01-27-2002, 10:27 PM
Whats the best PS2 RPG i say FF10

Majin Sephiroth
01-27-2002, 11:57 PM
hmm, that isnt out in the u.k yet so the best rpg would have to be dark cloud

01-28-2002, 12:18 AM
best ps2 game = TTT
best ps2 RPG = ...havent played ffx or any other rpg..

01-28-2002, 12:22 AM
Fantavison. Oh yeah.

01-28-2002, 12:30 AM
FF10 of course.

The Unknown
01-28-2002, 12:41 AM
Even though I'm in the US, I still haven't bought FFX so I'm going to go with Dark Cloud.

01-28-2002, 03:24 AM
Do you think Dark Cloud is that Good

01-28-2002, 07:12 AM
Well... I haven't beaten FFX yet, so I am not gonna count it, although I expect it will be my fav.

So I am gonna go with MGS2... The gameplay is just outstanding, the story was great(IMHO) and just a damn good game ya know?

01-28-2002, 11:13 AM
Well, for me is FFX, it has great movie, cool system(Battle field and Sphere system), funny character(Tidus and Wakka just like a brother), beautifull music, and marvelous Aeons;)

01-28-2002, 11:43 AM
The best I have played is Devil May Cry. FFX and MGS2 isn't released here yet.

01-28-2002, 04:58 PM
As far as rpgs go I have to say dark cloud. much more entertaining than ffx.

Nanaki XIII
01-28-2002, 07:22 PM
Umm FFX. All the way. I found Dark Cloud kind of dissapointing but all well.

01-28-2002, 11:42 PM
MGS2... everything about the game it awesome.. there is no bad graphics .. smoothest game for the ps2 out..

01-29-2002, 03:17 PM
Since the only game i have playeed for the PS2 yet is Grand Theft Auto 3, i'll have to say that.