11-03-2013, 05:17 PM
MEGA nuked my account, the files are permanently gone as I no longer have them to reupload them, sorry.

11-03-2013, 05:25 PM
Hi Andrees,

Thanks a lot for this Demo release !!!

I've made some Castlevania LOS2 artwork covers for you :

Best regards,

11-03-2013, 05:29 PM
I like your second cover a lot, great work. Though Oscar's name is a tad lost on that blood.

11-03-2013, 05:35 PM
Thanks Vampire Hunter Andrees. :D

And JacKc. Those effects on the covers are awesome. Almost hypnotic ;)

Baroque Legacy
11-03-2013, 07:40 PM
Thanks man!!!!!

11-03-2013, 08:49 PM
Combat II is pretty sick!


11-03-2013, 10:40 PM
The song The Throne Room is by Daft Punk (adagio for Tron) in Tron : Legacy

11-03-2013, 10:46 PM
It's not, just similar to it.

11-03-2013, 11:19 PM
Tron Legacy Soundtrack OST 10 Adagio For TRON Daft Punk - YouTube (

Maybe you're right...but it's VERY similar...Listen. I'm a great fan of the lords of shadow saga. I've uploaded almost the complete score on youtube,'s just funny to find that song. Maybe it will not be used in the final soundtrack...

11-03-2013, 11:21 PM
I did listen, and they're about as similar as Aerith's Theme and Aria de Mezzo Carattere.

11-03-2013, 11:33 PM
If you say so... I will not argue with you...old friend....:)

...but thanks for the upload. It's really great music!

11-03-2013, 11:39 PM

11-04-2013, 01:02 AM
I think Juliano is right, it's a edited version of "Adagio for Tron". The same exact notes and with the same electronics effects... maybe in another tone...

---------- Post added at 01:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:53 AM ----------

By the way, thanks for the rip Andrees! :)

11-04-2013, 03:38 AM
Yeah Andrees, I am going to have to join the chorus here. The Throne Room is identical to Adagio for Tron in every respect.

11-04-2013, 04:18 AM
Either Oscar Araujo is a huge fan of Daft Punk or we're going to see Gabriel duke it out in the digital world.

In all seriousness, great ripping the demo Andrees. "0.4 the first combat_g1" is a great track, but I can't help but find it weird there is electronic orchestra music playing in the dark ages unlike the first game.

11-04-2013, 08:09 AM
Epic Music! Thanks!

11-04-2013, 08:12 AM
Thanks! :)

11-04-2013, 12:10 PM
The track definitely has a different instrumentation and intonation, it may either be a case of plagiarism or they bought the rights to this specific track, I see no other possible explanation. Either way I have forwarded this to Konami. It wouldn't be the first time their composers turned out to be plagiarists (Tappy's famous MGS Theme was plagiarism as well).
Sent a couple of tweets to David Cox and Oscar Araujo, I wonder if they will take care of this.

11-04-2013, 01:52 PM
Well. It seems they are completely ignoring me, to the point of sending immediate takedown notices to Imageshack, Reddit and Mediafire to take down my accounts from which I supplied proof of plagiarism. Konami being classy as usual I see, fucking imbeciles. Anyone have Neogaf account so that info could be brought to the public?

11-04-2013, 02:18 PM
Prince of Darkness totally owns me. :D

I don't really see the problem plagiarism if it is not made a use of it, like that Kenji Yamamoto dragon ball dude. I could name EVERYTHING he says he compose which is not of him. I grew hate on the guy because of the fact a lot of his dragon ball soundtracks says it's all composed and arranged, when it's really a lie. At least he could say that he was inspired by some artists. Like THis ( which is THIS (
Or this little issue (
So, what I am trying to say is, If Oscar Araujo made a theme inspired on daft punk thing, what's the problem?
Scooter's Song "The Age Of Love" features the Terminator famous theme in it.
Yoko Kanno, also does plagiarism in the past, but she said she was a fan of foreign symphonies and she had a reason to bring them back.
You just heard one track, and it's the end of the world just because of that?
As far as I can tell, KENJI YAMAMOTO (not to confuse the other Kenji Yamamoto metroid composer) DOES WORST and USES PERFECTLY the word PLAGIARISM.

And Konami have been douche-bags from some years now. But that was too much

11-04-2013, 02:26 PM
It's used in the actual game, and Disney is not one to forgive. If Disney catches wind of this after the game is released, Konami will be in a lot of trouble. It's only natural to inform them of the problem and remove it before things escalate. Besides Kojima DID remove Tappy's plagiarized version of Winter Road by Sviridov.

11-04-2013, 02:38 PM
but since they ignored you, that means they want it to escalate.
Some artists get stuck with some tunes in their mind, and don't remember where the hell did they listen that. And some times because that tune is in their head they pass into paper and then to music. It happen to me before. I was years with a tune in my head and I never figured it out where it came from. And in a cute little sky day, I downloaded Tim Burton's Batman score... guess what? The tune that was in my head for years, was Danny Elfman's Joker Theme. I might have a done the music just to take it out of my mind. Seriously. You don't know what it is, to be stuck with a tunes and notes you don't even remember where you heard.
It sometimes calls the craziness in you, because you get sick of that tune to be repeating in your mind over and over again. It's a sort of psychological problem too, but derived of brains self suggestion.

11-04-2013, 04:27 PM
It could also be that Araujo has NOTHING to do with putting in Adiago for Tron into the game. He is an extremely skilled composer, as evidenced by Lords of Shadow and the latter half of the LoS2 demo soundtrack. It makes NO sense that he would decide to just right out rip off Daft Punk for the Throne Room.

Or maybe it is just a temporary track.

We don't know what is going on, to be frank, other than Konami's piss poor reaction to it.

edit: I got a NeoGaf account, so if you want me to post it there I will.

11-04-2013, 04:36 PM
Honestly I just want an official statement on this. When Kojima was confronted with the plagiarism situation he gave a proper response to it. It could really hurt not just Konami, but possibly the game as well if it remains in the game.
Generally this is what I tried to post on Reddit before Konami nuked it along with my account:

Recently Konami released Castlevania Mirror of Fate HD for PS3 and X360, along with a Demo of Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2.
Being a curious person who loves stripping games down to prime components, I extracted all the files of the demo.
A little proof of it you can see here (WARNING, SOME SPOILERS):
As visible on the picture, there's also the game's music that's in the demo.
One of the tracks, namely 0_01_01_thrroom_mus.ogg that plays in the Throne Room section of the demo, is actually plagiarized "Adagio for Tron" from Tron: Legacy movie by Disney.
For comparison's sake, here's original Adagio for Tron:
And here's the Throne Room music from the demo which I extracted (note that even Mediafire's copyright systems instantly recognized it as Adagio for Tron): 0_01_01_thrroom_mus (

As you can see, this is a very grave matter. This wouldn't be the first time Konami has plagiarized music. Tappy, the composer of the first two MGS games, famous for his "Metal Gear Solid Main Theme" actually plagiarized the track "The Winter Road" by Russian composer Sviridov.

Please help me make this information spread and prevent Konami from further plagiarizing.

Generally if you're also interested, I managed to dig a very interesting but spoiler heavy complete list of levels from the full game that they forgot to remove from the demo. Alucard's model and textures are also in it.

11-04-2013, 05:02 PM
Well, we know Alucard is in it because all of the trailers have featured him!

But, another point is that Adagio for Tron is not featured at all in the demo. I just watched a play through, so that I could link to it in the post as added evidence, and it was not shown at all.

So maybe it is just a placeholder, or a temp track for the general sense of what they were looking for?

11-04-2013, 05:13 PM
Well, we know Alucard is in it because all of the trailers have featured him!
He is NOT in the demo. My point is that they forgot to remove some assets from the demo that aren't used. Including a complete list of levels from the full game and Alucard's model.
And yeah, I don't think it appears in the demo, but the demo lacks the intro and ending section. Files for those are left in the demo.

11-04-2013, 05:54 PM
Yeah, and both of those are of significantly lesser quality than the other tracks. I suspect that the are all very beta, work in progress tracks that will probably not be part of the final product.

Night Terror
11-04-2013, 06:03 PM
@Andrees: Ever checked the MGR demo? :P

Anyways, don't worry for the music. Not yet at least. It could very well be a placeholder track until a new one's there. In very fact, going back to MGR, a lot of the lyrics for the songs were cut and/or changed from the demo. There's still a long road until February :)

And needless to say -- thanks for bringing this to us. Can't wait for the game and the Offical Soundtrack to release :D

11-04-2013, 06:14 PM
Never checked MGR demo, but I did have !!!!!'s rip of it and it did have some tracks that were different in the final version. As for official OST, considering Konami's shoddy history of release incomplete "best of" albums rather than soundtracks, I'd rather suggest you wait for !!!!! or someone else to make a proper full quality release. If !!!!! is up for it, I'd gladly supply the the extracted files for him the moment the game releases.

11-04-2013, 06:23 PM
I sure hope that !!!!!, because the quality of his releases are something that all of us rippers should aspire to. His work for Lords of Shadow was fantastic, and redeemed the quality of the score in the eyes of some of my friends.

11-04-2013, 06:44 PM
Excellent! Thanks Again For Sharing, Andrees!

11-04-2013, 09:14 PM
Thanks :)

11-05-2013, 01:39 AM
@Andrees: Ever checked the MGR demo? :P

Anyways, don't worry for the music. Not yet at least. It could very well be a placeholder track until a new one's there. In very fact, going back to MGR, a lot of the lyrics for the songs were cut and/or changed from the demo. There's still a long road until February :)

And needless to say -- thanks for bringing this to us. Can't wait for the game and the Offical Soundtrack to release :D

In LOS2's case, I don't see the music changing until/if Konami gets sued for copyright infringement. In MGR's case, the music was arranged by hand so they probably had more leeway with time restrains. With orchestral music, it's composed then usually recorded at once when played by an orchestra or a simulated orchestra to save money.

Never checked MGR demo, but I did have !!!!!'s rip of it and it did have some tracks that were different in the final version. As for official OST, considering Konami's shoddy history of release incomplete "best of" albums rather than soundtracks, I'd rather suggest you wait for !!!!! or someone else to make a proper full quality release. If !!!!! is up for it, I'd gladly supply the the extracted files for him the moment the game releases.

LOS2 soundtrack will be one CD. Calling it now. :) Ironically the Akumajo Dracula Best Music Collections BOX ( was a pretty complete say for Dracula X and ports of the original game as well as any Gradius/shoot-em up music collection they've released. I will rip this game, it's kind of tradition to finish the series now.

I sure hope that !!!!!, because the quality of his releases are something that all of us rippers should aspire to. His work for Lords of Shadow was fantastic, and redeemed the quality of the score in the eyes of some of my friends.

Thank you, that means a lot.

11-05-2013, 02:06 AM
For the track of Tron, didn't know it will be such a thing...just pointed that. But I recall Oscar Araujo to be a fan of Daft Punk (He's a electronic "star" in Spain.) and maybe he found cool to put this song just in waiting for the right one...

11-05-2013, 02:14 AM
Thank you!

11-05-2013, 02:30 AM
I sure hope that !!!!!, because the quality of his releases are something that all of us rippers should aspire to. His work for Lords of Shadow was fantastic, and redeemed the quality of the score in the eyes of some of my friends.

Pretty much everything he touches with his hands, makes all the rippers jealous of how epic he works.
And that is saying less about it. I only go get the stuff I am interested, but DAMN, this guy needs to go to a school of How to Rip in Epic Way
That is exactly how I define his rips and shares. EPIC.

11-06-2013, 12:46 AM
Thanks for your work in this!!! It's really amazing!!!
The Throne Room track (or should I call it The 'Tron' Room?) it's indeed very strange stuff.
But if somehow, they managed to get the rights to use it, I'dont mind having such a beautiful song in LOS2 at all.
Anyway, thanks again for the upload, and can't wait to the full game (and your audio rip, of course)

11-06-2013, 02:51 AM
The track The Siege Titan I is a arranged MOF track (Deamon Lord). Wonder if this is a preview of the upcoming MOF Soundtrack...or maybe it will be reused in LOS2.

Baroque Legacy
11-06-2013, 08:50 AM
Hey guys! Great discussion here! I hope this doesn't come across as pompous, but I'm actually a music teacher, and have worked in scoring before. It is not unusual for a director or company to use place-holder music, to give the composer or composers an idea of what they want the final work to sound like. I would guess this is very possibly what happened here. Case in point, the music for the the Last Guardian being from Miller's crossing. Companies don't always expect folks to go digging in sound files (glad you guys exist!), and it is often easier to leave stuff in, instead of take it out of a demo.

Just my two cents.

11-06-2013, 01:05 PM
The track The Siege Titan I is a arranged MOF track (Deamon Lord). Wonder if this is a preview of the upcoming MOF Soundtrack...or maybe it will be reused in LOS2.

The track is indeed an orchestral version of Daemon Lord, MoF uses the very same track but in synth form.

Hey guys! Great discussion here! I hope this doesn't come across as pompous, but I'm actually a music teacher, and have worked in scoring before. It is not unusual for a director or company to use place-holder music, to give the composer or composers an idea of what they want the final work to sound like. I would guess this is very possibly what happened here. Case in point, the music for the the Last Guardian being from Miller's crossing. Companies don't always expect folks to go digging in sound files (glad you guys exist!), and it is often easier to leave stuff in, instead of take it out of a demo.

Just my two cents.

Yeah well I may have overreacted but it's mostly due to Disney being a very nasty company when it comes to copyright, and if by chance Konami didn't get the rights to this track, it could end up badly, even if it's just inside the files and not actually used in the game, as that falls under illegal distribution of the music on LoS2 disc.

11-06-2013, 05:04 PM
feh, mega...thanks any way tho.

11-06-2013, 07:03 PM
Sorry but MEGA is in my eyes the best free host around, and I don't have a paranoia that it's a honeypot.

11-06-2013, 08:00 PM
Sorry but MEGA is in my eyes the best free host around, and I don't have a paranoia that it's a honeypot.

Your not the only one. I swear by MEGA - fastest download speeds, fastest upload speeds, ability to pause and resume downloads from within the browser. What's not to love?

11-06-2013, 10:48 PM
Your not the only one. I swear by MEGA - fastest download speeds, fastest upload speeds, ability to pause and resume downloads from within the browser. What's not to love?

This. I couldn't have say it better.

11-06-2013, 11:57 PM
count me as third on the line.
MEGA as being working surprisingly good for me in both downloading speed and and upload.

11-17-2013, 09:30 AM

11-29-2013, 11:59 PM
Chill guys, the TRON: Legacy track was definitely being used as a temp track. Here's the official track for "The Throne" from �scar Araujo's own youtube page:

12-01-2013, 11:00 PM

12-02-2013, 12:04 AM
Thanks for sharing! I cant get Siege Titan out of my head.

12-17-2013, 08:03 PM
If anyone is interested in very spoilerific full list of levels from full version of LoS2 then feel free to send me a PM.

12-30-2013, 04:52 PM
Very good!

01-03-2014, 11:40 PM
I played the Demo today and notice that some tracks in this rip don't even appear in the game.
Is the European Demo different from some other place in the world. Siege Titan II and Paladin II ... I did not heard those 0.o

01-04-2014, 12:09 AM
Paladin II only plays during the second battle with Golden Paladin and the demo ends just before this battle begins, however you can hear the beginning of the track during the "thank you for playing demo bla bla" message which cuts in right as when you're supposed to fight him a second time.
As for Siege Titan, both tracks play during the demo so you really should replay it.

01-04-2014, 12:14 AM
Well, I don't mind replaying it, as I my eyeballs and my mouth were going to fall on the ground. xD

01-04-2014, 07:42 PM
Thank you so much!

01-04-2014, 08:07 PM
I'm currently going through Castlevania Lords Of Shadow only for the story because the gameplay and repetitiveness is unbelievably dull.

(But hey it made me start playing DmC: Devil May Cry seriously and enjoying it way more than DMC4, and I've been a fan since DMC1)

I had no idea that this was the start of Dracula's journey so to speak and it made me really interested in it, luckily I found it cheap this winter sale and I'm looking forward to LoS 2 immensely thanks to the info and promises they've released.

Now... I like the soundtrack, LoS 2 seems somehow already more enjoyable and varied to me and Oscar's music is fitting but I find it abysmal that they deny any part of the previous Castlevania's when it comes to even a jingle or slight hint at earlier masterpieces in the series music. Yes, Tomb Raider did this as well unfortunately but it's basically one theme that mattes in that series so it's not too too bad.

01-04-2014, 08:55 PM
but I find it abysmal that they deny any part of the previous Castlevania's when it comes to even a jingle or slight hint at earlier masterpieces in the series music.

There are several callbacks actually! The original theme makes an appearance, two tracks from Super Castlevania IV, the game over theme is a remix of the original CV theme, and the final boss battle has a cue from the first level of Dracula's Curse.

01-04-2014, 10:29 PM
Lords of Shadow Soundtrack sucks ass. It's not enjoyable and works badly in the game. Nothing is memorable, unless "waterfalls of agarta", which is memorable since it's a cover version from the waterfall music in Super Castlevania IV. I played the game, and those tracks trying to be boss themes are not boss themes or nothing. The soundtrack is not even near original castelvania. But hey, this is not castlevania, it's not set in the original story, this is just another story. The final plot twist was just stupid, and not that original, and more like a plot hole. The first plot twist was genious, yes, and ... you call that final battle? All other bosses in the game were more epic as shit. compared to the final battle, the final battle is mediocre and more like an easy sub boss fight.
The music is just too damn dramatic, and more like depressive. I played the game and the only song that stayed in my head, even when I was playing in other areas wast the waterfalls of agarta.

Lords of Shadow Mirror of Fate was a good upgrade in the music. I find myself enjoying it, and I feel castlevania in it. Hell, in so much points I felt the feeling of super castlevania IV (the most gothic soundtrack of all castlevania games) in the soundtrack. This time the soundtrack REALLY did a good work in blending with game. It works. Castlevania is not a DRAMA STORY! castlevania is a HORROR STORY!!!!! Mirror of fate got a lot of points on that.

Lords of Shadow 2, I do like the music, and it is enjoyable, and not like the first game, this time it really fits, the game. I do like the soundtrack, and again, a good upgrade on the composer. I do hope the game get's back to the dark horror mood. Oh, and some music in the demo does blow me.

So, to avoid confusion:
Lords of Shadow was a good game, much more enjoyable then I expected, despite the soundtrack. The scenarios are awesome (but I will always complain of too much freaking lights that seem more to blind you then to let see a game for what it is), the puzzles are interesting, and fun to solve. The plot is not bad, till you get your final plot twist with no sense at all throughout the the entire game. (Not going to argue with anyone on that. I stand my point). So the game was actually fun to play and the system is very cool. Sometimes I just get fed up with the camera that rotates to quick for me, and I am like "WOW!! 0.0 Where the hell am I now!!" xD but it's not that horrible, but funny. xD

Mirror of Fate was much more enjoyable then the first game. Maybe because of my vein as fan of classic castlevania games, and this one had much more in the game scenario to offer to the fans then the first game. The mood was awesome, and sometimes creepy. Though, I don't advise playing Mirror of Fate HD. Why take the quick time events out of it? My favorite , was my favorite boss just because of the epic quick time event at the end. Actually, that event made it look and feel epic. In MOF HD you just see a cut-scene, and no quick time event. To be honest, the HD version on 360 is not that incredible. Specially, when they think people have GREAT AND BIG televisions, and that the scrolls can have super tiny letters. My tv is not that BIG and I just can't read the scrolls. Which is another thing that was made better in MOF. Most scrolls in the first game don't tell you anything useful besides "I am a cannon fodder and I died", which is basically all of them. Mirror of fate scrolls, are much better written and keep the environment of the game even more creepy. So, in the 3DS, when you see a scroll, the same is shown in your screen and you read everything, in HD version you have a "little" window in the middle of the screen with tiny letters. I just did not give a damn for the scrolls, I like my eyes very much. I know, in the 3DS it should be a bigger font for the letters as it is a hand-held console, but please... are you telling me I have to buy a super bigger TV just to be able to read that shit?
My only complain with mirror of fate is... we could had some more stuff to unlock.... we just have 2 and are not that special. And playing the game again with other difficulties without having our experience to 0 is not challenging. If you are going to play a game from the beginning with other difficulty level, you are really going to play from the beginning. My that is my opinion.

Lords of Shadow 2, is promising. The demo was interesting and those events were rather cool. And again, Epic. My eye balls, my balls, my mouth were almost ... blowing out of my body. xD

01-05-2014, 11:12 AM
Thank you very much, you made my day! ;)

02-25-2014, 03:38 AM
And again, Epic. My eye balls, my balls, my mouth were almost ... blowing out of my body.

That's just sad.

02-27-2014, 05:23 PM

02-28-2014, 11:48 AM