10-20-2013, 02:58 PM
Hi everyone!

I've ripped the complete score from the blu ray and I mixed it with the soundtrack album. In future, if other cues from the movie will surface on the web I'll mix them with my rip. For now here is the first version.

VERSION 1.0 - BRRip mixed with the soundtrack album (Deluxe Edition).

Disc 1

01. Overture (2:59)***
02. Krypton / The Launch (11:36)**
03. I Will Find Him / Krypton Destroyed (5:37)**
04. Oil Rig / Young Clark Freaks (5:46)**
05. Bus Rescue (1:43)
06. Sent Here for a Reason (3:47)***
07. Bar (Source Cue) (0:43)
08. On the Road Again (1:14)
09. NASA Station (0:26)
10. Lois Investigates I (0:48)
11. The Scout Ship (6:42)
12. I Have So Many Questions / First Flight (7:33)***
13. Lois Investigates II (1:31)
14. Tornado (2:53)***
15. Homecoming (2:30)
16. UFO (2:03)
17. You Are Not Alone (2:20)
18. Lois Arrested (0:40)
19. What's on Your Mind? (1:22)
20. Clark Surrenders (2:35)

Disc 2

21. General Zod's Forces Arrives (2:26)
22. Lois and Superman Brought Before Zod (1:26)
23. Zod's Story (4:17)**
24. I Have A Duty To My People (2:16)
25. Escape From Ship (4:18)
26. Superman Rescues Mother / It Hurts, Doesn't It? (3:53)
27. Zod's Forces Attack (0:41)
28. Smallville Battle (5:20)
29. This Man Is Not Our Enemy (1:58)
30. The World Engine (3:14)
31. Terraforming (Intro) (1:16)
32. Terraforming (9:50)***
33. Destroy This Ship / Faora Attacks (4:56)
34. Final Confrontation (9:02)**
35. Clark Kent (End Credits) (12:54)***

* (few things isolated)
** (lots of isolated things)
*** (NO SFX)

Music composed by Hans Zimmer

additional informations:

320 kbps • 44,100 kHz • 2.0 stereo • Total time 2 hours and 13 minutes • 306 MB


10-20-2013, 03:24 PM
Garage, its you again, looool, aaaand here we go!

A Fire Will Rise
10-20-2013, 04:00 PM
i'll be waiting!!!! :D :D

10-20-2013, 04:08 PM
I'll wait for the real deal.

10-20-2013, 04:10 PM
Yeah Garage, you should retire, I don't know, find another hobby or something...

10-20-2013, 04:18 PM
OH NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-20-2013, 04:23 PM
Wow, nice!
Is the 'First Flight' that you've included the album version? The version of this cue in the film features a nice string overdub that is entirely missing on the CD. I'm hoping it's there. This, and the 'Escape From Ship' cue are my favourite parts of the score.

10-20-2013, 05:10 PM
I hope this is a bit more real than the fake Harry Potter 3 sessions you are giving out now. Jesus dude, get lost...

10-20-2013, 05:16 PM
At least you're not trying to pass it off as sessions this time.

10-20-2013, 05:37 PM
It's a BDrip rip crap.

10-20-2013, 05:58 PM
omg! Can't wait....!

10-20-2013, 06:06 PM
Yeah he's being upfront about what it is, so we should know what to expect, which is fair.
It's BDRip, so it could be full of SFX. I'll judge it once I hear it though, not before.

10-20-2013, 06:45 PM
I ve always loved how garage presents his work, as if he is making a big commercial advertisement with:
Release Date: 21th Oct !
Teaser Trailer! On your screen SOON !
Don't forget a poster next time.

10-20-2013, 06:50 PM
Guys, stop being haters for god's sake. If you don't want the music don't post here. What happened in the past stays in the past.

10-20-2013, 06:54 PM

10-20-2013, 07:35 PM
It's actually happening right now as well... I have no problems with other people making efforts to rip scores, it's just him I can't stand. A personal thing.

10-20-2013, 07:44 PM
Hmm. Will see how this works out. People may not want two Man Of Steel rips floating around.

10-20-2013, 07:49 PM
Hmm. Will see how this works out. People may not want two Man Of Steel rips floating around.

Great signature!
Crouch junior xD

10-20-2013, 07:50 PM
Thanks for the effort, but I'll wait for one without all the SFX...

the gus bus
10-20-2013, 08:17 PM
Hmm. Will see how this works out. People may not want two Man Of Steel rips floating around.

how about NO Man of Steel rips floating around? That would also be pretty great. Get an admin in here to nuke this thread. Kill it before it lays eggs.

10-20-2013, 08:18 PM

Puss in boots cat can you survive? - YouTube (

10-20-2013, 08:20 PM
thanks, i will definitely check this out!

10-20-2013, 08:49 PM
I'll look forward to it

10-20-2013, 09:56 PM
Guys, stop being haters for god's sake. If you don't want the music don't post here. What happened in the past stays in the past.

Uh, no. Anything that happened in the past with Garage stays fresh in everyone's mind.

Everan Shepard
10-20-2013, 11:22 PM
Miss the times when people enjoyed stuff and not complain about things they didn't enjoy because they didn't enjoy them, thinking they're better for not enjoying them and for enjoying other things.
Good times.

10-20-2013, 11:35 PM
Uh, no. Anything that happened in the past with Garage stays fresh in everyone's mind.

Garage??? Whah… Oops, I thought it said Garbage. ;)

10-20-2013, 11:48 PM
Garage??? Whah… Oops, I thought it said Garbage. ;)

May as well

10-20-2013, 11:58 PM
You make me sad, Garage. You are the reason children are crying and screaming in the middle of the night, this torture must end and I don't care what your life story is, what your condition is, or how hard you 'worked' on this, you are a nuisance and therefor I condemn you and feel nothing for telling you off.

Go away and leave us alone, the form, although still bad, is far more tolerable and better off without you in it.

the gus bus
10-21-2013, 12:02 AM
Why are the admins here not closing this shit?

10-21-2013, 12:11 AM
Why are the admins here not closing this shit?

Because it's actually a legit thread. Most of us are unhappy with it (mainly because of the poster, not so much the material), but it's not breaking any rules

the gus bus
10-21-2013, 12:16 AM
Because it's actually a legit thread. Most of us are unhappy with it (mainly because of the poster, not so much the material), but it's not breaking any rules

I guess.

I also distinctly remember a thread being closed because it did not have a ready download link (I think that in itself, is breaking one of the rules here).

10-21-2013, 12:21 AM
I guess.

I also distinctly remember a thread being closed because it did not have a ready download link (I think that in itself, is breaking one of the rules here).

I stand corrected, there is no link

10-21-2013, 01:23 AM
So, we should kill the thread because we dislike the poster? Well, you dislike him, I have never dealt with him.I get he has tricked some before. I get he screwed a friend of yours. But as a member here he has every right to post. He has every right to be a member. Like it or not, he has not really broken forum rules, certainly not enough to get banned. Many people create their threads ands say "uploading". But since they are not on your hit list, you do not complain but rather tell the poster things like thanks, and can't wait. Attacking this person is pointless, since you guys can be seen as the aggressor and therefore more likely to get banned. ;/

That said, I can see a legit reason to at least lock the thread, to keep the ugliness from spreading into a 14 page flame fest.

10-21-2013, 01:29 AM
That's good! I will listen to them once your're ready. =)

10-21-2013, 01:31 AM
He made threads about Inception I saw to trade the fake sessions someone provided him with. And Jessie said he would ban him if he did it again, he's broken forum rules to that point I believe, Amanda.

10-21-2013, 01:49 AM
But as far as I know he has not done that since. Not here anyway. Basically, mods don't like open requests for trade.

However, yes he is....seedy for doing that. And doing that will cost all of us. And, he may have got someone into royal trouble in the real world. But most of that happened via pm or in other places, so mods have no control over that. If we got anyone we disliked banned, there would be far fewer members. But again, what he did was reprehensible, but unfortunately is a risk when trading behind the scenes. There will always be those looking to take advantage.

10-21-2013, 02:14 AM
Admin dear, please close this thread as it only conjures negative vibes and spread ill feelings.

10-21-2013, 03:14 AM
The best way to contact a mod is by pm. Jessie or Sanico. Although I have not seen dear Sanico all that much, so Jessie may be the best option.

10-21-2013, 05:53 AM
Here are the links as promised:


10-21-2013, 07:19 AM
Here are the links as promised:


Thanks. I give it a listen.

10-21-2013, 07:28 AM
Thanks, Garage!

10-21-2013, 07:40 AM
Lots of SFX in here, and the 'First Flight' track doesn't feature the string overdub featured in the film version. I can only assume this section was cut from the album track.
So really, thanks for the effort, but I'll wait for sessions etc.

10-21-2013, 08:12 AM
I heard essentially two pieces of music repeated ad nauseam throughout the entire film. How much more complete could the existing album be?

10-21-2013, 08:44 AM
I heard essentially two pieces of music repeated ad nauseam throughout the entire film. How much more complete could the existing album be?

Lots of last minute string additions made by Zimmer throughout, particularly on the Flight cue. There's a 'rescue' theme which is heard twice - when Lois falls from Zod's ship in the escape craft and when she falls from the exploding phantom drive over Metropolis. Neither is on the album. Odd, because it's possibly the most exciting action cue in the film, even though it is just a variant on Flight.

I know it's not the most diverse film score and Zimmer's artistic merit is often questioned, but this film and score was a guilty pleasure, so I'd like to have it all. When it arrives without SFX anyway.

10-21-2013, 08:57 AM
I watched this film the other day and as I usually can divine the score from the visuals - something which I try to do on second viewings of a film, I have to admit, I was laughing, actually laughing at how many times Zimmer repeats the same theme in the same format and setting with a thousand drums exploding over the top.

Zimmer and his cohorts at RCP should feel ashamed at subjecting the audience to such crap. The only guilty pleasure I get from this score is that when I play it in the car or with other people, people who love Zimmer's work, they hastily tell me to turn that shit off. We smile and play the Williams Superman theme to feel better. I've had to defend Zimmer in the past but for me it ends with this score.

10-21-2013, 08:58 AM
Right. Not so much the volume of music, but more film versions,- - the final ones- and possibly split into respective tracks. So I can take my time, and delete them one by one. Then I can download and repeat, til the mood passes. :awsm:

10-21-2013, 09:23 AM
I watched this film the other day and as I usually can divine the score from the visuals - something which I try to do on second viewings of a film, I have to admit, I was laughing, actually laughing at how many times Zimmer repeats the same theme in the same format and setting with a thousand drums exploding over the top.

Zimmer and his cohorts at RCP should feel ashamed at subjecting the audience to such crap. The only guilty pleasure I get from this score is that when I play it in the car or with other people, people who love Zimmer's work, they hastily tell me to turn that shit off. We smile and play the Williams Superman theme to feel better. I've had to defend Zimmer in the past but for me it ends with this score.

You're right, this score has nothing on the Williams soundtrack. Having grown up with Superman: The Movie/Superman II, I also think Man of Steel is an inferior film.
But that said, I still enjoy Man of Steel, once I can get over making comparisons and nitpicking. There are, after all, dozens of comic book interpretations of this same character. Why not film?
I also think Zimmer's score works for the film it was designed for, even if it does get a bit monotonous on an extended listen. But then you could put that down to Zach Snyder's inability to vary the tone of his film from anything but 'quiet introspective moments' to 'earth shattering destruction.'

10-21-2013, 09:25 AM
Oh I absolutely loved the film and it finally made me a Superman fan, but the score outside of that simple (but appropriately so) piano bit, was exactly what was described - endless drums over and over and over and over. Didn't ruin the film for me the way Inception's score did since it was so overbearingly loud, but it's not something I would ever listen to outside the film that's for sure. It was just there. Nothing to call attention to it beyond how relentless the drums were.

10-21-2013, 09:30 AM
Oh I absolutely loved the film and it finally made me a Superman fan, but the score outside of that simple (but appropriately so) piano bit, was exactly what was described - endless drums over and over and over and over. Didn't ruin the film for me the way Inception's score did since it was so overbearingly loud, but it's not something I would ever listen to outside the film that's for sure. It was just there. Nothing to call attention to it beyond how relentless the drums were.

The thing is, I can totally understand where you're coming from, but I still enjoy the music. Does that make me strange?

10-21-2013, 09:48 AM
Yes, yes it does. :D

10-21-2013, 09:50 AM
Not to me it does
it took me a while, but I did eventually learn to distinguish one track from the other and that does make me appreciate it
but I can totally see why it sounds the same over and over to others

10-21-2013, 10:17 AM
Listening to the score outside of the film, as in on it's album, it is easy to distinguish tracks, it's plain and simple by-the-books construction and isn't anything to actually spend money on.

I liked several aspects of the film and loved the opening sequence, and Russel Crowe's performance.

10-21-2013, 10:21 AM
The thing is, I can totally understand where you're coming from, but I still enjoy the music. Does that make me strange?

I enjoyed the simplicity of that piano bit used for Clark and his family. I found that to be the one thing Zimmer nailed 100 percent for the film.

10-21-2013, 10:30 AM
It's never going to please everyone at the end of the day. Zimmer's POTC scores drive me to violence with their incessant NOISE, so I can totally see Man of Steel coming across the same way.

It doesn't really have a theme as such either. It's more a variety of arrangements of the same rhythm based action melody, which is what usually passes as a theme these days anyway.

But it was heroic enough and bombastic enough to warrant my attention, and it got the adrenaline pumping at all the right moments.

I'd like the complete score only so I can listen to those most memorable missing cues. Though I agree it's too repetitive to want to listen to the whole thing through in one sitting.

10-21-2013, 11:59 AM
with sony spectral layer it's possible to completely remove sfx...

10-21-2013, 12:06 PM
with sony spectral layer it's possible to completely remove sfx...

In regard to the quality of this upload, yes I agree. A music rip with that many SFX is pretty unlistenable.

But as mentioned before, SFX can be eliminated with Spectral Layers. But not without damaging the music. It's impossible to eliminate one part of the audio and completely retain the other when they occupy the same frequencies. Just not possible. I'd rather have some nice, uncompromised sessions/master tracks

10-21-2013, 06:32 PM
Thank you.

A Fire Will Rise
10-21-2013, 06:53 PM
theres still SFX but its fine, at least it'll tide me over till the Real Sessions are released

10-21-2013, 07:13 PM
Sorry but inlistenable, original soundtrack in flac is better.

10-21-2013, 08:02 PM
great��� gracias��

10-21-2013, 08:34 PM
I liked several aspects of the film and loved the opening sequence, and Russel Crowe's performance.

Hmmm… I found it simultaneously stilted and very much in a rush to just get things over with: you could count the beats in the dialogue readings like one would at some amateur Shakespeare production laboring quickly from scene to scene without pause or rhythm — all cheaply staged using the recycled sets and costumes from the Chronicles of Riddick. The dialogue itself is all but comprised of the usual expository portentousness one reads in, alas, comic books, and serves no formative purpose other than being info-dumpment.

The film was truly, truly awful.

10-21-2013, 08:44 PM
I hated its story more than anything. Mostly because it portrayed Clark's dad as INSANE.

At the beginning of the movie, old papa Kent tells Clark it's always better to let your entire class drown than try to help them. He also tells Clark not to help him from a tornado, even though Clark could have just run over, grabbed him, and run back. What's so superhuman about that? And then at the END of the movie, Clark finds out his dad always knew he'd be destined for great things or whatever.

Plus don't forget the part where Superman was beating up Zod and those other Krpytonians in the street, endangering countless lives, despite the fact there was a cornfield thirty feet away.

And oh yeah couldn't Zod have just moved his eyeballs over to the family and zapped them?

10-21-2013, 08:54 PM
The film was truly, truly awful.

is that a fact? despite it being truly, truly awful its grossed over $290,000,000

10-21-2013, 09:08 PM
is that a fact? despite it being truly, truly awful its grossed over $290,000,000

Money is never a good measure of quality.

I will agree that the film was flawed. I can accredit some of it to deliberate 'human' characters making human errors, but other than that it was some daft writing.
But hey, I still enjoyed the hell out of it. I mean, Superman 1978 had some truly daft things about it too!

10-21-2013, 09:09 PM
is that a fact? despite it being truly, truly awful its grossed over $290,000,000

That makes it even worse....

10-21-2013, 09:11 PM
is that a fact? despite it being truly, truly awful its grossed over $290,000,000

The old correlation/causation fallacy? Please, using that lame consumerist logic The Phantom Menace would be regarded as a qualitatively better film than Plan 9 From Outer Space. ;)

10-22-2013, 01:11 AM
I hated its story more than anything. Mostly because it portrayed Clark's dad as INSANE.

At the beginning of the movie, old papa Kent tells Clark it's always better to let your entire class drown than try to help them. He also tells Clark not to help him from a tornado, even though Clark could have just run over, grabbed him, and run back. What's so superhuman about that? And then at the END of the movie, Clark finds out his dad always knew he'd be destined for great things or whatever.

I felt the same way too. I didn't like that part about this two scene either. Well, as far as I understand the reason why the bus scene is being part of the story is for Clark's dad to tell him that it is very important to keep his secret identity which he had been talking about till his death. That created the whole part of Clark becoming superman to hide is real identity.
I too got the same idea as you about the tornado part. Oh well, I just wished the storyline would be much better.

10-22-2013, 01:22 AM
I really get the kicks out of the uber distraction part in the metropolis it's like watching "Dragon Ball Z"come to life but after that realizing how Kent would do it, it should have been to the minimal damage to properties and more importantly the lives of the innocents. They flattened the whole metro like a bowling pin which is crazy. That could have been remedied by Supes dragging Zod to some wasteland or non residential locations where they should be minimal damage but no. I like it for the brawling action fest but hated it correlating it to the source materials. Yes I have to agree Papa Kent is an inconsistent voice of reason and stupidity at the same time for the situations or scenes could have been dealt with in more ways than one. Hell good thing Kevin Costner & Diane Lane are good actors!

10-22-2013, 01:32 AM
well to be fair, even when they took it to space Zod just went right back to Metropolis
Supes was not in a position to lure or drag Zod anywhere

10-22-2013, 01:44 AM
well to be fair, even when they took it to space Zod just went right back to Metropolis
Supes was not in a position to lure or drag Zod anywhere

Well then Supes can just drag him again to lalaland or elsewhere. Knowing and staying true to the real "comic book source" of the character he won't stop trying!

10-22-2013, 07:06 AM
is that a fact? despite it being truly, truly awful its grossed over $290,000,000

Ugh. I love when people say that a movie must be great, based simply on how much money it made. There are many reasons why that doesn't jive, but to me the simplist reason is this... People BUY the ticket BEFORE SEEING the film. That alone is enough reason (to me) NOT to judge how good a film is or isn't based on revenue.

IOW, by the time you've formed an opinion on whether or not the film is good (which to begin with is down to personal opinion anyway, ymmv, etc) your money has already been added to that total and means nothing about the film itself. ALL it means is a lot of people spent money to see the film, THATS IT.

10-22-2013, 07:28 AM
If you look at the top 40 critically-acclaimed films of any given year just using iMDB or Rotten Tomatoes. You will find that usually only about 10 films are actual box-office 'hits'.

Coincidentally at this moment here in the U.S., one of the year's best movies so far is also making a lot of money. GRAVITY.

10-22-2013, 10:09 AM
People would go and watch any Superman movie even if it was just 2 hours of him flying around. He's a cultural icon. His name and legacy sell tickets, regardless of the quality of content. Saying this film is good because of the money it made is incredibly, incredibly dumb. That's like saying Justin Bieber is an incredibly talented singer because millions of teenage girls buy his CDs and calendars...

But anyway. Man of Steel was still pretty good. Some of these supposed 'plot holes' are a bit exaggerated. I enjoyed it, despite being fully aware of its faults.

10-22-2013, 10:50 AM
Hmmm… I found it simultaneously stilted and very much in a rush to just get things over with: you could count the beats in the dialogue readings like one would at some amateur Shakespeare production laboring quickly from scene to scene without pause or rhythm — all cheaply staged using the recycled sets and costumes from the Chronicles of Riddick. The dialogue itself is all but comprised of the usual expository portentousness one reads in, alas, comic books, and serves no formative purpose other than being info-dumpment.

The film was truly, truly awful.

Let me clarify, the visuals for the opening were the only worthy parts of the film.

Don't underestimate, however, how much I think this movie is utterly a mess and a disgrace to films.

So, credit where credit is due:

Weta Digital - for their effort trying to bring Snyder's shit to some sort of realism.

That's it really.

10-22-2013, 11:14 AM
Let me clarify, the visuals for the opening were the only worthy parts of the film.

Don't underestimate, however, how much I think this movie is utterly a mess and a disgrace to films.

So, credit where credit is due:

Weta Digital - for their effort trying to bring Snyder's shit to some sort of realism.

That's it really.

No credit to Russell Crowe for stepping into the shoes of Marlon Brando and pulling off an impressive Jor-El?
What about Michael Shannon, for being truly quite sinister especially in his delivery of dialogue, despite being given little to work with?
And Henry Cavill, for portraying a convincing Supes despite hardly anything at all to work with?
And the first flight scene, being the most exhilarating moment I can remember from a comic book movie for a while (despite the relative mediocrity of the rest of the film).
Oh, and that scene where Crowe says 'You can save her Kal. You can save all of them' and Supes does the Jesus arms thing outside the spaceship?

I honestly think criticism of this film as a whole is fair. Particularly the 2nd half, which drags. But there were definitely some standout moments here.

Anyway, I thought this discussion was supposed to be about music?

10-22-2013, 05:54 PM
Anyway, I thought this discussion was supposed to be about music?

Not to be flippant (OK, maybe just a little), but I'm not convinced that a score comprised of two chords and a drum loop merits much discussion.

10-22-2013, 07:34 PM
well one man cant decide what should and should not be discussed

besides if I were flippant myself (and hated the movie) I could just as easily say the film does not merit discussion either

but then people love to exaggerate

10-22-2013, 07:43 PM
As far as superhero/comic book movies go, which is the only fair way to compare it, this movie was not all that bad or awful or any other negative descriptions people have described it as being. Want to watch truly awful comic book action movies?? Try watching Batman & Robin, Fantastic Four (the Roger Corman one from 1994), Steel, Barb Wire, Catwoman, Captain America (the 1990 Matt Salinger one), Superman III & IV, Ghost Rider, Supergirl, Jonah Hex, Elektra, The Spirit, Return of Swamp Thing, The Phantom, Tank Girl, Rise of the Silver Surfer or Daredevil. Those are all truly the worst movies representing this genre. I didn't love Man of Steel, but people tend to exaggerate a lot when they state this movie was horrendous or awful.

Watch any of the movies that I just listed and then try to tell somebody on here with a straight face that Man of Steel was even remotely as bad as any of those movies. Did it have faults? Of course it did. Even the best comic book movies like say the Dark Knight have faults, too. All movies have problems, but that does not necessarily or automatically make the movie bad by any means.

10-22-2013, 07:44 PM
Man of Steel
Complete Score by Garbage
Collector SFX Edition

10-22-2013, 08:17 PM
As far as superhero/comic book movies go, which is the only fair way to compare it, this movie was not all that bad or awful or any other negative descriptions people have described it as being. Want to watch truly awful comic book action movies?? Try watching Batman & Robin, Fantastic Four (the Roger Corman one from 1994), Steel, Barb Wire, Catwoman, Captain America (the 1990 Matt Salinger one), Superman III & IV, Ghost Rider, Supergirl, Jonah Hex, Elektra, The Spirit, Return of Swamp Thing, The Phantom, Tank Girl, Rise of the Silver Surfer or Daredevil. Those are all truly the worst movies representing this genre. I didn't love Man of Steel, but people tend to exaggerate a lot when they state this movie was horrendous or awful.

Watch any of the movies that I just listed and then try to tell somebody on here with a straight face that Man of Steel was even remotely as bad as any of those movies. Did it have faults? Of course it did. Even the best comic book movies like say the Dark Knight have faults, too. All movies have problems, but that does not necessarily or automatically make the movie bad by any means.

Supergirl can be deservedly slagged by all for its blatant sexism and stunted plot, and it will always be mocked by the "Nietzsche Club for Emotionally Immature Men" regardless, but what Supergirl boasts that Man of Steel can't are engaging performances, genuine humor, a sense of good-natured fun, Alan Hume's crisp, wide-screen cinematography and, of course, Jerry Goldsmith's effervescent score. In comparison, Man of Steel is just a monotonous slog of CGI disaster pr0n.

10-22-2013, 08:44 PM
I love Goldsmith's Supergirl score as well. But then I cannot say there is a Goldsmith score I really don't like.

I would describe Man of Steel's score in a nutshell as cold and somewhat devoid of any real heart. But, despite that i still enjoy listening to it occasionally. I have to admit that I really despised the score at first but then it slowly grew on me.

10-22-2013, 11:21 PM
If you think Ghost Rider was bad... don't even get close to the sequel: Ghost Rider - Spirit of Vengeance. The first film had a certain "super hero" feel to it at least, but the sequel? That was just painful to watch

10-22-2013, 11:35 PM
supergirl was so bad even the few good things in it couldnt save it

10-23-2013, 09:06 PM
Am I the only one who are really digging "Escape from ship"? Can't wait to hear it without disturbing SFX! To me it sounds like something Zimmer has written and arranged on his own, more so than by his collaborators/ghostwriters. It has a certain "drive" to it with some old school electronics and rhythmic elegance I rarely hear from the rest of RCP. It just sound so Zimmer to me and caught my attention while watching the film, which is a good thing. Wish the score had more elements like this.

10-23-2013, 09:59 PM
Am I the only one who are really digging "Escape from ship"? Can't wait to hear it without disturbing SFX! To me it sounds like something Zimmer has written and arranged on his own, more so than by his collaborators/ghostwriters. It has a certain "drive" to it with some old school electronics and rhythmic elegance I rarely hear from the rest of RCP. It just sound so Zimmer to me and caught my attention while watching the film, which is a good thing. Wish the score had more elements like this.

Absolutely. It's an exciting cue.
Let the haters hate. This music still sounds good to me.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
10-24-2013, 01:41 AM
What about Michael Shannon, for being truly quite sinister especially in his delivery of dialogue, despite being given little to work with?

Our family fell in love with Michael Shannon.
Such dedication and clarity in his objective. He wasn't cryptic or distracted.

His delivery of dialogue was exquisite. His pattern and distinction.
He definitely had such a demanding on-screen presence. Plus the low-end rhythms Zimmer did for his presence really added to it.
Every time I step into a grocery store and the doors open just for me, I no longer think of Vader but of Zod.

Zod: "You're discounted sales promotions have piqued my interest. You have 24 minutes to accept my cold, hard cash for consumer goods."
Greeter: "We're having a Halloween special, if you can find the Supermarket Ghost, you can get an additional 25% off your purch---"
Greeter: "Y-Yes, sir."

I love that female alien. The sexy "evolution" one.

While, yes, DareDevil is bad in and of itself. The Director's Cut deserves a separate watch.
You'll find it more fleshed out in terms of Affleck's emo-S&M-persona.

I agree with Calidron, Ghostrider wasn't that bad. Ghostrider Spirit of Vengeance was that bad. And beyond.
I can't remember the distinction between the theatrical cut and the director's cut for Ghostrider.
I've always watched the DC version after seeing it in theaters the first time and it's much more pleasing than the theatrical cut why I was never bummed the BD was only DC.

I remember when Spirit of Vengeance came out, we were half-excited as we were expecting it to be disappointing.
I know of no one who watched the second one in its entirety.

We'll watch the first one through to the end credits, gladly.

I admit I was kind of disappointed to hear it's getting a sequel.
I was always wanting one but when it was announced it would happen, the more and more I saw of it, the more I realized that I should be careful what I wish for. :sad:

A Super Woman, Wonder Woman, Super Girl, Whatever Girl...

I think it does need a fresh take.
I don't recall there being any prominent success in the past for any angle they tried.
The TV series didn't last long at all and rings no bells for anyone.
She's a long-forgotten hero.

Personally, I think she's just crummy to begin with and you can tell she was created during a time where women were still legally bound to kitchen.

"The lasso that forces people to tell the truth".

What a crappy super power.

I have no knowledge of who created Super Woman. Was it a woman? Was it her elite-feminist ideal to make her so pacifist and do settle disputes with "logic" and "listening skills" ???

That doesn't sell in comics. And it'll never sell in Hollywood why she's always had a poor interpretation with zero marketable success.

You make a girl swear, play with butterfly knives and kill people, you can do a sequel with Jim Carry, make the story suck, take out the action, and people will still go and see it.
That's marketability.

It needs a "serious" take. Not too damn serious where the TV show looked it was trying to aim for.
David S. Goyer could do it.
But how much longer can he handle reinventing the wheel for literally every super hero?

We still have Aquaman to worry about.
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance is gaining new light and being into a new perspective, all of a sudden.
I-I can see the light...So pretty.

They should get the Evolution chick to be Wonder Woman.

10-24-2013, 03:10 AM
Zod: "You're discounted sales promotions have piqued my interest. You have 24 minutes to accept my cold, hard cash for consumer goods."
Greeter: "We're having a Halloween special, if you can find the Supermarket Ghost, you can get an additional 25% off your purch---"
Greeter: "Y-Yes, sir."

You sir, have a wonderful sense of humor. Thanks for making me laugh!

10-24-2013, 08:58 AM
I suppose some of you must have already seen this. For those who haven't: Man of Steel (sorta) by Shirley Walker ( It's a case of had they utilized this music for the trailers I would have actually looked forward to seeing the film.

10-24-2013, 09:13 AM
I suppose some of you must have already seen this. For those who haven't: Man of Steel (sorta) by Shirley Walker ( It's a case of had they utilized this music for the trailers I would have actually looked forward to seeing the film.

Hmm. While I love Shirley Walker's work (I'm a huge fan of her Space: Above and Beyond), I just don't think this music gels with the visuals at all.
John Williams' '78 score wouldn't fit Man of Steel either, as much as I enjoyed hearing that in 2006 for Superman Returns. The old 'Donnerverse' and now MOS - they're entirely different visions of Superman.
Zimmer could definitely have used more real orchestration, more complex thematic material and less resorting to LOUDNESS every time something dramatic happens, but tonally, his score is a perfect match for MOS.

10-28-2013, 03:42 AM
Collector's SFX Edition? Let me tell you there's no way a ''collector'' would want this bullcrap...

10-28-2013, 05:46 AM
Collector's SFX Edition? Let me tell you there's no way a ''collector'' would want this bullcrap...

Get sarcasm much?

11-02-2013, 10:26 PM
Thank you

11-03-2013, 01:18 AM
Our family fell in love with Michael Shannon.
Such dedication and clarity in his objective. He wasn't cryptic or distracted.

His delivery of dialogue was exquisite. His pattern and distinction.
He definitely had such a demanding on-screen presence. Plus the low-end rhythms Zimmer did for his presence really added to it.
Every time I step into a grocery store and the doors open just for me, I no longer think of Vader but of Zod.

Zod: "You're discounted sales promotions have piqued my interest. You have 24 minutes to accept my cold, hard cash for consumer goods."
Greeter: "We're having a Halloween special, if you can find the Supermarket Ghost, you can get an additional 25% off your purch---"
Greeter: "Y-Yes, sir."

I love that female alien. The sexy "evolution" one.

While, yes, DareDevil is bad in and of itself. The Director's Cut deserves a separate watch.
You'll find it more fleshed out in terms of Affleck's emo-S&M-persona.

I agree with Calidron, Ghostrider wasn't that bad. Ghostrider Spirit of Vengeance was that bad. And beyond.
I can't remember the distinction between the theatrical cut and the director's cut for Ghostrider.
I've always watched the DC version after seeing it in theaters the first time and it's much more pleasing than the theatrical cut why I was never bummed the BD was only DC.

I remember when Spirit of Vengeance came out, we were half-excited as we were expecting it to be disappointing.
I know of no one who watched the second one in its entirety.

We'll watch the first one through to the end credits, gladly.

I admit I was kind of disappointed to hear it's getting a sequel.
I was always wanting one but when it was announced it would happen, the more and more I saw of it, the more I realized that I should be careful what I wish for. :sad:

A Super Woman, Wonder Woman, Super Girl, Whatever Girl...

I think it does need a fresh take.
I don't recall there being any prominent success in the past for any angle they tried.
The TV series didn't last long at all and rings no bells for anyone.
She's a long-forgotten hero.

Personally, I think she's just crummy to begin with and you can tell she was created during a time where women were still legally bound to kitchen.

"The lasso that forces people to tell the truth".

What a crappy super power.

I have no knowledge of who created Super Woman. Was it a woman? Was it her elite-feminist ideal to make her so pacifist and do settle disputes with "logic" and "listening skills" ???

That doesn't sell in comics. And it'll never sell in Hollywood why she's always had a poor interpretation with zero marketable success.

You make a girl swear, play with butterfly knives and kill people, you can do a sequel with Jim Carry, make the story suck, take out the action, and people will still go and see it.
That's marketability.

It needs a "serious" take. Not too damn serious where the TV show looked it was trying to aim for.
David S. Goyer could do it.
But how much longer can he handle reinventing the wheel for literally every super hero?

We still have Aquaman to worry about.
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance is gaining new light and being into a new perspective, all of a sudden.
I-I can see the light...So pretty.

They should get the Evolution chick to be Wonder Woman.
Sparkles, Wonder Woman is in the top 3 of DC powerhouses. She has gone toe to toe with supes in combat. Doesn't win but holds her own quite well. Have you watched the new animated Wonder Woman from DC? She kicks ASS. She is a highly trained and aggressive combat warrior. Plus she is super strong, fast, can take a punishing and flies. NOT with a jet. She can actually fly. Plus, the lasso cannot be broken and not only compels you to tell the truth but subdues you and bends your will to hers. Her first impulse to a solution is usually an aggressive or military one. Plus when illustrated correctly, as an amazon, she's a foot taller than supes is.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
11-03-2013, 01:28 AM

Is a completely different venue.
I believe most things animated have a higher success rate than live-action. (with the exception of the craptacular Beware The Batman that's made by 12 yo's for 12 yo's)

CEO for DC Comics wants a fresh live-action female super heroin.

11-03-2013, 01:45 AM
I'm saying, done well and done right, Wonder Woman would rock.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
11-03-2013, 02:27 AM
I think David S. Goyer would definitely have to be a part of it.

11-03-2013, 05:16 PM
Thanks :) But still has the sound effects there :(

11-04-2013, 12:21 AM
I think David S. Goyer would definitely have to be a part of it.

Goyer has been the go to guy for pretty much every comic book movie for the last 20 years. The Crow 2, Blade, Blade 2, Blade 3, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Ghost Rider 2, Man of Steel and soon Batman vs. Supeman and Justice League. It's fair to say WB will keep him on to write pretty much everything in their DC Universe movies to maintain consistency. But it worries me, as there's only so much he can bring to the table. It's a sort of creative stagnation if he's the only one telling these stories. Atleast Nolan had the good sense to co-write TDK and write TDKR with his brother. I mean, Marvel aren't getting Joss Whedon to write all of their material, and their films are far more diverse and healthy at present. Plus, while I think Goyer is generally a great writer, there is a limit to his ability. Everything he's directed is pretty awful.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
11-04-2013, 09:15 AM
But it worries me, as there's only so much he can bring to the table.

I was just sharing the exact same sentiment with my family.

The facts of life~

Prince Jay
11-09-2013, 11:45 PM
Man of Steel (Complete Score Cover) for when there does come a complete release.... i'm using this for Garage's at the moment..... Thanks garage. :D

11-17-2013, 02:15 AM
Lots of SFX in here, and the 'First Flight' track doesn't feature the string overdub featured in the film version. I can only assume this section was cut from the album track.
So really, thanks for the effort, but I'll wait for sessions etc.
I'm one of the few people who care enough for this to try and hunt it down, as well. I was disappointed that it wasn't in a blu-ray based RIP, but oh well.

I have a hard time listening to the normal version now. It seems so mediocre in comparison.

Also, I'm under the impression that you're the "dan" who replied to an anonymous poster on the Zimmer website about the issue.

So far only accouple of people even took the time to notice, let alone actually show they care. I can't think of it as being anything but essential, though.

12-27-2013, 11:22 AM
I made or try to close Kal vs. Zod confrontation by joining tracks from original ost :)
Download If You Love These People.flac from - send big files the easy way (

03-23-2014, 01:03 AM
Just out of curiosity, does anyone know how long it usually takes for recording sessions to be released? What year did Inception's sessions come out?

Btw Radik, your download link is dead. Love to hear your mix if you decide to re-up it. :)

---------- Post added at 06:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:59 PM ----------

Also I found a channel on Youtube that seems to have Man Of Steel tracks (among other OST's, like Rush) that havent been released at all officially, at least I dont think they have. Perfect quality too, does not sound like a rip. -

03-23-2014, 01:42 AM
Just out of curiosity, does anyone know how long it usually takes for recording sessions to be released? What year did Inception's sessions come out?

Depends. The Dark Knight Rises sessions were leaked right after the movie had its theatrical release, but Inception's leaked just last year. There's no rhyme or reason to when sessions will be leaked, if at all.

03-23-2014, 03:28 PM

01-12-2015, 12:54 PM
Just found out there's SFX in this indeed. Kind of bummed but also blame myself for not reading the entire thread. On the other hand I suppose DaUpp his comment ( should have been a more than adequate warning :)

01-12-2015, 01:43 PM
Oh yes! It should have been! :-)

Small Dick
03-08-2015, 07:44 PM
This whole thread has now been rendered a COMPLETE JOKE!:zillafire:

03-09-2015, 01:41 PM
This whole thread has now been rendered a COMPLETE JOKE!:zillafire:
Funny, I got the same idea from you and your latest batch of posts ;) lol
But seriously, if you knew the OP's reputation you would have been aware well before DAKoftheOTA his release (that and the fact #2 post ( kind of gives it away).

03-09-2015, 09:31 PM
Garage's edits have always been a bit of a joke... especially his ASM2 one.

03-10-2015, 04:22 AM
Like everything there is to life itself, there's always time for a little comedy on the shrine :D

03-12-2015, 08:45 AM
Like everything there is to life itself, there's always time for a little comedy on the shrine :D

It can really lighten the mood with all the hilarious posts or replies I see here sometimes :)

03-12-2015, 08:53 AM
Seriously can we put this thread to bed now? Don't wanna be cocky, but it's become obsolete no thanks to me

07-01-2016, 11:51 AM
This is perfect, thanks!

07-01-2016, 12:37 PM
This is perfect, thanks!


This sucks. See that Dak fella a post above you? Go to his Man of Steel thread instead.