Omega sephiroth
08-14-2004, 02:16 PM
Did you ever miss the card game in ff8 triple traids?I thought they should of brought it out as a game its self because it was great!Who else miss this great game

08-15-2004, 05:45 AM
The card game was probably my favorite part of FFVIII, though I slightly prefer Tetramaster (FFIX). I didn't understand how rules spread though, and my worldwide rules were so twisted by the end that it was impossible to play. :'(

Omega sephiroth
08-15-2004, 08:32 AM
I dident reaqlly like FF9 because it was based to old and i thought the character werent that intresting and i thought tetramaster was to confusing.Triple traids game was great easy fun and full of rewards.

08-15-2004, 08:44 AM
Tetramaster was hard to figure out if you went by just what the game told you. I looked up how the game worked online, and it's pretty simple. Now you can play it against other people (comes installed with FFXI) online... which is pretty neat, but I haven't tried it out.

Omega sephiroth
08-15-2004, 08:47 AM
Maybe some one could make an online triple traids game you start with basic cards and every match you win you could take on card and earn 1 gil.Gil could be made to buy more powerful cards.

08-15-2004, 09:57 AM

If someone did, I'd check it out, but I have a lot on my plate in life right now. :x

08-15-2004, 09:44 PM
Actually, there are several online Triple Triad games that you can check out. Go to Google and put in "triple triad" and you'll find several neat games.

I liked the card game mostly because you could get lots of cool items. But it was fun to just play every once in a while as well.