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fascist socialist
08-19-2004, 02:33 AM


First things first... a few rules.

-- No chatting. Please take it to our IRC Chatroom, private messages, or to another chat medium.

-- Try and refrain from posting things that are offtopic. I will delete posts, in order to keep this thread nice and clean.

-- Please read this thread completely to see if your question(s) have already been answered.


Now that those are out of the way. I'd like to get a basic FAQ up, just to tidy things up a bit. If I left out any commonly asked questions, feel free to PM me.

Q: When is Advent Children coming out in Japan?
A: 3rd-4th quarter 2004.

Q: When is Advent Children coming out in the US/Europe?
A: No release dates have been announced, but you can bet on it being released sometime in 2005.

Q: Where can I find AC Screenshots?
A: From FFS's Advent Children section.

Q: Where can I find AC trailers?
A: Trailers can be downloaded in our Media Thread.


If you'd like to add a Q&A, please send it to me via PM.

Have fun guys!

08-19-2004, 01:30 PM
so why are all the replies gone? I thought we had something going on about red XIII�s race?...

08-19-2004, 05:51 PM
*ahem* Acpo messed it up... roffle

08-19-2004, 10:46 PM
Yay! New shots ;D
These are from Jump

The first one seems to be Yuffie.

The second one may be Loz, but judging from the different clothing, might actually be someone new (Zack?).

Actually, I'm now absolutely sure that it's Zack in the second picture. If you recall from the Cloud-Zack scene that you see in the Mansion Basement, Cloud and Zack were in a truck. In the picture above, the person in the picture is in the back of a truck.

08-19-2004, 11:14 PM
Hmm I am beginning to believe a little bit more in Zack being in the movie....

Landlord of Sector 7
08-20-2004, 03:30 AM
Really? What was your first clue? Seriously, no sarcasm or any thing like that I was just wondering if the picture had anything to do with it...

08-20-2004, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by Kirgar
Yay! New shots ;D
These are from Jump

The first one seems to be Yuffie.

The second one may be Loz, but judging from the different clothing, might actually be someone new (Zack?).

they certainly look like them.

08-20-2004, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by Landlord of Sector 7
Really? What was your first clue? Seriously, no sarcasm or any thing like that I was just wondering if the picture had anything to do with it...

Well my first clue was that when a giant bird came falling out of the sky and he told me Zack was going to be in the movie, then a squirrel came and drew a sword and transformed into Zack. Then I was certain!!


08-20-2004, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by Brein
Jackass! said it... :rolleyes:

08-20-2004, 07:00 PM
((Stop arguing!! >_<))

The Entire scan has been released.


Here we can see some higher quality pictures of Yuffie. In the smaller one it looks like the same place Vincent is (at the bottom). I'm not entirely sure, but on Yuffie's shirt, in the front it looks like two strings pulled in front of her. Maybe she just landed from parachuting? I'm pretty sure it's recently after the Vincent picture, as the people in the background aren't too much farther than they were in the Vincent scan in that area.

Looks like Kadaj has a cell phone too.

At the bottom is a picture of who is likely Zack

In the upper left it looks like there's maybe a meeting? Or maybe the people are running to that area to seek refuge from the monsters that are attacking the city.

The structure in the middle, I'm pretty sure, is a Meteor replica. There's a chunk missing (from the rocket), just like Meteor, and below it the wavy metalic base is similar to what lifestream did at the end of the game. Also, around the center, it sort of looks like some Sectors of Midgar, perhaps.

I also found another scan floating around. It's lower quality than the above one, but it has one additional picture that the above doesn't:

Not really sure what it says, but it's H-- Lodge. That's the best I can do with the blurriness.

08-21-2004, 03:53 PM
But as I remember Meteor was bigger...

It could be Meteor by the look of it, but its very small...

H-- lodge what could it be?? It looks like the 2 letters after H are both a�s or o�s I think, and the last letter looks like an N.

Other ideas what it could say or be?

08-21-2004, 06:25 PM
The meteor thing is probably some kind of memorial statue.

08-21-2004, 06:55 PM
I wonder what city that meteor lookalike thing is?

08-21-2004, 07:34 PM
I guess its that city with the enormous gun in the beginning of the game, what was it called again?

Landlord of Sector 7
08-21-2004, 09:35 PM
Um....I'm guessing it's in Midgar but that city is called Junon. And those cell phones are PHS guys. :)

08-22-2004, 04:41 AM
translations for the VJump magazine scan, (Not the one I posted, but similar enough) have been released, courtesy :

"Who's using my Materia?" [Yuffie]

- Does Materia exist 2 years on from FFVII?

- "H�rin", a place where Cloud has been invited to by someone. It lies deep in the forest, with no signs of life.

- A memorial resembeling Meteor stands profoundly in the middle of the town...

"Then perhaps you tricked me?" [Kadaj]

- Kadaj raises his voice on the phone. What's the meaning behind his words?

08-22-2004, 10:28 AM
can i make a sig out of that yuffie well i am any way

08-22-2004, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by Landlord of Sector 7
Um....I'm guessing it's in Midgar but that city is called Junon. And those cell phones are PHS guys. :)

O yes thx Junon it is...

And Midgar is pretty much destroyed, it would be strange if there are so many people wandering around in a destroyed city...

08-22-2004, 04:21 PM
*It's Spoiled. Blech*

Midgar wasn't completely destroyed. We don't even know the condition of the slums when meteor hits, as in the ending FMV, all we see those tornado things hitting is the pizza on top. Reeve said that he had all of the people take refuge in the slums, and it seemed like a happy ending for FF7, so it's likely that the people in the slums are still alive. In all the city screens we've seen, there's sunlight, so it's possible that in the two years, the pizza's been removed.

08-22-2004, 06:04 PM
"Who's using my Materia?" [Yuffie]

- Does Materia exist 2 years on from FFVII?

- "Hiirin", a place where Cloud has been invited to by someone. It lies deep in the forest, with no signs of life.

- A memorial resembeling Meteor stands profoundly in the middle of the town...

"Then perhaps you tricked me?" [Kadaj]

- Kadaj raises his voice on the phone. What's the meaning behind his words?

- Zack is seen in a pick-up truck. He will be seen in the DVD though it's unknown what role he will have in the movie, and whether he will only be in flashbacks or in the thoughts of other characters.

- V-Jump has stated the release date as "undecided" rather than as "2004", thus, there is a possibility that the release date has been changed.

The quotes are taken from the translations of scans part off It is explaining things on that scan above.

08-22-2004, 10:46 PM
ok ok ok here i got a spanish page about this movie it seems that they have'got more info us here in the us XD so i'm going to translate it to english but if you still want to see is click here (

ok i'm going to translate the page i,ve given before pufff

"the story tells the happenings two years later cloud defeat sephiroth. cloud has be living apart from the others but he keeps in contact with them. tifa takes care of marlene and a kids while barret's out looking for a energy to replace the mako .

cloud doesn't come back to midgar to invistigate no illness ,but he comes to investigate who are " grey haired men" (the ae call like that,actually). this is a group that is made by three members: kadaj(a sephiroth copy but with the hair short),loz( that's looklike zell of final fantasy VII) and yazoo ( the sephiroths perfect copy but his hair is a little shoter then seph's y he's using a gun-blade).
this three guys seem to be sephiroht's followers that are looking to complete the reunion that wasn't complete because of cloud and the others, the trailers show kadaj on knees in front of a figure in a whell chair for this mysteri figure we con only see the hand and jugting for the zise of the hand it could be sephiroth him self and all this rumors about sephiroth being just a flash back could be wrong".

" in the last trailer (showed in los angeles and for the very first time in english not in japonese) there a shown for the very fisrt time tifa whom look changed to look like rinoa from the final fantasy VII figthin against loz.
in the full trailer we could see the turks (reno and rude)figthing against kadaj,loz and yazoo,and talking to cloud. a cid and nanaki ( red XIII) image going some where . and some scenes extra that'll leave the ff fans soprised

the movie was sopose to be publict last mont but because they are going to add it 30 minutes it means the movie i'll have 90 minutos the new out date is

japan: around the end of 2004
united states: at the begin of 2005
europe: don't know"

say you liked it?? XD

Master Nabeshin
08-23-2004, 12:45 AM
I return! Anyway... Zack is in it? could this be a part of Cloud's visions/flashbacks? New pictures of Yuffie? Very nice. But the thing I ponder the most is why there is a statue to memorialize meteor? There should be a big statue of Aeris. And everyone else. Then again, they probably never really took credit for it, so nevermind then. Perhaps the statue of meteor is to let future generations know of how fragile the planet really is.

08-23-2004, 01:03 AM
hmmm....after viewing everything, i would like to believe that whwn Cloud says he has decided to live for sum1, it is Zack, now that we've seen him, and also that they all meet up in this town or sector, or slum because of the new threat, (The SHM). as we see Red XIII, Tifa, Vincent, Cid, and now Yuffie in this place it tells me that they're coming back 2gether.

Dot Centaur
08-23-2004, 04:45 AM
Here's a shot I found with Marlene and that one boy. I have a new theory; do you think they're in love?

08-23-2004, 09:37 AM
does he have the star simdrom

08-23-2004, 10:16 AM
i found this at the same website

08-23-2004, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by Kirgar
*It's Spoiled. Blech*

Midgar wasn't completely destroyed. We don't even know the condition of the slums when meteor hits, as in the ending FMV, all we see those tornado things hitting is the pizza on top. Reeve said that he had all of the people take refuge in the slums, and it seemed like a happy ending for FF7, so it's likely that the people in the slums are still alive. In all the city screens we've seen, there's sunlight, so it's possible that in the two years, the pizza's been removed.

Yes but Reeve says: I have had all the people take refugee in the slums, but with the things going now.....

Like we do not know for sure that they live, and if you look at the trailers you see Midgar totally ruined and no people anywhere except for Cloud and the SHM fighting...

08-23-2004, 03:19 PM
I found this picture somewhere that shows the sister ray in the background. Maybe that means it'll be used in the story of AC. Any ideas? When they shoot it, it didn't blow up or anything, it jsut cut the power of Midgar basically.

08-23-2004, 07:42 PM
My first post with all of the pictures has been updated with the bigger, not-cut-off picture.

Yes but Reeve says: I have had all the people take refugee in the slums, but with the things going now.....

Looking at some of the pictures, it's possible that some of the movie may be in Junon, but with all we've seen in the church, I still think that Midgar will be more important.

does he have the star simdrom
I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that he indeed is infected with Geostigma (The English name for it)

Here's a shot I found with Marlene and that one boy. I have a new theory; do you think they're in love?
All that I've heard about those two are that Marlene takes care of Denzel. That's pretty much it that we can tell from the scans with those two together.

I found this picture somewhere that shows the sister ray in the background. Maybe that means it'll be used in the story of AC. Any ideas? When they shoot it, it didn't blow up or anything, it jsut cut the power of Midgar basically.
Well, like Brein said, Midgar was pretty trashed after Meteor hit, and the only people that really cared about the thing are probably dead or are definitely dead. It's possible that Cid or someone might try to fix it and use it, but at this point, I'm just going to say that its not likely that the Sister Ray will be used, as it used all of the Mako reactors, which are now shut down.

08-23-2004, 10:44 PM
there's no doubt in my mind that the Sister Ray was destroyed along with Midgar, or at least the plate portion. but anyway i think i read sumwhere that sum1 called Cloud to a place called "Hirrir"?...a desolate place in the forest, they're making out to make people think it's Aeris, wut du ya'll think?

08-24-2004, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by u_aint_ready
there's no doubt in my mind that the Sister Ray was destroyed along with Midgar

can't you see it in that picture above from FFVII: AC!!???

08-24-2004, 11:48 AM
u can even see the water . do u think the girl u save is there , she could have star simdrom

08-24-2004, 01:22 PM
I swear midgar wasn't that close to the water. One point as well. Midgar is not destroyed in AC, because at the end of FFVII, you see Red XIII and his kids running over the cliff 300 years later and midgars still there. That means it isn't destroyed, it just gets abandoned probably, as it was all overgrown.

08-24-2004, 03:47 PM
That city is more than likely midgar, the centre of things. There is gonna be a screening of FF7AC in this Italian Film Festival I think at 5th september, hopefully people wil be able to get it and upload so we can download.

Master Nabeshin
08-25-2004, 12:44 AM
How could it NOT be Midgar? Honestly, what other city in the FFVII world would be a huge, ruined city with empty highways and a defunct, massive cannon? The cannon and shape of the city should give it away immediatley, despite it's close proximity to the ocean. However, you must also take into consideration the enormous size of the city and the angle of the shot. Photo trickery is often effective (check out people who call the moon landing a hoax- weird camera angles are all over the place in the issue), so Midgar could be much farther away from the water than it appears in the picture.

(Oh, and we did land on the moon. There's more than solid proof to back it up, just in case you were wondering. Sorry to get off topic there.)

Landlord of Sector 7
08-25-2004, 03:23 AM
Originally posted by Sephiroth's Brother
I found this picture somewhere that shows the sister ray in the background. Maybe that means it'll be used in the story of AC. Any ideas? When they shoot it, it didn't blow up or anything, it jsut cut the power of Midgar basically.

I know that it looks like water and all but it's not, it's just a valley. And if it WAS Junon (which it's not) Junon has that huge wall against a cliff to the back remember?

08-25-2004, 10:03 AM
noe i rember . they moved the sister ray to midgar so it probaly is

08-25-2004, 12:12 PM
O I thought it was Costa Del Sol...


Hey that rhymes..

08-26-2004, 09:53 AM
I know that it looks like water and all but it's not, it's just a valley. And if it WAS Junon (which it's not) Junon has that huge wall against a cliff to the back remember?

I just realised, lol, I thought it was water, yer your right it is a valley :D .

08-26-2004, 10:53 AM
Yeah, because Midgar was a fair bit from th ocean, which you see when you are fighting Diamond Weapons, in the FMV, it gets hit and you see the distance from the see. It does look like water, though.

08-26-2004, 12:49 PM
u can see the recked shrina building

08-26-2004, 01:11 PM
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children has been slotted to be screened on 4 September 2004 at 8:00PM local time. The movie will run approximately 30 minutes and is entered as a digital work entry. It is unknown as to what exactly the movie will consist of, and will likely only be the beginning of the movie.

Taken from Hopefully it gets released on the net.

08-27-2004, 02:50 PM
Haha, and I'll be seeying it on Italian TV.

And guys, check advent There are new scans of a weird lodge place! And Zack! W00t!

08-27-2004, 03:15 PM
yer those scans are really gd. Here are the links:-

Scan #1 ()

Scan #2 ()

Theres a sign for Midagr, Kalm and Chocobo Farm.

08-27-2004, 06:58 PM
MAN, that sign looks real =X The background looks great as well. The Healin Lounge is a sanitorium for people with Geostigma (Who apparently can't speak I think) From the text under "Healin Lounge" : "Geostigma Sanatorium in love of silence"

As for where the Healin Lounge is, I'm going to say it's at the area near Midgar where there is a circular pool thing. It's directly east of Junon(I've checked in-game) and there are 4 waterfalls in that area. 3 into the circular area, and another to the north east leading to it. These are the only waterfalls that I could find in the Midgar area, and since we see a small waterfall in the scan, it seems likely that is where they are.

In the scan, in the top-left corner, the windows of that white building are quite similar to the ones that we see the WCP in front of.

08-28-2004, 12:35 AM
whats up people long time no been here and i must say the movie is coming along great it looks awsome

08-30-2004, 01:18 AM
I know the US release date! It's either Oct 2004, or Jan/Feb 2005!

08-30-2004, 01:34 AM
ok so i dont no if this has been answered already, but has any1 heard if the Geostigma can be passed from person to person, or is it something else. and maybe they all end up like Cloud after his mako poisoning and just need to find themselves to be cured.

08-30-2004, 11:56 PM
ya that whole findoing yourself thing was kind of gay if you ask me

08-31-2004, 12:49 AM
i was just tryin 2 figure out why they are all kept in confinement. away from every1 else in solitude.

Dot Centaur
08-31-2004, 01:30 AM
A photo of the Cloud AC action figure.

Master Nabeshin
08-31-2004, 04:06 AM
Hey, a new document has leaked out for the Venice Film Festival. It reveals a few interesting things... *WARNING WARNING! SPOILERS!*

1) Cloud lives with orphans in peace, but it indicates that he is still a mercenary because he receives a call offering work one day to fight a young man named Kadaj.

2) Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo seem to be well known for their rowdiness and violence, and they are on a search fir someone they call "mother".

This IS official. It's the newest article on the homepage. Neat stuff, huh?

08-31-2004, 11:29 PM
so they are looking for someone they call mother, i'm assuming it's Jenova, darn more poor misguided individuals who have been horribly mislead by Jenova, they gone end up just like Sephiroth.

Master Nabeshin
09-01-2004, 03:40 AM
Yeah, I'm assuming that they're looking for Jenova, and I guess that it does point to the wheelchair person being Sephiroth, since he did consider Jenova his mother. It's still feasible that it's Hojo trying to re-initiate some plot of his by using Jenova cells (or regenerate his body?). Unlikely, but possible.

Also, YAY! AC figurines! But, the quality looks sub-par. It just looks too...plastic. Too shiny. Not enough texture. And that shoulder doesn't look too good there.

Dot Centaur
09-01-2004, 04:02 AM
Well, I've seen the figures in real life on display only at the comic-con, and they are nicley sculpteds. Also, here are other characters of the figures they'll be having. These ones are unpainted because the site isn't showing these ones painted yet.

hb smokey
09-01-2004, 04:11 AM
Originally posted by Master Nabeshin
Yeah, I'm assuming that they're looking for Jenova, and I guess that it does point to the wheelchair person being Sephiroth, since he did consider Jenova his mother. It's still feasible that it's Hojo trying to re-initiate some plot of his by using Jenova cells (or regenerate his body?). Unlikely, but possible.
Well, in one of the trailers it says something about the three recovering the head of Jenova. I had that trailer on my Windows Player, but I don't have it anymore. So, I can't tell you exactly what the text reads as.

Also, I stated long ago that the person in the wheelchair is Sephiroth. I just see this movie being exactly like the storyline of FFVII: Predictable.

09-01-2004, 05:18 AM
ok, i know this is old news to everyone else, but i just got the internet here at college, when i moved here. i just watched the two trailers on the official site, and was completely in awe and shock. i reconized a few people, but there were a lot of new ones as well. the thing that really surprised me was the seph look alike, cant remember his name right now, but kinda short silvery hair, with a regular looking samurai blade, and the way he and cloud faught. and whats up with this theme of 'the children'. is that explained some where in the japanese that i cant read cause i cant install the language pack?

hb smokey
09-01-2004, 05:32 AM
Originally posted by cid592
ok, i know this is old news to everyone else, but i just got the internet here at college, when i moved here. i just watched the two trailers on the official site, and was completely in awe and shock. i reconized a few people, but there were a lot of new ones as well. the thing that really surprised me was the seph look alike, cant remember his name right now, but kinda short silvery hair, with a regular looking samurai blade, and the way he and cloud faught. and whats up with this theme of 'the children'. is that explained some where in the japanese that i cant read cause i cant install the language pack? probably has all the answers you seek. You can look there, instead of me telling you about it. :)

09-02-2004, 09:47 AM
WOW. I'm shocked that Tetsuya released that much info! Well I'm gonna try to watch it on Tv, I doubt it's something we've already seen. I think it will be good. I'm predicting..:)

09-02-2004, 09:41 PM
ya whats everyone said and you guys sound like you guys know what your doing so keep up the good work and keep me informed cause i dont know anything new thats happened

Master Nabeshin
09-03-2004, 03:27 AM
Rotex! Maybe I'm blind or stupid, but you've been gone a while, no? When did you get back? Also...this kinda irks me..

I]Also, I stated long ago that the person in the wheelchair is Sephiroth.[/I]

Is that a typo where you meant to say "it", rather than "I"? Just because you state it doesn't make it true, you know. Believing that to be true is a sign of a distorted mind. True, most evidence points to Sephiroth being the man in the wheelchair, but that's not my point. Also...

I just see this movie being exactly like the storyline of FFVII: Predictable.

Aside from the basic Final Fantasy trademarks, just how was it predictable? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you played when the game first came out, ruling out the possiblity of you running into other material inspired by FFVII, then later on playing the game and seeing the material and deeming it unoriginal and predictable without considering such. So, did you look at Aerith the first time and go "Oh, she is SO gonna die.", or watch Cloud for a few hours, then realize he's not really an Ex-sodier member, but actually an easily manipulated clone of Sephiroth, only later to realize that he's not a clone, but his memories are not entirely his? Now, that's al speculation, and addmittetly a bit unfair, but I am indeed curious as to how you assess it to be predictable and unoriginal?

Sorry to get off topic there, but those are statements that peticularly irk me.

Dot Centaur
09-03-2004, 03:37 AM
I doubt this screenshot has ever been posted, but it's really nice!

hb smokey
09-03-2004, 03:56 AM
Originally posted by Master Nabeshin
<B>Aside from the basic Final Fantasy trademarks, just how was it predictable?n playing the game and seeing the material and deeming it unoriginal and predictable without considering such. So, did you look at Aerith the first time and go "Oh, she is SO gonna die.", or watch Cloud for a few hours, then realize he's not really an Ex-sodier member, but actually an easily manipulated clone of Sephiroth, only later to realize that he's not a clone, but his memories are not entirely his? Now, that's al speculation, and addmittetly a bit unfair, but I am indeed curious as to how you assess it to be predictable and unoriginal?</B>
I won't even go into it here. This isn't the thread for it, but <A HREF="">this one is.</A>

Yes, I know that this is the third or fourth time I have directed a FFVII fan to that thread. But, maybe it's for the best.

09-03-2004, 04:01 AM
super awesome pic, you bein ma friend now! very intriguing movie i sense this to be.

09-03-2004, 08:01 AM
Hey guys, check again. I almost fainted when I saw the new Pov commercial with Cloud. He's f*****g sexy!

09-04-2004, 12:50 AM
HEY MASTER!!! havent seen you in a while and thats a really nic pic and i cant wait till the movie comes out but has there been any new news on the movie since ive been gone and when did the thread reset

09-05-2004, 11:37 PM
They have posted a summary (in english) of parts of AC from the Venice film festival on and have announced a release date for AC as 14th Feb 2005 if this is for english or japanese we don't know yet.

09-06-2004, 08:58 AM
and whats up with this theme of 'the children'. Considering that Cloud lives with children, has to protect/save them etc Kadaj and friends are obviously someone or something's children, too... And everything else will be answered later.
I already know too much about the story, in any case, after reading a description of the scenes.
I think it may be well possible that there's some sort of sad ending...

09-06-2004, 12:21 PM
I'm in Italy, went to my grandma's house to see it on Tv, 8:00 at night..Like it said! It was the correct channel! I don't get it!

But I read too much.....

09-07-2004, 01:06 AM
Super-Duper Spoilerific. A whole basket full of information about the movie. Read at your own risk.

Some interesting bits about the Venice trailer

Well now.. it seems that Tifa and Cloud aren't apart. They work together as Strife Delivery Service. Now really sure where Tifa and Marlene are staying, but its the HQ for SDS. Cloud is living in the church. It also seems that he has contracted Geostigma.

Cloud, (this is pieced together from the three write-ups I've read, not exactly what each says) is called by Reno for help against Kadaj and gang. Reno and Rude are the bodyguards of the wheel-chair man, who Kadaj calls "Mr. President." Yeah.. that would be Rufus. Rufus wants to rebuild Midgar and wants Cloud's help, but, still feeling guilty about Aeris, Cloud doesn't want to fight.

After the battle between Tifa and Loz that we've seen in trailers, the children that were at the orphanage are kidnapped by the SHM. Kadaj then shows them some way to become powerful, and that leads to the screen we've seen with the children all standing, motionless, in a circle. They have cat-like eyes, similar to Kadaj.

As Cloud goes to the City of Ancients(I forgot the name =X) he races through the forests, only to see the children of the orphanage in front of him, not moving. He makes a quick stop, falling off of his bike, and with Kadaj holding his blades [There's two blades on his one sword, just FYI] to Cloud's throat. After Kadaj makes a little evil-guy speech telling the good guy all about his plan, he lifts up his blade and is about to kill Cloud. But Vincent now shows up, shoots away Kadaj's sword and swoops down (from one of the early trailers with Barret) and saves Cloud.

Now, we see Kadaj on top of a skyscraper type building, with Rufus. He makes another evil-guy speech to him, and then lets off a summon (which we've also seen in trailers I believe) and brings down Bahamut to cause havoc in Midgar, burning things and eating people. It's now that we get to see all the characters. First Barret, shooting away, then Red XIII jumping on the back of Bahamut, and Cid swinging away. Also, Yuffie parachutes down and starts fighting too. Vincent is also there, of course. Nothing about Cait Sith/Reeve, though

At the end, Cloud, with two swords (Just remember how huge those things are O_O) goes to attack someone, while debris is flying at him, which he slices through easily. Through the debris, is good old Sephiroth, who "won't just be a memory"

I really doubt that's actually Sephiroth. Cloud's likely dreaming again =X

Also, I really can't wait to hear Vincent's voice! According to one of the write-ups, it's unbelievably deep.

09-07-2004, 01:31 AM
I've seen one of the trailers online, and my god talk about eye candy. Hell i remember the first ff movie i thought that was good until now!!

Landlord of Sector 7
09-07-2004, 02:45 AM
Kirgar I don't know wether to believe that or not, where did you find this information?

09-07-2004, 03:26 AM
Originally posted by Landlord of Sector 7
Kirgar I don't know wether to believe that or not, where did you find this information?

They're from write-ups of the Venice Film Festival that played around a 25 minute teaser trailer of AC. The writeups can be found at:

09-07-2004, 02:49 PM
So from what we've got, it's apparent that Aeris will have a minimal role. Thank god..

09-07-2004, 03:25 PM
[i]Originally posted by Kirgar

Not really sure what it says, but it's H-- Lodge. That's the best I can do with the blurriness. [/B]

I found a less blurry picture that I burned on a disc. It says Healin Lodge and the directions to Kalm, Midgar, and Chocobo Farm underneath the name.

09-07-2004, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by Tifa_Martial_Artist
So from what we've got, it's apparent that Aeris will have a minimal role. Thank god..

Actually, Aeris plays a pretty big role in getting Cloud to want to fight again, but so does Tifa. The Aeris scene in the Venice trailer was apparently a tear-jerker, where they showed most of her body, and she forgives Cloud. That's the "Yes.. I want to be forgiven" from one of the earlier trailers. Afterwards, Cloud wakes up and sees the children where he falls off of his bike.

In the Sephiroth scene, though, it's Tifa who encourages Cloud to be strong and fight.

The Joker
09-09-2004, 06:43 PM
Bah, your saying that Tifa and him have kids? about a miscalculation on the makers part. Well....I guess Tifa always was the fallback.

Kirgar is right....Aeris was the driving motivation for Cloud.

09-10-2004, 10:18 AM
Just a question about the FFShrine page...
There I found lots of trailers that I haven't seen before but I can not download any of them... There are 5 trailers and one from E3 but how can I download?

Seeing all these trailers and pictures brings up old memories...I think I'm in love with FFVII...Don't tell my girlfriend...

09-10-2004, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by Gandalf
Bah, your saying that Tifa and him have kids? about a miscalculation on the makers part. Well....I guess Tifa always was the fallback.

Kirgar is right....Aeris was the driving motivation for Cloud.

That's where you are wrong my friend. The old friend is Tifa. It has been confirmed. Aeris is dead. Let her stay that way.

The Joker
09-10-2004, 05:50 PM
I never said she isn't an old friend. However, it does not conclude that Cloud ever really in love with her Rather just childhood friends. Plenty of RPGs have childhood friends and have the male lead going for another woman, Chrono Cross is one such example, or Final Fantasy X. Wakka and Yuna grew up together, but you do not see them in love.

Aeris is dead, no doubt...ok, some people argue that she might be alive at the end, but assume for topic she is dead. People assume simply because she is dead they were not meant to be. Though, many subtle hints: Caith Sith's compatability reading, Cloud's mother saying an older girl (Tifa is younger than Cloud if I am not mistaken, Aeris is older though), how after saving Tifa all Cloud can think about is Aeris.

However, I consider it a miscalculation to have Cloud just end up with her, when even at the end his heart was always with Aeris. However, FF7:AC may use this. For all we know, there is a fight and Tifa will yell "You had wish it was me instead of Aeris who died" or arguements like that.

It all depends on how Square-Enix will execute this.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
09-10-2004, 06:54 PM
Yeah, the fact that Cloud joined SOLDIER for the sole purpose of impressing Tifa and getting her to notice him had nothing whatsoever to do with him being interested in her that way, Gandalf. Aeris just busted that all up, the little whore.

The Joker
09-10-2004, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by Odin
Yeah, the fact that Cloud joined SOLDIER for the sole purpose of impressing Tifa and getting her to notice him had nothing whatsoever to do with him being interested in her that way, Gandalf. Aeris just busted that all up, the little whore.

Ah, it is a bit of a jump to asume it is THE SOLE purpose. Did he not say he wants to be like Sephiroth? She perhaps influenced him into getting into solider...and they parted, like most people do when they don't hear from each other. One point in time, he may have been interested.

But as the game starts, there is little to suggest he really has anything for her other than she is a rebound.

09-11-2004, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by Gandalf
I never said she isn't an old friend. However, it does not conclude that Cloud ever really in love with her Rather just childhood friends. Plenty of RPGs have childhood friends and have the male lead going for another woman, Chrono Cross is one such example, or Final Fantasy X. Wakka and Yuna grew up together, but you do not see them in love.

Aeris is dead, no doubt...ok, some people argue that she might be alive at the end, but assume for topic she is dead. People assume simply because she is dead they were not meant to be. Though, many subtle hints: Caith Sith's compatability reading, Cloud's mother saying an older girl (Tifa is younger than Cloud if I am not mistaken, Aeris is older though), how after saving Tifa all Cloud can think about is Aeris.

However, I consider it a miscalculation to have Cloud just end up with her, when even at the end his heart was always with Aeris. However, FF7:AC may use this. For all we know, there is a fight and Tifa will yell "You had wish it was me instead of Aeris who died" or arguements like that.

It all depends on how Square-Enix will execute this.

Wow, how wrong. Many animes have childhood friends as well, and they later end up falling in love. ^.^ Wakka and Yuna were not childhood friends..Where did you get your info? Haha.

The Joker
09-11-2004, 11:25 PM
Actually, nothing incorrect in that statement. Simply because I do not comment on whether something is true or false does not take away the validity of a statement. If I have two comments, say A and B, and I say A is true, but do not comment on B, I am not wrong, I simply did not analyze comment B at all.

In addition, it is suggested throughout the game in FFX, as Lulu, Kimhari, and Wakka were with her for a long time as her guardians. I already provided the example of Chrono Cross with Serge and Leanna as well.

In addition, I specifically said RPGs, and that is true. I said nothing about animes. But surely if it is so common in animes, would you not provide examples? Twice you have just said how wrong without really elaborating on your claims. But this is more for the Aeris vs Tifa topic.

I was simply voicing concern over the game more than a position.

09-12-2004, 02:23 PM
I don't think anyone's posted this yet. I love the way Red XIII looks in AC.

09-12-2004, 03:53 PM
Yeah, Red looks awesome. I like how Cloud wears balck now and not that gay purple color O.o Vincent looks awesome too. I can't wait for AC.

Dot Centaur
09-12-2004, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by Cloud00
Yeah, Red looks awesome. I like how Cloud wears balck now and not that gay purple color O.o Vincent looks awesome too. I can't wait for AC.

Yes, but I have his wallscroll of him in AC, and just his shirt is a dark navy blue. Everything else, black.

09-12-2004, 06:10 PM
quote: [i]Originally posted by Kirgar

Not really sure what it says, but it's H-- Lodge. That's the best I can do with the blurriness. [/B]

I found a less blurry picture that I burned on a disc. It says Healin Lodge and the directions to Kalm, Midgar, and Chocobo Farm underneath the name.


i found that pic.

The Joker
09-12-2004, 11:16 PM
I have to concur with the majority, Red does look awesome.

Master Nabeshin
09-12-2004, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by Gandalf
For all we know, there is a fight and Tifa will yell "You had wish it was me instead of Aeris who died" or arguements like that.

It all depends on how Square-Enix will execute this.

Hmmm, I think that would be interesting to see. Cloud probably does, though. I like Tifa_Martial_Artist, but I have to agree with Gandalf on this subject. If Cloud was really all that interested in Tifa he would've ignored Aerith, and if Tifa were really all that interested in Cloud, she would've done something about Cloud and Aerith getting closer. Some would argue that Tifa loved him so much that she just wanted him to be happy. From personal experience, I find this concept to be a steaming pile of bullshit. If you really love them that much and are willing to commit to them and no one else and not so much as look at anyone else, wouldn't they be happier with you? Anyway, Aerith is D-E-A-D DEAD! However, we are only sure that she is physically dead. Her spirit surely still exists in the lifestream and perhaps elsewhere on the planet where Cloud could meet her. As for Cloud and Tifa having a kid....wha? That just doesn't make sense to me. Maybe there's something I'm missing, but...

09-13-2004, 03:16 AM
so when are we going to see this here in america? I can't wait to see it.

09-13-2004, 07:52 AM
Originally posted by Master Nabeshin

As for Cloud and Tifa having a kid....wha? That just doesn't make sense to me. Maybe there's something I'm missing, but...

Someone in this thread misinterpreted and thought that tifa and cloud had kids but I think that they meant the orphans..

Dot Centaur
09-13-2004, 08:05 AM
Originally posted by Brein

Someone in this thread misinterpreted and thought that tifa and cloud had kids but I think that they meant the orphans..

Yes, they are supposedly the orphans they take care of at the orphanage.

That would be awsome if they had babies though!

The Joker
09-13-2004, 05:43 PM
That misinturpreter would be me! :(

My fault, damn, and I make such a big deal when people do that to me.

*Takes his sign*

09-13-2004, 11:20 PM
How about this one? Vincent is also cool!

Or this one?

Master Nabeshin
09-14-2004, 03:08 AM
Yeah, I thought they just took care of orphans. That explains a lot. And Gandalf, don't worry. EVERYBODY has had their sign. As for that pic, Vincent always looks awesome, but that pic is old. Here's a nice one.

Master Nabeshin
09-14-2004, 03:13 AM
Or this one?

Master Nabeshin
09-14-2004, 03:15 AM
But what the hell is this? The Healin Lodge perhaps?

09-14-2004, 12:54 PM
exactly. sorry bout that last pic...heres a better one. the healin lodge is circled in the pic. hmmm...i wonder if thats supposed to mean 'healing' instead of healin....idk.

09-14-2004, 10:39 PM
so confused sooo veryyy confused,,,,, but nice pictures i think thats the most weve had on one page ever

Master Nabeshin
09-15-2004, 04:07 AM
Ah, so it was Healin Lodge, then.

09-15-2004, 10:11 AM
Can someone give me a basic rundown on everything they can on FFVII:AC? Please it would be greatly appriciated.

09-15-2004, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by Gandalf
Actually, nothing incorrect in that statement. Simply because I do not comment on whether something is true or false does not take away the validity of a statement. If I have two comments, say A and B, and I say A is true, but do not comment on B, I am not wrong, I simply did not analyze comment B at all.

In addition, it is suggested throughout the game in FFX, as Lulu, Kimhari, and Wakka were with her for a long time as her guardians. I already provided the example of Chrono Cross with Serge and Leanna as well.

In addition, I specifically said RPGs, and that is true. I said nothing about animes. But surely if it is so common in animes, would you not provide examples? Twice you have just said how wrong without really elaborating on your claims. But this is more for the Aeris vs Tifa topic.

I was simply voicing concern over the game more than a position.

The reasen I can't wright much is because of a time limit..And anyway..

Lunar Star: Silver Story is one where the childhood friends fall in love. :D

09-15-2004, 07:02 PM
New scan with some AC pictures from the Venice film festival as well as the new game starring Vincent, Dirge of Cerberus.

The creature in the AC scans I'm guessing is bahamut, from the write-ups I've read about him being summoned.

As for Dirge of Chaos, a new thread will probably need to be made =X It looks quite good, though, so I doubt it will be on the cell phone .

The Joker
09-16-2004, 04:15 AM
Sorry if this was asked before, has there been a summon shown yet?

Master Nabeshin
09-16-2004, 04:28 AM
Well, it now appears that there is. It's definetly Bahamut. And that new game with Vincent? That looks friggin' awesome. Title's a little weird, though.

09-16-2004, 01:46 PM
yeah if the game comes out in the US im buying it right away. but the name is a little weird...

09-16-2004, 07:51 PM
yea that looks awsome but umm yea summons would be cool i guess but you know what would be cooler is if the movie would hurry up and come out im getting tired of waiting and last time i was here we were on thread #1 and i wasnt gone for that long for it to change to number three so thats a little weird but the camera looks really cool wonder how much it cost

09-17-2004, 03:20 PM
i'd just heard about it and was going to ask if any1 had any info but too late. the game looks cool and hoopefully there are summons but its going to be out in 2005 in japan

09-18-2004, 12:53 PM
This pic is nice! It is and always will be, the coolest part in FF7, to me at least.

09-18-2004, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by Ac-ace0
i'd just heard about it and was going to ask if any1 had any info but too late. the game looks cool and hoopefully there are summons but its going to be out in 2005 in japan

14th of February, to be more precise. It's either 2nd or 3rd quarter for States, Europe maybe same as states or last quarter.

Master Nabeshin
09-19-2004, 05:28 AM
Well, if anyone's checked out today, it seems as though pretty much everything has been revealed, except for the end, but we can all guess what it is. An uber-sweet battle between Cloud and Sephiroth. And, it is now very appearant that the man in the wheelchair is definatley NOT Sephiroth! I laugh at certain individuals(you know who you are)! It is Rufus, who is in a very severe stage of Geostigma. That all makes sense to me, but there are two very curious things to me.. one is Tifa and Cloud running "Strife Delivery Service" see now, that makes me wonder if it's as simple as Tifa working for Cloud, or if they've gotten much closer. Perplexing thing number 2 to me is Kadaj telling Cloud that they are brothers. Same clone line? Dunno.

Furious Rose
09-19-2004, 06:32 AM
Master Nabeshin you strangley made it more confusing for me...So is there a pic of Aeris' full face yet???

09-19-2004, 12:01 PM
Yeah Nab, you're right. Info before said that Tifa and Cloud were apart, if Iv'e mistaken. Now I'm not as exited..damn spoilers!:( Well I mean, I am, but not as much as before. In fact I feel kinda dissapointed...It's like a fanfiction gone wild! o.o

09-19-2004, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by Master Nabeshin
And, it is now very appearant that the man in the wheelchair is definatley NOT Sephiroth!

Yes it is. Who else would Kadaj be bowing to?

09-19-2004, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by Master Nabeshin
And, it is now very appearant that the man in the wheelchair is definatley NOT Sephiroth!

Yes it is. Who else would Kadaj be bowing to?

09-19-2004, 04:42 PM
Movie Spoiler

He's bowing to "Mr. President," or Rufus. Kadaj is messing with Rufus, not actually showing respect.

09-19-2004, 08:06 PM
ok.... that was kindo wierd if you ruined the movie for me master ill find were you live and kick your ass but since i dont know where you live your fine for now

Master Nabeshin
09-20-2004, 03:43 AM
Originally posted by BizarroSephiroth

Yes it is. Who else would Kadaj be bowing to?


I have no reason to dislike you, but you REALLY need to check these things out before charging headlong into an argument. He's trying to win over Rufus to help him with the resurrection of Jenova, and he's offering incentive that Jenova can reverse geostigma. This same offer is being made when he gives the children that speech in the second trailer. Appearantly, Rufus (and the nasty effects of Geostigma) will be seen without the cloak. And besides, how can it be Sephiroth when he (I'm guessing here, but based on the information I have, it's a pretty good guess) is the one causing Geostigma, using all of the Jenova cells to reunite himself. Kadaj has a part of Jenova that he beleives will resurrect his mother, but it will, in fact resurrect Sephiroth. (guessing/ hypothesizing done)


Oh, and sorry Rotex. I should've warned you about that. I didn't give everything away, though.

09-20-2004, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by Kirgar
Movie Spoiler

He's bowing to "Mr. President," or Rufus. Kadaj is messing with Rufus, not actually showing respect.

After the final battle in FF7-game, a return of Sephiroth can't be on a wheelchair... what do you think about it? :D

Sorry, I have no time to read the thread, I don't know if everyone else have said yet this:

What happened to Cloud...?:(
Cellular phone... really on sale??
Cloud is a new-yuppie now!!:D

Besides, I think that Cloud's face in AC is a bit too round, I would made a thinner face for him...
Like a grow-up version of John Connor in Terminator 2, you remember it?;)

09-20-2004, 03:10 PM
Good Day, liking ( the pictures of the charas.

Sorry, i don't really keep up to date with the whole advent children thing.

Dot Centaur
09-20-2004, 04:40 PM
Sorry if this scan has been posted, but I haven't really been up to date either; I haven't seen it posted yet so far;

09-20-2004, 11:12 PM
I think I should stop lookin into these threads because I dont want to know everything...

Master Nabeshin
09-21-2004, 02:28 AM
Originally posted by aio
Like a grow-up version of John Connor in Terminator 2, you remember it?;)

I LOVE Terminator 2, and I remember that, but don't post things like that. You'll give Square Enix ideas. Soon....

COMING TO THEATRES IN 2007! CLOUD STRIFE IS THE TERMINATOR!!! A killing machine sent back in time to be one important little boy's bitch- uh, I mean, protector against a l33t cyborg ninja assasin from the future, who is, by the way Sephiroth. Please see this movie! We needlessly dumped $500 million dollars into this! C'mon!

Is THAT the future you want? Well, actually, if they did it right, it could work...

09-21-2004, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by Tifa Rinoa
Sorry if this scan has been posted, but I haven't really been up to date either; I haven't seen it posted yet so far;

::preppy giggle::

I love that piccie..:love:

09-21-2004, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by Master Nabeshin

I LOVE Terminator 2, and I remember that, but don't post things like that. You'll give Square Enix ideas. Soon....

COMING TO THEATRES IN 2007! CLOUD STRIFE IS THE TERMINATOR!!! A killing machine sent back in time to be one important little boy's bitch- uh, I mean, protector against a l33t cyborg ninja assasin from the future, who is, by the way Sephiroth. Please see this movie! We needlessly dumped $500 million dollars into this! C'mon!

Is THAT the future you want? Well, actually, if they did it right, it could work...


No it can't be....

By the way I like the idea of AC very much,
but I'm even prepared to the worse:

1. Only about 60 minutes
2. Why Square always have to make realistic charcaters like asian boys and girls?? (and the difference between a boy and a girl is not so strong...:( ) It doesn't exist only Japan!!
3. Sephiroth is like Marylin Manson...!!
Effeminate, and a bit too weird..
4. The new charcaters are very similar between them...
Tetsuya Nomura created very good characters only one time...
Maybe 'cause was more influenced by the drawings of Amano.

I like Tifa, Barret (no punk hair but the new style is good), Cid is very good, even Vincent, and Red, even Yuffie...
Why Cloud and Seph have to be more realistic and less similar to the original Cloud than the others charcaters...?

5.I really like the locations, I hope the story would (or will? dunno=)) be interesting....

Square, we count on you!:D

09-22-2004, 11:20 AM
I don't know if you noticed yet,
but yesterday I watched the E3 trailer and also the Japanese trailer in FFX2.
In the Jap trailer appears a Cloud more japan-looking than other scenes.

At first I thought that is was my impression, but later I made this work...

I think that Jap-model (no.1) is a Cloud modified on purpose for this trailer, to make happy the Japanese fans...
What do you think about it?

Dot Centaur
09-22-2004, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by aio
I don't know if you noticed yet,
but yesterday I watched the E3 trailer and also the Japanese trailer in FFX2.
In the Jap trailer appears a Cloud more japan-looking than other scenes.

At first I thought that is was my impression, but later I made this work...

I think that Jap-model (no.1) is a Cloud modified on purpose for this trailer, to make happy the Japanese fans...
What do you think about it?

I always thought so too. Cloud does look Japanese and I think it's also for the purpose of Japanese viewers.

He's even sexier looking Asain :sexpot: ! I always thought Cloud was a true sexgod and always had the hots for Asain dudes :sexpot: !

Master Nabeshin
09-23-2004, 02:52 AM
Ohh, quite interesting. Perhaps it's just his expressions, different angles and lighting, but he does look different. I actually think he looks more of a wimp in Japanese mode, and more rugged and tough in the non-asian-possibly-arian-ish look. I like that one, 'cause I kinda look like that. Vain, I know..but still.

09-23-2004, 08:12 AM
I posted taht in too,
they said me that Square is still choosing the final look of CLoud...

I dislike very much the Japanese Cloud:

1. I like asian faces, but Square is making too asian heroes in its works.
2. I supposed that CLoud is not an asian.
Yuffie IS an asian girl, no doubt of it, I agree with her characterization in AC, but Cloud with almond eyes is like
a movie about Bruce LEe starring Steven Seagal...


Aerith Gainsborough
09-23-2004, 08:59 AM
Well, it is the same with Tifa. Look at her in the game, and then look at her in AC.

I think, the most of the characters look too asian in AC. :(

09-23-2004, 09:05 AM
Why even worry about it? It is, after all, a Japanese movie. And nobody has ever seen the characters fully fleshed out, so they're not changing anything, just adapting them. The only way you'd get the character models you remember is if they made an anime out of it.

09-23-2004, 10:33 AM
Yes, it's Japanese movie, but I think that a fantasy character would have an undefinied look, not a precise look of a region of this planet.

Why, for example, the princess of FFIX in Amno's painting is a blond girl, and Nomura made a Japanese pop-idol exactly like Rinoa...?

AC will be released worldwide, I think the look of the charas have to be more international, an asian protagoinst is obviously a choice for the asian audience, but the players are not only Japanese.

09-23-2004, 10:44 AM
But the primary release is Japanese. Its original language is Japanese. It will be released first in Japan. It was made by Japanese people. It is a Japanese movie. The notion that they should pander to anyone who might not like the characters appearing Japanese is preposterous.

And when you get down to it, there's no such thing as an undefined look. People of all regions have their own defining characteristics. When you say they should have an undefined look, your real meaning is that they should have a western look.

09-23-2004, 10:48 AM
Barret has an undefined look...

09-23-2004, 10:49 AM
Barrett is a big black guy. He can't possibly look Japanese. And I would call that a very defined look, just not defined as Japanese.

Your flimsy attempt at argument crumbles. Try again?

Aerith Gainsborough
09-23-2004, 12:14 PM
I believe, the most of the characters are not ment to look like Japanese. It just happens, because this is a Japanese game, made with Japanese people. ;)

But I know what aio is trying to say. Beside Yuffie maybe, nobody else should look like a Japanese, because they are not. :rolleyes:

09-23-2004, 12:23 PM
Jeez, you people are so self-centered, it's ridiculous. Not meant to look Japanese, you say? How would you know? Have the game's developers ever said that? It's not like you could tell from the game because they all looked like anime characters.

And anyway, no one in the game is actually Japanese (even Yuffie) because there is no Japan in the game. Why can't they define the look of the people in their own world? Are you under the delusion that your personal impressions of the characters should override those of the people that created them?

Aerith Gainsborough
09-23-2004, 12:55 PM
You can tell by their names, that they are not Japanese. And Yuffie, well, I read it somewhere before. She is an asian at least. You can see it on Wutai too. ;)

And the Japanese don't want to make all look like Japanese, because a lot of them have a fable for the Western looking people. It's a fact. I read about before, and have seen it on TV too.

But like I said, I don't care how they look like. :)

09-23-2004, 01:00 PM
Barrett is a big black guy. He can't possibly look Japanese. And I would call that a very defined look, just not defined as Japanese.
Your flimsy attempt at argument crumbles. Try again?


Jeez, you people are so self-centered, it's ridiculous. Not meant to look Japanese, you say? How would you know? Have the game's developers ever said that? It's not like you could tell from the game because they all looked like anime characters.

And anyway, no one in the game is actually Japanese (even Yuffie) because there is no Japan in the game. Why can't they define the look of the people in their own world? Are you under the delusion that your personal impressions of the characters should override those of the people that created them?

It's not so obvious that Cloud is a Japanese boy.
I think that in this Square is self-centered.
But I didn'say that is ridicolous, please, be less arrogant.
But maybe I have to repeat my point of view:

Yes, it's Japanese movie, but I think that a fantasy character would have an undefinied look, not a precise look of a region of this planet.

Do u remember Squall of FF8?
I think he's not so oriental, neither too western, this the meaning that I give to an "undefined look".
I think that Squall is an example of this kind of characterization.

Prak, I know you miss to argue, but it would be more intersenting if u tell us:

1. If you like Japanese characterization of Cloud
2. If you like the idea of Advent Children

These subject are more general, maybe you don't care to explain your point of view, but I'm pretty curious to know what a FF7 hater like you is thinking about Advent Children...

09-23-2004, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by Aerith Gainsborough
You can tell by their names, that they are not Japanese. And Yuffie, well, I read it somewhere before. She is an asian at least. You can see it on Wutai too. ;)

You can tell from the fact that Japan does not exist in the game that no one is Japanese. Yuffie isn't asian because there is no Asia.

And the Japanese don't want to make all look like Japanese, because a lot of them have a fable for the Western looking people. It's a fact. I read about before, and have seen it on TV too.

Your point is? That's no reason why the characters in AC should not look asian. That's nothing more than a cultural footnote.

But like I said, I don't care how they look like. :)

Actually, you didn't say that. Not on this thread anyway. And if you said it somewhere else, you contradicted yourself by saying that they shouldn't look asian.

And aio, I could shred what you just said, piece by piece, but anyone with half a brain can see that you either misunderstood my points or are dodging the issue, because you've completely failed to address them. I will answer yours perfectly clearly, however.

I don't mind the character designs at all. If that's the way Square wants to portray their characters, then there's no reason to complain.

As for my opinion on AC, I'm going to reserve judgement. I will watch it, though I don't have any particular expectations of it.

09-23-2004, 01:27 PM
You don't care about the characterization or the movie itself.

So, anyone with half a brain can see that you are here just to argue.

As usual...

Why are u thinking this:

you either misunderstood my points or are dodging the issue, because you've completely failed to address them.
I don't think I did it.
If you are going to shred by pieces what I explained to you, then do it, without criticizing with no reason.
Come on, please shred my previous opinions, and tell me why I completely faild to address them:

It's not so obvious that Cloud is a Japanese boy.
I think that in this Square is self-centered.
But I didn'say that is ridicolous, please, be less arrogant.
But maybe I have to repeat my point of view:

quote: Yes, it's Japanese movie, but I think that a fantasy character would have an undefinied look, not a precise look of a region of this planet.

Do u remember Squall of FF8?
I think he's not so oriental, neither too western, this the meaning that I give to an "undefined look".
I think that Squall is an example of this kind of characterization

By the way, At least, I have still my opinoins about AC.

Waht do u think about the characterization of Sephiroth??
He seems the brother of Marylin Manson... quite girlish evil guy.
I would have made him more serious and less clowny.:D

Aerith Gainsborough
09-23-2004, 01:36 PM
quote: Originally posted by Prak

Yuffie isn't asian because there is no Asia.

Yes, there is. Wutai is an Asian town. I can't tell you exactly what it suppose to be, because the way they life is Japanese style, but we had a thread before where it said, this is like a Chinese place or something.

Your point is? That's no reason why the characters in AC should not look asian. That's nothing more than a cultural footnote.

The whole thing is a culture thing. I know a lot of Japanese people like Western stuff, and they even try to look like Western people. They are proud, it they can show or act like some of the West. (I didn't make it up, I've seen reports on TV about that before)

It is ok, because this is like some Western people would like to be Japanese, or life there or whatever.

Actually, you didn't say that. Not on this thread anyway. And if you said it somewhere else, you contradicted yourself by saying that they shouldn't look asian.

What I was trying to say is, the most of them shouldn't look like Japanese people, because it is not meant this way. But if they do look like Japanese, I won't hate the game for that. I'll just take it the way it is.

Actually I never thought about it before, until I read the last posts. So no need to put me down for my opinion. No need to put other peoples opinion down either. ;)

09-23-2004, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by aio
You don't care about the characterization or the movie itself.

So, anyone with half a brain can see that you are here just to argue.

As usual...

If I didn't care even slightly, I wouldn't bother seeing the movie. And I don't care about the characterization because it's all original. The elements you take issue with were never clearly defined. You had your own impression of them, so you're fighting to make them correct.

By the way, At least, I have still my opinoins about AC.


Waht do u think about the characterization of Sephiroth??
He seems the brother of Marylin Manson... quite girlish evil guy.
I would have made him more serious and less clowny.:D

I think it's a perfectly natural evolution of the original design and very much in keeping with traditional Final Fantasy designs.

Originally posted by Aerith Gainsborough
Yes, there is. Wutai is an Asian town. I can't tell you exactly what it suppose to be, because the way they life is Japanese style, but we had a thread before where it said, this is like a Chinese place or something.

Asia is a continent, not the elements unique to it. As such, Asia does not exist in any FF world.

The whole thing is a culture thing. I know a lot of Japanese people like Western stuff, and they even try to look like Western people. They are proud, it they can show or act like some of the West. (I didn't make it up, I've seen reports on TV about that before)

It is ok, because this is like some Western people would like to be Japanese, or life there or whatever.

That's nice. And what does it mean in the context of this discussion? Are you saying that just because some Japanese like western culture, that it's a foolproof reason why Square should make their characters look western?

What I was trying to say is, the most of them shouldn't look like Japanese people, because it is not meant this way. But if they do look like Japanese, I won't hate the game for that. I'll just take it the way it is.

And how do you know it isn't meant that way? I'd say all evidence is pointing against that. You are just saying it isn't meant that way because that's your personal impression and you won't give it up in the face of clarification.

Actually I never thought about it before, until I read the last posts. So no need to put me down for my opinion. No need to put other peoples opinion down either.

Actually, some opinions deserve to be insulted. If it's a lame opinion and the person will not alter it in the face of undeniable logic, I will mock it.

09-23-2004, 02:07 PM
Okay Prak, you are interested to the movie...

But you have to explain me a thing:

Why are u thinking this:

you either misunderstood my points or are dodging the issue, because you've completely failed to address them.

I don't think I did it.
If you are going to shred by pieces what I explained to you, then do it, without criticizing with no reason.
Come on, please shred my previous opinions, and tell me why I completely faild to address them:

It's not so obvious that Cloud is a Japanese boy.
I think that in this Square is self-centered.
But I didn'say that is ridicolous, please, be less arrogant.
But maybe I have to repeat my point of view:

quote: Yes, it's Japanese movie, but I think that a fantasy character would have an undefinied look, not a precise look of a region of this planet.

Do u remember Squall of FF8?
I think he's not so oriental, neither too western, this the meaning that I give to an "undefined look".
I think that Squall is an example of this kind of characterization.

And for Sephiroth, oh my, you are even able to reply without insulting!!
Very nice job!:D

09-23-2004, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by Tifa Rinoa

I always thought so too. Cloud does look Japanese and I think it's also for the purpose of Japanese viewers.

He's even sexier looking Asain :sexpot: ! I always thought Cloud was a true sexgod and always had the hots for Asain dudes :sexpot: !

Yeah..You're husband was...good last night.

Dot Centaur
09-23-2004, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by Prak
Why even worry about it? It is, after all, a Japanese movie. And nobody has ever seen the characters fully fleshed out, so they're not changing anything, just adapting them. The only way you'd get the character models you remember is if they made an anime out of it.

I agree. I love the Asain looks on them! It is a Japanese movie and not all of the characters are going to look white 100%. I'm not dissing white people because I'm white myself, but someones going to look Asain because it is made in Japan. Tifa to me only looks Asain up close. But she also looks either Irish, Medeterainian, or French. I like it! Cloud look's like Chester from Linkin Park in that movie when he had bleached hair. He looked like he had some Asain in him. Alot of people don't think so, but Cloud's new look is SE-XY! Yuffie didn't even look Asain in FFVII and that's what the town of Wutai was supposed to be, the Asain style, but I never commented about it. I'm just glad they gave her that look in AC.

09-24-2004, 01:42 AM
is it me or is there alot of goddamn writing in this thread i hope this never happens again and i got to check this place more often as to not have to read alot how about someone give me a rought idea and ya they were talkin about advent children on g4tech tv it was a special on the movie it was pretty good theres alot of work going on in the movie they have been making the movie since 2000 and keep upgrading the graphics so thats why its taking along time but dont quote me it was on tv so peace and love out to all of you guys peace

Master Nabeshin
09-24-2004, 03:35 AM
STOP THE GODDAMN WHINING!!!! It's annoying! Who cares what nationality they are as long as they fit their characters! An asian Cloud does not look very tough, because Cloud is a tough charcater, and when you boil it down, Japanese pretty boys are not tough-looking in real life! That's just the way it is! Now, there are extremely tough yet good looking Japanese guys, but they're not pretty, and the Japanese Cloud is a pretty boy! Or the alternative is that they're making multiple models of Cloud for different countries so that they don't alienate anybody. CONSIDER IT!!!

09-24-2004, 06:26 AM
you guys are weird, but i like arguing, so hold on to something.
ok, so if you can show me proof that Wutai is an asian town, i'd like to see it. cause it doesn't ever mention it in the game, sure it might be similar to a village in asia, but SO WHAT.
second of all, Prak is right, and i think the ac characters are pretty damn asian looking, but it's up to square, not us...
plus it is a perfectly natural evolution of the graphical artists to do that, as Prak said. and lastly, you guys better enjoy ac because i just got a job at square enix japan, and if you guys don't, i'll tell them and they might do something to make you suffer!(I'm kidding about the telling on you guys, but i did get the job)

09-24-2004, 08:04 AM
It's not so obvious that Cloud is a Japanese boy.
I think that in this Square is self-centered.
But I didn'say that is ridicolous, please, be less arrogant.
But maybe I have to repeat my point of view:

quote: Yes, it's Japanese movie, but I think that a fantasy character would have an undefinied look, not a precise look of a region of this planet.

Do u remember Squall of FF8?
I think he's not so oriental, neither too western, this the meaning that I give to an "undefined look".
I think that Squall is an example of this kind of characterization.

The only thing here that I haven't addressed is the Squall thing. And to that, I simply say, "So what?"

If you want anything more than that, you'll have to be clearer with your questions.

Aerith Gainsborough
09-24-2004, 08:12 AM
quote: Originally posted by Prak

Asia is a continent, not the elements unique to it. As such, Asia does not exist in any FF world.

It doesn't exist as Asia, but it does exist. I mean, isn't that the earth (or gaia) the story is playing?

Costa del Sol is Spain for example, and it does exist. Why can't Wutai be the Asian area then?

Are you saying that just because some Japanese like western culture, that it's a foolproof reason why Square should make their characters look western?

What I want to say is, they like people with blonde hair, because it is special to them. They know there are more races in the world beside one. And they want to show that too. They want to be international, which is good.

And how do you know it isn't meant that way?

Have you seen a natural born blonde hair Japanese guy? And one with blue eyes too?

If so, then I take everything back what I said.

Actually, some opinions deserve to be insulted. If it's a lame opinion and the person will not alter it in the face of undeniable logic, I will mock it.

How nice! :(

quote: Originally posted by chorns

the ac characters are pretty damn asian looking, but it's up to square, not us...

I never said anything else.... ;)

09-24-2004, 08:46 AM
Originally posted by Aerith Gainsborough

Have you seen a natural born blonde hair Japanese guy? And one with blue eyes too?

And the relevance of this is? All this means is that they don't look entirely asian. If anything, this works in my favor and I thank you for pointing it out.

09-24-2004, 09:51 AM
I'll show again my position:

1. I have noticed that Cloud have different CG models

2. The model no.1 one has a Japanese face: I think that if he is the final CLoud, Square will be self-centered about the protagonist, because:

3. I don't think that the other charas has a precise Japanese look like CLoud No.1
I like all the new charas, Cid is perfect, Vincent is very good, even Tifa, fow what we saw, is not the same as Rinoa, for example.

4. I like asian charcaters, but in my opinion CLoud No.1 is more asian than Tidus; this is my point of view, I don't like that CG model.

5. I don't like the characterization of new Sephiroth, maybe I'm the only one, but so what?

At last, I want to explain the "Squall point" to Prak.
You told me that Barret has a very defined look.
My meaning of "undefined look" is a character not too asian, not too western, who has a not precise look of a region of this world.
Like Barret, like Squall in FF8.
For that I said that I hope that Cloud will have a more undefined look than model NO1.
I like model no.2, but I haven' see yet a toung man of 23, but still aboy of 17. I hope that Square will improve Cloud model.

Prak, I was only explaining my meaning, maybe u are always ready to understand the "I am right, you were wrong" stance.

I think it would be better to talk about the characters more in general, instead to debate if Wutai is an asian town or why Square did a Japanese model of Cloud.
They did various models: we like more which one?
This is the point.
Cloud is Japanese, Cloud is not Japanese, these are only personal matters, for me it's not so obvious that he's Japanese.
But questioning again around this point is pretty usless.:(
There are more and more to say about the coming FF7AC.

I'll restart from:
Do u like the new characterization of the charas of FF7??

09-24-2004, 12:24 PM
Man, just shut up and quit whining already! He looks fine, what else can you ask for? I think he looks hot, and I know that TifaRinoa(why did you change your name?)will agree with me on that one!

We are VERY lucky that they even thought of letting some of his skin show!

09-24-2004, 02:15 PM
I'd want to talk about every character, not just Cloud...

Master Nabeshin
09-25-2004, 01:05 AM
Chorns, your job at Square-Enix japan is awesome, but there is no denying the Wutai is modeled after a Japanese town, and that it is a village of ninjas, and ninjas are Japanese. So it's an Asian village, because it is inhabited by Asian people. Chinatown Chicago is an Asian town, no? Well, I see that there is still a lot of whining going on, and I just don't get it. Every character is going to be influenced by different races on Earth, because they're going to look alien otherwise. How much does it matter what nationality they are, really? Granted it wouldn't work for Yuffie and Barret to be whatever race, because Yuffie is Japanese (or the FFVII equivilent to Japanese), and Barret is black. Otherwise, it's up in the air to let Square-Enix decide what looks suit the characters best. Square has a long track record of making their games and characters awesome, so I'm not worried at all. Just relax, it will be all right.

Oh, and BTW, while it is extraordinarily unlikely that a Japanese person will be born with blonde hair and blue eyes, it has happened. About 1 in 500 million (or some extremely high number like that) are born with blonde hair and blue eyes.

09-25-2004, 03:17 AM
dude, it's a FANTASY world, not real life, sure Yuffie-nin is a nin(shinobi), but whoever said that ninjas have to be Japanese in the game? Wutai might be similar to an asian town, but it ain't no asian town, i think a good example is off topic but it will work, ok so in dbz they use kung fu and stuff but does that make them chinese, um not really, and people in the series LOOK asian, but they are still IN A FANTASY WORLD that has no relation to the REAL world cultures, but back on topic, um, Squall does look like a white guy, more so than an asian guy and it's just the way square decided it would be best, get over it!!!

Master Nabeshin
09-25-2004, 04:41 AM
From the way you speak and what you said, Chorns, it seems that I am not the one with something to et over, you are. You got something against people talking about asain people? Well, guess what? Yuffie strongly resembles a Japanese person, was probably modled after a Japanese person, and if you missed my point, I'm saying that all the characters have a nationality that is based on one on this earth, and so what do we call them? Gameanese? It's like saying Arnold Schwarzenegger has little difference from Marylin Monroe. Or what if Clint eastwood was a Vulcan? Doesn't make too much sense. So, if only for the sake of making it easier for fans to say "Oh, Yuffie is Japanese." or "Yuffie is asain.", opposed to "Yuffie is, I don't really know what she is.", "Yuffie is without nationality. Everyone's like that in the game. They all just kinda crawl out of the the same genetic pool and hope for the best." or " Yuffie is not of this world." What the hell should we say?

09-25-2004, 10:34 AM
Oh, again about "yuffie is an asian", "Squall is like this"...

But, do u like it the new charas or not?

I like them all, but:

1. Cloud no.1 (he seems tto much like a Japanese cosplayer)
2. Sephiroth (good cosplay of Sephiroth... Mr. Marilyn Manson!:D )
3. And KadaJ:
He's the usual baddy that we can see in FFIX (kuja... pretty similiar name too!! GOSH)
and in Kingdom Hearts... tha typical Silver Haired villain with baby-evil-face....
Nothing new.

At least for me.

Master Nabeshin
09-25-2004, 07:39 PM
I like Cloud's non-asain look. Makes him look tougher, at least I think so. Maybe it was just Cloud looked a bit bug-eyed that way. Sephiroth looks friggin' awesome to me. And so does Kadaj. Now Yazoo... Yazoo looks like a transvestite.

09-26-2004, 05:02 AM
i guess we could just say Yuffie-nin's nationality is based on the continent of asia, but it's not right to say she IS asian, cause she's not. sorry if i sound like an asshole or whatever, but i am asian ya know...

Master Nabeshin
09-27-2004, 03:46 AM
I know you're asian. I'm multi-blooded, but if someone were talking about a few of my nationalities being used in the appearance of a character, I wouldn't take offesne to it. I'm sorry. We must have different veiws on this matter.

09-27-2004, 10:54 AM
Yesterday I made a music video of FF7 Avent Children.
But the moviemaker crashed almost every operation....
I urge medical assistance...:(

1. Go to (

login as:
user: aio
pass: amanetta

then browse "my photos"

you'll see 1 clip.
Click on the little "download icon" under the clip to save it directly on your hard disk (about 6 mb)

Someone cancelled my previous video, maybe for error. Please, be careful!!


09-29-2004, 09:34 PM
Wow I haven't posted in FOREVER. But anyway, why are we talking about the character's nationalities. There all going to look a bit asain, b/c it's a japanese video game, and that's only natural for them to make the character's look asain. But anyway, the characters don't have nationalities. But if you want to get all 'technical', Cloud is Nibelhelian, you could say
....but anyway, it's good to be back

Aerith Gainsborough
09-30-2004, 10:02 AM
quote: Originally posted by NightmareKitty223

But anyway, the characters don't have nationalities.

Well, but something like that. If not, they wouldn't be black, white, yellow, or whatever. How else would you call it then? ;)

09-30-2004, 10:21 AM
Race and nationality are very different things...

Aerith Gainsborough
09-30-2004, 10:49 AM
Oh yeah, we were talking about race then. Sorry, that's what I meant the whole time. It was kinda like the same to me .... :rolleyes:

09-30-2004, 12:36 PM
Hmmm, i dont think advent children will be able to answer all of the unanswerd questions in FF7, it will probably confuse matters more.
I hope it doesnt cos my brain will probably melt :erm:

Master Nabeshin
10-02-2004, 03:40 AM
I'm sure that FFVIIAC will answer some questions. Which ones, I don't know, but it may help clarify Cloud's origin's...

10-02-2004, 09:34 PM
some new scans from came out. just wondering, do you guys think this could be a summon?

Dot Centaur
10-02-2004, 11:51 PM
I think it could either be a summon or a tranformable air ship. It looks like it could be Ark(from FFIX).

hb smokey
10-03-2004, 12:28 AM
Originally posted by Tifa Rinoa
I think it could either be a summon or a tranformable air ship. It looks like it could be Ark(from FFIX).
I don't think there are Transformers in this movie. It obviously looks like Bahamut. And why would it be Ark?

11 squall
10-03-2004, 03:27 AM
its looks nothing like ark. defenayly looks like bahamut, in fact im positive it is bahamut.

Master Nabeshin
10-03-2004, 04:49 AM
It IS Bahamut (at least one of the three in FFVII). Normally, I'm open to argument, but I've read the spoiler reports from the 25-minute screening and it says that Kadaj summons Bahamut. Remember in the second trailer when Kadaj raises his hand and it starts to glow, then he shoots the glow into the sky? That's when he summons Bahamut.

10-03-2004, 12:45 PM
I have a trailer for AC. It's awesome. Hre is the site:
It's about 1/2 way down the page,the second one.

Dot Centaur
10-03-2004, 05:04 PM
Looks like the English trailer is finally out. It's the AC trailer on the bottom of the first one.

10-03-2004, 05:52 PM
You can see his face a little now. Could be Rufus or some Shinra guy. Small chance of it being Sephiroth. It is on Advent's new scans for AC. Click read more on the main menu, then go to the 1st AC scan. CHECK THAT OUT!!

10-04-2004, 03:19 PM
Darn, these stupid comps aren't fast enough, I can't view the trailer.

10-05-2004, 12:26 AM
OK, anyone who dooesn't like Aeris say it to my face NOW!!!! Sry. But anyway, i don't think anybody likes me because i'm still wanting Aeris to come back! *sniff, sniff* But will she? Probably not, so i shouldn't get my hopes up right?

Master Nabeshin
10-05-2004, 04:13 AM
It's Rufus. In the screening there's said to be a scene where he doesn't even have the robe on, and the nasty results of Geostigma are in full effect.

10-05-2004, 10:38 AM
According to an article written by an attendee of the Venice Film Festival, Kadaj calls the man in the wheelchair "Mr. President". This must be referring to the "late" president Rufus, who is not so "late" afterall. He must've survived the explosion inflicted by Weapon, but badly burnt as a result--thus the sheet. So there you have it, mystery solved. Take this info as you will.

(check out my blog at )

10-05-2004, 04:22 PM
Okay nice scan but, are they still alive?

10-06-2004, 11:27 PM
Everyone... I have an announcement to make. I just learned Aeris is not coming back. The screening in Venice just said that Cloud sees her in the flower field and asks for forgiveness. That's it. Tifa+Cloud lovers. Brag all you want. Oh, And when tifa answered the phone she said," Strife delivery service." THAT's IT!!!!!! I DON'T WANNA SEE ADVENT ANYMORE BECAUSE AERIS DOESN'T SAY ANYTHING TO CLOUD THAT MEANS SHE LOVES HIM!!!!! AND THE TIFA THING, COMFORT ME IF YOU WISH< BUT DON'T EXPECT AERISFREAK91 SEEING ADVENT!!!!

10-06-2004, 11:33 PM
yeah but did ya'll see the way Red XIII attacked Bahamut?
and also, i hav a new theory...Cloud will die

10-06-2004, 11:34 PM
oh yeah like that's gonna happen

hb smokey
10-06-2004, 11:51 PM
and also, i hav a new theory...Cloud will die
I can only hope. Seriously, that just sounds like it would be good.

10-06-2004, 11:56 PM
Well unless i read the reviews from The Venice Film Festival wrong, Cloud has the Geostigma, and he eventually faces Sephiroth. I believe Sephiroth's exact words were, "I won't be just a memory." During the chaotic scene of Cloud flying through all the Debris falling as Sephiroth is at the center and we here his theme song play. The first time, my opinion is they beat Sephiroth because they jumped him and then Cloud picked apart what was left. Can it happen twice? I don't think so.

10-07-2004, 12:04 AM
Well unless i read the reviews from The Venice Film Festival wrong, Cloud has the Geostigma, and he eventually faces Sephiroth. I believe Sephiroth's exact words were, "I won't be just a memory." During the chaotic scene of Cloud flying through all the Debris falling as Sephiroth is at the center and we here his theme song play. The first time, my opinion is they beat Sephiroth because they jumped him and then Cloud picked apart what was left. Can it happen twice? I don't think so.
u aint ready. that didn't explain anything i just bursted out about. I don't think he's gonna die.

10-07-2004, 12:21 AM
Hmm...There's a possibility he might died. Some have confirm that's he affected by GeoStigma and he felt pain on one of his arms. Must be the one he's covering up. Well, I hope he does died. It'll be more of a sad tragedy romance which could have its upsides.

10-07-2004, 12:24 AM

10-07-2004, 10:49 AM

10-08-2004, 04:05 AM
Wow, I didn't even think about the possibility of his death...good thing to bring up.
I think it's completely possible.

Everyone... I have an announcement to make. I just learned Aeris is not coming back. The screening in Venice just said that Cloud sees her in the flower field and asks for forgiveness. That's it. Tifa+Cloud lovers. Brag all you want. Oh, And when tifa answered the phone she said," Strife delivery service." THAT's IT!!!!!! I DON'T WANNA SEE ADVENT ANYMORE BECAUSE AERIS DOESN'T SAY ANYTHING TO CLOUD THAT MEANS SHE LOVES HIM!!!!! AND THE TIFA THING, COMFORT ME IF YOU WISH< BUT DON'T EXPECT AERISFREAK91 SEEING ADVENT!!!!

Yeah, you're right, she only shows up physically in that one scene, but from what I understand, he hears her voice in his head throughout the movie. He's not together with Tifa, he in fact lives in Aerith's church. I call that the most tear-jerking and heart-wrenching dedication/mourning/love there is...

10-08-2004, 12:23 PM
LOLS. Yes, hah. I can't beleive Aerisfreak is accepting it! LOL! You are a really smart girl!

10-08-2004, 11:55 PM
I"M A GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANd, i'm not accepting it. Because aeriscloud will watch it and tell me if he satys with Aeris in Heaven.

10-09-2004, 09:30 AM
Oh lol...sorry. But Cloud staying with Aeris in heaven is truly a cheesy concept.

10-10-2004, 12:18 PM
Oh lol...sorry. But Cloud staying with Aeris in heaven is truly a cheesy concept.

why? its quite romantic actually.

Master Nabeshin
10-10-2004, 09:50 PM
Everyone... I have an announcement to make. I just learned Aeris is not coming back.

Hello, and welcome to last month.

Cloud dying? hmmm, interesting theory. I think it could work out very well if done correctly. Like, as he dies, you see that he is rejoining Aerith, which he would if that happened. So, I guess it would work out no matter what. Aerith in heaven with Cloud.. it's so happy. HE'S CONSTANTLY SUFFERING!!!! Death would be an appropriate conclusion to his story!

10-11-2004, 11:19 PM
i think it would be good too, oh and Tifa Martial Artist, can you put something LESS offensive in your sig, you know the whole all you cloriths go to heck thing.

Aerith Gainsborough
10-11-2004, 11:41 PM
That Cloud could actually die in AC is also my theory. And I would love it. Dramatic and romantic at the same time! This would be the "real" happy ending to me. The perfect one. :)

But even if Cloud doesn't come together with Aeris, he won't come together with Tifa, either. This would be to cheap. ;)

10-12-2004, 12:59 AM
Hmmm...yes. I totally agree with that Aerith Gainsborough. I think Cloud can do the impossible to meet Aeris or otherwise, he wouldn't had said that he wanted to go meet Aeris at the Promise Land. It's possible that Cloud can died, he is affected with Geostigma. So, its possible. We'll just have to see when it comes out. =)

10-12-2004, 03:58 PM
I think Cloud somehow dying and being finally reunited with her would be a good ending and a fitting conclusion to the whole thing... /is reminded of the hand reaching scene *sigh*

unless the promised land is some physical place (but unlikely)

10-12-2004, 04:22 PM
How so? After all, if Tifa was dead, you would want Cloud to get together with Aeris, so blegh.

Aerith Gainsborough
10-12-2004, 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by Tifa_Martial_Artist
How so? After all, if Tifa was dead, you would want Cloud to get together with Aeris, so blegh.

No, we wouldn't. Because if Cloud was in love with Tifa, and if she was dead, why should we want him to come together with Aeris then?

It wouldn't make much sense, either. ;)

10-12-2004, 06:31 PM
Cloud originally fell for Aeris.
When she died he started up with Tifa.
When Aeris comes back he doesn't know what to do.
When Tifa dies Cloud goes back to Aeris.
Cloud Needs A Woman!
His Women Need To Stay Alive Long Enough For Him To Decide!

Dot Centaur
10-12-2004, 06:55 PM
Cloud originally fell for Aeris.
When she died he started up with Tifa.
When Aeris comes back he doesn't know what to do.
When Tifa dies Cloud goes back to Aeris.
Cloud Needs A Woman!
His Women Need To Stay Alive Long Enough For Him To Decide!

Of course he needs a womnan! He's hot!

Tifa needs a guy too.

Anyway, I wanted to talk about Marlene's hair in AC. You notice she does it simialr to Aerith's.

Do you think this is in memory of Aerith like how some of the other characters had pink ribbons on their arms?

Aerith Gainsborough
10-12-2004, 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by Danielsan246
Cloud originally fell for Aeris.
When she died he started up with Tifa.
When Aeris comes back he doesn't know what to do.
When Tifa dies Cloud goes back to Aeris.
Cloud Needs A Woman!
His Women Need To Stay Alive Long Enough For Him To Decide!

Yeah, Cloud needs a woman, and Tifa needs a man. But some people talk like Cloud is the only guy, and Tifa the only one woman around. ;)

Originally Posted by Tifa Rinoa
Anyway, I wanted to talk about Marlene's hair in AC. You notice she does it simialr to Aerith's.

Do you think this is in memory of Aerith like how some of the other characters had pink ribbons on their arms?

Hmm, I never noticed. But I don't think she does that in memory of Aeris. But I am not sure. :erm:

10-12-2004, 09:59 PM
Denzel's hair looks like mine, except mine is dark brown and alot longer. But it flips out like his.

10-12-2004, 10:19 PM
What the heck is that pirate/clown thing in all the screen shots

10-12-2004, 10:32 PM
Weekly Jump mascot/logo. The magazine that these articles appeared in.

Master Nabeshin
10-13-2004, 02:39 AM
A woman that will stay alive? Try Excel Excel (Excel Saga), she just won't die! (or at least STAY dead!) Seriously, though... it seems that Cloud will either die and be reunited with Aerith or survive and shack up with Tifa. Maybe have a couple of kids or something...

10-14-2004, 02:51 PM
No, we wouldn't. Because if Cloud was in love with Tifa, and if she was dead, why should we want him to come together with Aeris then?

It wouldn't make much sense, either. ;)

But Cloud isn't in love with Aeris. :)

Aerith Gainsborough
10-14-2004, 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by Tifa_Martial_Artist
But Cloud isn't in love with Aeris. :)

Well, that's what you think! ;)

Master Nabeshin
10-16-2004, 05:31 AM
Actually, I think Cloud loves them both, but in different ways..CLoud loves Tifa as a friend and/or lover (by the time AC rolls around, at least) and Aerith as his soulmate.

10-16-2004, 07:31 AM
Movie should come out next year or sooner from what i'd heard so have patience

Master Nabeshin
10-16-2004, 11:22 PM
Movie comes out either right before or after we go into 2005 ( in Japan), and in the US in the first quarter fo the year.

10-17-2004, 06:11 PM
Movie comes out either right before or after we go into 2005 ( in Japan), and in the US in the first quarter fo the year.

On it said by Advent Children: Buy for $29.95. Please explain this.

10-17-2004, 07:06 PM
by the looks of things the turks, cid and red 13 r guna b in it as well (duno weather that has already been metioned didnt wana read every single page!) judge for ur self!!

10-18-2004, 06:43 AM
First of all, Dyne... DUH! Do you really think that hasn't been discussed at length? You're not the only one who looks for information on the movie.

Second, have enough respect for the people reading your posts to spell properly. Making us decode your gibberish is just plain rude.

10-18-2004, 06:53 PM
oh sure u perfect in every way aren't u...and incase u didn't notice its slang u retard...o and sorry for not reading all 11 pages of this forum...twat

10-19-2004, 06:59 AM
#1: Yes, I am perfect in every way.

#2: Your idea of slang is the classic behavior of prepubescent AOLers.

#3: Don't be so lazy, ya uppity little snot. Reading isn't hard.

10-19-2004, 07:10 PM
well if its not hard then y r u going on about my righting dumass

10-20-2004, 03:16 AM
if you guys are going to battle this out, please do it in private messages. this thread is for advent children

10-20-2004, 03:32 AM
when is this movie coming out in america?

10-20-2004, 03:35 PM
Be quiet and stop arguing.

Okay, I can't wait to be finally able to watch a frikkin trailer once I get my comp, but now, what will you guys do once you've watched the movie?

10-20-2004, 07:14 PM
when is this movie coming out in america?

i heard valentines day (2-14-05) but who the hell knows - i just want it out now

10-21-2004, 01:08 AM
Well, I'm really hoping Cloud would die so he can be with Aeris. I think that will be soooo cool to see them together and i bet they'll be soo happy together.

10-21-2004, 02:35 AM
i dont think cloud will die to be with aerith

that would be WAY too predictable - and even tho im a cloudxaeris fan, i think it would be just completely cheesy if it went that way

Dot Centaur
10-21-2004, 05:56 AM
i dont think cloud will die to be with aerith

that would be WAY too predictable - and even tho im a cloudxaeris fan, i think it would be just completely cheesy if it went that way

I agree. Then there'd be a new love triangle: Cloud, Zack, and Aerith in heaven. Aerith wouldn't want Cloud to die just for herself. She would never think that.

10-21-2004, 03:02 PM
Cloud loves Tifa. Aerith loves Zack and Cloud. But there's a problem...Sephiroth raped her. So now she's in love with him.

Master Nabeshin
10-22-2004, 04:26 AM
Hey, I think we're getting a little bit off topic here.

10-22-2004, 05:01 AM
Cloud loves Tifa. Aerith loves Zack and Cloud. But there's a problem...Sephiroth raped her. So now she's in love with him.
What the Fuck?

10-22-2004, 12:44 PM
Exactly. LOL sorry there, I was a bit crazy. I think Cloud look's hot in..that outfit. He makes me feel all tingly inside..

10-22-2004, 06:46 PM
i dont know why but i think that tifa will die...i may be mistaken but the fight sene when tifa is fighting loz is it? after that clouds comes in and holds tifa in his arms and tifa looks out cold...i reackon she has died but thats just me for ya :D (just look at tifa martal artists very cool sig and there u hav it)

10-22-2004, 08:23 PM
tifa doesnt die

at least in what i've read - bc i thought the same thing.........

10-23-2004, 12:14 PM
this thread is too long- all the arguments and off topics are making my head hurt! no offence anyone! when, pray tell, does advent children come out in europe-especially in the uk? (lol did i spell especially right?) I want to see it badly and i am slowly gathering a small collection of trailers!

10-23-2004, 06:47 PM
i dont know if this has already been mentioned but does any one know wheather advent children is been relised at the cinema or stright onto dvd?

Cid Highwind
10-24-2004, 01:42 AM
Yo how many of Clouds bunch has returned. So far Cloud Barret and possibly Vincent But none of the others. So......ya well. :confused:

10-24-2004, 03:48 AM
In the FF7AC trailor when cloud is crossing swords with that silver haired guy, is the silver haired guy using Sephiroth's sword (the Masmune- sorry if it is spelled wrong)

10-24-2004, 07:44 AM
Yo how many of Clouds bunch has returned. So far Cloud Barret and possibly Vincent But none of the others. So......ya well. :confused:

yea.....pretty much everyone is in it, i've barely checked anything out on this movie and i know that

In the FF7AC trailor when cloud is crossing swords with that silver haired guy, is the silver haired guy using Sephiroth's sword (the Masmune- sorry if it is spelled wrong)

no, its 2 blades, look closesly, if you pause the video you can see it

Master Nabeshin
10-25-2004, 03:48 AM
I don't like yelling at n00bs, but good god. The info you're giving is about a year old. A YEAR! By now, the entire story has been all but given away (if you read the summary of the Venice film festival screening). So far, everyone but Cait Sith has been spotted in the movie. Even Rufus is in it. Yes, Rufus. Yes, Kadaj weilds a two-bladed katana. Loz uses something called the Scarlet Nightmare (or is that the name of Yazoo's weapon?) on his arm (but also uses Yazoo's gun-blade-ish thing), and Yazoo uses the gun blade looking weapon.
Sorry if I'm being too rough...had a bad day...

10-25-2004, 05:53 AM
I don't like yelling at n00bs, but good god. The info you're giving is about a year old. A YEAR! By now, the entire story has been all but given away (if you read the summary of the Venice film festival screening). So far, everyone but Cait Sith has been spotted in the movie. Even Rufus is in it. Yes, Rufus. Yes, Kadaj weilds a two-bladed katana. Loz uses something called the Scarlet Nightmare (or is that the name of Yazoo's weapon?) on his arm (but also uses Yazoo's gun-blade-ish thing), and Yazoo uses the gun blade looking weapon.
Sorry if I'm being too rough...had a bad day...

I think its the velvet nightmare, unless they changed the name all of a sudden, i'm pretty sure one of them had a weapon called the Velvet Nightmare

10-25-2004, 12:58 PM
hello? did any one hear me? i sed is it been relised onto dvd first or at the cinema?

10-25-2004, 06:49 PM
I don't like yelling at n00bs, but good god. The info you're giving is about a year old. A YEAR! By now, the entire story has been all but given away (if you read the summary of the Venice film festival screening). So far, everyone but Cait Sith has been spotted in the movie. Even Rufus is in it. Yes, Rufus. Yes, Kadaj weilds a two-bladed katana. Loz uses something called the Scarlet Nightmare (or is that the name of Yazoo's weapon?) on his arm (but also uses Yazoo's gun-blade-ish thing), and Yazoo uses the gun blade looking weapon.
Sorry if I'm being too rough...had a bad day...
Hey I have only read old stuff on this what is the new stuff?

Master Nabeshin
10-27-2004, 02:52 AM
hello? did any one hear me? i sed is it been relised onto dvd first or at the cinema?

As far as we know, unless something changes, it's coming to DVD.

Hey I have only read old stuff on this what is the new stuff?
Well, you can go to several websites, such as
There are others, but I go to that one a lot. There are pictures of Cloud, Aerith, Barret, Cid, Tifa, Yuffie, Red XIII, Sephiroth, Kadaj, Loz, Yazoo (the three silver-haired men), Danzel (a new character), Reno, Rude, Rufus (only seen thus far under a white robe in a wheelchair), Bahamut, and shadowcrawlers (the creatures who are seen attacking Cid and Red XIII). And if you look, there's a summary of the story as seen in the Venice film festival (MANY BIG SPOILERS THERE). Have fun.

10-27-2004, 01:58 PM
Can someone tall me what they are saying on the full trailer- i cant speak japanese!

10-28-2004, 12:04 AM
Wow... I just finished reading this entire thread and it has gotten me soo damn excited about this movie.

I have one question, though.

How many trailers are out?

I wanna download all of them. I'm gonna search for them all right now, but I don't want to miss out on any.

Anyone who knows of a good website that has all or any trailers should post it. ^_^ If no one does, I'll post whatever I find. (Seems like everyone's already seen the trailers anyways...)

EDIT: Wow, I'm a dumbass. It looks like all the trailers are on the main goddamn website ( -_- (At least it didn't take long to find. That's what I was afraid of.)

EDIT: Okay, I just watched the E3 DVD quality trailer for this movie and all I have to say is you morons that are bashing Square-Enix and thier descisions on character design should be shot dead, never allowed to touch anything related to Final Fantasy because that was beautiful!!! How the fuck are you gonna complain about anything in this fuckin' movie!?!? >=( Shame shame...

10-28-2004, 03:05 PM
I like jap style <^ ^>

10-29-2004, 05:50 AM
Can someone tall me what they are saying on the full trailer- i cant speak japanese!

There is a subbed one floating around.....where did I get it?

try or if you have WinMX, try that

10-29-2004, 07:24 AM
Can someone tall me what they are saying on the full trailer- i cant speak japanese!
it's just some guy talking don't know who it is though so I'm not much help