Omega sephiroth
08-14-2004, 02:42 PM
Who would win in a one to one show down a legendary guardian or a mighty warrior both wield a powerful sword,both powerful who will prevail....
I vote sephiroth

fascist socialist
08-14-2004, 03:07 PM
Just to clarify, if you're post has to do with multiple Final Fantasies... it'd more than likely belong in the General FF forum.

So I'm gonna send this over there. =)

Shinra Turk
08-14-2004, 06:01 PM
I think Auron would make Sephiroth cry like a baby!
I'm Auron's Official Groupie! So go Auron!

How about Red XIII vs Kimahri?


08-14-2004, 06:39 PM
I'm lost. o_O;

08-14-2004, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by Shinra Turk
How about Red XIII vs Kimahri?


Normally I don't have a problem with these [who would win] threads, but don't throw in several ones in a single thread, just make a new one.

Anyway, Sephiroth I believe is somewhat more powerful then Auron, but Auron is more experienced (and undead).

Auron only needs a minute or two to study Sephiroth, then Sephy is screwed. Speed won't help sephiroth either, since Auron knows how to escape, and will only comeback later; more knowledgeable

And for the record, Kimahri would mop the floor with Red XIII.

Originally posted by MogKnight
I'm lost. o_O;

It's simply, when pre-geeks were little children they read comic books and watched tv rather than played outside.

When two pre-geek children came in contact, a debate would occur as to who would win (Wolverine vs. Batman, Superman vs. Spiderman) in a match. These debates were meanlingless as to it's impossible to determine the outcome of a fight between two completely fictional characters, so it was a complete waste of time. But they were bored, and they were kids.

This has been recreated through the internet, but instead Final Fantasy characters have been implemented into the debate, and the debaters and teenagers and adults with nothing better to do.

Omega sephiroth
08-15-2004, 08:02 AM
Originally posted by Melchior

Normally I don't have a problem with these [who would win] threads, but don't throw in several ones in a single thread, just make a new one.

Anyway, Sephiroth I believe is somewhat more powerful then Auron, but Auron is more experienced (and undead).

Auron only needs a minute or two to study Sephiroth, then Sephy is screwed. Speed won't help sephiroth either, since Auron knows how to escape, and will only comeback later; more knowledgeable

And for the record, Kimahri would mop the floor with Red XIII.

It's simply, when pre-geeks were little children they read comic books and watched tv rather than played outside.

When two pre-geek children came in contact, a debate would occur as to who would win (Wolverine vs. Batman, Superman vs. Spiderman) in a match. These debates were meanlingless as to it's impossible to determine the outcome of a fight between two completely fictional characters, so it was a complete waste of time. But they were bored, and they were kids.

This has been recreated through the internet, but instead Final Fantasy characters have been implemented into the debate, and the debaters and teenagers and adults with nothing better to do.

In final fantasy you see more about the characters fighting styles,the way of which they fight take example yuna she uses aeons in ffx and in FF7 cloud also uses a sword which has powerful attacks.All you need to decide the best is to play with both characters and find the one with better skills and powers and just picturing them fight (Like role play).

08-15-2004, 10:28 AM
sephiroth and kimari

Dot Centaur
08-16-2004, 08:28 AM
I think Sephiroth would win because he's faster. Auron having that heavey coat and heavey gear would make it hard for hime to move around and Sephiroth got the moves! Sephiroth would slash and slice him and dice him. Sephys got the moves!

08-17-2004, 07:20 PM
dude, Sephiroth all the way, he is the most psychopathic being in the ff7 world(other than Cloud of course), and plus he's much more experienced too and the knowledge of the Ancients.

Bahamut ZERO
08-17-2004, 07:48 PM
Auron would cream Sephiroth in a matter of seconds. Why, you ask? Well, the Sephiroth in Final Fantasy 7 was only capable of 9999 damage maximum. Auron has the potential to break his hit points up to 99999 damage. So regardless of what happens, Sephiroth is going to need at least eleven turns to destroy Auron. Now, Sephiroth's max HP even in his final form was about 60000 or so. Auron has the possibility of doing that much damage equipped with the Masamune blade. So Sephiroth gets in the first attack, Auron shrugs it off, then blitzes him.

Plus, character wise, Auron is just way cooler than the bland, one dimensional, "I wanna be a God" Sephiroth. Auron is carrying the guilt of the past and is the forger of the future.

08-17-2004, 09:15 PM
man oh man, still thinking in game terms???, it's more than that, Sephy's fighting style is so much more totally awesome and ass whopping than Auron's plus, Sephy is using Japanese steel, not jus some wimpy plain sword

Lunatic HighVII
08-17-2004, 11:05 PM
Originally posted by TifaGirl
I think Sephiroth would win because he's faster. Auron having that heavey coat and heavey gear would make it hard for hime to move around and Sephiroth got the moves! Sephiroth would slash and slice him and dice him. Sephys got the moves!

I agree with Tifagirl. Sephiroth is faster, therefore being easier for him to win.

08-17-2004, 11:42 PM
Sephiroth, hes manical c'mon. I mean Auron has a heart at some point.. and its true hes slower, and tends to need more recovery time than any other character. Yea Sephrioth would win..

Bahamut ZERO
08-17-2004, 11:43 PM
Originally posted by chorns
man oh man, still thinking in game terms???, it's more than that, Sephy's fighting style is so much more totally awesome and ass whopping than Auron's plus, Sephy is using Japanese steel, not jus some wimpy plain sword

Auron's ultimate weapon is named Masamune. He is the only one who can wield it. Sephiroth's sword is also named Masamune. Oh guess what, he is also the only one who can wield it.

It was said who would win in fighting terms? Well, Auron is the stronger one. Gaming stats make him stronger than Sephiroth. Therefore he IS stronger.

Sephiroth has the knowledge of the Ancients? Big deal. Auron travelled the length of Spira, and met his end and yet refused to die because he had a debt to a friend that he would fulfil no matter what. Not only is he the stronger character, emotionally he has a cause that makes him stronger as well.

08-17-2004, 11:49 PM
Originally posted by Bahamut ZERO
Sephiroth has the knowledge of the Ancients? Big deal. Auron travelled the length of Spira, and met his end and yet refused to die because he had a debt to a friend that he would fulfil no matter what. Not only is he the stronger character, emotionally he has a cause that makes him stronger as well.

Well doesnt Sephiroth also have a cause? I mean, he wants to become God at some lengths. I would believe that since he does have the knowledge of the Ancients he is able to wield against Auron, Sephiroth also is able to manipulate things easier (such as the holy spell). I would think that the evil that Sephiroth has would make him stronger.

Bahamut ZERO
08-18-2004, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by Solaris

Well doesnt Sephiroth also have a cause? I mean, he wants to become God at some lengths. I would believe that since he does have the knowledge of the Ancients he is able to wield against Auron, Sephiroth also is able to manipulate things easier (such as the holy spell). I would think that the evil that Sephiroth has would make him stronger.

And wouldn't the good that Auron holds make him stronger too?

A Bushido lives on until their debt is paid.

Until the end of Sin, Auron will not give in, no matter who steps in his way. Sephiroth might have his parlour tricks and whatever, but Auron would always come back. Plus Sephiroth didn't really make use of the powers he had when he fought Cloud and company at the end...

And at the end of FFX, when Auron aids the party defeating Sin, he is defeating something very close to being a God. Something that has stood unbeaten for a thousand years. Something that everyone claimed could NOT be beaten. It was Auron who was the catalyst for this change.

08-18-2004, 12:16 AM
Originally posted by Bahamut ZERO
And wouldn't the good that Auron holds make him stronger too?

A Bushido lives on until their debt is paid.

Until the end of Sin, Auron will not give in, no matter who steps in his way. Sephiroth might have his parlour tricks and whatever, but Auron would always come back. Plus Sephiroth didn't really make use of the powers he had when he fought Cloud and company at the end...

But see Sephiroth also has Jenova by him. I bet he could use his ultimate power by utilizing Jenova. I think the power that Sephiroth has with using meteor and jenova would make him much stronger than Auron. He is like sin, he was the calamity at cloud's present time that endangered the planet.

I find it funny how people debate over ficitonal characters, but heck Ive seen worse than this:D

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
08-18-2004, 07:30 PM
Sephiroth, for the following reasons:

1. He killed the Midgar Zolom with his bare hands and impaled it on a tree stump.

2. He has that awesome spell that reduces the enemy to 1 hit point that never misses, and he always follows it up with another attack.

3. Sephiroth always has the pre-emptive strike going.
Sorry Auron fans.

08-18-2004, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by Odin
2. He has that awesome spell that reduces the enemy to 1 hit point that never misses, and he always follows it up with another attack.

Sin Harvest.
if you're referring to KH that is.

anyways, it's easy to intterupt or time an elixer so that you're fine :-*

don't forget it takes you to 0 mp, and auto-kills you if you don't have the right abilities equipped.

08-19-2004, 07:47 AM
Hey, I might be new here but I probrably know more than you guys. Sephiroth is slighty better than Auron, but...Auron is pretty strong. Just because Sephiroth can impale the 'Midgar Zolam' on a tree does not mean he is stronger. Cloud alone can whoop on that snake in a few hits! (Cloud is my favorite character in all ff games, 7-x2!) But what I want to say is... Go Sephiroth!

I also love K.H.

08-19-2004, 07:56 AM
Originally posted by drplanets
Hey, I might be new here but I probrably know more than you guys.

Congratulations. You proved yourself to be a moron in record time.

08-19-2004, 08:04 AM
Originally posted by drplanets
(Cloud is my favorite character in all ff games, 7-x2!)

All or 7 through X-2?

08-19-2004, 08:07 AM
Perhaps he thinks "7-x2" is all of them.

Bahamut ZERO
08-19-2004, 08:54 AM
Originally posted by Odin
3. Sephiroth always has the pre-emptive strike going.
Sorry Auron fans.

When Auron has the Masamune equipped, he automatically gets the initiative in battle. Just thought I'd point that out.

I think the power that Sephiroth has with using meteor and jenova would make him much stronger than Auron. He is like sin, he was the calamity at cloud's present time that endangered the planet.

Sin was around for 1000 years and thought to be invincible as a result of that history. Sephiroth endangered the world for only a handful of months at most? Auron learnt to deal with the pain of the discoveries of the untruths in his life, whereas Sephiroth took the easy route and tried to use them for his own good, rather than overcome and conquer them to make himself better from them.

08-19-2004, 09:23 AM
I think generally Auron is more powerful. But Sephiroth has Super Nova etc.

08-19-2004, 05:53 PM
But as far as I see it (or as ive read so far) Auron and Sephiroth match each other in a lot of things. So Im going to go on now saying that I think the entire thing would be a draw.

08-20-2004, 01:25 AM
Originally posted by Solaris
But as far as I see it (or as ive read so far) Auron and Sephiroth match each other in a lot of things. So Im going to go on now saying that I think the entire thing would be a draw.

I agree :D

Lunatic HighVII
08-20-2004, 02:47 AM
Me too!!

08-20-2004, 04:24 PM
aurons already dead. How are you gonna kill him again unless sephy can whip out a quick sending. Auron>sephy

Dot Centaur
08-21-2004, 06:49 AM
Originally posted by hellfire_1234
aurons already dead. How are you gonna kill him again unless sephy can whip out a quick sending. Auron>sephy

Okay, but here's the part I got confused in FFVII; after Sephiroth summoned meteor, Shinra and Cloud's party find half of Sephiroth's dead body in crystallized Mako. Wouldn't that make him dead too?

08-21-2004, 10:57 AM
but his mind was active so he couldn't be dead. his body was just immobilized.
i really like auron but i think sephiroth would win without much dificulty. if sephiroth could summon meteor and almost transform into a god (he only couldn't cause cloud and company interrupted him) he could easily imobilize auron and "send" him.

08-21-2004, 06:08 PM
Then again, there's no proof that Sephy's plan would've succeeded. All there is to go on is his psychotic blathering.

08-21-2004, 06:21 PM
at least in theory he was correct. the energy would've gathered. and since he had the knowledge of the ancients it would most likely succeed.
still auron was just human (or inhuman) and sephiroth even before going nuts was the most powerfull warriror alive. i still say he would kick ass.

08-21-2004, 06:42 PM
auron>cloud in a fight. if cloud better than sephi then you expect auron to beat sephi too.

Lunatic HighVII
08-22-2004, 01:26 AM
Hmm... That's very true, Hell Fire! Didn't think of it that way...

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
08-22-2004, 03:30 AM
Originally posted by PlasmaTorture

Sin Harvest.
if you're referring to KH that is.

anyways, it's easy to intterupt or time an elixer so that you're fine :-*

don't forget it takes you to 0 mp, and auto-kills you if you don't have the right abilities equipped.

No, it's Fallen Angel in FF7. KH has nothing to do with this.

And I forgot that other one that hits you with every single negative status that exists in the game. Sephiroth has used both in one turn on me before in FF7.

But, for my money, I still say Sephiroth would pwn Auron. Mainly because of the Fallen Angel spell, and the fact that Sephiroth's speed advantage would allow him to finish Auron off before he could recover from the spell.

08-22-2004, 03:11 PM
hold up.
Im a bit confuzzled now.

What sorta level auron we on about? One who has completed then reset all the attrib nodes? One who has been around the grid without resetting those nodes? Or one that can just about go in and take braskas final aeon? or one that is below that?

Bahamut ZERO
08-22-2004, 10:00 PM
I'm talking about both of them powered to their fullest. And seeing as Sephy's max HP is 60000, and Auron's is 99999, even the speed factor isn't going to happen when Auron can take Sephiroth down in one blow. And he pre-empts in battle with the ultimate weapon. Sephiroth won't get a chance to even move before Auron hits causing 99999 damage, and then it's curtains.


pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
08-22-2004, 11:10 PM
Ah, but when both characters have the pre-emptive attack going, it's the one with the highest speed stat that gets to go first.

Sephiroth = the win.

Plus, I just hated the Auron character, and it's fun to mess with folks.

08-23-2004, 12:13 AM
Originally posted by Solaris
But as far as I see it (or as ive read so far) Auron and Sephiroth match each other in a lot of things. So Im going to go on now saying that I think the entire thing would be a draw.

*nodnod* I agree totally X3

08-23-2004, 02:13 AM
Originally posted by Odin

No, it's Fallen Angel in FF7. KH has nothing to do with this.

Ah, k.
It's been over 4 years since I've fought Sephiroth in FFVII, so I don't remember him having a move like that. =\

Bahamut ZERO
08-23-2004, 10:32 AM
Originally posted by Odin
Ah, but when both characters have the pre-emptive attack going, it's the one with the highest speed stat that gets to go first.

Sephiroth = the win.

Plus, I just hated the Auron character, and it's fun to mess with folks.

If you get Auron all the way round the Sphere grid, you can max out his speed stat (and his strength stat, his dexterity stat, etc, etc.) So he'll either be on even par or better off than Sephiroth.


P.S. I'm the same with people who support Sephiroth blindly.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
08-23-2004, 03:29 PM
I don't support Sephiroth blindly (check the Sephiroth vs. KOS-MOS thread in the RPG forum). It's just that he's the only other option, and I absolutely hate Auron.

Now if, say, it was Auron vs. Emerald/Ruby Weapon, that would be a different story. :P

08-23-2004, 04:34 PM
auron vs emerald would be easy for auron with his hp levels, and the fact of that gay move of emerald that will do no damage to him because he equips no materia.....

emerald had 1million hp right? that means wakka can take him in 1 attack reel?

08-23-2004, 05:57 PM
Emerald had about 750,000 HP.

Lets think about real life if we can.

Forhget Sphere Grids and Preempt.

If Sephiroth and Auron had a fight in a street who would win - on physical strngth - AURON

Who would win on magic strength - SEPHIROTH.

08-23-2004, 06:06 PM
why wouldn't sephiroth win in physical strength? the first time you see him he takes almost 4.000 HP and auron is not even close to that the first time you use him and both of them were expert fighters the first time they show up in the games.

08-25-2004, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by SephirothBizzaro
Emerald had about 750,000 HP.

Lets think about real life if we can.

Forhget Sphere Grids and Preempt.

If Sephiroth and Auron had a fight in a street who would win - on physical strngth - AURON

Who would win on magic strength - SEPHIROTH.

I found this so funny, I was just imagining the both of them walking downt he street with their huge cloaks and swords then they spot each other and have a fist fight.

Still say its a draw, they match each other so well. I mean Auron has great magic defense and sephiroth has attack defense as well. Wouldnt you think they would just max each other out?

08-26-2004, 12:42 AM
But then again, there's the whole proportion in alternate universes problem. How do you know that Sephiroth isn't minuscule to Auron, or vice-versa? :p

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
08-26-2004, 02:42 AM
Because Sephiroth was defying a world-wide government that was at the height of it's power, in addition to Cloud and co. Running around, no one could catch him, and when they did catch up to him, he'd kick their ass (right up until the whole Northern Crater thing).

Auron, on the other hand, was defying, what? A post-apocalyptic theocracy that was by no means world-wide in influence. Unorganized, and just plain stupid.

And I mentioned Emerald because it had the HP/MP draining lasers in addition to the fact it would always get something like 5 or 6 turns to my one.

Ruby because of the fact that it had the higher physical defense and absorbed a lot of the elemental spells, plus the whole cheap sandtrap thing it did, Ultima as a random counterattack, negative stats it would inflict, really high HP, etc.

I was just imagining the both of them walking downt he street with their huge cloaks and swords then they spot each other and have a fist fight.

Sephiroth would kick Auron's ass in a fist fight. I mean, just check his moves in Ehrgeiz (:D).

08-26-2004, 09:47 AM
Sephiroth vs Auron,

Auron just rocks, he could take out Sephiroth, Sephiroth is too one-minded, and what kinda battle would let the bad guy win, come on, Auron would just win, full stop .

08-27-2004, 01:00 PM
Auron would beat sephiroth anyday.
He has more strength,expirence and hes not a psychotic
guy trin to kill the earth to become god. Auron thinks more realistic and pluz hes already dead

09-02-2004, 07:20 PM
Originally posted by Zephikast
Sephiroth vs Auron,

Auron just rocks, he could take out Sephiroth, Sephiroth is too one-minded, and what kinda battle would let the bad guy win, come on, Auron would just win, full stop .

I would love to see the bad guy win. Its so boring watching the good guy win all the time..

Sephiroth would kick Auron's ass in a fist fight. I mean, just check his moves in Ehrgeiz ().

I would think so, but then Auron seems so much stronger physically than Sephiroth..

Lunatic HighVII
09-02-2004, 10:09 PM
Maybe Auron's stronger phyically, but look at everything that Sephiroth did in ffVII! He controlled so many, and caused so much destruction.

Sephiroth would win.

09-02-2004, 10:17 PM
They should really bring out FF Battlezone or something with the strongest characters from all FF's, in a Tekken like tournament.
Then we wouldnt need to keep debating over and over, and just sort it on the game.

Bahamut ZERO
09-02-2004, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by The Bear
They should really bring out FF Battlezone or something with the strongest characters from all FF's, in a Tekken like tournament.
Then we wouldnt need to keep debating over and over, and just sort it on the game.

No, then we'd debate which character we'd use to kick all the other characters' asses in the game.

Good idea though. ^^

09-02-2004, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by Bahamut ZERO

No, then we'd debate which character we'd use to kick all the other characters' asses in the game.

Ah, your wisdom shames me good sir.
*bows head and exits*

Dot Centaur
09-03-2004, 02:05 AM
Originally posted by Lunatic HighVII
Maybe Auron's stronger phyically, but look at everything that Sephiroth did in ffVII! He controlled so many, and caused so much destruction.

Sephiroth would win.

When you're big and strong, your downfall will usually be speed and brains. Sepphiroth is the speed, brains, and courage, and Auron is the brawn, brains, and courage, so I that's why I think Sephiroth would win.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
09-03-2004, 02:06 AM
Originally posted by Solaris

I would love to see the bad guy win. Its so boring watching the good guy win all the time..

Go play some Legacy of Kain games. You'll be in heaven.

09-03-2004, 05:46 AM
Originally posted by Odin

Go play some Legacy of Kain games. You'll be in heaven.

Seconded. Even if you don't want to see a bad guy kicking ass, play them anyway.

Jenova Filled Puppet
09-09-2004, 08:08 PM
I really have no idea, I'd like to say draw. Auron is strong, but then, he was killed by someone so it's definatly not impossible. Sephiroth was able to virtually ignore a world government, but then, this is a world government that can afford to make an army and a giant cannon, but isn't smart enough to send more then three troops at you at a time, and only sends four people to track the person that's trying to end the world. Actually, as cool as they both are regardless, I'm gonna say Sephiroth, Auron's to honerable, Sephiroth would just create an illusion of himself in front of Auron and then stab him in the back when he wasn't looking. Besides, he can fly.

09-11-2004, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by Jenova Filled Puppet
Sephiroth would just create an illusion of himself in front of Auron and then stab him in the back when he wasn't looking.


09-12-2004, 01:01 AM
Originally posted by Jenova Filled Puppet
I really have no idea, I'd like to say draw. Auron is strong, but then, he was killed by someone so it's definatly not impossible. Sephiroth was able to virtually ignore a world government, but then, this is a world government that can afford to make an army and a giant cannon, but isn't smart enough to send more then three troops at you at a time, and only sends four people to track the person that's trying to end the world. Actually, as cool as they both are regardless, I'm gonna say Sephiroth, Auron's to honerable, Sephiroth would just create an illusion of himself in front of Auron and then stab him in the back when he wasn't looking. Besides, he can fly.

I don't know. Aurons wise, so I think he would see through a simple illusion that Sephiroth may create.

09-12-2004, 02:18 AM
Originally posted by Mickrulz

I don't know. Aurons wise, so I think he would see through a simple illusion that Sephiroth may create.

Auron may be wise, but hes still only human.. and humans are decieved easily. Sephiroth can fly, make images of himself, and send some Jenova arms against Auron :D

09-12-2004, 02:37 AM
Originally posted by Solaris

Auron may be wise, but hes still only human.. and humans are decieved easily. Sephiroth can fly, make images of himself, and send some Jenova arms against Auron :D

Yeah I suppose. But that didn't stop Cloud and co from defeating Sephiroth

09-12-2004, 02:44 AM
But Cloud wasnt exactly human, he was a clone of Jenova like Sephiroth was.

09-12-2004, 02:52 AM
Originally posted by Mickrulz

Yeah I suppose. But that didn't stop Cloud and co from defeating Sephiroth

exactly. it took more than one to defeat sephiroth. so auron alone wouldn't pull it off.

09-12-2004, 03:06 AM
Originally posted by god is dead

exactly. it took more than one to defeat sephiroth. so auron alone wouldn't pull it off.

true! i mean it took 6 people to defeat bizzaro sephiroth, and 3 too defeat safer sephiroth. and then in the end only Cloud could have defeated him. Since Cloud is his defect Clone

09-12-2004, 03:27 AM
Originally posted by Solaris

true! i mean it took 6 people to defeat bizzaro sephiroth, and 3 too defeat safer sephiroth. and then in the end only Cloud could have defeated him. Since Cloud is his defect Clone

But Aurons dead so can you kill the Unsent?

09-12-2004, 03:33 AM
but isnt Sephiroth dead too some extent?

09-12-2004, 03:55 AM
Originally posted by Mickrulz

But Aurons dead so can you kill the Unsent?

all you have to do is perform a sending. and i doubt sephiroth wouldn't be able to do that.

09-12-2004, 04:04 AM
Originally posted by god is dead

all you have to do is perform a sending. and i doubt sephiroth couldn't do that.

yes, but does Sephiroth know how to preform the sending and isn't it that only a summoner can preform the sending

And besides even if Sephiroth could preform the sending do you think Auron would give him the chance the preform it. I think not

09-12-2004, 04:35 AM
hey if he could summon meteor he's a summoner in my book. and he'd find a way to keep auron distracted. he had a lot of minions and wasn't afraid to use them.

09-12-2004, 04:55 AM
Originally posted by god is dead
hey if he could summon meteor he's a summoner in my book. and he'd find a way to keep auron distracted. he had a lot of minions and wasn't afraid to use them.

Sephiroths minions are really only Janova. And summoning a meteor with the black materia is not a summoner in my books. anyone could summon a meteor. thats totally different than being a summoner in ff10, but there 2 totally different games in 2 totally different worlds so it's hard to compare.

09-12-2004, 05:06 AM
agreed. anyone could be a summoner in VII.

Celes Chere
09-22-2004, 03:35 PM
Psh, Auron, hands down!

Auron knew much more than he led on. And he was devoted to what he did.

...And he didn't kill pretty girls named Aeris >_> (Although was Jenova...)

10-01-2004, 04:17 AM
dude, Sephiroth's Masamune is more sleek and he can use to perfection and he's evil which is obviously a plus, and i mean, if you guys are still thinking in game terms, well... Sephiroth would mop the floor with Auron and toss him aside and then become a god and then destroy everything.

again, as i said before, try thinking about it not in game terms, but in real life terms, their fighting styles, weapons, and abilities, then, tell me that Auron's weapon would stand up to the sheer agaility and strength of Sephy, not to mention he's psychotic an very devoted to what he did...

10-01-2004, 05:17 AM
dude, don't revive threads.