08-17-2004, 01:15 PM
I guess first off, I should explain what an amv is, in case there are some of you who don't know.

An AMV is an anime music video- it's basically taking footage to anime and setting it to a song. (
has tons of them, and you can learn all about how to make them there too.

Anyhow- what are some of the best anime music videos that you've seen?

My all time favorite is a video called "Sappy Self Indulgence". It's footage from a whole bunch of animes set to Elephant Love Medley from Moulin Rouge.

I also really like "Video Girl AI: The Fall", and "Hellsing: Eternal Damnation". I know Odin's going to mention that one too. ^^

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
08-17-2004, 03:17 PM
Yes, Sappy Self Indulgence and Eternal Damnation are pretty cool AMV's.

Though Evangelion's Opus and Endure (that one is about Now and Then, Here and There), are my two favorites.

And that one AMV about My Neighbor Totoro or whatever that anime is called set to the Aphex Twin song "Come to Daddy" was hilarious.

There are some others that I like as well, that Atom sent me, but the way he renamed the files makes it where I don't know the actual title of it. And I can't be arsed to look them up on The Org.

08-19-2004, 12:22 PM
i best amv i have seen was about FinalFantasy X = name of amv was beleave well thats how u spell it i think from the site but now that site is down for awhile well ...... and my second whould be from called GloryOfLove made for escaflowne


Lying on the fresh grass,
Glaring at the sky ,
Thinking that u can just step up and fly across the sky,
To leave all ur worries behind u and just fly,
Towards the bright shining sun.

Just made that is 5 mins soo i'm working on it ......

09-03-2004, 01:47 AM
Originally posted by Angels and my second whould be from called GloryOfLove made for escaflowne

Hahahaha oh man, my friend Daniel made that video. I'm sure he'd be flattered to hear.

On the topic of AMVs, if you all haven't seen my latest video (well, by latest, I mean, back in April), check it out (it's hosted on, so you need to have been a member of the site for at least 2 weeks before you can download locally hosted videos).

Title: Why...? Can't...? I...? (
Source: Final Fantasy 8
Song: Me First and the Gimme Gimmes - Somewhere Over The Rainbow
Created by: AtomX (

Won Best Comedy at Anime Central 2004 :)

Anyways, to best answer your original question, I have too many favorite videos to talk about each one, so here's a simple list of JUST videos from this year.

Title: Kill Winter Radio (
Anime: The Animatrix
Song: Radiohead - Paranoid Android
Created by: Tash (
(NDI! GET this one!)

Title: I'll Meet You (
Anime: Vision of Escaflowne
Song: A Simple Plan - I'll Meet You There
Created by: silver_moon (

Title: Reflections of Style (
Anime: Various
Song: Orbital - Halcyon & On & On, Final Fantasy Unlimited - Over the Fantasy (Luckspin Remix), Amon Tobin - Kill You Now
Created by: Multi-Editor Project

Title: Holy Crap! (
Anime: Memories: Stink Bomb
Song: The Offspring - Special Delivery
Created by: Pie Row Maniac (

Title: Alternate Eva Opening: Eva Bebop (
Anime: Neon Genesis Evangelion
Song: Yoko Kanno - Tank!
Created by: Scintilla (

Title: AMV Hell ( & AMV Hell 2: Son of AMV Hell (
Anime: Various
Song: Various
Created by: Zarxrax ( & SSGWNBTD (

09-03-2004, 10:36 AM
Hey really ohh man ..... that amv was the best ........... ....!!

Darth Revan
09-04-2004, 05:34 PM
I've seen quite a few AMV's, which were quite memorable. Ones I can recall off the top of my head are :

Akira - Metallica's, One Leaf Clover
Neon Genesis Evangelion - Moby's, We Are All Made Of Stars
Final Fantasy Tribute - Offsprings, Starring At The Sun
Various Anime - Doki Doki Productions, Life's Gonna Suck
The Transformers - AC/DC, Highway To Hell

Then there was one done by Aluminium Studios, live footage from 'The Flying Daggers' and 'Lord Of The Wu Tang'. Song used was Rob Zombie's, Superbeast.

As soon as I can get my own website up and running, as well as a faster computer, I'll upload the AMV's I've made.

I've got a question here, for those of you here who make AMV's. Have you entered them in any contests? The reason I ask, is that there's a anime convention (I think it's called 'Panic', or something like that. Need to ask Enkidoh for more info about it methinx.) which will be here in Perth, Australia (My hometown of course), in which they have a AMV competition. Unfortunately, they say you can only enter three AMV's, and the content to them can not be violent, bloody or adult orientated (Ninja Scroll comes to mind here...).

In any event, I've got five AMV's of my own complete, now I've got to decide which three to submit.

Hmmmm... decisions, decisions.

09-04-2004, 11:13 PM
I've entered my videos at Anime Central (won Best Comedy) and Anime Weekend Atlanta. Two of my videos have also been finalists in the Viewers Choice Awards.

09-04-2004, 11:18 PM
Hello Atom, or shall I say Bread, haven't seen you in ages~ How's the AMV making? I hope you're busy and stuff. ;D
(Did I ever tell you I enjoyed the FFVIII one? Consider it said. O_o)

Anyway, for the on-topic-posting...
I recently watched an Evangelion video to the Savatage song "This isn't what we meant". I recommend that one...

09-05-2004, 06:40 AM
Originally posted by Tokiko
Hello Atom, or shall I say Bread, haven't seen you in ages~ How's the AMV making? I hope you're busy and stuff. ;D
(Did I ever tell you I enjoyed the FFVIII one? Consider it said. O_o)

Anyway, for the on-topic-posting...
I recently watched an Evangelion video to the Savatage song "This isn't what we meant". I recommend that one...

I haven't been up to too much AMV-related since ACen, however, I am creating a track for this years DDR AMV Project (the 4th project, using the DDR 5th Mix Nonstop Megamix). I am doing the song Dive (blegh.. I hate the song, but it needed to be done :-o...)

And yeah, the This Isn't What We Meant video by VicBond is definitely a very good video, however in terms of Evangelion videos, Odin already hit it on the spot with Evangelion Opus (Eva set to Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen). Just.. perfect... Hence the name.