously said you would create another account, if you end up being banned. Avoiding a ban with a sockpuppet account isn't really tolerated here, or on any other place.


Ok guys, just stop it already... and close this thread.
I agree. Jessie, sorry, but I'm going to close this. The thread has outlived its utility and this crappy show shouldn't continue.