Bus Driver
08-13-2004, 04:08 AM
We arrived shortly at a local gas station, I needed gas and we were all low on smokes. The vibe remained, each of us feeling energetic and up to the task at hand. At the moment I felt so great inside, feeling as if I had revived my very soul. I entered the store at ease, paying for the goods. The night sky was silent, the lights playing games with the shadows. I made my way back to vehicle, as I did I took notice to some punks making comments as I passed by their car. I paid them no attention; I had no time for nonsense.

They were the same as many these days, lost in a spiraling whirlwind of complication. Believing they know and understand all there is to truly know about life. The biggest error being that they do not know how to truly live. The ability to beat another man does not make you special. Nor will causing pain and suffering allow you to experience the fulfillment that is life. And so, they proceeded to exit their vehicle in an attempt to physically harm another human being.

My eyes widened as I realized the severity of the situation, we had places to be, but before we could there were six young men standing in our path. Each one blindly following a path set forth by those before them, with no knowledge that the very way they follow is wrong. We were surrounded, the only choice now being to fight for survival. What could we do but stand our ground; we shall defend until our death.

We stood outnumbered, the new guy already frozen in shock. After all his words, his actions did not live up. Two rushed in to take out my friend, his quick fists holding them off. I could no longer stand by; I threw one onto the trunk of the car and began beating his face with my fists. Then all time and motion slowed down, every action down to the smallest movement. From the actions of every being nearyby, to the flickering of the lights above. The others would not watch their comrades lose, and the losses began.

My friend was left to care for himself, as his face was forced into the concrete amongst the fumes of spilt gasoline and oil. His attempts to brace himself only caused more damage; his very fate was now in his hands. I on the other hand, continued the fight against the others. The others countered my earlier advances; I was now forced onto the back of the car being pummeled by various assailants. I felt my body being snatched from under me, my head crashing with the concrete. I stayed down only for a matter of seconds; I could smell the blood in the air.

Everything began to spin around me, the blood slowly moving down my face. I released a flurry of punches; only to take several shots to the face. The car had now become my only friend, as I used it to hold up my weary body. I could hear the comments of my assailant, bragging as if he knew in his heart that he had overcome me. The twisted laughs of my demise lit a fire inside of me, awakening a part of me that should have remained dormant. I turned quickly and landed a clean shot to the skull, my assailant now flat on his back no longer had any comments to make. I paused for a second, only to see the fear in the eyes of the one who chose to laugh.

His laughs were silenced, his concerned look only fed my desire to cause more damage. Unable to hold my body up, I sought to fulfill my will. I collapsed near my fallen assailant and unleashed the rage within me. I beat his face repeatedly, not caring if I ended his very life. The others came to his rescue; I never felt the kick to my ribs. They allowed their friend to escape, leaving one behind to deliver another kick to my chest. At that moment I looked dead into his eyes, with a look that delivered a clear message. That very look delivered the very feeling I felt at that moment, that being I wanted to rip out that very young man�s heart and watch in delight as his life ended at my hands.

I arose quickly from the ground, the assailants retreating with no desire to continue the battle. My friend rejoined me as the new guy at last moved from his frozen state, I ordered for our departure as the sirens could be heard in the background. We fled down the street, my friend and I laughing at our injuries. Blood running from each of us, respect given where respect was due. The new guy now only in a place of despise, for he was now no better than our assailants. Of course we arrived at our destination, anger coursing through my very veins. Simply because my will in battle can never be pleased, no amount of harm would ever be enough. Which is why I avoided that very emotion.

I laugh because our very young assailants have absolutely no clue, you can never understand the true meaning of battle until you understand the true meaning of life and death. They are no more than misguided fools, following a path they believe to be paved with riches. So what if they caused us some injuries, we were outnumbered times three and they still could not hold their ground. Even greater, they do not realize that old saying is in fact the truth. What goes around does come around, and their days are numbered.