10-27-2013, 03:11 PM
I started up this project because this is something that hasn't been done before. The goal of it is to collect as many old game soundtracks from as many platforms (Lemmings as an example, we have it's complete soundtrack from 17 different ports), from the common IBM-PC, to the more exotic X68000, from common consoles like SNES to 3DO or PC-Engine. One reason for this is that it's quite fun to compare how different ports sometimes have different more "spiced up"

You can see all the available soundtracks here:

Unfortunately at the moment I'm having domain issues so if you follow to that link above you'll be redirected, but I'll post a reply for when the site is up and running again (hopefully soon) after which you'll be able to download the said soundtracks. But in the meantime the YouTube channel is available here ( so you could go take a look if interested ^^.

If you want to help with the domain/site issues, please consider donating, or if you have some server space, VPS, etc. and can spare some of it, please let me know. ^^

Thank you for your time, and if I posted this in the wrong category on these forums, mods please feel free to move/remove the thread.

12/02/2014: Added "The Day We Fight Back" banner. Please sign the petition on VengefulChip or and pass it on!

10-28-2013, 03:39 PM
Site back up again, so you could start downloading =D

11-01-2013, 07:06 AM
Nice share, thanks a lot!

11-01-2013, 05:15 PM
You're very welcome =D
More to come and I think I'll post them individually ^^

11-28-2013, 08:13 PM
I'm not going to update all the posts I made individually since I fixed a lot of sets, but I just wanted to drop by in here that I fixed the tagging to most of the sets I uploaded, so make sure to check the site, or if you want direct links, you can take a peek at all my opened threads on this forums. =)

11-28-2013, 08:29 PM
So is this actual line-out rips from the hardware? Or dumb ol' emulation?

11-28-2013, 09:20 PM
It is "dumb" emulation. I find that rather insulting as people have actually worked on those emulation sound generators and also find it so to my own work.

Also just to point out, most people who record old video game music, they mostly only post one or two sampler tracks while I record the full soundtracks (as much as I can) to as many devices/modules/cards supported by the games itself. And sometimes it isn't that easy as you think.

If you're not satisfied then you can contribute with recordings of your own hardware, or donate, it's easy =D
If not, buzz off then.

11-29-2013, 03:31 AM
this is something that hasn't been done before.

Probably because it's really, really dumb and pointless. Especially the FLAC part.

I hope you at least specify which emulator you used for each soundtrack.

Like I've said before, I'm all for sound code rips and emulators with various "improvements" to the sound. It's when you convert them to MP3 or, God forbid, FLAC, and pass them around to noobs who have no idea what they're getting, who have no idea about plugins and sound code rips, who then start to rely on others for these stupid ass transcodes, when they should be using the sound code rips and plugins themselves to begin with, and making their own FLAC/MP3 when need be. It's like a trillion times more efficient.

Also just to point out, most people who record old video game music, they mostly only post one or two sampler tracks while I record the full soundtracks (as much as I can) to as many devices/modules/cards supported by the games itself. And sometimes it isn't that easy as you think.

Uh, no. I don't think I've ever seen someone upload only a couple tracks. They always do the whole thing. As for the second part of your sentence, I don't even know what you're trying to say. I use to do this stupid emulator transcode stuff too, and no it's not hard, mostly just time consuming. Time consuming and pointless. Just pass out the sound code rip files and emulators, like a sane person.

I really hope some clueless noob doesn't end up donating money to this joke of yours. Wise up and quit wasting your time.

11-29-2013, 04:31 AM
*facepalm* Oh boy...
Seems you reek of ignorance and you still don't have any idea what actually I'm doing here. I'd suggest you actually research before you open your big mouth.
I'm going to explain once again shortly because I really don't want to waste my time with rude people like you. First of all this isn't a "transcode" as you put it, I'm actually recording stuff from the actual games. And in some cases I convert through foobar *some* music rips from consoles (like in the case of MegaDrive or SNES) and it's all straight to FLAC.
I post game soundtracks that include all it's ports (ie. the devices that game was ported to, whether it's consoles like 3DO, GameGear, GameBoy, the two above mentioned, etc., or personal computers like Macintosh II, X68000, PC-98, IBM-PC and their sound options).
If my objective for this project wouldn't have been to post complete soundtracks I'd omit converting from console rips.

To me it seems that either you're too bored with your life and you're willing to be an sad asshole or you've done something ridiculous in the past (as you just mentioned) that you now regret, and that probably has nothing to do with what my project stands for. Seems you also had to edit your post initially, wasn't offensive enough on the first try, hahahaha.
And yes I do write under "comments" in the FLAC tags specifying what I recorded from and the version of the emulator. Seems you didn't bother to check that one up. I pity you.
Don't bother to write back I'll ignore it, and most others likely will to, and likely so will the "clueless noobs", haha.

11-29-2013, 04:41 AM
Seems you reek of ignorance and you still don't have any idea what actually I'm doing here. I'd suggest you actually research before you open your big mouth.
I'm going to explain once again shortly because I really don't want to waste my time with rude people like you. First of all this isn't a "transcode" as you put it, I'm actually recording stuff from the actual games. And in some cases I convert through foobar *some* music rips from consoles (like in the case of MegaDrive or SNES) and it's all straight to FLAC.
I post game soundtracks that include all it's ports (ie. the devices that game was ported to, whether it's consoles like 3DO, GameGear, GameBoy, the two above mentioned, etc., or personal computers like Macintosh II, X68000, PC-98, IBM-PC and their sound options).

I would say you were rather rude first, taking it so personal and telling me to buzz off. So just calm down, ya big baby.

Obviously English isn't your first language and we aren't using the same terminology, so maybe I'm misunderstanding something. By "transcode" I mean you're taking a sound code rip/dump from the rom, like a .nsf or .spc, and converting it to FLAC via an emulator, right? Isn't this what you are doing for most of your rips? If so, then yes, everything I said stands, and you're wasting your time. If you don't understand why yet, I hope you will eventually.

To me it seems that either you're too bored with your life and you're willing to be an sad asshole or you've done something ridiculous in the past (as you just mentioned) that you now regret, and that probably has nothing to do with what my project stands for. Seems you also had to edit your post initially, wasn't offensive enough on the first try, hahahaha.
And yes I do write under "comments" in the FLAC tags specifying what I recorded from and the version of the emulator. Seems you didn't bother to check that one up. I pity you.

Offensive? You're the one hurling the personal attacks, while I've just been trying to explain why I think YOUR PROJECT is dumb. You're the asshole here, kid.

Don't bother to write back I'll ignore it

Ah, resorting to the old fingers in your ears and humming tactic, eh? Someone has some growing up to do.

11-29-2013, 05:58 AM
Seems like a cool project, you sure like some Lemmings huh... subscribed on youtube, I'll be keeping an eye on it.
Got the Raptor adlib soundtrack, what's the process you're using to record Adlib specifically? Sound's a bit different from what I remember and I think even different from what I currently hear on say, dosbox. Did Raptor have a separate soundtrack for Soundblaster? That seems unlikely, I dunno.

Ah, resorting to the old fingers in your ears and humming tactic, eh? Someone has some growing up to do.

You must be a riot at parties.

11-29-2013, 07:51 AM
Offensive? You're the one hurling the personal attacks, while I've just been trying to explain why I think YOUR PROJECT is dumb. You're the asshole here, kid.

Yes dad. There is one problem here though, and that is you're still oblivious to what my project stands for, so there's absolutely no point in what you're militantly trying to tell me (pointlessly at that).
Even if my project was "dumb" (thank you very much), you have no right to tell me what to spend my time on and what to dedicate my efforts on. If it were a waste of time I would have given up long time ago, as I'm generally patient with those sorts of things.
Are you convinced now? If not keep posting, I have enough reports to send.

In all you sound like those christians that care so much what everyone thinks and does, and need to make your convictions so clear to everyone. No offense to the christians that aren't like that, bless you.

Also you seem to speak in american english, your point being? Perhaps you can't wrap your head around intricately constructed sentences =D
You could also use a dictionary. The terminology here isn't the problem, it's your lack of research and stupid decisions.

Seems like a cool project, you sure like some Lemmings huh... subscribed on youtube, I'll be keeping an eye on it.
Got the Raptor adlib soundtrack, what's the process you're using to record Adlib specifically? Sound's a bit different from what I remember and I think even different from what I currently hear on say, dosbox. Did Raptor have a separate soundtrack for Soundblaster? That seems unlikely, I dunno.

Thanks =)
Yes I do, but that's not the reason why I have so many sets under that game, it's virtually the most ported game ever.

Do you have some recordings to which you could compare? If so could you please send them to me by PM so I could check? ^^
I recorded the game's music with the help of a friend's tool that plays any chosen tune from the game at the intro, so basically I ran the game but I didn't have to go through it all to be able to get all the tracks. But there could be some mistakes, so it's always best to check. =D

You must be a riot at parties.

Too bad he doesn't have an edit button for the things he says in real life, he'd be even more "charming" than here, haha.

11-29-2013, 08:28 AM
Do you have some recordings to which you could compare? If so could you please send them to me by PM so I could check?

You know what, I may be mistaken about what it used to sound like, the only Raptor I've played in the past couple years is the GOG version. I just downloaded mine again to check, forgot that version doesn't even run in DOSbox, and it uses wav files for the music. No idea what source they're recorded from but they sound closer to what you've got for general MIDI. I'll PM you.

11-29-2013, 03:58 PM
Yes dad. There is one problem here though, and that is you're still oblivious to what my project stands for, so there's absolutely no point in what you're militantly trying to tell me (pointlessly at that).
Even if my project was "dumb" (thank you very much), you have no right to tell me what to spend my time on and what to dedicate my efforts on. If it were a waste of time I would have given up long time ago, as I'm generally patient with those sorts of things.
Are you convinced now? If not keep posting, I have enough reports to send.

In all you sound like those christians that care so much what everyone thinks and does, and need to make your convictions so clear to everyone. No offense to the christians that aren't like that, bless you.

Also you seem to speak in american english, your point being? Perhaps you can't wrap your head around intricately constructed sentences =D
You could also use a dictionary. The terminology here isn't the problem, it's your lack of research and stupid decisions.

No, I think I got what it stands for. Music from games, including all the ports. The problem for me is the whole idea of using emulators to make bloated FLAC. So, could you explain to me (without personal attacks, if that's possible) why you are doing this instead of just using the original files and the various emulator plugins? Why are you making FLAC from them?

And yes, it IS a waste of time. Spending so much time on VGM, no matter the context, is a waste of time. There are much more noble and useful things we could be doing.

11-29-2013, 05:12 PM
@Yishai: You always say it's a waste of time what he's doing, you're wasting your own time trying to convince him to stop what he's doing. He has every right to continue, whether you think it's a waste of his time or not.

He has asked that you stop, so therefore there's no point in continuing, i'll ask you to stop also because it's not benefitting anyone.

11-29-2013, 05:35 PM
@Yishai: You always say it's a waste of time what he's doing, you're wasting your own time trying to convince him to stop what he's doing. He has every right to continue, whether you think it's a waste of his time or not.

He has asked that you stop, so therefore there's no point in continuing, i'll ask you to stop also because it's not benefitting anyone.

Look, I'm sorry, I do get pretty manic and tend to go over board with trivial things, and often come off as a hostile instigator, though I don't mean it (but I'd like to point out that HIS responses were no more righteous than mine... we both lost). I never meant to belittle him, just to help him, or perhaps let him help me, if there is indeed a piece I'm missing here that I could benefit from.

Now, I would like to follow this discussion to it's conclusion, if we could. Calmly and civilly, with happy words. ;) If he could explain to me why he is making FLAC from emulators instead of using/collecting/uploading the original music files and emulator plugins to begin with, I'd really appreciate it.

If he chooses not to respond to this post, then this too will be my final post on the matter.

11-30-2013, 02:15 AM
You know what, I may be mistaken about what it used to sound like, the only Raptor I've played in the past couple years is the GOG version. I just downloaded mine again to check, forgot that version doesn't even run in DOSbox, and it uses wav files for the music. No idea what source they're recorded from but they sound closer to what you've got for general MIDI. I'll PM you.

Thanks I'll review it and let you know through PM =)

And yes, it IS a waste of time. Spending so much time on VGM, no matter the context, is a waste of time. There are much more noble and useful things we could be doing.

That is not for you to decide.
You might have other standards of what is "useful" or not to you, don't put everyone under your standards.
If there are more noble and useful things we could be doing, then what's stopping you?
To me it seems you're the one who's wasting time and breath here without even trying to look into what you're actually fighting against.

Look, I'm sorry, I do get pretty manic and tend to go over board with trivial things, and often come off as a hostile instigator, though I don't mean it (but I'd like to point out that HIS responses were no more righteous than mine... we both lost).

You're forgiven, even though you didn't address those apologies to the right person. And this makes your situation even more ironic to the "grow up" you said earlier. Not intended as a personal attack, take it as you wish.

I never meant to belittle him, just to help him, or perhaps let him help me, if there is indeed a piece I'm missing here that I could benefit from.

"Dumb emulation", "waste of time", "pass out to noobs" and "I really hope some clueless noob doesn't end up donating money to this joke of yours." sounds pretty much like belittlement to me, if not harsh and mean spirited. It doesn't even just resume to me, basically you insinuated all the people who downloaded the sets I uploaded are noobs. But whatever.

I must inform you that you're doing everything but helping me.
And I have no interest in helping/benefiting you, my goal isn't about that. If you find nothing useful in my project then do the same as the others (to quote you "sane people") and just move along. If you want something specific, do it yourself.

Now, I would like to follow this discussion to it's conclusion, if we could. Calmly and civilly, with happy words. ;)

Still waiting for that to happen on your side. Most likely in vain. *shrugs*

If he could explain to me why he is making FLAC from emulators instead of using/collecting/uploading the original music files and emulator plugins to begin with, I'd really appreciate it.

You could have researched on your own this info if you bothered to take a look at what I uploaded and what's available on the interwebz in regards to my games. But here I'll explain to you:

1. If I could I would make recordings out of the original hardware I would do that instead. I don't have any proper hardware to use in recordings, that's why I put up the donation system.
2. I record to FLAC because I'm an audiophile I want everything I work on to be lossless. This also helps me if I want to subsequently edit the audio files later on in case I made a mistake or I want to modify something, without inducing generation loss (
Another advantage to this is that people have the option download the FLAC sets and convert to whichever formats they wish. Some might want to convert to MP3, or others might prefer the superiority of OGG. This would have been much better than to save the recordings in lossy formats, as some people would have preferred to have lossless recordings, and you can't do that by converting from MP3 to FLAC (and I hope you know why too)

3. Take the LSL1VGA LSL5 and LSL6 ( examples. All of these games from the series were released to the following platforms:
Amiga, Atari ST, Macintosh II and IBM-PC (with more than four sound choices, Roland MT-32 is available for all three ports, General MIDI/Roland SC-55/Gravis Ultrasound is for LSL6 only, AdLib/SoundBlaster is only for IBM-PC on all those games, etc.)
Also it is worth mentioning that Amiga had only it's internal (through sample modulation) music choice in this case.
Personal computers don't work in the same way as consoles. On consoles you wouldn't have had the multiple choice that those platforms have. Also music data isn't as easy to be dumped and played on conventional players such as in the case of .spc, .nfs, .gbs, etc.

So that basically means I either have to run through the games to be able to record the music or use a tool to assist me. In no way I'm "transcoding" here. Also there are no music rips of these games for all the sound choices I mentioned on the web, you can search yourself.
Hope this clears it up, if it doesn't then either research yourself, or simply give up before it's too late and stop wasting your time.

11-30-2013, 04:00 AM
2. I record to FLAC because I'm an audiophile I want everything I work on to be lossless. This also helps me if I want to subsequently edit the audio files later on in case I made a mistake or I want to modify something, without inducing generation loss (
Another advantage to this is that people have the option download the FLAC sets and convert to whichever formats they wish. Some might want to convert to MP3, or others might prefer the superiority of OGG. This would have been much better than to save the recordings in lossy formats, as some people would have preferred to have lossless recordings, and you can't do that by converting from MP3 to FLAC (and I hope you know why too)

3. Take the LSL1VGA LSL5 and LSL6 ( examples. All of these games from the series were released to the following platforms:
Amiga, Atari ST, Macintosh II and IBM-PC (with more than four sound choices, Roland MT-32 is available for all three ports, General MIDI/Roland SC-55/Gravis Ultrasound is for LSL6 only, AdLib/SoundBlaster is only for IBM-PC on all those games, etc.)
Also it is worth mentioning that Amiga had only it's internal (through sample modulation) music choice in this case.
Personal computers don't work in the same way as consoles. On consoles you wouldn't have had the multiple choice that those platforms have. Also music data isn't as easy to be dumped and played on conventional players such as in the case of .spc, .nfs, .gbs, etc.

Or, in the case of all the popular consoles at least, you could have just uploaded the .nsf/.spc/etc and the player plugin, and let people make their own FLAC/MP3/Vorbis/etc if need be (but they shouldn't ever need to, since players for these formats are on all the popular devices). If they do need to convert for some reason, they can change the emulator sound options up to suit THEIR taste, and not be constrained to whatever YOU chose when making your FLACs. And that's why I was saying it was a waste of time and space, as far as the consoles are concerned. Do you understand what I was driving at now? (And yes, I understand what lossless and lossy mean. I'm not anywhere near as foolish as you apparently think I am. And you're nowhere near as clever as you think you are).

As for the various old PCs, I'll admit I'm not too familiar with them, but basically you're telling me there are no sound code rip formats for many of these games, and you have to play the game ROM in an emulator and record the music on the way, making a recording for each of the various sound cards and options, right? But this is all still EMULATION, isn't it? Don't you think that's a hell of a lot of work for some EMULATED video game music? Perhaps with the time you're spending on this stuff you could be learning how to rip the sound code from these games, or something? Anything? I just don't understand how you see this as being worthy of your time and energy. But whatever, it's your life.

As for our hostile exchanges, YOU overreacted to me calling it "dumb ol' emulation" (which was just suppose to be cheeky, I love emulation), then I REALLY overreacted to your response to that, and it went from there, with you not even understanding what I was saying. Again, I'm sorry for the words I chose. I hoped you would have apologized too, but of course you didn't. You probably don't even think you did anything wrong. Sad stuff.

To summarize, yes, I understand what your project is and the methods you are using, but apparently you don't understand what an incredible waste of time it is. If you truly value your time this little, YOU have the real issues here, kiddo. Alright, I'm done wasting my time here. I won't be back to see your response, since it will likely be another " i pity duh foo, u no understand wut me projekt about, cause u a dummie hed. do research, me betta den u and me grammr ndn spellse graet" response where you don't even understand what the hell I was trying to say in the first place. And unlike you, a fool and a liar, I'll make good on my word to ignore you. Good bye.

11-30-2013, 04:16 AM
Thank goodness this finally came upon.
I read half through your message, the rest I ignored, have no interest.
Also the fact that you sent me a PM back with the same message didn't help, fail.
So sad...

Finally now people can be on topic on this thread.

12-03-2013, 06:39 PM
The only analogy I can make is somebody barging into your living room and shouting that he hates the color that you're painting the walls. Like, who invited you? Get out! LOL

Anyways, I love the site. It looks great, and you're working on a lot of tunes that don't get the respect they deserve because they're more obscure than the Nintendo/ Sega consoles. A lot of really popular composers like Yuzo Koshiro and Motoi Sakuraba started off on those old X68000's and PC-88's!

Keep up the good work, my friend!

12-04-2013, 12:41 AM
Keep up the good work, my friend!
Some good work, if I wanted emulated music in FLAC I would have done it myself. Keep the work at the Youtube channel, if it's lossy and emulated is not much of a big deal, but you are just fooling yourself by making lossless out of fakes. If you are such an audiophile as you say, make real rips. It is a great waste of time to make, upload and download big FLAC archives that came from tiny ROMs and plugins or players.

If you are such an audiophile as you say, make real rips!

@Yishai: You always say it's a waste of time what he's doing, you're wasting your own time trying to convince him to stop what he's doing. He has every right to continue, whether you think it's a waste of his time or not.

He has asked that you stop, so therefore there's no point in continuing, i'll ask you to stop also because it's not benefitting anyone.
You are right, Jessie, it is a waste of time trying to convince emulated music fans and the *cough*dumb*cough* leechers of it. So this is the only post I'll put here before it goes on and on, just wanted to express my opinion because it really gets me off my nerve the people who think emulated is better and it's worth enough of a lossless encoding.

12-04-2013, 01:21 AM
Hmmm, they write exactly like they're the same person.... I wonder.

12-04-2013, 04:24 PM
Hmmm, they rip exactly like they're the same person.... I wonder.

12-04-2013, 04:34 PM
Now why would I open two separate threads to do essentially the same thing, except FLAC?


12-04-2013, 05:09 PM
Since it is impossible for you that two different persons have the same opinion on emulated music, then it's impossible for me that two persons do emulated rips and upload them like you do.
If I'm Yishai just because I share his POV on emulated music, then you are Sigma62 and andoruB just because you do emulated rips.
If emulated music is so superior, why Yuzo Koshiro still makes his compositions on a REAL PC-9801? Why did Martin Galway recorded from his very own REAL SID chip for Why Anamanaguchi use real NES and Game Boys even in their concerts? They all must be insane just like me and Yishai.

12-04-2013, 09:27 PM
The only analogy I can make is somebody barging into your living room and shouting that he hates the color that you're painting the walls. Like, who invited you? Get out! LOL

I wouldn't mind so much if they presented their opinions objectively and if they actually bothered to read what I said in my previous posts. But I must agree with you. =)

Anyways, I love the site. It looks great, and you're working on a lot of tunes that don't get the respect they deserve because they're more obscure than the Nintendo/ Sega consoles. A lot of really popular composers like Yuzo Koshiro and Motoi Sakuraba started off on those old X68000's and PC-88's!

Keep up the good work, my friend!

Thanks, will do =D
Don't have anything of these two composers, but I'm considering working on Sorcerian, Sierra made quite a nice port for the IBM-PC. I have no idea if on the original platforms they added MT-32 support, but that would be quite fun if they did and they would save me further effort =P
Though I saw in the credits there was a "MIDI conversion" going on Sierra's side.
Anyway, veering off-topic here =P

Seems that Yishai has just made himself a clone.

I already explained before of my reasons why I "chose" to record from emulated sources so I won't bother with that. If you can't make an informed comment, don't bother to in the first place. I'm all for freedom of speech, but I really think people should do it with reasoning.
I never said I prefer emulation over the real stuff (although it has some advantages and at the same time disadvantages). Those who complain about emulation are typically the kind of people who either can afford all the hardware it takes to be able to record those things or they're pissed because they don't have the hardware and they would wish to hear how it sounds. They also tend to have a black-and-white kind of thinking.
Audiophile does not correlate with listening to real hardware. Both emulation and hardware sound different. Heck, even DSPs in soundcards and in modules (like the SC-55 or MT-32) sound different from one unit to another. The key here is to have variety and compare how each one sounds.
And also it's a question of habit, some people got used to hearing tunes on the real thing while others got used to listen to the emulated versions.
I think emulator creators deserve their merits and they worked quite hard on their hobbies (sometimes even full time-jobs).

If you're not satisfied with having emulation recorded then take it as a showcase of what emulated sources sound like and just bypass it. If you say you can do the same things on your own, what exactly is stopping you? I'm not here to "monopolise" video game recordings lol.
Also the fact that there are "dumb" people out there downloading the stuff I put up means that some people find the work I'm doing useful. Who is to say that those people shouldn't get those FLACs just because he/she thinks it's not useful, has no meaning or it pales in comparison to real hardware.

And also I don't think anyone in this thread called you two insane (although I leave an open door for Yishai on that matter - you never know), we simply were calling upon your self-righteousness.

@ruiner9: What's in that gif? =D

02-11-2014, 04:38 PM
This is unrelated to the project I'm working on but I added a "The Day We Fight Back" banner on my site. Please sign it and write to your representatives and/or sign the petition if you're against mass internet/communications surveillance, we only have this one day!

02-11-2014, 10:31 PM
This is unrelated to the project I'm working on but I added a "The Day We Fight Back" banner on my site. Please sign it and write to your representatives and/or sign the petition if you're against mass internet/communications surveillance, we only have this one day!
I know you'll hate me for this (well, you already do for my position on emulated music), I have no idea what is that about, but if this is just "turn off your computers for a day, don't use social networking or the net at all", it won't work. Remember 2012? One day after the anti-SOPA/ACTA protest, Megaupload was dead and then many retreated, closed their service or limit them. I'm not saying Yahoo or MS is gonna be raided by the FBI and get full control like they did with MU, but I doubt it will actually make any difference and if it does, it will be for the worse. You wanna fight back? Spy on the American government, especially on those DBs of Obama and his diva-wanabee-good-for-nothing wife. Spy on them and reveal everything about them, you have to fight fire with fire, not flowers.

02-12-2014, 01:20 AM
I don't hate you for having a different opinion. I would hate you if you:
1. Are an asshole
2. Don't read what I write to you as an explanation
3. Continue being a dick (see exibit A under the name of "Yishai" earlier in the thread)

(warning: for 1. and 3. I'll reciprocate just for the fun of it)

Please cease with the drama about this subject, I already explained you and the other person clearly that if I had real hardware I would ALWAYS record from it instead of emulation. I don't have any of the PCs or consoles I work with, so unless somebody is able to contribute with either donating hardware to me or submitting their own recordings (I didn't see you offering) there's nothing much I can do. If you're not happy about it, say it, I'll repeat the same thing so you could move along. And as mentioned earlier, you could always start your own project, and leave this thread alone.

Secondly, I agree, it would be better to take a different approach by this organisation than just gathering signatures for a petition, but I signed because it's better than doing nothing about it.
It's not asking for a "silence day without internet", it's asking people to sign a petition as I mentioned earlier.
Though the thing I don't understand, if you have an idea of how to do things better, why not contact those that run this campaign ( instead of ranting here? I merely placed a banner so those who access my site can sign it or get informed about this petition.
I'm sure they'll like to hear about your suggestions.

02-12-2014, 04:51 PM
It's not asking for a "silence day without internet", it's asking people to sign a petition as I mentioned earlier.

Signed petition? That's even worse, not even in real life those EVER work. A few thousands is nothing in a world with 7.5 billion, but who knows, it may work this time; it's just my opinion, I'm not ranting nor want to start a 4-page long discussion. I just hope the FBI won't shut something down in retaliation like last time.
Just for the record, you brought back up the whole discussion about "that", I won't go there.

02-12-2014, 07:48 PM
Signed petition? That's even worse, not even in real life those EVER work. A few thousands is nothing in a world with 7.5 billion, but who knows, it may work this time; it's just my opinion, I'm not ranting nor want to start a 4-page long discussion. I just hope the FBI won't shut something down in retaliation like last time.

Good, I'll tell you again: write to The Day We Fight Back and bring in your ideas, not this thread. We all hope that the police state won't do that (not just FBI). Apparently they think they're entitled to have their say on what the whole world should and should not access.

Just for the record, you brought back up the whole discussion about "that", I won't go there.

Incorrect, because of this little bit in your previous post:

I know you'll hate me for this (well, you already do for my position on emulated music)

I explained you what would make me hate you, but apparently you don't want to bother listening, and that's fine by me, keep up the martyrdom.

02-15-2014, 12:50 PM

06-22-2014, 04:57 PM
You're welcome :)

Now added two more game soundtracks and fixed some stuff.

06-22-2014, 11:19 PM
Thanks :D

06-23-2014, 07:00 AM
You're welcome :D

10-02-2014, 03:50 AM
Added a Reddit Community ( where you can subscribe (if you wish to) and get updated on all the new stuff I post. Also made a Twitter ( account.