11-26-2013, 07:46 PM
Various Artists
House of Anubis

45 tracks, TRT: 1:48:18, 320 MP3!td03FaaC!IVA-QgpfS1YjWNBUvczWGCFQxUh5lZLFRrgiGoaGCKw

Track Listing:

1. House of Anubis Main Title
2. Mars
3. Rising Mercury
4. Meteor
5. Scattered Ashes
6. Imagery
7. Descending into the Abyss
8. Solar Storm
9. Malice
10. Quest
11. Hand of Fate
12. Eruptive
13. Trailer Rise
14. Lost Prophecies
15. Dark Shadow
16. Red Planet
17. Jupiter Rising
18. Orion
19. Secret Guild
20. Enemy Within
21. Forbidden Planet
22. Vodka Sazerac
23. Attrition
24. Scarlet Moon
25. Bloody Mary
26. Prudentia
27. Ice Child
28. Desolate
29. Burned Earth
30. Empire's Dawn
31. Mystery Killer
32. Asylum
33. Dread
34. Blue Mist
35. North Star
36. My Perfect Day
37. Rising Mercury (alternate, w/o choir)
38. Meteor (alternate, w/o choir)
39. Solar Storm (alternate)
40. Quest (alternate)
41. Eruptive (alternate, w/o choir)
42. Red Planet (alternate, w/o choir)
43. Jupiter Rising (alternate, w/o choir)
44. Mystery Killer (alternate)
45. My Perfect Day (instrumental)

Note: a compilation of various compositions played in Nickelodeon's House of Anubis. Some of you may be familiar with this series but you don't have to know the show to listen to its score, mostly because the score isn't composed specially for the show. The producers bought the songs through Audio Network, I guess, and used them as background music. How do I know that? Because many of the cues here have appeared in many History/Discovery Channel documentaries. Also, if you watched Iron Maiden's Rock in Rio presentation, then you'll definetely recognize Rising Mercury, as it is played during their (literally) ice-breaking opening.

Those who have downloaded my previous post will notice some additions made to the track listing and different editing of some tracks. This re-edit actually reconstructs the album to make a more listenable experience (I removed the "reverse" track) and to complete the album. This is the final mix (with possible future tweaks but nothing too extensive).

Additions include completely new alternates (Solar Storm, Quest and Mystery Killer) and vocal-less tracks (Rising Mercury, Meteor (partial), Eruptive, Red Planet and Jupiter Rising). Because I'm so excited about this release, I've actually picked up the slack and tagged all the cues myself, only using Mp3tag to add the album art to the tracks.

But enough with the talking (or typing, I don't know). Just sit back, relax, and let the music flow for the next 108 minutes. Trust me, this won't be a waste of time, and you won't regret it. Enjoy!

11-26-2013, 10:00 PM
Thanks for this one. Not familiar with the show but the music is a pretty interesting compilation and (with the exception of the "reverse" track) is a very pleasant listening experience! Cheers!

11-26-2013, 10:08 PM
Thanks for this one. Not familiar with the show but the music is a pretty interesting compilation and (with the exception of the "reverse" track) is a very pleasant listening experience! Cheers!

Thanks for all the kind words. As for the reverse track, I actually forgot to exclude it. I'm not even sure why I put it there. Oh well. But I think I'll leave it there. There's always one who likes this kind of stuff, right? But seriously, I was going to remove it but apparently I forgot. And thanks again for the kind words. :)

11-26-2013, 10:20 PM
Thanks for all the kind words. As for the reverse track, I actually forgot to exclude it. I'm not even sure why I put it there. Oh well. But I think I'll leave it there. There's always one who likes this kind of stuff, right? But seriously, I was going to remove it but apparently I forgot. And thanks again for the kind words. :)
Hey, worries, my friend. No worries at all. I just appreciate the share. Cheers!

11-27-2013, 12:22 AM

11-28-2013, 07:16 PM
cool! thank you!

12-03-2013, 01:35 AM
Update: added a few tracks and remixed some stuff here and there (read the "note" for more info).