08-18-2004, 04:26 PM
I'm getting FFX this saturday

and i was wondering if i should know any FFX walkthroughs,
because I'll only be able to play it right now for a week(going somewhere else to play it)

so should i know any really tough bosses?
and there walkthroughs

thanx this will really help me :D

08-18-2004, 04:31 PM
unlike other FF series FFX is pretty much linear. there are save points everywhere too in line. whenever you go to new dungeons level around at save point. whenever you contact with save point you and your aeons get healed. you won't have much problem with bosses if you level up time to time during the process of the story. i've seen many people here asking for help of beating seymour 1 2 3 4 fights but seymour never caused me a problem >.>. don't forget to get the 3 optional aeons later. yojimbo is so so but anima, and magus sisters can kill anything in 1 hit mostly. including the last boss.

08-18-2004, 04:35 PM
keep it coming hehehe

08-18-2004, 04:40 PM
I bought a strategy guide when I bought FFX but I found little use for it except to find hidden chests, secrets, and legendary weapons. But FFX is not has as hard as it seems, the save spheres are like tents and restore your Hp, Mp, and Aeons. If you die in one battle that character will be revived with 1 HP ( which saves phoniex downs and the such). To make things loads easier always get your characters into overdrive before heading into a boss battle.

For strategies on the bosses I can say is put all your Aeons in overdrive. This way when fighting all forms of Seymour its much easier to kill him (but remember only Yuna would end up getting AP for it so let the other characters get a hit). Seymour tends to banish Aeons that dont Kill him so Have them in overdrive.

Also, a good place to train is going to the Omega Ruins ( you can only reach this place by airship and a certain coordinate that took me ages to find ). I can give you the coordinate if you want it ( this place has PM right? well PM me.. im not sure if people want to know this or if they want to find out themselves). The airship would give you a map and you find the x and y coordinates.

.. this may seem like to much.. hmm what else? oh! when you reach the calm lands, go to the monster Arena and buy capture weapons for your '1 hit kill' characters (like tidus and auron) The guy gives some very useful items for capturing beasts and you need to do this to get an item to upgrade Auron's ultimate weapon.

I guess thats pretty much it.. Dont want to write more.. maybe I spoiled some of the game. Im sorry if I did.

:) hope I helped though

08-18-2004, 05:48 PM
FFX isn't too hard. If you've played other rpgs, it should be no problem for you.

If you ever get stuck, there are plenty ot walkthroughs at GameFAQs (http://gamefaqs.com/) , or you can ask for help here. :)

08-18-2004, 06:35 PM

Only one problem :(

I'm going 2 my dad's on saturday,and he doesn't have a computer,plus,i don't have a PS2 yet :(

i gotta save up lol

so that's why i'm asking for help...on the plus side! :D

I've played FF7,8 And 9 so it shouldn't be that hard! :D

thanx agian for the help,if anyone else has anything else,BRING IT ON hehehe! :D

08-18-2004, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by FF-Gurl

I'm going 2 my dad's on saturday,and he doesn't have a computer,plus,i don't have a PS2 yet :(

Well your lucky, a PS2 only costs $169 or so now. I bought it when it was expensive at $200.

Advice: dont buy a game system second hand, or a game at that. I tried that a few times and always everything came out broken, and games came out scratched. Then that person would never want to take it back and give me my money. Just letting you know;)

08-18-2004, 06:41 PM
belive me FF10 is easiest to beat among 7, 8, 9. -_- free heal from save point is way too good. and there are plenty of save points on the way of story ;o there are at least 2-3 save points in each dungeon.

08-18-2004, 06:53 PM
That also, I think the save spheres made the game way to easy. I liked the tents, I used to get so angry when I had none and all my characters needed major healing. That made the game a bit more challenging I guess, especially if you didnt have a lot of gil to buy a good load of tents.

08-18-2004, 06:54 PM

oh yea and i get my games new,and the PS2s arelike 200 $ new

so yea..lol:)

08-18-2004, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by FF-Gurl

oh yea and i get my games new,and the PS2s arelike 200 $ new

so yea..lol:)

thats good, makes things a whole lot easier. Trust me, I was playing a hand me down FFX (since my parents didnt give me money after I quit my job) and it would stop playing when I got up to the bevelle scence. I was never able to pass that scence. But thankfully my sister bought me a new one since she was getting angry at me being angry :D hehe

08-18-2004, 06:57 PM
nice hehehe

08-20-2004, 12:37 PM
FF-Gurl, try not to chat in the thread so much.

Also, PS2s just took a price drop down to $150.

08-21-2004, 04:29 AM
Originally posted by Ndi
FF-Gurl, try not to chat in the thread so much.

Also, PS2s just took a price drop down to $150.

Sorrie,i get along with everyone lol

so i can't help it

08-21-2004, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by Ndi
FF-Gurl, try not to chat in the thread so much.

Also, PS2s just took a price drop down to $150.

in US yes :) it's still 199 in Canada lol ;;

08-21-2004, 02:03 PM
One tip:

When you get a White Magic Sphere, have Yuna learn Holy. This is extremely helpful, especially against Yunalesca.