Darth Revan
08-21-2004, 12:20 PM
The reason behind this thread, was a simple one. I have been discussing with a few of my friends, about which game developer they like the most. If someone had of asked me this back in 1999, I would�ve said Squaresoft, hands down.

Nowadays, I have to say, that KOEI, is my favourite. I�m not dissing Square Enix or anything, as I�ve enjoyed a lot of the games they�ve made, and most probably will enjoy the ones they still have on the drawing board at the moment, so to speak.

But also, I happen to like a lot of the Konami games. Games like the Suikoden series, Metal Gear series and, let�s not forget this one, the Castlevania series (Symphony of the Night is my fav in this series. The music is atmospheric and� Getting back onto topic.).

Like I�ve said, KOEI is my favourite, not just because of the Dynasty Warriors series, but also the Romance of the Three Kingdoms (From it�s strategic simulation series), The two Kessen games and to a lesser extent, Samurai Warriors (It�s a change from DW, but not where near being a match for it!)

Apart from those developers, there�s also many, many others. SSI (Strategic Simulations Incorporated), who developed the AD&D PC games, among others. CAPCOM, which has produced some real gems. Some of which may�ve had one too many sequels to them (The Streetfighter II games. No offense to Streetfighter II fans (Hey, I�m a fan of Blanka!), but can CAPCOM count above 2? Considering how many Streetfighter II games and�. Ugh!). They�ve also released Breath of Fire II, III, IV and *shudder* V : Dragon Quarter. Then there�s the Resident Evil series.

Lucasarts, which before they decided to focus mainly on the Star Wars franchise and name, made some hilarious games. Sam & Max : Hit the Road, Day of the Tentacle, Full Throttle and the classic Monkey Island series. They were just a few I could recall (My hazy memory isn�t as good as it used to be), but there were others which were fun to play as well. Add in the Star Wars games, Rebel Assault, X-Wing, TIE Fighter, Rebel Assault II, Dark Forces, etc, etc, and Lucasarts has many a jewels in their crown.

Then there are others, NAMCO, Infrogrames, Working Designs, Midway, EIDOS, ACCLAIM, Sierra, as well as others. So, which developers, would YOU say, are in your top FIVE list of favourite developers?

For me,

1. KOEI (No surprises here, eh?)
2. Squaresoft, Square Enix
3. Lucasarts
4. Konami
5. SSI (Strategic Simulations Incorporated.)

What�s your fav 5 game developers?

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
08-21-2004, 02:57 PM
1. Konami
2. Squaresoft/Square-Enix
3. LucasArts
4. Interplay
5. Rockstar

08-21-2004, 05:51 PM
Hmm, let's see...

1. Sonic Team (Sega)
2. Konami
3. Square Enix
4. Koei
5. Climax (creators of the Shining Force games.)

08-21-2004, 06:32 PM
1. Square
2. Infinty Ward (makers of Call of Duty)
3. ID
4. Valve
5. Konami

Nintendo is probally some where close around there as well.

Neo Xzhan
08-21-2004, 10:33 PM
Black Isle/TSR
Ubi Soft

Interplay is deffenatly a big winner in my top 5, for making the Descent and Freespace series, which I totally loved and being a part of the Baldurs Gate Saga.

Black Ilse also for Baldurs Gate and Plane Scape Torment, so nothing much different there.

Blizzard, obviously I guess. Warcrafft III + Expansion, Diablo II with Expansion, Star Craft + Expansion and the upcomming already legendary MMORPG World of Warcraft.

Bioware for Never Winter Nights with Expansions, and if anyone remembers them; MDK and MDK2. :-)

Ubisoft for bringing Morrowind and Expansions really.

Landlord of Sector 7
08-21-2004, 11:22 PM
Oh jeez you know how hard it is for me to actually choose which ones I like the most?? Well, these aren't in order....

1.) EA Big/Sports/whatever else
2.) Activision (especially Neversoft)
3.) Squaresoft
4.) Nintendo (old school Mario pwns)
5.) I suppose I'll choose LucasArts, but there are so many more good ones.

08-21-2004, 11:27 PM
1. Bioware
2. EA
3. SquareEnix
4. Ubisoft
5. Konami

08-22-2004, 03:15 AM
Uh lets see....

1. Treasure
2. Sonic Team

And the rest will fill themselves in due time.

Evad D'Aragon
08-22-2004, 03:21 AM
Hum, well these are five developers-publishers I'm naming right off the bat but of course there are others :

1- Square Enix
2- Capcom
3- Namco
4- EA
5- Working Designs

08-22-2004, 04:39 PM
no real order and examples of games that i liked by them

konami-mgs+silent hill
capcom-all survival horrors and beat em ups
square(/enix)-ff, sword of mana, crono etc
rockstar north-only gta, but thats enough for me
sega+am2-shenmue, pso

this list is pretty unrepresentative of my tastes since i don't pay much attention to developer or publisher when i buy a game.

Dark Adonis
08-23-2004, 01:10 AM
1. Square Enix
2. Konami
3. Koei
4. SNK or Atlus
5. Capcom

08-23-2004, 04:00 AM
in no particular order:

1. blizzard
2. square
3. konami
4. insomniac
5. westwood, no more *sad*

iconoclastic pastry
08-23-2004, 04:19 AM
1. Nintendo
2. Sega
3. Konami
4. Capcom
5. Treasure

08-23-2004, 05:53 AM
Some of these are dead now...

1. Square
2. Eidos
3. Volition
4. Interplay
5. Apogee

I miss the classics :'(

08-23-2004, 12:50 PM
1. Nintendo - Ever since E3 they've impressed me.
2. Konami - MGS, Pro Evo.
3. KOEI - Disgaea, Gitaroo Man.
4. Bioware - Jade Empire, KOTOR.
5. Verant, hahahahaha.

5. SNK, for the Neo Geo Pocket :/

Blizzard, obviously I guess. Warcrafft III + Expansion, Diablo II with Expansion, Star Craft + Expansion and the upcomming already legendary MMORPG World of Warcraft.

Take it from someone who's been in the beta for months.
It is not legendary, and it is not going to be brilliant unless Blizzard start listening very soon.

08-23-2004, 12:59 PM
Blizzard's made some really good games, but they usually run into the same problem. They never make their release dates. Because of that, Diablo2 and Warcraft 3 were already dated when they were released. I don't figure it'll be any different with World of Warcraft.

But I won't get World of Warcraft immediately anyway. I've played way too many MMORPGs to make that mistake again. The best time to get one is after it's become well-established, the bugs are all ironed out, more content has been added, and its stability has been proven.

As for my 5 favorites:

1) Bioware
2) Id
3) Nintendo
4) LucasArts
5) Namco

08-23-2004, 01:24 PM
Here are my 5

1) Konami
2) Capcom
3) Namco
4) Ea
5) Square Enix

08-24-2004, 04:29 AM
yeah i know i lready posted but i remembered some more:

1. black isle
2. infinity ward
3. naught dog
4. interplay
5. capcom

08-24-2004, 06:04 AM
1. BioWare

Because they made Knights of the Old Republic, the greatest game in existence. With D&D style RPGs (and as much as BioWare would love to tell you differently, they know that every game they make is just Baldur's Gate made better), you need a certain balance - in achieving this balance, plus making the characters actually believe in the Star Wars universe they were living in - it took my breath away. They made something that should be unfamiliar to us, the SW Galaxy of 4000 years past, familiar through the Jedi - and i've never experienced another game that made me feel like a Jedi as much as KOTOR did.

2. Square Enix

Master storytellers and artists - although in an RPG sense they've been out done (I don't care if I get flamed for this - the D&D model system for allocating experience to skills and abilities allows for MUCH highter character generation / customization), no one can tug on your emotions like these people. And considering they've got the language gap to overcome, they've done a superb job.

3. Konami

If Square and the masters of the emotional epic, Konami (in particular, Hideo Kojima and his KCEJ team) are the masters of the action/suspense thriller. The Metal Gear Solid series knows its place - it's not a secret-agent simulator like Splinter Cell, it's a spy-movie sim - and that, in my opinion, is way more fun. Over the course of 2 NES games, a PSX game and a PS2 game (not counting remakes), they've spun a web of intrigue around the one-man army, Solid Snake. And with MGS3 on the horizon looking to top the lot of them, Kojima will have his hands full for years to come. I just hope against hope that Metal Gear: AC!D doesn't suck.

4. Bungie

If KOTOR is what made me love the Xbox, Halo is what made me defect - a perfect shooter, fun from start to finish, coupled with a gripping Sci-Fi storyline. However, the real winner is Halo's multiplayer - there is no social activity than can top it. Mario Party eat your heart out.

5. iD Software

Because Commander Keen rocks my world.

And Doom 3 was OK, too.

08-24-2004, 08:10 AM
Here's my top 5 list:

1-Konami: Suikoden Series, Zone of the Enders 2, Silent Hill series, and Castlevania series

2-Square Enix- Final Fantasy series (favorites: FFVI, FFVIII, FFIX, FFX-2) Parasite Eve, and Crono series

3-Capcom- Devil May Cry, Mega Man series, and Street Fighter series

4-Sony- Playstation and PS2( duh!), Gran Turismo series, Dark Cloud series, and Sly Cooper series

5- Namco- Xenosaga, and Tekken series.

08-24-2004, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by Masakari
Some of these are dead now...

1. Square
2. Eidos
3. Volition
4. Interplay
5. Apogee

I miss the classics :'(

Hrm, I changed my mind. Those companies are still on my list, just farther down.

1. Square - FF6 and Chronotrigger the combination of those two games puts Square at the top.
2. Valve - Halflife, 'nough said.
3. FASA - The Mechwarrior series. Mechwarrior 2 and 3 were both great games, and I'm hoping to get my hands on mech 2 someday.
4. Eidos (And somecompanies that were assimilated by them.) - Well, with the original Commandos games, along with the Theif series (Even though they really didn't do the first two, they just own them now.) Plus the busty Lara Croft (Even though I didn't really like the games much.) I really liked Eidos.
5. Volition - R.I.P. Volition, I doth miss thee. Anyway, they made the best flight simulator ever (IMO), Freespace II. I never had the chance to play the first one, but I hear it's just as good or better. I've never played it though, but still they make good games.

08-24-2004, 08:16 PM
1. Konami

2. EA Games

3. Capcom

4. Namco

5. Square / Square Enix

The Ricky
08-25-2004, 12:24 AM
Capcom - They made the greatest game of all time, BoF 4

Square-Enix - Final Fantasy, is there an explination needed?

Namco - They Make the best fighting games.

Koei - DW and RoTK, awsome games.

Blizzard - Diablo, Starcraft, Warcraft. Think about it!!!

08-25-2004, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by mrmonkeyman

3. KOEI - Disgaea

Disgaea was developed by Nippon Ichi.

08-25-2004, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by Transexula

Disgaea was developed by Nippon Ichi.

... In Japan.

It was brought to Europe by KOEI, and brought to North America by Atlus.

09-01-2004, 12:44 AM
Originally posted by Loki

... In Japan.

It was brought to Europe by KOEI, and brought to North America by Atlus.

Then they would be considered the publishers, not the developers.

09-03-2004, 10:33 AM
5)Naughty Dog- Creators of my very first PS game, Crash Bandicoot.

09-06-2004, 10:57 AM
Mine were (In no particular order)

1. Squarsoft

2. Bioware

3. Capcom

4. Blizzard

5. Rockstar

08-13-2007, 09:53 PM
These are my 5 favorite game developers:

KOEI- Inindo: Way of the Ninja for the SNES

KONAMI- The Castlevania series

CAPCOM- Resident Evil, and Megaman

SQUARE-ENIX- Final Fantasy 1-6 (my favorites)

TELENET JAPAN/WOLFTEAM- El Viento, Tales of Phantasia

08-13-2007, 10:05 PM
It is pointless to restart this thread, it was created almost 2 years ago

08-13-2007, 10:45 PM
Oh. Sorry.

08-13-2007, 10:49 PM
Namco: AceCombat Series
Konami: Metal Gear, classic Contra, Castlevania
Square-Enix: List's too long. I'll skip it.
Sega: Self-explanatory.
Nintendo: Same thing.

08-13-2007, 10:56 PM
Well since u restarted this thread, i guess i will post my favorite five then:

Atlus: Too many good rpgs, especially steambot chronicles:)
KOEI: Dynasty Warrior series, Romance of Three Kingdom series
Square Enix: Final Fantasy series, Kingdom of Hearts
Nintendo: just too many to list
Capcom: Phoenix Wright series and more

08-13-2007, 11:59 PM
1) Square
2) Tri-ace
3) Working Designs
4) Konami
5) ID

08-14-2007, 03:19 PM
1. Square Enix
2. Nintendo
3. Treasure
4. Capcom
5. Namco/Sonic Team

...although Sonic Team has been slipping these past few years.

08-16-2007, 05:26 AM
1. Rare: Best game developer ever. Current works not as hot but Viva Pinata was one hell of a salvation. Besides Donkey Kong Country 2 is the best game ever.
2. BioWare: Makes the best action RPGs on the market. Kingdom Hearts can't hold a candle to them.
3. SquareEnix formerly known as SquareSoft and Enix: Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest. Need I say more.
4. Nintendo: Obvious reasons.
5. Capcom/Kojima Productions/Konami/Namco: All tie for fifth. Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, Castlevania and the Tales Of series.

08-16-2007, 06:42 AM
I have lots of faves. But my top 5 would be:

1. Square-Enix: Without doubt, their RPGs rocks.
2. Konami: Love the Bemani series, particularly DDR and PPP.
3. EA-Maxis: Sim City. Nuff said.
4. Telenet Japan/Wolfteam/Tri-Ace: What's to say? They developed Tales of Phantasia and Star Ocean. Two of the three non-Square-developed RPG series I liked.
5. Nintendo: The Mother/Earthbound RPG series. I really loved Earthbound/Mother 2 and won the game about as many times as I won FFVI (dozens). And Advance Wars is probably one of the best console strategy game series I've ever played.

Other developers I like: Natsume (the Harvest Moon series), Koei (Uncharted Waters series), Namco (specifically, the Japanese version of the Taiko Drum Master series, only because the Japanese version has the Japanese Hamtaro theme as one of the playable songs), and of course Sonic Team.

08-16-2007, 09:02 PM
EA Games

08-23-2007, 05:05 AM
1. Blizzard-They are Itiban in my book. Fell totally in love with Starcraft and is my mistress when my girlfriend beats me down in SSB:Melee. (still suck at both games, just really liked the SC map editor to make my own campaigns)

2. Nintendo-I had a shirt a while back that said "Know your Roots" and that's exactly way I pay homage to it.

3. iD Software-Carmack's from Texas, I'm from Texas. He likes killing hell-spawned demons, I like killin hell-spawned demons...we're all good. (also, they made the very first FPS for the compy-Wolfenstein!)

4. Pandemic-Star Wars + Samuel L. Jackson = Battlefront II

5. It's a tie between Westwood and Harmonix-Love C&C, Love GH, but I really can't pick between either of em, so I'll just leave em both here =^^=

silver rose
08-23-2007, 11:05 AM
1.Squaresoft/Square Enix
2.13 Deck Interactive(Ankh 1& 2)
3.EA games
5.Lucasarts(because of Monkey Island series, Sam & Max 1,Grim Fandango...I didn't like Star Wars(all that games) so it is on the last place)

08-23-2007, 11:37 AM
My top five are:
1. Nintendo: for pokemon, zelda and yoshi
2. Sonic Team: for every sonic game know to man and beast a like
3. Inteligent Systems: for fire emblem
4. SEGA: for SEGA raly, SEGA soccer, skies of arcadia and powerstone
5. Square-Enix: for dragon monster warior, the of mana and the final fantasy series

09-05-2007, 06:04 AM
1. Sqauresoft
2. Blizzard
3. Enix
4. Konami
5. Square Enix

Personally I see Sqauresoft, Square Enix and Enix as 3 seperate companys.

Squaresoft made the most beautiful games imaginable... Chrono Cross, Threads of Fate, Final Fantasy IX, X, etc.

Enix, another game developer, rivals of Square even. Produced great games as well... Star Ocean 2, Dragon Quest V, VI, VII, etc.

I see Square Enix as a different company to Squaresoft because of this:
"We will not bring in any squels to the Final Fantasy Series, every Final Fantasy will be it's own wonder.


after the merge with Enix...
Final Fantasy X-2, Advent Children, Dirge of Cerberus......

Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy the games Square has to offer but I would love to see another story of the same quality as Threads of Fate.

J. Peterman
09-05-2007, 08:07 AM
1. Black and Decker
2. Toshiba
3. Coca-Cola
4. Oscar Mayor
5. Zenith

09-05-2007, 10:09 AM
1. Team Silent - Developers of the first 3 Silent Hill games
2. Square Enix - Final Fantasy and a dozen other games
3. Nintendo - Too many games to count
4. Rockstar - We like violence. OK THOMPSON?
5. Namco - Tekken is one of my favourite games

09-05-2007, 09:48 PM
Square Soft

09-10-2007, 08:28 PM
1: Nintendo - Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Pokemon and so on......
2: Konami - Mainly because of Castlevania, I like the Boktai/Lunar Knights games too.
3: Sega/Sonic Team - They're not doing so well these days sadly....But I still love Sonic. (Mainly the 2d games that is..)
4: Square-Enix - Final Fantasy, 'nuff said.
5: Capcom: Mega Man & Resident Evil, Robots and Zombies!!!

09-10-2007, 09:23 PM
1. G. Rev
2. SNK
3. Technosoft [or Tecno Soft :P]
5. Cave

honorable mentions...


09-10-2007, 10:12 PM
1- Nintendo
2- Square-Enix
3- Konami
4- Capcom
5- Polyphony Digital (I don't really have a definite fifth one, to be honnest.)