10-31-2013, 12:05 AM
1967 - The Prisoner 40th Anniversary Edition Soundtrack Remastered by Spectre][SoundLab�™ � 2013 [FLAC and MP3]

[FLAC + MP3 320] Includes Cover Art and The Prisoner Music Bible Scans

Disc 1 (Search for a Theme) [FLAC]:
(https://mega.co.nz/#!A99WjRxY!PIq5ZynPFqBhiKRPTAPYLHVaWekqWUmXKynCIDj YoEU)

Disc 1 (Search for a Theme) [320 MP3]:
(https://mega.co.nz/#!p8NjGZ5T!Nzs1uyoktN0YXLNLzh6Y_wzhhbVEIOCFVmqpU5B h58A)

01 - Robert Farnon - Rover (Timpani and Base)
02 - Robert Farnon - Theme One (Timp and Piano Strings)
03 - Robert Farnon - Big Brother (Singing Timpani)
04 - Robert Farnon - Jaws Singing Harp (Jaws Harp - Normal Speed)
05 - Robert Farnon - Screams (Siren Whistle)
06 - Robert Farnon - Frantic Jaws Harp (Jaws Harp - Half Speed)
07 - Robert Farnon - 'Pop Goes The Weasel' ('Pop-Weasel' - Piano)
08 - Robert Farnon - 'Pop' Two ('Pop-Weasel' - Piano, Block, etc)
09 - Robert Farnon - 'Pop' Three ('Pop-Weasel - Piano, Cymbal, etc)
10 - Robert Farnon - Secondary Theme - Jazz Slow Tempo
11 - Robert Farnon - Secondary Theme - Jazz Fast Tempo
12 - Robert Farnon - 'Pop Goes The Weasel' (Most Orchestrated)
13 - Robert Farnon - Second Title Section (Boss's Office To Gas)
14 - Robert Farnon - First Titles Section - Over Westminster Bridge To Boss's Office
15 - Robert Farnon - Third Titles Section - P. Wakes To Ext Village
16 - Robert Farnon - Commercial Break In And Out
17 - Robert Farnon - Birth Of Rover
18 - Robert Farnon - Open Act
19 - Robert Farnon - End Act
20 - Robert Farnon - End Credits
21 - Robert Farnon - Sup-Imp Section
22 - Robert Farnon - Drum FX1 - Low Timp - Slow
23 - Robert Farnon - Drum More Menace
24 - Robert Farnon - Small Timp - Slow
25 - Robert Farnon - Small Timp - More Menace
26 - Robert Farnon - Large Timp - Single Beats
27 - Robert Farnon - Piano And Triangle Constant
28 - Robert Farnon - Cymbal Various
29 - Robert Farnon - All Drums At End
30 - Robert Farnon - P. Out Of House etc
31 - Robert Farnon - No.2 Orders, Take Over Of Helicopter
32 - Robert Farnon - Extra Drum
33 - Robert Farnon - Beach Fight - Rover Overcomes P.
34 - Robert Farnon - 'What Shall We Do With The Drunken Sailor '
35 - Robert Farnon - P. About To Enter No.2's House For First Time
36 - Robert Farnon - Helicopter Descends After No.2 Tour With P.
37 - Robert Farnon - 'Boys And Girls Come Out To Play' I
38 - Robert Farnon - 'Boys And Girls Come Out To Play' II
39 - Wilfred Josephs - Main Titles Part 1 - Westminster Bridge To Boss's Door
40 - Wilfred Josephs - Main Titles Part 2 - Boss's Door To Gassing
41 - Wilfred Josephs - End Credits
42 - Wilfred Josephs - From P. Wake From Gassing To Taxi Girl
43 - Wilfred Josephs - Take Over Of Helicopter
44 - Wilfred Josephs - P. Out Helicopter, Rover, 'Residents Only'
45 - Wilfred Josephs - 'Welcome Home' Card
46 - Wilfred Josephs - Radezky March
47 - Wilfred Josephs - P. Goes Into No.2's Office First Time
48 - Wilfred Josephs - P. Smashes Toy After Tests In Labour Exchange
49 - Wilfred Josephs - Birth Of Rover
50 - Wilfred Josephs - P. Out, Gardener, Rover, TV, Beach
51 - Wilfred Josephs - Through Alarm Bell 'Cobb Dead'
52 - Wilfred Josephs - P. Out Hospital, Cards, Taxi, No.2's Office
53 - Wilfred Josephs - P. Leaves Girl, Gets To Helicopter
54 - Wilfred Josephs - W.J Version 'Boys And Girls'
55 - Wilfred Josephs - 'What Shall We Do With The Drunken Sailor '
56 - Wilfred Josephs - High Whine Violin
57 - Wilfred Josephs - Celeste Theme And Chords
58 - Wilfred Josephs - Celeste Chords
59 - Wilfred Josephs - Flexatone I
60 - Wilfred Josephs - Flexatone II
61 - Wilfred Josephs - Bass Drums FX
62 - Ron Grainer - The Age Of Elegance
63 - Ron Grainer - The Age Of Elegance - Part 2
64 - Ron Grainer - 'Arrival' - Take 1
65 - Ron Grainer - 'Arrival' - Take 2
66 - Ron Grainer - 'Arrival' - Take 3
67 - Ron Grainer - 'Arrival' - Take 4
68 - Ron Grainer - 'Arrival' - Take 5
69 - Ron Grainer - 'Arrival' - Take 6
70 - Ron Grainer - 'Arrival' Opening
71 - Ron Grainer - Standard Titles - Take 5
72 - Ron Grainer - Standard Titles - Take 7
73 - Ron Grainer - Episode Opening
74 - Ron Grainer - End Titles
75 - Ron Grainer - Ins And Outs
76 - Ron Grainer - Twangs On Guitar

Disc 2 (Incidentally) [FLAC]:

Disc 2 (Incidentally) [320 MP3]:
(https://mega.co.nz/#!48VRWQCD!VppcsiNPIbuUJ2vH8CEKWFvAMRItx3P8igmnRtw Ahe0)

01 - Albert Elms - Degree Absolute - Sleep Music
02 - Albert Elms - Go For Walkies
03 - Albert Elms - Struggle
04 - Albert Elms - Schooldays, Graduation Day
05 - Albert Elms - Head's Study (Organ), Prior To Breakfast
06 - Albert Elms - Serious Organ
07 - Albert Elms - Light Organ
08 - Albert Elms - Clock - Only 2 Minutes
09 - Albert Elms - Aftermath, Deserted Nursery
10 - Albert Elms - Pat Enters Secret Service
11 - Albert Elms - German P.O.W. March
12 - Albert Elms - Court of Justice, Gavel
13 - Albert Elms - 'Degree Absolute'
14 - Albert Elms - Kill Me!
15 - Albert Elms - Light Stings
16 - Albert Elms - Light On And Off - Beginning To Like
17 - Albert Elms - Play In 3 Acts - Fight 'A'
18 - Albert Elms - Fight 'B'
19 - Albert Elms - Walk Down French Street 'A'
20 - Albert Elms - Walk Down French Street 'B'
21 - Albert Elms - Off Mask, Defeat No.2
22 - Albert Elms - Discovery In Laboratory
23 - Albert Elms - Dance Of P. , 'B'
24 - Albert Elms - Following No.14
25 - Albert Elms - Nightmare Noise
26 - Albert Elms - Can Can
27 - Albert Elms - Conga
28 - Albert Elms - P. Sees No.14 On Screen
29 - Albert Elms - P. Convulses On Stretcher
30 - Albert Elms - P. Enters Dream
31 - Albert Elms - 'Be Seeing You'
32 - Albert Elms - Mark On Wrist
33 - Albert Elms - Warning To No.14 'A'
34 - Albert Elms - Warning To No.14 'B'
35 - Albert Elms - No.1 Menace
36 - Albert Elms - Short Nursery Phrase - Boys And Girls
37 - Albert Elms - Tannoy Preamble
38 - Albert Elms - The General - Intro To Village
39 - Albert Elms - P. Suspicious Of No.12
40 - Albert Elms - Chase Professor, Discover Radio
41 - Albert Elms - Professor Falls Down, Sting
42 - Albert Elms - P. In Buggy Taken Home
43 - Albert Elms - Speed Chimes 'A'
44 - Albert Elms - Speed Chimes 'B' (Longer)
45 - Albert Elms - P.'s Historic Recital
46 - Albert Elms - P.'s Historic Recital (Alternative)
47 - Albert Elms - P. Discovers Radio Gone
48 - Albert Elms - Destroy General
49 - Albert Elms - Destroy General (Alternative Without Guitar)
50 - Albert Elms - Band Plays Waltz
51 - Albert Elms - Elms March
52 - Albert Elms - Free March
53 - Albert Elms - P. Enters Interior of Professor's House
54 - Albert Elms - The Two Busts
55 - Albert Elms - P. Strikes Professor
56 - Albert Elms - Tannoy (New)
57 - Albert Elms - Track To P.'s Bust
58 - Albert Elms - Carnival
59 - Albert Elms - 'Report' Dramatic Playout
60 - Albert Elms - Sweet Village Music
61 - Albert Elms - Officials Assemble
62 - Albert Elms - P. Joins Queue
63 - Albert Elms - Micro Lectures
64 - Albert Elms - Hand Call Clobber
65 - Albert Elms - Move In Closer
66 - Albert Elms - P. Clobbered (Sting)
67 - Albert Elms - Intro To General - Fanfare
68 - Albert Elms - Traitor In Village
69 - Albert Elms - End Explosions
70 - Albert Elms - Drums Various
71 - Albert Elms - Free For All- Play Into No.6's Residence
72 - Albert Elms - Pat Ignores Taxi - See Village Map
73 - Albert Elms - Sting As P. Sees Second Reporter, Rover Approaches, Call To Council
74 - Albert Elms - P.'s First Twizzle Round
75 - Albert Elms - Rostrum Revolves, Descends
76 - Albert Elms - P. In Red Chamber
77 - Albert Elms - P. Dash From Maid, Motorboat Fight 'A'
78 - Albert Elms - P. Dash From Maid, Motorboat Fight 'B'
79 - Albert Elms - Rover Takes Pat
80 - Albert Elms - Pat The Victor
81 - Albert Elms - P. Shouts To Village , Beat Up 'A'
82 - Albert Elms - P. Shouts To Village , Beat Up 'B'
83 - Albert Elms - P. Shouts To Village , Beat Up 'C'
84 - Albert Elms - P. Stretcher Back Home
85 - Albert Elms - Night Club Music
86 - Albert Elms - Night Club Music (Opening)

Disc 3 (Harmony) [FLAC]:
(https://mega.co.nz/#!Qtc0CSLC!KjJ73VVKN3FdwankzeNTtRMwLB8WrWw8M78yF6D qCd4)

Disc 3 (Harmony) [320 MP3]:

01 - Albert Elms - Hammer Into Anvil- Opening In Hospital , Girl In Bed
02 - Albert Elms - P. Finds Girl Jump , Three Men Bring Pat In 'A'
03 - Albert Elms - P. Finds Girl Jump , Three Men Bring Pat In 'B'
04 - Albert Elms - Shopkeeper Reports To No.2
05 - Albert Elms - Pat Follows No.2's Aide To Home
06 - Albert Elms - No.2 And Aide Follow P. To Boat
07 - Albert Elms - Band's Version Of Bizet
08 - Albert Elms - Tannoy (Chimes)
09 - Albert Elms - P. Walks By Graves
10 - Albert Elms - Break Conspiracy - Playout
11 - Albert Elms - Break Conspiracy - Wild
12 - Albert Elms - It's A Bomb
13 - Albert Elms - Cuckoo Phrase
14 - Albert Elms - P. Sets Off Pigeon, Tracked And Killed 'A'
15 - Albert Elms - P. Sets Off Pigeon, Tracked And Killed 'B'
16 - Albert Elms - Breakdown Of No.2 - Playout
17 - Albert Elms - Play In - Hammer
18 - Albert Elms - Plan Hatching
19 - Albert Elms - Happy Birthday
20 - Albert Elms - Happy Birthday - Ironic Sting
21 - Albert Elms - Happy Birthday - Soft Sting
22 - Albert Elms - Happy Birthday - Sharp Sting
23 - Albert Elms - Funeral Fanfare
24 - Albert Elms - Arrival - Eerie
25 - Albert Elms - Drums 'A'
26 - Albert Elms - Drums 'B'
27 - Albert Elms - Drums 'C'
28 - Albert Elms - Face Unknown- Wake Up , Discovery
29 - Albert Elms - Janet Arrives , Mirror Smash
30 - Albert Elms - Janet Sees Her Father
31 - Albert Elms - Superior Official Inspects P.
32 - Albert Elms - No Use , P. Away From Office , Funeral Man
33 - Albert Elms - P. In Garden With Janet
34 - Albert Elms - P. Collects Photos
35 - Albert Elms - P. Fits Slides Into Projector
36 - Albert Elms - Kandersfelt!
37 - Albert Elms - P. And Professor In Barbershop
38 - Albert Elms - Potter Towards Shop
39 - Albert Elms - Prof Dies
40 - Albert Elms - Opening 'Bonnie' Phrase
41 - Albert Elms - 'It Won't Be Long Now'
42 - Albert Elms - 'Ah Colonel'
43 - Albert Elms - Living In Harmony- P. Resigns, Is Punched Up
44 - Albert Elms - P. Brought Into 'Harmony'
45 - Albert Elms - P. Socks The Kid
46 - Albert Elms - P. Rejects Judge's Proposition
47 - Albert Elms - Kid Looks After P. In Cell. Playout
48 - Albert Elms - P. In Jail, Kid On Guard. Plays Cat-And-Mouse
49 - Albert Elms - P. Leaves Town, Is Lassoed And Brought Back
50 - Albert Elms - Kathy Is Tried And Judged
51 - Albert Elms - Kid Shoots P.'s Cheek And Hand
52 - Albert Elms - Kid Watches Kathy's Face
53 - Albert Elms - Kid Lets Kathy Out Of Jail
54 - Albert Elms - The Big Unarmed Fight
55 - Albert Elms - After Kid Has Shot Willy, Pat Enters
56 - Albert Elms - Dead Man At Pat's Desk
57 - Albert Elms - P. Collects An Extra Horse
58 - Albert Elms - Kid Strangles Kathy
59 - Albert Elms - P. Discovers Kathy Dead
60 - Albert Elms - P. Shoots Kid
61 - Albert Elms - Kid Falls To Ground
62 - Albert Elms - Five Seconds
63 - Albert Elms - P. Discovers He's In The Village
64 - Albert Elms - Kid Strangles Kathy Then Dies
65 - Albert Elms - Fall Out- Dry Bones 'A'
66 - Albert Elms - Dry Bones 'B'
67 - Albert Elms - Dry Bones 'C'
68 - Albert Elms - Dry Bones 'D'
69 - Albert Elms - Harmony- Honky Tonk - Medium
70 - Albert Elms - Honky Tonk - Slow
71 - Albert Elms - Honky Tonk Extra Roll - Fast (1)
72 - Albert Elms - Honky Tonk Extra Roll - Fast (2)
73 - Albert Elms - Honky Tonk Extra Roll - Slow

Colours used for each Disc Heading
Disc 1 (Search for a Theme): #8CD28C
Disc 2 (Incidentally): #1432B4
Disc 3 (Harmony): #BE5AF0
Codename ORIAL is ( #8CD28C and #1432B4 and #BE5AF0 ) Next Code ( #649650 and #8C28B4 and #0A6E32 )
Hint: each HTML colour code = three numbers hince three letters.
Colour order Red, Green and Blue
Who is ORIAL?

================================Set two====================================

1967 - The Prisoner (Soundtrack)(SILVA FILMCD 042) Remastered by Spectre][SoundLab�™ � 2014 [FLAC]

Volume 1

Track List:

01. ARRIVAL - Main Title Theme (Grainer)
02. ARRIVAL - No 6 Attempts Helicopter Escape
03. ARRIVAL - Band Marches Into Main Village Square
04. ARRIVAL - Chimes (Unused Main Title) (Josephs)
05. A.B & C - Engadine's Dreamy Party
06. FREE FOR ALL - Mini Moke And Speedboat Escape
07. FREE FOR ALL - Cat And Mouse Nightclub Mechanical Band
08. FREE FOR ALL - No 6 Wins Village Election
09. FREE FOR ALL - Violent Capture Of No 6 In Rover Cave
10. THE GENERAL - Professor's Wife's Outdoor Art Class
11. THE GENERAL - Security Clearance For Board Members
12. THE GENERAL - Villagers'Examination Results Celebration
13. THE GENERAL - No 6 Encounters The General
14. THE GENERAL - Destruction And Final Report
15. FALL OUT - Full Version Main Title Theme (Grainer)
16. MANY HAPPY RETURNS - No 6 Aboard Gunrunners'Boat
17. DANCE OF THE DEAD - Village Square Carnival Procession
18. DANCE OF THE DEAD - No 6 Steals A Lifeboat
19. CHECKMATE - Escapers Attack Searchlight Tower
20. HAMMER INTO ANVIL - No 2 Has No 6 Followed To The Stone Boat
21. HAMMER INTO ANVIL - Farandelle Played By Village Band
22. HAMMER INTO ANVIL - Fight Between No 6 And No 14
23. THE GIRL WHO WAS DEAD - Village Green Cricket Match
24. ONCE UPON A TIME - No 6's Regression To Childhood
25. ONCE UPON A TIME - No 6's Schooldays Revisited
26. ONCE UPON A TIME - Main Title Theme Reprise (Grainer)

Disc 1 (Volume 1) [FLAC]:

Volume 2

Track List:

01. ARRIVAL - No 6 In His Cottage
02. ARRIVAL - No 6 Espies The Cleaning Maid
03. ARRIVAL - Village Band Afternoon Concert
04. THE CHIMES OF BIG BEN - No 6 Hides Loudspeaker In Refrigerator
05. THE CHIMES OF BIG BEN - No 6 Tree Chopping And Raft Building
06. THE CHIMES OF BIG BEN - Curlew Time Bedtime
07. THE CHIMES OF BIG BEN - No 6 And Nadia Inside Crate
08. THE CHIMES OF BIG BEN - Announcement Of Art Competition For Seascapes
09. A, B & C - Engadine's Party String Music
10. A, B & C - No 6 Arrives At Dreamy Party
11. MANY HAPPY RETURNS - No 6 Adrift On Raft At Sea
12. CHECKMATE - Invitation To Human Chess
13. DANCE OF THE DEAD - Village Morning Prior To Carnival
14. DO NOT FORSAKE ME OH MY DARLING - En Route To Kandersfelt
15. THE GIRL WHO WAS DEAD - In The Magnum Record Shop
16. THE GIRL WHO WAS DEAD - You Have Just Been Poisoned
17. THE GIRL WHO WAS DEAD - On The Big Dipper
18. THE GIRL WHO WAS DEAD - Chase With Sports Cars And Helicopter
19. THE GIRL WHO WAS DEAD - Good Night Children Everywhere
20. FALL OUT - President's Speech
21. FALL OUT - No 6's Speech
22. FALL OUT - Back In London
23. FALL OUT - Alternative Main Theme (Grainer)

Disc 2 (Volume 2) [FLAC]:

Volume 3

Track List:

01. ARRIVAL - Nos 6 & 9 Listen To Band
02. THE CHIMES OF BIG BEN - Nightcap With Nadia
03. THE CHIMES OF BIG BEN - Nadia's Escape Swim
04. THE CHIMES OF BIG BEN - Outside Exhibition Hall
05. THE CHIMES OF BIG BEN - Escapers Launch Dinghy
06. A, B & C - Drugged No 6 Collapses
07. FREE FOR ALL - Breakfast With No 2
08. THE GENERAL - Speedlearn Broadcast
09. DANCE OF THE DEAD - Insomnia For No 6
10. DANCE OF THE DEAD - No 6 Leaves The Dance
11. DANCE OF THE DEAD - Mob Chases No 6
12. HAMMER INTO ANVIL - Kosho On Trampoline
13. A CHANGE OF MIND - No 6 Refused Coffee
14. DO NOT FORSAKE ME OH MY DARLING - Janet's Birthday Party
15. DO NOT FORSAKE ME OH MY DARLING - Europe By Lotus Seven
16. THE GIRL WHO WAS DEAD - No 6 Plays Cricket
17. THE GIRL WHO WAS DEAD - Benny's Turkish Baths
18. THE GIRL WHO WAS DEAD - Barney's Boxing Booth
19. THE GIRL WHO WAS DEAD - Fairground Fashion Photography
20. THE GIRL WHO WAS DEAD - Lotus Elan In A Spin
21. THE GIRL WHO WAS DEAD - The Lighthouse
22. FALL OUT - No 2 Gives Rocket A Stare
23. FALL OUT - Rocket Ignition

Disc 3 (Volume 3) [FLAC]:

Includes Cover Art
Password= spectre8750

Thanks goes to kobalski for the original files and cover scans, so you might want to give him thanks if you haven't already.

1967 - The Prisoner (Soundtrack)(SILVA FILMCD 042) version remastered by Spectre][SoundLab™
This Series is my favorite of all time hands down. This Show's concept was a total break from the usual
T.V. shows of that time and into the present. It's concept and statement rings true even to this day.

10-31-2013, 01:38 AM
"This Show's concept was a total break from the usual T.V. shows of the that time and into the present. It's concept and statement rings true even to this day." You have summed up exactly how I feel about this show! It is a testament to it's longevity and as you said "It's concept and statement rings true even to this day" is without doubt still true to today's current happenings. Lone live Number 6 and his fight against over reaching Governments and for the God given Rights of Freedom for all human beings.


10-31-2013, 03:16 AM
Thanks. Interested to hear what you do with the Silva release.

10-31-2013, 03:27 AM
Thanks. Interested to hear what you do with the Silva release.

Clean it up and hopefully Stereo-ize it. Click on my button for a sample miggy.

10-31-2013, 03:48 AM
Nice! Well if it's anything like your Star Wars efforts it's going to be great.

10-31-2013, 03:56 AM
Well that was already stereo. But thanks. Did you click on the Button above for the "No. 6 enters dreamy party" track? just press play. If you think it sounds ok, then we're good to go. Almost all the tracks from that series is mono. If you just mean clarity, no problem.

10-31-2013, 04:03 AM
Yep, I listened. I'm no expert in this sort of thing, but I definitely liked it and will check it out when you're done with it. Nice work.

10-31-2013, 05:09 AM
Looking forward to this! Planning to rewatch the show very soon.

Which Doctor?
10-31-2013, 05:30 AM
One of the best...shows...ever. Looking forward to this - thanks!

Blue Impulse
10-31-2013, 05:43 AM
Dreamy Party sounds fantastic! This will be an impressive work.

10-31-2013, 07:20 AM
Don't get to high of hopes, you might be disappointed after listening. It was difficult with some of these going from mono to stereo, but they are clearer and cleaner for sure. Also the very first track of Disc 1 was and is low volume, i kept most of the volume close to the originals, maybe a db or so higher, but don't crank it up based on the first track.

10-31-2013, 07:05 PM
However it turns out, I will be very glad to hear it. I don't have any music from the series, and having this will certainly be better than having nothing - plus it's being handled by someone who actually cares and has a great interest in the source material. Sometimes that is more important, to me, than the level of polish or perfection or a "professional" standard. I've heard plenty of work by pros in my lifetime that lacked inspiration or basic care. I'm sure I'll love it, bumps and all. Cheers.

10-31-2013, 09:31 PM
1967 - The Prisoner 40th Anniversary Edition Soundtrack Remastered by Spectre][SoundLab�™

Seems mighty interesting.
When was this released ?

10-31-2013, 10:16 PM
Seems mighty interesting.
When was this released ?

Originally 2008. This is a Remaster of that release. The links will be posted in a few hours everyone. In the mean time who can decode the encrypted answer below the Notes?.
Hint: Zero = nothing.

And Happy Howloween 2013, have fun and be safe everyone! :)

11-01-2013, 02:13 AM
Thanks Spectre. Always enjoyed this show. Can`t wait for your links.

11-01-2013, 02:15 AM
You're welcome, thank you for the rep.
The Flac's are up, waiting for the MP3's now. Let me know of any problems.

11-01-2013, 02:30 AM
Thanks Spectre8750!!!

11-01-2013, 02:53 AM
You're welcome

all is posted. let me know if any problems.

Enjoy i hope

11-01-2013, 03:37 AM
You`re welcome Spectre....

Downloading... :)

---------- Post added at 02:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:21 AM ----------

Downloading and extracting,, no problema!!!

thanks again Spectre

11-01-2013, 05:33 AM
Just beautiful. Thank you very much for this.

11-01-2013, 06:45 AM
No problems here either, downloading or extracting, and it sounds GREAT. Very clean and clear. It feels like the work you did only adds to the transportive power of the tracks. My mind was flooded with images from the show that have been stored in my head for years, as I haven't seen it for a long time. Thanks so much for all your work and for this amazing share.

11-01-2013, 07:40 AM
Thank you

11-01-2013, 10:31 AM
Very recently arrived on this forum and am not sure of the proper way to do.
I have a box (3CD) with all the Chappell Music library cues used in the serie (it was a limited release -not in retail stores- by a fan organisation a few years back).
Would there be some interest for this ?

11-01-2013, 11:54 AM
Thank you for another great upload, my friend.

11-01-2013, 12:41 PM
Many Thanks Many Thanks....

11-01-2013, 04:28 PM
Very nice :)

Honored General
11-01-2013, 09:50 PM
Awesome Share! So MANY Thanks for this! :twochicks:

11-01-2013, 09:53 PM
You're welcome.

11-01-2013, 09:55 PM
another nice Mr Spectre thread :)

thanks :)

chat noir
11-01-2013, 11:40 PM
Thanks man!!

Unfortunately, Mega (via Google Chrome) said me that "The Prisoner - Disc 1 (Flac version)" is temporarily unavailable (no problem with Discs 2 and 3)...somebody has the same thing? Too bad...maybe should i wait for in few hours?

Thanks by advance.


11-02-2013, 12:02 AM
Try again and let me know what happens chat

Which Doctor?
11-02-2013, 12:13 AM
Thanks man!!

Unfortunately, Mega (via Google Chrome) said me that "The Prisoner - Disc 1 (Flac version)" is temporarily unavailable (no problem with Discs 2 and 3)...somebody has the same thing? Too bad...maybe should i wait for in few hours?

Thanks by advance.


I just attempted to download Disc 1 (the FLAC version) and it started fine. Have you tried a different browser? I've had goofy things happen with MEGA on certain browsers, yet when I try a different one, it works without a hitch.

chat noir
11-02-2013, 01:45 AM
Hi Spectre8750 and The10th!!

Many thanks for your quick answer.

Yes, i've just tried again and it starts fine^^

Well, i've been a little too anxious^^

Thanks again!!


Darth Sphincter
11-05-2013, 09:07 PM
Thank you, Spectre!

You continually amaze me (in a good way).

Be seeing you!

11-06-2013, 12:03 AM
This is fantastic, thanks for excellent work on this Spectre8750. I've seen the series many times and never tire of it. I try to visit Portmeirion every year and we stay in one of the self-catering cottages used in the filming. The village is still the same and as pretty as it was almost half a century ago when the programme was made. I look forward to your efforts on the Silva Screen release.

Robert Jordan
11-06-2013, 12:08 AM
Merci et...bonjour chez vous !


11-06-2013, 05:48 AM
Just wanted to thank you again for all your efforts and for this fantastic share. I've enjoyed listening to it a great deal.

01-18-2014, 08:08 AM
OK, I'm back to work on the Silva Screen release. Finally got a mouse!

Robie the Cat
01-18-2014, 11:13 AM
Simply amazing. This is my favourite of all time - great to have such quality!! HUGE thanks for this. Can't wait for more:)

01-18-2014, 02:06 PM

Roger , over and out, 10-4 , and thank you.

02-22-2014, 06:47 AM
1967 - The Prisoner (Soundtrack)(SILVA FILMCD 042) Remastered by Spectre][SoundLab�™ � 2014 [FLAC] is posted

Robert Jordan
02-22-2014, 11:12 AM
1967 - The Prisoner (Soundtrack)(SILVA FILMCD 042) Remastered by Spectre][SoundLab�™ � 2014 [FLAC] is posted

Actually, YOU are Number 1 !


02-22-2014, 06:29 PM
Amazing post. Thank you!!

02-22-2014, 07:28 PM
You're welcome

02-22-2014, 08:05 PM
Muchas gracias.

Captain James
02-23-2014, 09:12 AM
A brilliant edition to a brilliant show. Well done you and thanks.
The Girl Who Was Death is my favourite episode I think.

02-23-2014, 08:18 PM
Really great collection. Many thanks for sharing.

02-23-2014, 11:08 PM
thanks for the SILVA Set Spectre

02-24-2014, 11:00 AM

02-24-2014, 06:01 PM
A brilliant edition to a brilliant show. Well done you and thanks.
The Girl Who Was Death is my favourite episode I think.

Yes that was a great episode Captain. I wish they could have done more episodes.

02-28-2014, 03:17 AM
Thank you

06-22-2014, 09:06 PM
Thank You. This has made my summer

06-22-2014, 10:37 PM
Thank you for making my summer. I loved this series. The music really made the series. Hard to believe There were only going to be 6-7 episodes until Lew Grade pushed McGoohan into doing 17 so it could go into syndication! Loved Portmerion, Rover and all the Number 2s!

06-23-2014, 06:15 AM
You're welcome Number 7

07-27-2014, 04:31 AM
Thanks for ALL of these!

Be seeing you!


08-07-2014, 05:46 AM

09-07-2014, 08:49 AM
Hey, didn't realize this was available from you, Spectre! Will give it a try, sounds most interesting what you've done here! As a huge Prisoner fan, this is a must-have for me! Thanks for all your efforts!

11-01-2014, 05:42 PM
Great stuff, thank you very much & be seeing you!

11-20-2014, 04:00 PM

11-20-2014, 05:21 PM
Thank you.

11-21-2014, 01:17 AM
The musical journey of THE PRISONER in all its re-incarnations NEVER GETS OLD! Thank you so much!!!!!!

11-21-2014, 12:35 PM
Thanks Spectre,for a wonderful collection of scores.

11-21-2014, 11:50 PM
Spectre - - - You are The BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great work - Super Share :-D

11-22-2014, 01:45 AM
Thanks for the Rep!

Marc Forrest
12-17-2014, 11:42 PM
Hello everyone.

Is there any chance to get a link for the Chapell cues 3CDs set ?

I was aware to late to find an original copy.

So is there is a way, i would like to have this one.

12-18-2014, 12:44 AM
thanks so much

08-21-2016, 12:38 PM
thank you, thank you and thank you again Spectre8750! These releases are awesome!

08-21-2016, 01:28 PM
Love the upload, thank you very much can not wait to give a listen.

08-21-2016, 07:09 PM
You're welcome

lounge legend
08-21-2016, 07:34 PM
wow, amazing, thanks for your hard work

Uncle Bela
08-27-2016, 01:28 PM
Thank you very much for these shares. :)

08-27-2016, 06:44 PM
You're welcome

10-19-2016, 07:37 PM
Just noticed this post.
Great to finally find some The Prisoner soundtracks.

Could you check and/or reupload the mega-links (40th anniversary version).
Mega says that all of them are no longer available.

Many thanks.

10-20-2016, 12:11 PM
Thanks so much for these. Loved this show!

10-22-2016, 11:11 PM
Thank you spectre

Could you kindly reup The Prisoner 40th Anniversary Edition the mega links are dead

Three Wishes
11-05-2016, 04:04 PM
Great thread on The Prisoner. Any chance Spectre8750 or someone could re-up The Prisoner 40th Anniversary Edition links? Appreciate it ;-)

11-05-2016, 05:49 PM
Same here. Any chance for a Re-up or a share? Thanks

12-05-2016, 09:59 AM
^ Uhm…ditto.

09-16-2017, 12:33 PM
I wonder if it is possible for you to send me the link to these sets? Like you I was captivated by this enigmatic series when it first aired and it has stayed with me ever since. I am intrigued to hear the results of your re-mastering, it strikes me that someone with a passion for the series and its music will produce something well worth listening to.

09-17-2017, 11:16 PM
Would love an updated link as well please?


Thought I had this ..one .

Guess I was wrong...

09-18-2017, 07:40 AM
I'd also appreciate a new upload of this, especially FLACs

09-18-2017, 07:14 PM
Very recently arrived on this forum and am not sure of the proper way to do.
I have a box (3CD) with all the Chappell Music library cues used in the serie (it was a limited release -not in retail stores- by a fan organisation a few years back).
Would there be some interest for this ?


would LOVE to hear this...

01-22-2019, 11:18 AM

08-16-2019, 08:38 PM
Would love to see these uploaded again!

08-16-2019, 09:25 PM
Yes, a reupload of the Flac files would be very much appreciated!

08-16-2019, 10:42 PM
sweet set, spectre!

another bump for 40th Anniversary Edition flac re-up!