01-28-2002, 01:49 AM
If you could create your own original Final Fantasy hero, what would his/her name be, age, special skill he/she might have, what class type would he/she be, and what would be his/her main weapon/sub weapon.

Erm I guess I'll start off

Name: Hanh Dehan (hmm... now where does the name HANH come from? :eye: )
Age: 18
Special Skill: Lucky Pot (Random Item pops out, helps allies or attacks enemies)
Class: Fighter (I like swords)
Main Weapon: A huge sword... kinda like Argrim in Valkyrie Profile
Sub Weapon: Fists (Gotta love them ^_^)

01-28-2002, 06:43 PM
Ji'an Nikarta

Weapon 2 mini Swords
Age 20
Abilites Chant Raises your Attk and Deff and can also Use a specal stronger sword attack
He also can..... can..... uh he can......Transform into a huge blood Thirst Beast
and he originated in Savoras, Necortarom(I had to make it up)
Where does your guy live

?????? Good?

Bahamut ZERO
01-28-2002, 08:59 PM
Hold onto your seat, this could get a little weird...

Name:- Nexion Sirond.
Age:- 21.
Birthplace:- The planet Data 4 from the Data Sector, some 170 light years from the planet Earth... (well, I have to make it kinda original...)
Race:- Hyroton.
Weapon:- Carries a pair of laser swords. (Kind of like lightsabers, only they can be used as lasers when the sword bit isn't alight.)
Special skills:- Um... Can make a nice cup of tea?

And the other important member of the party...

Name:- Vapor Raptor.
Age:- 44 (Raptorian years.)
Birthplace:- The planet Raptor in the Raptorian Sector, some (you guessed it) 170 light years from the planet Earth.
Race:- Raptorian. (Think talking Velociraptor and you're pretty much there...)
Weapon:- "Weapons are for wimps" (direct quote.) Uses claws.
Special skills:- Suffers from a rare disease called Hyproxima, which basically means that he has no sense of fear. Consequently, he's a little on the psychotic side.

Think I'd better stop there...

socks are kiff
01-29-2002, 04:32 PM
name: eckmit
race: half-human, half elf
gender: male
age: 25
weapons: wields two swords in battle but also carries a crossbow
abilities: can speak several languages

01-30-2002, 12:30 PM
Name:John Laburnski(cool isn't it?)
Age:17 years old
special skill:Can see enemies weakpoints
Class:Elite Spearman
Main weapon:Spear or rod

How about it?cool isn't it? i wish i can have a character like this

02-05-2002, 12:18 AM
name: jeremiah (meh name ^^)
age: 17
speacial skill: friendly attack(attacks the enemy every time a ally attacks a enemy)
main weapon: a sword with with spear on handly side of it
sub weapon: the spear side of the sword
race: a genaticaly advanced human
class: a mix of all but mainly a fighter
birthplace: earth in area 1 of the usa
i think they should have a ff game that takes place on earth ^^

02-05-2002, 09:22 PM
Name: Aramil Galanodel
Age: ?????
Special Skill: Flashing Blade (strikes faster than the eye can see)
Class: Knight
Race: Bright Ones (Think Angelic, sans wings)
Weapon: Bastard Sword
Special Skills: Darksight (night vision)

02-05-2002, 09:33 PM
Race: Half orc
Class: Fighter
Main weapon:katana
Sub weapon: daggar.

02-08-2002, 05:43 AM
Name: Ace
Main weapon: giant sword
sub-weapon: claws
special skills: summon, black and white magic
Race: summoner
Class: high summoner/swordsman

Blade 2
02-08-2002, 11:46 PM
Name: Panic

Age: 25

Height: 6'10"

Weight: 401 lbs.

Weapon: long/broadswords

Weapon #2: giant axes/maces

Special: Total Annihilation - calls friends (Jet, Blade, Riot, Berserker) and they all attack the enemy based on number of special items collected; similar to Knights of Round, but can attack for more than 10,000 HP damage and more than 15 times

02-09-2002, 12:51 AM
Name: Athena Themyscria
Age: 21
Special Skill: Paralysis
Class: Fighter/Healer
Main Weapon: "Remote" orb
Sub Weapon: Sword

02-14-2002, 08:58 PM
name:thoris weired huh


wepon: a brotherhood & buster sword buter fly sword

atack: throws his sword into the air comes down sticks into the grownd and.... BOOM!

sub wepon:tower

02-14-2002, 08:59 PM
name:thoris weired huh


wepon: a brotherhood & buster sword buter fly sword

atack: throws his sword into the air comes down sticks into the grownd and.... BOOM!

sub wepon:tower

class: thief

02-14-2002, 09:10 PM
Name: Adelbert Lionheart, (Realted to Zidane Lionheart)

Age: 29.

Weapon: Masamune - Katana

Sub-Weapon: Pain - Katana

Special Skill: Blind Death. (Attacks for 9999 damage for more than 20 times, if that do'snt kill them it will cast unblockable/unguardable blind on the foe.)

Class: Fighter/Thief.

02-14-2002, 10:13 PM
name givti
age 23
class elf
type mage
weapon staff of ages
skill final doom kills everything with meter holy flare summons kights of round table and casts ultima:D

The Unknown
02-15-2002, 01:07 AM
Name: Doesn't Have One
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Normal Human
Class: Fighter/Dark Knight
Weapon: Sword of Darkness II (
Skill: Sacrifice- A beam of energy that takes away a controlled amount of HP from himself to damage the enemy.

02-15-2002, 09:40 PM
Name: CeeJay...

Age: 16...

Special Skill: Sword Art...

Class: Knight...

Main Weapon: Big Sword!

Sub Weapon: Hmmm, I guess it's fists.

Divine Strike
02-16-2002, 04:38 AM
Name: Ashley
Age: 17
Special Ability: The ability to cast every type of magic with out cost
Main Weapon: Unknown- YOU TOOK MY SWORD you bastard..(damn you, i posted that in the Describe you perfect weapon! thread....F*cker)--anyway
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Knight/wizard/ninja...all rolled into one class
Secondary Weapon: Katana

02-16-2002, 01:02 PM
Name: Zidane Lionheart, (Related to Adelbert Lionheart)

Age: 23

Weapon: Death Bringer - Katana

Sub-Weapon: Fists (Trained in the Martial Art TaeKwon-Do)

Special Skill: Ultimate Summon (Summons Knights Of The Round, Eden, Bahamut, Bahamut ZERO, Neo-Bahamut)

Class: Summoner/Ninja/Thief.

02-16-2002, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by Divine Strike
Name: Ashley
Age: 17
Special Ability: The ability to cast every type of magic with out cost
Main Weapon: Unknown- YOU TOOK MY SWORD you bastard..(damn you, i posted that in the Describe you perfect weapon! thread....F*cker)--anyway
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Knight/wizard/ninja...all rolled into one class
Secondary Weapon: Katana

I'm sorry for say this and I will admit I am a jerk for saying this but for casting every type of magic would'nt it be better to cast non-elemental just in case the enemy absorbs it.
Just my little idea, sorry if i've got on your nerves

Divine Strike
02-17-2002, 03:48 AM
I didn't mean at the same know sort of like selphies except you don't have to Do Over....all of the spells are just there

02-17-2002, 06:08 AM
Name: Stu
Age: 87
Race: Hermit
Class: Old People
Live: Old People Home
Wepon: Cane
2nd Weapon:Removable Teeth
Special Attack: Fart - Just like Bad Breath

Oh yeah, Stu OWNZ!!!:D

02-17-2002, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by Divine Strike
I didn't mean at the same know sort of like selphies except you don't have to Do Over....all of the spells are just there

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I see sorry anyway and yes I am a twat for saying the thing in the first place mkay.

The Unknown
02-17-2002, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by Joeshie
Name: Stu
Age: 87
Race: Hermit
Class: Old People
Live: Old People Home
Wepon: Cane
2nd Weapon:Removable Teeth
Special Attack: Fart - Just like Bad Breath

Oh yeah, Stu OWNZ!!!:D
Stu is awesome! Long live Stu! :D

02-17-2002, 08:33 PM
Name: Sirjecht
class:Samurai/Master Monk
weapon:katana(ofcourse) and Bare Handed
skills: Twinslice(upgrades to quadslice) Drawout (release hidden powers of different katana's)
sub-weapon: master in ju-jitsu and monk fighting skills
Secret move: Jecht Shot (Using an enemy as a blitzball and launching them)



Divine Strike
02-18-2002, 12:46 AM
Stu is cool but i still like my character better although Unknown stole my sword, oh and i for got to mention something Ashley rides a dragon whose name is Alcarus (also female but is very much like bahamut if you want a description [looks similar to Bahamut zero except 8 wings])

02-18-2002, 01:40 AM
Name: Striding Sky
Age: 20
Height: 6'4"
Race : Saiyajin (Super Saiyajin)
Class: Stealth Assassin/Shaolin Grandmaster
Home: Shaolin Temple
Weapon Type: Katana
Ultimate Weapon: Snake Eyes (Katana)
Fighting Style: Shaolin Shadow Boxing, Solar Stance, Luna Stance, Snake & Crane
Level 1 Limit Break: Mirage (Eveything goes completely dark and all that can be heard is the sound of slashing. When the light comes back, the enemies are dead, or have taken heavy damage. Much like Akuma;'s Raging Demon)
Level 2 Limit Break: Final Flash (Leaps into the air and powers-up a huge ki blast that deals Heavy damage)
Level 3 Limit Break: Golden Stance (Powers-Up to become a Super Saiyajin. The first attack done in Golden Stance mode will deal 9999, then the second will deal 8888, thrid 7777, fourth 6666 etc. the 10th attack will do 9999 and then he will power-down to normal status. All this time he is Invincible.
Final Limit Break: Illusions (Powers-Up and then disappears. You see quick flashes of him running past and slashing the enemy from all directions about once every 0.1 seconds. Its as if there are 100 of him. It goes for about 30 seconds. The last slash is visable, then all the damage starts coming off and its 100 9999's)