08-14-2004, 10:47 PM
im at the end of the game in the bottom of the crater and ive tried to kill sephiroth 4 times and he's killed me every time!! the bizzaro form was a piece of cake, but the second from is so hard! any tips on how to kill him? btw, i've used the
ktor/w-summon/mime thing and he still gets me every time with supernova! oh yeah, all my characters are at level 99. thanks in advance for any help!

fascist socialist
08-14-2004, 10:57 PM
I suggest building up your limits beforehand, and unleashing them at the beginning. You should have omnislash + other level 4 limits by now, so those will do a nice chunk of damage.

You could also try a Final Attack + Phoenix combo, to give you an extra shot if Supernova destroys you.

Make sure your characters are fully healed after each turn, increasing your probability that you'll survive.

Good luck.

Nanaki Claws
08-14-2004, 11:02 PM
Wait, you have Knight Of The Round and you characters are lv99!? I don't mean to offense you but, is this a joke?

08-14-2004, 11:26 PM
It does seem pretty silly. With your characters at lvl 99, their magic must be pretty high. At level 65, (my first time through,) W-Summon KotR, Mime killed him. I just completed the game again at level 90. KotR did 9999 with each hit. W-Summon of that killed him. Otherwise, you are facing weapon or something which is just a little harder.

If KotR is weak, go into the crashed plane and morph everything in there until you find a Magic source. Feed many of them to your KotR caster to boost it's damage.

I don't know how supernova works, but it has never done more that 2000 to me.

PS - I have just remembered that every time a character hits lvl99, Sephiroth becomes more powerful, much more if Cloud hits lvl99. Set up Barrier and MaBarrier to take some pain from supernova, and have Mastered Final attack/life on each character. That should keep you alive.

Nanaki Claws
08-15-2004, 12:01 AM
Yeah, this now make sense. If we can beat it lv60 then he should be capable when lv99. So you are surely right with the lv99 thing that make Sephiroth stronger.

08-15-2004, 02:16 AM
really?! supernova only did 2000 to you?! it does about 8500 to every character for me! i guess the level makes him at a rediculously high level. and i havent tried that final attack/phenoix combo yet so ill try it. btw he did supernova 3 times in a row to me every time. thats usually what finished me off.

Originally posted by Nanaki Claws
Wait, you have Knight Of The Round and you characters are lv99!? I don't mean to offense you but, is this a joke?

no its not a joke. my time is at 97 hours and change and i've beaten emerald weapon which gave me the earth harp and i got the master set of materia. which gave me the master summon that had KTOR. so yeah.

08-15-2004, 11:30 AM
Super Nova - 2000, well im guessing that you didn't have much HP then.

Super Nova cannot kill you, it depletes about 93% of your current HP, so doing 2000 damage is not anything to be proud of.

08-15-2004, 12:31 PM
you'd probably already do this, but don't forget to cast big guard, and regen can also help you a bit.

08-15-2004, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by SephirothBizzaro
Super Nova cannot kill you, it depletes about 93% of your current HP, so doing 2000 damage is not anything to be proud of.

well, then idk whats going on because what usually happened was that he did supernova, i healed, he did supernova again, i went down to about 1300 and he did supernova again before i had time to heal and he killed me with it.

08-15-2004, 03:37 PM
When sephiroth rises, he's about to do supernova, then, get readywith a megalixir, when supernova comes on the screen, use it.

08-15-2004, 03:41 PM
SephirothBizzaro's spot on. It only takes a percentage of your health. So you might wanna just have one character cast Megalixir every round.
BTW you get get unlimited amounts of those by using the W-item cheat.

08-15-2004, 03:52 PM
I beat sephiroth in two turns when I fought him my second time through, a good thing to do is have a mastered doubled cut so you hit four times and get a master command materia. If you equip the master command on Cloud paired with a mastered HPAbosrb on his Ulitmate weapon, you will heal yourself with four attacks. Now if you link elemental with Ultima on his sword he hits for a lot of damage, it did 9999 for me.

Then with a few other mastered Mime on your other characters, have them mime the double-cut if they are damaged and bam, they heal themselves also. if you want to make sure they get healed, the get more mastered command and link them to the HpAbsorbs in their weapons. That way if the mime screws up, you can still attack and regain HP.

Then they all can mime the KOTR with the Master summon and have MPAbsorb on it and you will regain your lost MP.

08-15-2004, 11:07 PM
thanks everybody, im gonna go for it again, but before i do...

Originally posted by sheartrigger
BTW you get get unlimited amounts of those by using the W-item cheat.

where do i get the w-item materia? ive heard about the cheat and searched for the w-item a bunch but cant find it!

08-15-2004, 11:53 PM
the w-item materia can only be found when you infiltrate midgar at the end of disk 2. At the place when you fight the turks for the last time, instead of going up, just keep going south until you find the yellow materia...but since your already at the end of the game you probably need to start a new game.

08-16-2004, 12:47 AM
Cloud has 9999 health, Red has 9999 health, and Barret has 89xx health. OK, Cloud and Red had HP plus materia to pull them up to 9999. And Supernova did do about 2000 - it was nowhere near enough to kill my characters.

I have only ever seen supernova cast once, so maybe I got lucky or something? Maybe Barrier soaked up some damage? I don't know.

And I would say that completing the game is something to be proud of. Pretend I lied and have 2200 Hp? I think I may not have survived, to complete the game. Either that or I am a master TBBer. So, yeah, I would be pretty proud.

But that is not the case, unfortunatly. The second form of Sephiroth was a walkover.

That includes the time when I didn't use KotR (when he got to use Supernova.)

08-16-2004, 01:50 AM
Originally posted by streetskater169
the w-item materia can only be found when you infiltrate midgar at the end of disk 2. At the place when you fight the turks for the last time, instead of going up, just keep going south until you find the yellow materia...but since your already at the end of the game you probably need to start a new game.

??!! it said that was a w-summon!! i got it but it wasnt a w-item! that is just too weird... btw i guess your right ill try to defeat him a few more times the start a new game.

Omega sephiroth
08-16-2004, 10:07 AM
Umm i beated him the first time and my characters were 70-80 i used knights of the round and equiped final attack-phoniex and focused on hitting as much as you could try not to give him chances.I focused on useing knights of the round and zero bumahat and even then i made a mistake in the game by focusing on 3 characters its easy if you have the right summons and magic equiped.

08-16-2004, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by carebeareater
my time is at 97 hours and change and i've beaten emerald weapon which gave me the earth harp and i got the master set of materia. which gave me the master summon that had KTOR. so yeah.

you've beaten emerald weapon and got master materia and you CAN'T beat sephiroth!!?!!? Man, you need help!

Aerith Gainsborough
08-16-2004, 07:31 PM
When Sephiroth does his Supernova to me, he always puts everybodys HP down until 1!

But if you have KotR, you can beat Sephiroth with one hit. Even before he does Supernova. If everybody has a ribbon, you can also kill Sephiroth without KotR. He is not that strong actually. ;)

08-16-2004, 09:23 PM
not depends on what level your characters are on. if all your characters are on level 99, he is insanly hard to beat(at least thats what ive been told). what level were you on?? (_8^o

Lunatic HighVII
08-17-2004, 02:35 AM
Just make sure you've got mega-elixers, and use them accordingly. if you're at level 99 then use KOTR, ultima, and limit breaks, and set up your materia wisely. when he does his super nova attack, just use your mega-elixers up! you don't need to save them any more cause yer towards the end of the game. Use all your rare items that might help you.

08-17-2004, 12:19 PM
ok thanks to everyone!!:D

edit: I JUST BEAT THE GAME AND IT WAS AWESOME!!! thanks for all your help everyone! after following your advice, i beat him on my first try! Thanks again!! im sayin, the credits are literally scrolling right now!.....or not ....ahh kool 2nd part of ending. ok well thanks one more time!

10-25-2004, 09:13 PM
casting knights of the round 5 times will kill him.

Neo Xzhan
10-25-2004, 09:19 PM
Big Guard + ribbons on everyone. Since SuperNova has the tendency to hit you with every status change in the book. White wind reigns supreme if you only have one character with a ribbon since it cures all status ailments.

One KOTR should finish him off, so its stupid to say that he survived o.O

At level 99 every hit of you KOTR should do 9999 damage. Now KOTR hits 13 times, so that's 13 short of 130.000 damage, Safer Sephiroth only has 106.000HP so your story doesn't end up with the w-summon/mime thing....

10-25-2004, 09:50 PM
When Sephiroth does his Supernova to me, he always puts everybodys HP down until 1!


i dunno, i found beating Sephiroth the first time was rather...easy. but thats just me

Cloud 9
10-27-2004, 07:11 AM
Whats the name of the attack that brings everyone to 1? Pale Horse? Its different from Super Nova.

Aerith Gainsborough
10-27-2004, 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by carebeareater
not depends on what level your characters are on. if all your characters are on level 99, he is insanly hard to beat(at least thats what ive been told). what level were you on??

My characters are usually on level 99. But if I want to beat Sephiroth very quick, I summon KotR, and he'll be history. I don't do it though, because I want to see his "supernova" for once at least. I just love to see it. Sephi is never hard to me. I am the one who's playing with him. ;)

Make sure, everybody has a Ribbon. If you have Final Attack, use it too. Use it with revive ....

I don't know what else to say, he's really not hard at all. You don't need to use your limits for killing him, you don't need special magic.....not even KotR! (KotR is only good for a quick battle)... :erm:

10-27-2004, 12:55 PM
i beat him just using 4 cut with cloud and vincent and 2 cut with barret it works every time but then again if you are lvl99 it should be a piece of piss any way! mine are only lvl 80

10-27-2004, 03:16 PM
First time I tried, almost impossible, was unreal.

Now finishing him off so fast that he is only allowed one move (wall) has become the standard.

4x-cut done by 2 ppl will finish him provided that he is debarriered. If no Debarrier, I need the 4x-cut used by 3ppl which is still no sweat. (I was around lvl 82).

1x Omnislash finishes him off (lvl 87).

10-31-2004, 02:32 PM
I killed Sephiroth in only 1 round. All my caharacters wre lv 99 with 9,999 HP. All of them had Ribbons. The guy was to easy to defeat. I was dissapointed. Aeris Gainsborough is right, the guy is not that strong at all. Oh and his Supernova attack - three words: Final Attack-Phoenix. Supernova is not that strong actually, I didn't even need the Final Attack-Phoenix, I kicked his ass big time. A piece of cake...

Oh, yeah. Acpo, if you build up your Limit breaks before the battle with Sephiroth, Sephiroth will cast Barrier immediately at the begining of the battle, so your Limit attacks will do only half damage. KotR, W-summoon, Mime is the way to go, I killed him this way without breaking a sweat..

Cat Sith 3
11-02-2004, 02:27 AM
Question, does Sepiroth get stronger per how high your levels are?

11-02-2004, 02:37 AM
Use DeBarrier and Knights of the Round, possibly 1 or two normal attacks, and he's dead!

Landlord of Sector 7
11-02-2004, 09:53 PM
Wait, you have Knight Of The Round and you characters are lv99!? I don't mean to offense you but, is this a joke?

I don't mean to offend you but you put "I don't mean to offense you."

OH ZING!1!!11

11-03-2004, 04:47 AM
4x cut works wonders on him. NOt only that, if you keep casting debarrier on him, he will waste one turn to cast it again. keep repeating it and he will spent like 4 turns recasting the thing while you are pounding on him. He didn't manage to cast supernova on me. The only thing that pissed the shit out of me was that my comp hangs everytime i'm going to do the killing blow.......:(