11-13-2013, 05:06 PM
Link for reference: Expanded and Remastered ?Ed Wood? Soundtrack Announced | Film Music Reporter (http://filmmusicreporter.com/2013/10/11/expanded-and-remastered-ed-wood-soundtrack-announced/).

If anyone has this, thank you so very much in advance. :)

11-13-2013, 05:25 PM
you know it might help if you put the actual composers name which is howard it helps people out seriously why do you not put their first name ive never seen any composers name shortened to just the initial of their first name followed by a period

11-13-2013, 07:31 PM
you know it might help if you put the actual composers name which is howard it helps people out seriously why do you not put their first name ive never seen any composers name shortened to just the initial of their first name followed by a period

Let's see, how many composers with the first initial H and the last name Shore scored a film by the name of Ed Wood that matches the specifics in that link I sent? Besides, the ones who may happen to have it probably are not total morons when it comes to composer's first-name abbreviations. All they have to do is look at the last name. If it's not a common name then I will spell it out. I was not aware that I'd ever have to explain myself for that.

C'mon, man/woman. I started adding track lists to my score posts since the exclusion irked you so bad but don't start criticizing my post formats now. I rather like it and I'm keeping on doing things the way I have been because I like it. Besides, the lack of complaints leads me to believe that those who read my posts are satisfied unless proven otherwise. End of story.

Just enjoy the damn free music and should you find a flaw in anything I post, don't hesitate to call it out (that's what the comments sections are for, after all) but don't give me grief over how I present my posts. I try to personalize every single individual post I make which is a hell of a lot more than most users here. I've even tried to initiate conversation through my posts but very few give a shit to comment. The others just want the music and fuck everything else. I'm gonna start making everything PM only and boy/girl, you better believe things are gonna change.

Why I still post here at all is a wonder. Despite being here for almost 5 years, I don't know ANYONE here apart from DAKoftheOTA and theslap971. No one takes the time to get to know me or engage me in conversation, they just wanna bitch, complain and take. Most can't even take the time to leave a simple thanks. The ones that do are greatly appreciated and thank you for downloading. I take time out of my days to put forth effort to edit, pack and up a product only to get little to no feedback or a simple thanks or in this case, a complaint about how I post requests.

Obtaining music is in fact much like buying drugs, the people are your friends until you get them what they want then you don't hear from them again until they need their next fix. The conversations die down as business starts picking up too. That's why I'm not gonna bulk post anymore. I'm gonna re-post one score at a time, sometimes with days or weeks in between. Not because I necessarily can't upload but because I don't WANT to upload anymore.

What happened to the discussions? I make it simple enough for even a caveman to know what my posts are about so I hope this will be the last I'll hear of it but it is rather disappointing that we can't actually talk anymore. It takes causing a scene like this to get people to respond and with that in mind, I doubt anyone will. It's ridiculous and a waste of my day.

So god forbid, I forget a track listing. May he rain acid fire down on me until I melt back into the earth to be re-united with my dark father, Satan. Okay, that last part was just me being weird, I'm not a Satanist (I'm actually atheist) but seriously, this place makes me think some very very very very very very unsavory and dark thoughts and my limits can only be pushed so far in regards to ungratefulness.

Any other thoughts, questions or concerns I should know about? My rubbish bin isn't quite full yet.