Kill Bill
08-11-2004, 11:02 PM
i prefer the 3rd person view....i like to see the characters rather than having a big gun infront of the screen all the time...though i like halo, and there are some games where you have to go 1st person at one point, to shoot or look at something closer.....

what do you prefer?

The Ricky
08-12-2004, 06:39 AM
3rd person, I like to see what I'm doing.

08-12-2004, 07:38 AM
It really depends on the game being played. It would not work on games that are FPS at heart. If you try to enable third person mode in Quake 3, you'll find it extremely annoying and just plain stupid. Likewise, playing Metal Gear Solid (the Intregal Version) in all first person is pretty damn dumb too.

08-12-2004, 09:23 AM
It totally depends on the type of game I'm playing.

Generally speaking, I like to play games like Halo in first Person, and most other stuff in third person.

hb smokey
08-12-2004, 08:22 PM
There really isn't a favorite with me. Some games I like from 3rd-person, and others I like 1st-person. So I really can't choose which one I like better. There are just specific games that mesh better with a specific perspective.

08-13-2004, 06:43 PM
Games with First Person view do not appeal to me, and the perspective is at least one of the reasons. While playing the Might & Magic games, I was constantly wishing to SEE my group of heroes. It was just fake. It felt like moving through the world as some sort of disembodied entity, not as a human being.
I couldn't relate to what was happening to the characters at all.

It's much easier to get into a Third Person game, for me. I need to see the characters, their movement, etc. It's the same for movies. First Person brings a lot of problems... :(

I guess action shooters require First Person, though. But any story oriented game... I need to know who I am, neh?

08-14-2004, 04:46 AM
I like it when they sidescroll or are top-down. =\

08-16-2004, 05:41 AM
I agree with Tokiko. Although 1st person can be nice sometimes... such as Morrowind, I travel with 3rd person on and fight in 1st.

hb smokey
08-16-2004, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by Terry-kun
I like it when they sidescroll =\
Super Metroid=the win

08-16-2004, 08:16 PM
i much rather prefer 3rd person view! its easier to control and to see!

08-16-2004, 11:51 PM
If it's a shooter you have it has to be first person because third person shooters in general have much worse gameplay.

Bahamut ZERO
08-16-2004, 11:57 PM
It varies from game to game.

Morrowind, for instance, I have to play in first person mode. It's hard to follow my character sometimes in third person and it seems more natural to explore in this mode.

Racing games I am better inside the car, or on the front of the car, than on the outside of the car. Gran Turismo 3 is my favourite racing game, and I am trained to race on the outside of the car. Although I started to drive on the outside in Project Gotham Racing 2.

08-18-2004, 04:18 PM
it depends on the type of game, for shooters, need first person, for just about anything else need third person.