10-07-2013, 05:57 AM
Donald Rubinstein
1976/2006 (Level Green)

22 tracks, TRT: 36:41, FLAC

https://mega.co.nz/#!U8lUCJpT!XNldwwGEfZDIMtsRDPHuIiFOelYOf8F01pGwQSW AI28

Note: this is a special score that underscores an even more special film from the Zombie maestro himself, George A. Romero. This score perfectly conveys the weirdness of the character Martin whom we learn is a rather unconventional vampire in that he doesn't have fangs in which to drink blood. This is the most unique vampire film I can recall ever seeing and is one you may wish to visit when tired of the same ol' formulaic Dracula stories.

Donald Rubinstein utilized a wild blend of funky synth vibes, a beautiful theme accompanied by a chilling female vocalist, a touch of jazz, etc. There is one cue from the movie that caused me to seek this score out that is unfortunately missing from any release of the score. It's the cue that plays when Martin plays a Halloween trick on Cuda midway through the film. It conveniently plays as the menu music on the Lions Gate remastered DVD. Per the liner notes on Discogs for this release, the original masters were unfortunately lost so the chances of getting that cue is slim to none.

This release was mastered from composer Donald Rubinstein's last sealed vinyl copy so this is a vinyl source meaning you will hear some vinyl noises throughout the duration. Better than nothing at all, I say.


10-07-2013, 06:47 AM
I remember watching it because as a fan of the zombie maestro George Romero, this is a must! The film as you mentioned is not the usual formulaic Vampire tale but rather conveys a poignant and tragic tale of a man believed to be a vampire or something like that. I can't recall if there's much scare from this film but all I can remember is it's own style and liking it for that. Goes well with the score by Donald Rubenstein I might add. Thanks Cody, I'll be glad to listen to it once again as a stand alone piece.

10-07-2013, 09:16 PM

10-08-2013, 02:53 AM
Thanks for sharing this one.

10-08-2013, 01:46 PM
Thank you very much, Cody!

10-08-2013, 02:32 PM
Thanks!! :)

10-08-2013, 02:43 PM
Another great out-of-the-ordinary vampire flick is gonna be Guillermo del Toro's Cronos. Anyone have a score album for that?

A little side note for those who saw Guillermo del Toro's Halloween tribute for the Simpsons new Treehouse of Horror episode: if you look closely in the usual part where Maggie gets bagged at the supermarket, prior to that you can clearly see the Cronos device on the conveyor. That put a smile on my face. Who am I kidding, the whole thing put a smile on my face.

10-10-2013, 08:16 AM

Acid Rift
02-03-2015, 04:39 PM
Any chance of a re-up, please ?
Link is broken.