08-19-2004, 03:56 AM
I don't know if anyone else has posted something like this before, since I have only existed as a member on this forum for about 5 minutes.

As we all know, each Final Fantasy game has its own unique twist in the storyline; some which completely take our breath away, and some which at first make us stop for a moment, catch our breath, and wonder what the heck just happened.

What was your least favorite twist in a FF story?

For myself, I believe the worst twist was in FF VIII, where Irvine, out of nowhere, begins to recall his days of his childhood at the orphanage. Miraculously, he (and the other, suddenly recovering lost memories) explains that everyone in the group [except Rinoa] were all at the orphanage together, and their caretaker just happened to be Sorceres Edea (better known as Matron). Then you begin to wonder, oh, how could everyone have forgotten such ample details? Then we are informed that GF's have a tendency to mess up their user's personal memories. Perhaps this was foreshadowed earlier in the game, but I have no recollection of this detail.

At that point in the game, I didn't know whether to put the controller down and walk away, or accept it for what it was and hoped that the storyline would recover (unfortunately, I won't get to know for a while due to the fact that my saved data is damaged because my memory card is a hunk of junk...).

08-19-2004, 04:11 AM

I know this is off topic but...

Wouldn't it be funny if u didn't use GF's,(I know it's Impossible but...)

Then,when u get to the Ophanage,

they say u lost your memorie,when u didn't even use GF'S, LMAO


that would be so funnie lol

08-19-2004, 05:04 AM
i thought the worst was in FF IX when all of a sudden appears necron after you beat trance kuja. at least they could've give certain hints (if they did i didn't see them)
and he was an easy boss too

08-19-2004, 05:06 AM
Oh yea SOOOOOOOOOOOOO easy,that's why i died like...7 times???

anyway,Garnet saved the day agian!

(achually Bahumut did lol)

08-19-2004, 05:09 AM
all you had to do was level up properly and he was as good as dead

08-19-2004, 07:45 AM
Levelling up enough makes almost any boss fight easy. If you don't worry about being as high a level as possible, then Necron can be pretty tough.

The absolute worst, in my opinion, was in FFVII when it comes out that Cloud is a Sephiroth clone. It was a completely half-assed implementation of a concept that could have been good if Square had the gumption to pull off something much darker.

08-19-2004, 09:33 AM
yea unlike the other series FF7 was kinda hard to understand for me. i was like what the hell cloud is a clone? all his memories are fake? ahhh ;; :)

08-19-2004, 10:07 AM
I thought it was kinda stupid at the end of disk 2 on FFVIII. Edea, the enemy of Squall, after you beat her, addresses you as if your her children.


08-19-2004, 12:12 PM
The Necron twist was definitely the worst. I've ranted about it in other threads.

The twist in FFVII was quite poor too, as it wasn't executed well at all.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
08-19-2004, 01:03 PM
The one where Sephiroth turns out to be a complete Puss a the end after all that buildup about how much of a supposed badass he is.

But then, a 6 on 1 fight is hardly fair, anyway.

Lunatic HighVII
08-19-2004, 05:28 PM
In FFVIII how all of them just HAPPENED to be in an orphanage together, and then met all together AGAIN.

But I really do love ffVIII ;)

08-19-2004, 05:30 PM
The necron twist was definately pathetic, but on FFVIII, you only found out who your last boss was late dsk. 3.

08-19-2004, 06:49 PM
hey but at least in VIII you know in advance. in IX it's really sudden.

08-19-2004, 07:09 PM
the necron twist was one of the worst, I was so convinced that only Kuja was out to end all existance.

and the orphanage, I was staring at the screen and 'corny' just popped into my mind

08-19-2004, 07:19 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Solaris
the necron twist was one of the worst, I was so convinced that only Kuja was out to end all existance.

not only that i also thought that made kuja (who is a great villain mind you) a mere puppet at the hands of necron and that made kuja seem more weak than he actually was. i mean he rebels against garland (therefore rebelling against his destiny that garland had decided at kuja's birth) only to be controlled by another entity? come on...

Lunatic HighVII
08-19-2004, 10:22 PM
I totally agree with you, god is dead, it made kuja look weaker. Necron was a horrible twist to IX.

08-20-2004, 01:04 AM
Originally posted by god is dead
not only that i also thought that made kuja (who is a great villain mind you) a mere puppet at the hands of necron and that made kuja seem more weak than he actually was. i mean he rebels against garland (therefore rebelling against his destiny that garland had decided at kuja's birth) only to be controlled by another entity? come on...

My thoughts also. Before I knew of Necron, I thought Kuja was awesome, he was going against his actual fate that Garland gave him ( and Garland I thought was a controller of destinies). So when Necron came I was like 'wtf?!' because I couldnt see how he played in..

is he supposed to be like the god of ff9 or something?

08-20-2004, 01:53 AM
yeah kind of like a god that no one knows exists. he seeks the destruction of life in order to end suffering.

Lunatic HighVII
08-20-2004, 02:45 AM
The first time I beat the game, I accidentally pressed X too soon when it explained how Necron was connected to the game, so I got in the battle with him and I was thinking, "ok, whoever you are, you're going down!" It wasn't until my 2nd playthrough that I understood that part. Now I get it, but it was so sudden! He just came out of no where!

08-24-2004, 11:34 AM
I thought the twist in FFVIII was'nt that bad and besides their were more twists in the game that were better.

But the worst would definetly be the Necron twist. I was so confused with that part, I thought he was the god in that game or something but I still can't figure it out. That boss was pretty diffucult though with that status attack he did, but it was pretty easy when I was prepared for it.

Second-place for this subject would go to FFX's twist, where you find out that Sin is really Jecht (Tidus' father). I was sitting there thinking "How original, your father's the enemy'. That was proably the most uncreative plot twist ever.

08-25-2004, 10:21 PM
You know, now that I think about it, its true that in FF10 when you find out Sin is Jecht it was pretty crappy. I mean, Tidus is against his father, and now the world is :p .. couldnt think of something else to do with his father.

..Im still pissed about Necron though, pointless worship of Kuja...and then comes this hunk of metal that looks like moblie type 8 the boss in the lunatic pandora

08-25-2004, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by Ex-SeeD

Second-place for this subject would go to FFX's twist, where you find out that Sin is really Jecht (Tidus' father). I was sitting there thinking "How original, your father's the enemy'. That was proably the most uncreative plot twist ever.

I wish they had revealed that in a duel between Tidus and Sin, right after Tidus' hand gets copped off.


08-26-2004, 10:28 AM
Tidus: "I will never join you. You killed my father"
Sin: "No, Tidus, I AM your father!"

08-26-2004, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by Ex-SeeD
Second-place for this subject would go to FFX's twist, where you find out that Sin is really Jecht (Tidus' father). I was sitting there thinking "How original, your father's the enemy'. That was proably the most uncreative plot twist ever.

I didn't really think of this as a twist- you find that out at near the very beginning of the game.

And honestly, Jecht being Sin fits the storyline perfectly.

08-26-2004, 08:46 PM
Actually I think you find out or get the idea that Jecht is Sin after Operation Mi'hen at Mushroom Rock Road. But it seems clear that Jecht is Sin towards the end of the game.
But still it was so cliche' it was boring and made FFX go downhill after that.

08-26-2004, 09:07 PM
QUOTE:Originally posted by Ex-SeeD
Actually I think you find out or get the idea that Jecht is Sin after Operation Mi'hen at Mushroom Rock Road. But it seems clear that Jecht is Sin towards the end of the game:QUOTE

actually Auron tells you that Sin is Jecht in Luca.

08-28-2004, 12:17 AM
I think people knock the story of FFVIII a bit more than is necessary cos it does come nicely together at the end IMHO.
Being an FFVIII'er, for the most part, I would say the whole orphenage idea was a bit corny.
Plus, I really could of done without laguna and all his little jaunts everywhere.

08-30-2004, 12:17 AM
i thought the worst twist would have to be FFX-2 or FFX. because in X-2 Yuna thinks that Shuyin is Tidus but of course its not him. the storys in games and mavies never say that if you think you found the person its never really the person. and the same for FFX, it wouldv'e been ALOT better if Sin was Seymour and Jecht was on your team, the game wouldv'e been put on 2 discs if jecht was on your team and Seymour was Sin.

08-31-2004, 12:48 AM
What the crap?

Originally posted by god is dead

not only that i also thought that made kuja (who is a great villain mind you) a mere puppet at the hands of necron and that made kuja seem more weak than he actually was. i mean he rebels against garland (therefore rebelling against his destiny that garland had decided at kuja's birth) only to be controlled by another entity? come on...

Kuja was not controlled by Necron. Not a puppet of Necron.
Necron was nothing more than the personification of destruction or oblivion, an entity or rather, a force, with the only purpose of destroying the world entirely. Necron's appearance needed a trigger, and that was Kuja's desire to end all existence. Necron explained it himself: Kuja's wish to destroy everything was taken as proof that living things strive for being destroyed, and therefore.
This destruction is Kuja's wish, not Necron's. Necron doesn't use Kuja to reach this goal. Necron has no goals. He's not a person. He's more like a mechanism.

It is kind of funny that no one complains about the final battle in FFV, although it is essentially the same, though there are differences. The Void, holding powers that the main enemy would like to harness, consumes him, turns him into its own incarnation, and then announces that it would now destroy the world, all existence, and then itself. Everything. To complete the analogy, both of these final bosses uses the Grand Cross attack.

It's odd that people fail to complain about this one, but also go on about Necron. Because if anything, FFIX introduces Necron, or rather, the oblivion he stands for, rather nicely into the game's THEME. The theme is memories, and the gist is that as long as anything exists, you also live on in the memories of the world. Total destruction, what Necron stands for, is exactly what the characters in FFIX do not want.

By fighting Necron, by clinging to life, and probably also by Kuja's realization near the end, they prove Necron's deduction wrong: People still want to live, and want the world to live, and do not long for being destroyed.

It's more a metaphorical battle, and works very well with the game's theme. :)

08-31-2004, 01:09 AM
i stand corrected then :D

08-31-2004, 07:27 AM
Tokiko, you've done the impossible. I've actually had to alter my opinion after thinking about that. Very well said. ;)

08-31-2004, 09:45 AM
Thank you, you two. :D You're truly making me glad. :D

Anyway, time for some on topic posting on my part.
When I first read the thread title, what popped into my head first was indeed Irvine's revelation with the orphanage. I remember that I was totally confused afterwards, and a little bit shocked.
It would basically have been okay if, say, Squall, Seifer and Irvine had been in an orphanage together. That's coincidence enough! All of them being childhood friends is too much of a chain of coincidence, and not believable anymore.
Oh, the memory loss caused by the G.F. is okay, though I wonder why none of them ever tried to remember their childhood, and was worried when not remembering anything.

08-31-2004, 09:55 AM
Yep, that was a really lame twist. I remember when I reached that point, my first thought was, "Geez! I thought this was Final Fantasy, not Days of Our Lives!"

Shortly afterward, I thought, "What's next? Will Laguna turn out to be Squall's long-lost father?" That's irony for you.

08-31-2004, 10:20 AM
But Laguna being Squall's father makes sense. Otherwise, what reason would there be that Squall has to relive Laguna's past? :P
THeir being related gives one reason or almost explanation. When creating stories, I try not to use coincidences as much as possible. ;)
Squall and Laguna being two total strangers would have been the bigger coincidence.

08-31-2004, 10:43 AM
It does make sense, but at that point, I didn't have all the clues in place. It was just a random thought that turned out to be true.