10-07-2013, 10:58 PM
So there's a very good HD quality version of the film going around the internet and as it seems to be 7.1, I was able to rip the end credits. It's good quality with just a tiny bit of SFX (Silver whinnying and a slight echo of "Hi Ho Silver! Away") but not enough that's too noticeable. It's a fairly good rip so here you go.

DepositFiles (http://dfiles.eu/files/zblw1m1s5)

If you all like it, I'll try and rip some more music from the film but those will have plenty more SFX, especially the segment of finale heard in the film and cut from the album.

10-07-2013, 11:03 PM
Sweet! Thank you!

Unlike most critics, I actually really enjoyed the film! While I do agree with some of the complaints (its way too long!), It didn't take away from my enjoyment of the film.

10-07-2013, 11:11 PM
Sweet! Thank you!

Unlike most critics, I actually really enjoyed the film! While I do agree with some of the complaints (its way too long!), I didnt take away from my enjoyment of the film.

I really liked the film too. It's just a shame that we won't get a sequel.

10-07-2013, 11:17 PM
Awesome! Really enjoying this track - and hoping that it surfaces in the form of Recording Sessions some time soon. This will tide me over in the mean time. Thanks!

10-07-2013, 11:22 PM

10-07-2013, 11:23 PM
genius��� gracias��

10-07-2013, 11:28 PM

10-08-2013, 12:01 AM
I really liked the film too. It's just a shame that we won't get a sequel.

I agree... Would love to see a sequel!

10-08-2013, 12:20 AM
The film was brilliant! It really brought back that sense of the Pirates trio getting back in action which I enjoyed A LOT! Including Zimmer's beautiful score!

10-08-2013, 12:42 AM
Thanks pottyaboutpotter1!

The film was brilliant! It really brought back that sense of the Pirates trio getting back in action which I enjoyed A LOT! Including Zimmer's beautiful score!

Now I wouldn't go THAT far! lol... The film did have it merits. Johnny Depp was actually hilarious in my opinion. He wasn't a traditional Tonto, but for the way they told the story it worked. Kinda what they did to Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downey Jr. only to a more extreme degree. Also Armie Hammer was good. He plays the slightly incompetent but well meaning cliche pretty well. Overall the film was WAY to long, the action WAY to big and bloated, and I didn't like the whole "story telling by old Tonto" thing. It made the film feel off balance. First you have the cute little kid listening to a story, and then we have cutting out people's hearts and Indian massacres? It just didn't work for me. I loved anytime Tonto was onscreen with Silver though. "You have the wrong brother!" and "Something very wrong with that horse..." made me laugh heartily. Overall though the film wasn't very good. I think though, that if they had cut about 20-30 minutes off, it might have felt smoother and been more enjoyable.

10-08-2013, 01:55 AM
The film was brilliant! It really brought back that sense of the Pirates trio getting back in action which I enjoyed A LOT! Including Zimmer's beautiful score!


Now I wouldn't go THAT far! lol... The film did have it merits. Johnny Depp was actually hilarious in my opinion. He wasn't a traditional Tonto, but for the way they told the story it worked. Kinda what they did to Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downey Jr. only to a more extreme degree. Also Armie Hammer was good. He plays the slightly incompetent but well meaning cliche pretty well. Overall the film was WAY to long, the action WAY to big and bloated, and I didn't like the whole "story telling by old Tonto" thing. It made the film feel off balance. First you have the cute little kid listening to a story, and then we have cutting out people's hearts and Indian massacres? It just didn't work for me. I loved anytime Tonto was onscreen with Silver though. "You have the wrong brother!" and "Something very wrong with that horse..." made me laugh heartily. Overall though the film wasn't very good. I think though, that if they had cut about 20-30 minutes off, it might have felt smoother and been more enjoyable.

Yeah... I agree with Jasonjhn8 on this. I think this film was nowhere near brilliant, BUT I found it highly enjoyable!. I agree with everything mentioned, but may I add that the whole scene with Helena Bonham Carter's character at the bar was uneeded, and could've made the extremely long film a little shorter without it.

10-08-2013, 02:14 AM
Yeah... I agree with Jasonjhn8 on this. I think this film was nowhere near brilliant, BUT I found it highly enjoyable!. I agree with everything mentioned, but may I add that the whole scene with Helena Bonham Carter's character at the bar was uneeded, and could've made the extremely long film a little shorter without it.

I forgot about her! Totally agree. Her character could have been removed from the film and it would have made very little difference. And like you said, it would have cut time. So yeah, overall enjoyable, but could have been a lot better.

10-08-2013, 02:21 AM
I forgot about her! Totally agree. Her character could have been removed from the film and it would have made very little difference. And like you said, it would have cut time. So yeah, overall enjoyable, but could have been a lot better.

Thats only one of the scenes I thought could be cut to make the film better, but I cant remember the rest. I only saw the film once so I'll have to wait for the Blu-Ray (Which I do plan on buying... even with its problems.) to remember what scenes I felt were unneeded.

Also, @mboy114, When I replied with "Uh..." I was not saying you're wrong for thinking the film was brilliant. I just didn't think so myself. But that's the great thing about film (and other forms of art), is that its all subjective. You may think one film is great while others might thinks it sucks, and vice versa.

10-08-2013, 02:27 AM

10-08-2013, 02:46 AM
Thank you, it's a killer suite, one of the best cues of the year IMO (along with The Finale), the way all the themes are presented..wow...and I loved the movie too

10-08-2013, 03:41 AM
Also, @mboy114, When I replied with "Uh..." I was not saying you're wrong for thinking the film was brilliant. I just didn't think so myself. But that's the great thing about film (and other forms of art), is that its all subjective. You may think one film is great while others might thinks it sucks, and vice versa.

hack3rman, do you watch AMC Movie Talk on YouTube?

10-08-2013, 04:03 AM
SFX are hardly noticeable, this sounds great! Thanks for ripping it and posting it.

I enjoyed the film as well, and did not feel it was too long. It was the standard Disney / Bruckheimer / Verbinski / Depp vehicle that's usually 2 & 1/2 hours long. Just like Pirates. I don't like short movies, I feel like once they start they're over. I like to settle in and watch a 2-3 hour movie. A perfect example would be Gravity: I loved the film, but 90 minutes went by in the blink of an eye. It really is a shame TLR bombed, it looked like it was going to be a successful film. I won't say I'm disappointed about no sequel, as all Hollywood makes sequels for today is the money. (Terminator 3, anyone? Completely ignored the plotline of Judgement Day and fucked everything up from there). Just a little upset about not seeing Depp's Tonto again. He was like a Western Jack Sparrow. Loved it. Armie Hammer was the wrong choice, he was fucking horrible. I cannot stand him and I strongly felt that Disney should have chosen a stronger male lead. Hammer is not a household name yet like Johnny Depp, Tom Wilkinson, William Fichtner, Helena Bonham-Carter or even Barry Pepper.

10-08-2013, 04:21 AM
I can't help feeling a little Dvoracky when I hear the HOME track. It is soooo NEW WORLD SYMPHONY, the slow movement. And so appropriate.

the marvin
10-08-2013, 08:48 AM

10-08-2013, 09:24 AM
It didn't take away from my enjoyment of the film.


10-08-2013, 09:31 AM
Id like if you tippen some more tracks!

Will you do a complete Edit with film audio and the OST combined? :)

10-08-2013, 09:42 AM
thanks,I like the original, Very unique 。

10-08-2013, 11:08 AM
Id like if you tippen some more tracks!

Will you do a complete Edit with film audio and the OST combined? :)

I'll try. It'll take a while as I'll be working around my studies but I'll give it a shot. But it may end up being an expanded edit (some stuff is just too SFX ridden to be listenable).

---------- Post added at 04:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:56 AM ----------

Okay, I made a slight mistake. The audio is 5.1 not 7.1 (turns out I may have double counted an audio track or 2) and it's going to be much harder to work with. But I'm going to try and do a complete edit of the score using both the film and the official OST. I'll revisit some tracks once a 7.1 source is available. As I'll be working around University, the edit may take a week to several weeks depending on when I can sit down and get it done. But today, I've been able to offer two new tracks ripped from the film. The first is Finale with the missing middle section restored. It sounds pretty good but SFX is present. The second is music from the final scenes of the film that revisits Home and Never Take of The Mask in new variations. Again, SFX is present but not as bad as finale.

Finale (film version): http://dfiles.eu/files/c9hwaoch2

Up to you, Kemosabe: DepositFiles (http://dfiles.eu/files/eusm4w6dq)

10-08-2013, 11:17 AM
Damn, they've already taken down Finale. Thanks for your efforts in any event, it's a great service

10-08-2013, 11:37 AM
Damn, they've already taken down Finale. Thanks for your efforts in any event, it's a great service

Damn. They got it that soon? Well here's another link to it with a different name. Hopefully it'll stay up this time. DepositFiles (http://dfiles.eu/files/c9hwaoch2)

10-08-2013, 12:21 PM
Holy shit, down again. It must be some kinda highfalutin automatic process. Seems like you're gonna be out of luck as far as DespositFiles goes. The bastards! Stuff like this is why The Ranger put on the mask in the first place!

EDIT: Checked the other two, they're still up as of right now. It's only Finale. Weird.

10-08-2013, 03:08 PM
Thank you for that!

10-08-2013, 03:45 PM
hack3rman, do you watch AMC Movie Talk on YouTube?

Yup! Sure do! Love that show and watch it every day! Although Ive been saying film is subjective before I even started watching that (I only found out about the show last month). I'm glad John Campea and I have the same views about film.

---------- Post added at 10:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:33 AM ----------

I enjoyed the film as well, and did not feel it was too long. It was the standard Disney / Bruckheimer / Verbinski / Depp vehicle that's usually 2 & 1/2 hours long. Just like Pirates. I don't like short movies, I feel like once they start they're over. I like to settle in and watch a 2-3 hour movie.

I don't like short movies either.

To me the main problem about the length of the film was not the actual run-time. Some of the scenes were just drawn out and way to slow, making the film seem longer than it really was.

A perfect example would be Gravity: I loved the film, but 90 minutes went by in the blink of an eye.

I haven't been able to see that yet due to my work schedule! But I'm going this friday! I'm defiantly going to check that out in IMAX 3D!

It really is a shame TLR bombed, it looked like it was going to be a successful film. I won't say I'm disappointed about no sequel, as all Hollywood makes sequels for today is the money. Just a little upset about not seeing Depp's Tonto again. He was like a Western Jack Sparrow.

Yeah, I hate it when any film I liked bombs.... I'm a little disappointed about there being no sequel, I really want to see some more adventures with these characters. But who knows? As many reboots as Hollywood has been making recently, maybe Disney (Or some other distributor) will try again in the future. Highly unlikely, but possible.

Armie Hammer was the wrong choice, he was fucking horrible. I cannot stand him and I strongly felt that Disney should have chosen a stronger male lead. Hammer is not a household name yet like Johnny Depp, Tom Wilkinson, William Fichtner, Helena Bonham-Carter or even Barry Pepper.

Really?! I didn't think he was horrible at all! Granted he wasn't great, but I though he was decent in the film. I will admit though he can't carry a film by himself at all, at least not yet. Hence why Johny Depp was casted as Tonto.

10-08-2013, 04:29 PM
.....Anyway, i like track ''Finale'' in both the film version and the end credits pt.1 cue, but unfortunately they are totally different from the Album version, the film mix is HELL great.
Here is the full end credits Flac (http://www5.zippyshare.com/v/10422979/file.html), yeah i know they were more effects & sounds...

10-08-2013, 04:56 PM
Could you upload Finale again?:)

10-08-2013, 07:26 PM
Another Finale link. hopefully this one will last longer than the other two. https://mega.co.nz/#!t9pECZxD!Ck6QswU7-sHxG7THTFuq5HVtM8J9g3Iuq23yBBepq7M

10-08-2013, 07:48 PM
That's good..... thanks
* i am too gonna try re-editing track Finale from the OST to fit the film version.

10-08-2013, 07:55 PM
Thanks a lot!

10-08-2013, 09:07 PM
Lone Ranger: "You keep calling me Kemosabe, what does that even mean?"
Tonto: (pauses) "......Wrong Brother..."
Lone Ranger: "High Ho Silver! Away!"
Tonto: (looks at Lone Ranger strangely) "Don't ever do that again!"

Those made me crack up.

Anyway, thanks for the extra tracks!

10-08-2013, 11:06 PM
Okay, the Complete Score Edit is coming along nicely (I may use this thread just to keep you all posted as to how it's coming along). I've got five tracks done covering roughly the first ten minutes of the film (there's an awful lot of silence without music here). Here's the track names so far, if you think stuff needs renaming just give a suggestion. Track names are going to be tricky so please offer suggestions! So without further ado, here's the name of the first few tracks.

1. Logos (Never Take Off The Mask on the Album) 1:08

2. Make Trade (The young boy, Will, meets Tonto) 1:24

3. This is a Damn Bank Robbery! (The Lone Ranger and Tonto rob the bank) 0:50

4. Colby, Texas: 1869 (the railroad construction as we enter the story proper) 1:00

5. The Future is Just Around The Bend (Dan and the Rangers arrive at the train station, created using the opening of Ride on the album) 0:45

10-09-2013, 02:13 AM
Okay, the Complete Score Edit is coming along nicely (I may use this thread just to keep you all posted as to how it's coming along). I've got five tracks done covering roughly the first ten minutes of the film (there's an awful lot of silence without music here). Here's the track names so far, if you think stuff needs renaming just give a suggestion. Track names are going to be tricky so please offer suggestions! So without further ado, here's the name of the first few tracks.

1. Logos (Never Take Off The Mask on the Album) 1:08

2. Make Trade (The young boy, Will, meets Tonto) 1:24

3. This is a Damn Bank Robbery! (The Lone Ranger and Tonto rob the bank) 0:50

4. Colby, Texas: 1869 (the railroad construction as we enter the story proper) 1:00

5. The Future is Just Around The Bend (Dan and the Rangers arrive at the train station, created using the opening of Ride on the album) 0:45

Looking forward to this man. Keep up the good work lol

10-09-2013, 06:51 AM
Me as well...Rip sounds awesome

10-09-2013, 10:24 PM
Several more track names for you all. About Twenty minutes in. Hoping to get ten minutes done a day so it could be done in the next week or so. So here's the next few tracks I've completed.

6. This Is My Bible (John's Introduction) 0:55

7. Hanson Place, Shall We Gather At The River (Brief snippet of the song sung by the religious folk) 0:13

8. Almost Hanging Time Butch (Butch and Tonto's introduction) 0:23

9. Market Stall Music Box (Music box music heard as Rebecca, Danny and Cole browse the market) 0:35

10. Right On Time (Starts with cue where Cole talks to Rebecca, transitions into darker cue for Butch's gang) 0:41

11. Butch Escapes (Butch escapes his bonds and kills the guards) 1:15

12. Butch's Gang Arrives (Butch's Gang board the train) 0:15

13. Nothing Comes Next (Butch and Tonto standoff, Butch's Gang Hijack the train) 1:08

14. Time Has Come Wendigo (Tonto attempts to kill Butch) 0:40

15. A Lawyer And A Crazy Indian (Butch escapes leaving John and Tonto chained together) 1:16

16. The Railroad Waits For No One (Same as Album cue with restored middle section not heard on Album) 4:45

10-12-2013, 08:19 PM
Complete Score Edit done!! http://forums.ffshrine.org/f92/lone-ranger-2013-complete-score-edit-hans-162700/#post2488220.

Tracklist is as follows.

1. Logos
2. Make Trade
3. This is a Damn Bank Robbery!!
4. Colby Texas, 1869
5. The Future is Just Around The Bend
6. This is my Bible
7. Hanson Place (Shall We Gather At The River)
8. Almost Hanging Time Butch
9. Market Stall Music Box
10. Right on Time
11. Butch Escapes
12. Butch's Gang Arrives
13. Nothing Comes Next
14. Time Has Come Wendigo
15. A Lawyer and a Crazy Indian
16. The Railroad Waits for No One
17. Just Taking This Man Into Custody
18. It's My Home
19. Tonto Scares Danny
20. Silver
21. No Cover
22. The Canyon
23. Ambush
24. You've Looked Better
25. Spirit Horse
26. Manure Hair
27. Visions
28. Don't Look Down
29. Why Are You Talking To That Horse?
30. Silver Bullet
31. Kemosabe
32. Red's Theater Of The Absurd
33. Wendigo Getting Away
34. Escape From Red's
35. Rebecca Sees Scout
36. 'Indians' Attack Reid Home
37. Was Not Indian
38. Our Horse Can Fly?
39. Wrong Brother
40. Butch's Camp
41. The Valley Of Tears
42. Lost In The Desert
43. I Understand You Have An Indian Problem
44. Death Dance
45. The Tent
46. Never Taste Other Man's Drink
47. Tonto's Tale
48. Nature Is Out Of Balance
49. Where The River Begins
50. Bye Frank
51. You're Just A Man In A Mask
52. It Could All Be Yours
53. Is This The Man You've Been Looking For?
54. Twitchy Finger
55. The Truth Revealed
56. Nothing Is Accomplished Without Sacrifice
57. For God And For Country
58. It Was A Good Plan
59. Finale
60. Up To You Kemosabe
61. End Credits Part 1
62. End Credits Part 2