Lagunas Backup
01-27-2002, 11:02 PM
what is bohamets weaknesses. i have cactuar(weak) and i just got tonberry. im really high leveled but. im having cactar learn kamaocasy.

also how can u make lion heart appear more often.

01-27-2002, 11:35 PM
U can't make Lion heart appear more Often.

Ok, once Cactuar learns Kamakazie, u can beat Bahamut in one hit. Take your strongest, or highest level character and blow them up in Bahamut's face and you've won the battle.

01-28-2002, 12:11 AM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Actually, you can make Lionheart appear more often. It depends on your current situation. Things that help improve the chances of getting Lionheart are:

~ High Luck stat
~ Aura stats
~ Squall's HP to be low
~ One or both other characters KO'd
~ Negative statuses such as Blind and Silence

So, for example, if Squall is the only charcater alive with 1HP, he has a Luck stat of 255, is under Aura status and is suffering from negative status effects, he should get Lionheart every time. :) Exteme example, but you get the point. ;)

Being in a bad situation also helps your other characters' limit breaks. Zell and Irvine get more time, Rinoa will get Wishing Star and Invincible Moon more often, Quistis will cause more damage with her attacks, and Selphie will get her best spells such as The End more often. :)

As for Bahamut, he isn't too hard to beat. Just make sure you are healed as well as possible at the end of the second Ruby Dragon battle so you are prepared for the fight. You can either cast Meltdown on Bahamut then Aura on Squall or Zell; or simply use Kamikaze as suggested above. :)

Lagunas Backup
01-28-2002, 11:24 PM
i used Kamacazi with squall and he is on level 98 and it only took of 49000 and i was stuck with out my best person.

01-29-2002, 08:39 AM
Use Firaga as a elemental defense, add Blizaga (Ice) to your elemental attack for your party
Make sure you have high Hp and keep them at the max for 2 characters
When the dragon uses bad breath, hope that your Vit has reached 255 by junctioning and heal after wards
Then just cast aura on the party, meltdown on the beast and have some fun :D
It works for me ;)

02-05-2002, 04:16 AM
This is what I did.

I devoured lot's of Adamantoise, got my vitality 255 and laughed when breath started to take out 500-600(ruby dragon) and when bahamut's attacks did 100-200. I had 255 strength for all characters too(i love stats)

For those of you who think that might be hard, try to get Mag-UPs and SPR-Ups.

Str + 1: Devour T-Rexuar, Forbid Med-Ref Monk's Code
Hp + 10: Devour Ruby Dragon, Forbid Med-Ref Gaea Ring
Vit + 1:5 Adamantine Forbid Med-Ref to 1 Vit up. Devour Adamantoise
Mag + 1: Forbid Med-Ref 10(i think hypno crowns) to 1 Mag up, Devour Behemoth
Spr + 1: Devour Malboro(FUN... not) don't know about items...
Spd + 1: Eat poor pupu, or Forbid Med-Ref 2 Spd-J Scrolls
Luck + 1: Forbid Med-Ref 2 Luck-J Scrolls
Eva + 1: Forbid Med-Ref 2 Eva-J Scrolls
Hit: Can anybody say triple? (ez way to get these is by killing grendals and getting 100 dragon fins, Time-Mag Ref to doubles, then High-Mag Ref then to triples)

02-05-2002, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by Lagunas Backup
i used Kamacazi with squall and he is on level 98 and it only took of 49000 and i was stuck with out my best person.

Um try not to use your best person, but if you inflected 49000 damage, hes basically dead. Just hit him with a limit or something to finish him off.

Dark Messenger
02-05-2002, 05:45 PM
If you you get in a Lionheart on the first attempt then he should allredy be dead but if he isn't then the only advice I can give is to use Aura on the characters with decent limit breaks and also hero, from there you're invincible so all you have to do is try and get in two limits from each character with Aura, and as was stated earlier just use Kamikaze to finish off Ultima.

The hardest bit of hat I just said is getting hero's and aura's set up without him killing you, but if you can get them ready then he's easy to beat, your best tactic would be to use hero's first so that when using auras you can't be killed!

02-05-2002, 06:16 PM
i found bahumut really easy, i was dissapointed the battle ended so fast i was enjoying it, later on though i found ultimate hard. I seem to remember actually getting to bahumut really hard, kept getting into battles...

I think i just used limits over and over, while healing and using defend command (am i the only player who utilizes the defend command?)