11-08-2013, 11:05 AM

11-08-2013, 11:53 AM
Actually, I think it's only available by invitation only. It tends to cycle in and out this way.

11-08-2013, 12:45 PM
Yes, it is not gone, just invite only though I know no one who is invited. He has done so because he is pissed off that his links are being shared. He has VERY CLEARLY stated time and again to please not do so. In other words, the very thing you are doing is what caused him to leave. Yay, cookie for you.

11-08-2013, 05:01 PM

11-08-2013, 05:18 PM
Although he asked not to share his links elsewhere, I think the situation now is different and don't believe he intends to use these links as they are rapidly becoming void, so why waste them?

This means your doing this on your own volition and without any consent from the owner of the blog and his links being posted means the more it shouldn't be in this forum. You deprived the man of his wishes and for whatever reason he opted not to is his decision to make and not for you to do. Your intent maybe good but the bottom line is still - "the means doesn't justify the end".

11-08-2013, 05:28 PM
Forum ettiquett is that sharing of links not your own is highly frowned upon.If you want to share these, download them, pack them, and upload your own links to share. You acknowledge that he asked for them to not be posted. You maintain if there is a problem you'll remove them. Yet when it is pointed to you that it IS a problem, your response is to post even more of his links. This attitude pretty clearly outlines what you think of others, and is not likely to win you many fans.

11-08-2013, 05:52 PM
Forum ettiquett is that sharing of links not your own is highly frowned upon.If you want to share these, download them, pack them, and upload your own links to share.
ad usum proprium

11-09-2013, 07:42 AM
The Cantina was a nice place to go from times to times btw...

11-13-2013, 09:20 PM
SOOoooo sad he made the blog all private all of a sudden! It says ''one has to be invited to be able to see it'' but there is no way of contacting the blog creator to ask him for an invitation.
Does anyone know how to contact him?!?!!?

11-13-2013, 11:42 PM
SOOoooo sad he made the blog all private all of a sudden! It says ''one has to be invited to be able to see it'' but there is no way of contacting the blog creator to ask him for an invitation.
Does anyone know how to contact him?!?!!?

same happened to me ...i dont know hes very protective ... bit of a clique i think

11-14-2013, 01:57 AM
same happened to me ...i dont know hes very protective ... bit of a clique i think

Does anyone know how to contact him?!?!!?

Yes...his emailadress is "[email protected]", at least it was his email-adress. I was not any longer in his blog and I asked him
why ? He explained me he only accept user who share their music in his blog. I wonder cause I shared a lot of music in his blog....
...well, he thought I didnt....

11-14-2013, 02:22 AM
I lost my invitation too for some reason. I contacted him to ask to be invited again. I'd been cut off once before but this time he didn't even respond. I asked again a few days later, but still nothing. I was kind of upset at first but I seemed to find his stuff on this site anyway. I went through his old stuff and got a bunch, but the new things he posted seemed to always be available here as well. Whatever.

11-14-2013, 02:22 AM
i contacted him as well ... he got real funny with me to be honest dont like the way he operates so good luck to him

11-14-2013, 03:28 AM
99.9% of links on this site [and other file sharing sites] do not have the 'owners' permission. everyone knows the arguments/legalities regarding file sharing of copyrighted material. if you want to provide files for people to download then do so, if you don't then don't. those who download do so for many different reasons - some want to try before they buy, some download because they can't afford to buy or can no longer get what they want [out of print, limited editions etc etc], some are just broadening their horizons listening to new genres, composers etc and some people will just take,take,take or complain why someone hasn't upload the right version at the correct bit rate [yawn]. i appreciate whatever is provided and wherever i can get it from as it means my digital music library has grown as big as my real music library and i can enjoy such diversity and the constant discovery of new things. just appreciate what you can get and appreciate that someone wants what you've provided.

11-14-2013, 03:50 AM
well i was after one cd that was p[osted on there a stanley black fantasy score and he would not share even though it had been sold out . I appreciate that he didnt want to openly share links but like i said good luck to him ... even though he pissed everyone off

11-14-2013, 09:42 AM
Oh. come on. Are we talking about legality? Really? Please forget that little joserael and his little perspective and just share and enjoy the music from the movies. Please.

11-14-2013, 10:43 AM
99.9% of links on this site [and other file sharing sites] do not have the 'owners' permission. everyone knows the arguments/legalities regarding file sharing of copyrighted material. if you want to provide files for people to download then do so, if you don't then don't. those who download do so for many different reasons - some want to try before they buy, some download because they can't afford to buy or can no longer get what they want [out of print, limited editions etc etc], some are just broadening their horizons listening to new genres, composers etc and some people will just take,take,take or complain why someone hasn't upload the right version at the correct bit rate [yawn]. i appreciate whatever is provided and wherever i can get it from as it means my digital music library has grown as big as my real music library and i can enjoy such diversity and the constant discovery of new things. just appreciate what you can get and appreciate that someone wants what you've provided.

You misunderstand the point. We are not saying not to share an album. Once posted that is obviously fair game. We are saying do not share the actual link. MOST links here are not the same as the original sharers. Myself, I download an item, repack it (Stripping any artwork or other identifying personal info), reup for a new link to post here. Most of us consider that to be "proper" form. What the poster here is doing is poaching the links and posting here without the original poster's permission. Indeed, in direct contradiction, as the OP specifically asked that not be done. He left here and closed the blog in direct reaction to someone here sharing his links, even when asked to please stop. So, butthurt, maybe, but it is his deal. Sometines mods here remove links that are poached, sometimes not.

Now, a few years ago I had a source for a ton of stuff who asked me and a couple of others to actually use his links where possible. Doing so I was able to cut/paste at a furious rate. However, this ended up flooding the forum, which caused issues. Also, I had no real idea of content. The other downside is that when this member left the forum, he deleted all of his hosted links on purpose rendering everything here dead as well. Since I never actually downloaded any of it, I could not reup so we literally had pages of posts by me that were completely useless. Some still float up now and then when a reup request is made. ANY post of mine that uses the pass of SCORES is one of those. I learned a lot of lessons from that, and these days always make my own links.

In addition, hot-linking an active sharing site to here is technically not allowed, and is considered bad form as well. A lot of the private blogs are being born out of paranoia. Justified or not. A smaller private blog can share what is posted or not and by whom. A lot of posted links will contain an identifying signature (such as a specific missing track, etc), so if it gets shared outside of the forum it will be obvious there is a leak and the suspect list is minimal. The issue of trust is an issue these days. I think it is all rather silly and pointless but that does not change the fact that more and more private blogs are popping up. Many big sharers here from the past have left to create their own. Or, only share the really big goodies there and not here. It is just a fad I suspect. I hope.

11-14-2013, 01:21 PM

11-14-2013, 06:14 PM
This thing is also about leachers, people who ONLY downloads but never shares anything, and it is often those people that screams out loudest about other sharers being assholes etc. The Cantina blog still exists and the members left likes to share as a community, not just take and never giving back...

People has to learn a thing or two and not only demand stuff but this is human behaviour and assholes are born every minute...Start sharing people, and yes Josereal are inhere with us too ;)

11-15-2013, 02:36 AM
The problem with many sites where files are shared is the clutter that surrounds the posts that contain the links and info to the files. So much talk about the proper way to do things, leechers, you didn't say thankyou, you didn't post the version I wanted, you re-posted my files without permission. If you're uploading then thankyou but you are in no position to make demands on who takes what you're offering. If you're downloading then click 'like' and quietly enjoy what you've acquired. If it's not the version you wanted just wait and you'll probably find it somewhere else or at a later date or request it and you never know. So what if a link is down, frustrating yes then ask for a re-up and if it doesn't happen... you get my point.

11-15-2013, 02:45 AM
NNNnnoooo, not really.

Actually, that is a bit of a dividing line, between those who wanna just grab and go, and those wanting some interaction. All the "chat" does obscure the post and any re-ups, at times. But despite that, many of us do enjoy some...robust...conversations, and admin seem content enough as long as it does not get too bloody. So basically, say thanks or not. (I don't really care). But if you want something, you're gonna just have to put up with clutter. This site's messy. It is almost organic the way it grows and reacts. If you do not want chat, just grab the link and go. No one says you have to respond. :)

---------- Post added at 06:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:40 PM ----------

Ther original ophere has one point though. Grab these links while you can. Joserael does read here, and could delete the links at any time. I'd be surprised if he doesn't.

11-15-2013, 04:33 AM
My last point(s) on this topic. I have no problems with discussion, sharing/asking for info etc. What I have problems with is 1. posts that just contain one word - "thank-you", just click 'like'. 2. posters that try to demand respect - for what? and 3. threads that contain squabbles. Time is precious enough without having to navigate round all the mess.

11-15-2013, 04:39 AM
I agree with some of that. The fights aside. I think, if you are going to share, then share. Asking for pm for items perfectly postable is..odd. Asking for thanks or a reply before handing out the links too. IF I dl here, I always say thanks, comment and add rep where I can. If you don't see that, I did not dl. But I never ask for that, as I share just for the joy of sharing. 100 people dl with not a word? Cool. That's why I put it there...

12-08-2013, 12:10 PM
I think that Joserael is a angry guy with a paranoic delirium of persecution.Too bad

12-08-2013, 12:25 PM
You think wrong. Probably because you have likely never talked to him, other than to grab a link. I have. Others here have. I know the guy, and the situation., no he's not.

12-08-2013, 12:29 PM
I think Amanda is a german moon Goddess

12-08-2013, 01:40 PM
I'm not German. Nor do I reside anywhere near Germany. I am in the U.S. - Arizona. I have, however found out recently my ancestors were from Salem and did in fact help burn witches. So, there's that. The reference in my profile is to Sorei's balcony. She IS German, and DOES have a nice balcony. And every morning, I wake my astral self up and float over to have phantom coffee with her.....

12-08-2013, 03:55 PM

12-08-2013, 09:27 PM
psrait, you are wonderfull. ahahah

12-09-2013, 09:52 AM
I usually don't feast on remnants but since we can no longer dine at the Cantina, I'm really greatful to you, psrait for sharing these!

12-09-2013, 09:57 AM

12-09-2013, 02:14 PM
nice remnants once again, thanks!

12-09-2013, 03:01 PM
Sorry but I know what I say and it�s not wrong.Many times I talk with him and all I find is a angry and arrogant behavior.By the way Amanda,�are you the attorney�s Joserael?

12-09-2013, 04:29 PM
sorry to hear that. He has never been that way with me though.

@Moon Goddess
always welcome on my balcony and all. :)

Moon goddesses are international ;)

12-09-2013, 07:13 PM
Sorry but I know what I say and it�s not wrong.Many times I talk with him and all I find is a angry and arrogant behavior.By the way Amanda,�are you the attorney�s Joserael?

Please, remember 2 things.

1) psrait asked in the original post that if his posting other's links was improper to let him know. I and several others quite clearly let him know. He continues to disregard that and does it anyway, so why ask. He's a dick, pure and simple.

2) joserael's a friend. I always will back a friend, whether or not I agree with them. I happen to, in this case, see his point. His music, his blog, his rules. If some are butthurt by his decisions, sorry, but it is his right, and there is a thread to discuss the wounding. I will never sit by and let a good friend be talked about poorly. Simple as that.

12-09-2013, 08:24 PM
joserael can be a decent guy most of the time but he does get angry. I also talked to him many times and went through my entire soundtrack collect with him to see if I had anything to share. He had it all, he posted a list of soundtracks he wanted- I think he got angry because no one was posting the ones he wanted. He also got tired of the complaining people did that would come to his site and take and never give but would complain about broken links and never say thank you. It was a very nice site, I miss it-too bad he closed it.

12-09-2013, 09:26 PM
Now listen to me:joserael have his rights,but I have too my own rights to say the poor treatment of this guy to his fellows.Simple as that.

12-09-2013, 09:29 PM
A Joserael (al que no conozco) siempre le estar� agradecido por toda la m�sica que comparti�

12-09-2013, 09:38 PM
Now listen to me:joserael have his rights,but I have too my own rights to say the poor treatment of this guy to his fellows.Simple as that.

Why? What right? His blog is his own, not yours or ours. He can do what he wants, say what he wants, make his own rules. It is not like this forum where we all are contributing. He is just some guy taking his time and energy to provide free music to other strangers. How is that mistreating fellows. Over there you were not members or fellows. Like his rules, or don't visit his place. It is somewhat different here, where we are all supposed to abide by some rules and listen to admin and mods. Over there he is the admin and mod. That is the way it is on most private blogs. What's the big whoop? If he is not sharing openly, he is a bad guy? Is that really where we are at now. Espicially if one is a non-sharing member. (NOT you Spaniard) I mean is someone going to be labeled as a bad person because they stop openly giving away stuff?


12-09-2013, 10:07 PM
Please, remember 2 things.

1) psrait asked in the original post that if his posting other's links was improper to let him know. I and several others quite clearly let him know. He continues to disregard that and does it anyway, so why ask. He's a dick, pure and simple.

2) joserael's a friend. I always will back a friend, whether or not I agree with them. I happen to, in this case, see his point. His music, his blog, his rules. If some are butthurt by his decisions, sorry, but it is his right, and there is a thread to discuss the wounding. I will never sit by and let a good friend be talked about poorly. Simple as that.

Hello. Amanda please remember: his blog, yes. His rules, yes. His music... no. Maybe his links. But we are a community made for sharing music. If he want to keep a private kindergarten, we must respect his point, yes.

12-09-2013, 10:10 PM
HEY NOW : what happened to the spirit of christmas ???

we should just all kiss and hugsssssssssssss :)

12-09-2013, 10:56 PM
si Joserael tiene sus derechos en su blog ,yo tengo mis derechos a decir lo que pienso en donde sea �entendido Diosa menor Amanda?

12-09-2013, 11:10 PM
guillo, I am terribly sorry but I only speak and read English. An outdated thing I know, I'm sorry. :(

12-10-2013, 12:03 PM
OK I said : if Joserael have his rights I have my owns rights too,and so I can say what I think freely in any matter- Have a good day

12-10-2013, 12:37 PM

12-10-2013, 12:52 PM
Here's the conspiracy theory for you: psrait is in fact Josrael. He misses the community, so he's sharing his own links for us all. There. I said it.


12-10-2013, 01:30 PM
guillo, I am terribly sorry but I only speak and read English. An outdated thing I know, I'm sorry. :(

something like: he is grateful for all the music that has been shared from josereal. as far as i get it.

12-10-2013, 01:55 PM
Either way, I said my peace, they said theirs and I will leave it at that and not comment further. :)

12-13-2013, 09:32 AM
what happened links. it was share before a few days. links removed ????