10-04-2013, 06:29 PM
John Debney
Hocus Pocus
1993/2013 (Intrada)

34 tracks, TRT: 1:14:25

320 MP3

https://mega.co.nz/#!xptTDILB!XY4OSVeR2uUepW1GjqPXZG5t0hZftOsiB7fqStW sm1U


https://mega.co.nz/#!p40FkYpL!DrMjtzSEYrVUM5F3364XIWxx94YM4bpjFmVilMw 9el4

Track Listing:
01. Main Title 1:29
02. Garden of Magic/Thackery Follows Emily
03. Witches' Lair
04. To the Stake
05. Death to the Witches
06. Meeting Allison
07. Max Loses Shoes
08. Hallowe'en
09. Max and Dani
10. Divertimento #17 in D, K. 334 (Mozart)
11. To the Witches' House We Go
12. The Black Candle
13. Witches on a Rampage
14. Graveyard Attack
15. The Calming Circle
16. The Master
17. Fingers
18. Springing the Trap
19. Winnie's Lament
20. Witches Flight
21. Sarah's Theme
22. Max Fools the Witches
23. Winnie Catches Up
24. Billy Speaks
25. Witches Capture Dani
26. Witches Demise/Resurrection
27. End Credits
28. Witches' Lair Pt. 3 (original version)
29. Witches Take Dani (alternate)
30. Winnie Catches Up (alternate)
31. String Tremolo
32. End Credits (alternate)

Note: the differences from the bootlegs are immense but not altogether unpleasant or unwelcome for that matter. This is nice to have in the collection but will definitely not be the edition I will listen to regularly. The mixing will grow on me over time (unlike Dressed to Kill) but for now, my deluxe edition needs an update. Enjoy!

10-04-2013, 06:40 PM
Thank you for the share.

10-04-2013, 06:56 PM
Aaaaaaaaahhhh!!! Thank you SOOO MUCH!!!

10-04-2013, 07:17 PM

10-04-2013, 07:41 PM
Thank you.

10-04-2013, 07:52 PM
Thank you

10-04-2013, 08:07 PM
Thanks a lot & this was so Fast ;-)

10-04-2013, 09:08 PM
New deluxe edition coming soon. 45 tracks, TRT: 1:39:21. May take a while for it to be posted as I will have to re-level the old cues.

10-04-2013, 09:19 PM
Thank you for sharing.

10-04-2013, 09:35 PM
Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you

10-04-2013, 09:41 PM
Thanks !

10-04-2013, 11:21 PM
thanks cody

10-04-2013, 11:32 PM
Thanks very much, as always

10-04-2013, 11:47 PM
New deluxe edition coming soon. 45 tracks, TRT: 1:39:21. May take a while for it to be posted as I will have to re-level the old cues.

Wow, almost 7 minutes longer than the original deluxe edition?!

10-04-2013, 11:47 PM
thanks cody

10-05-2013, 12:41 AM
What was everybody's general opinion on this set? I personally enjoyed it. I thought it would be interesting to be hearing the downmixed choir, and I liked it. I think I'll be listening to this set for at least 2 months in a row. You're all gonna call me crazy but I actually enjoyed the downmixed choir more than I enjoyed the original. Another thing I really liked was Witches' Lair Pt. 3, which is actually an alternate (maybe film version?) of Thackery's Transformation. It's hard for me to pick only one of the versions, see, the bootleg one uses drums (?), which is really cool but this one has a more mystical tone. Another thing I really liked was the full length version of Garden of Magic (Sarah's Theme). I love how it is in fact complete, unlike the bootleg version.

Only one thing that really bummed me: they didn't include the choirless version of Thackery Follows Emily. The most expected piece and they didn't include it. And I know I wasn't the only one expecting it.

Well that's what I think of this set, which I thought it was in general really good. What's your opinion?

10-05-2013, 02:44 AM
I was actually quite surprised. First, the flaws: I did not like the inclusion of the piano overlay on the Garden of Magic track. Call me crazy but it just seemed out of sync at the beginning. It bothered me so bad that I had to replace it with the bootleg version. Also, some of the mixing choices were very odd (like removing of some silences between tracks i.e. the last section of Graveyard Attack and just awkward transitions like the middle section of Max Fool the Witches). I was disappointed to hear elements missing from the track that is essentially Thackery's Transformation which included a snake rattle sound. I of course had to supplement that into my version.

I keep hearing all this talk about "downmixed choir" from others. It doesn't sound downmixed to me. It actually sounds louder and fuller which actually ties into the many strengths of the set which is the overall better mixing in both the orchestral and choral sections. In some occasions the choir does seem to overpower the orchestra but never was it a distraction. I was particularly pleased to hear the aforementioned Thackery's Transformation cue has a vocal-less version making that yet another vocal-less track to add to the collection. I'm happy that with each bootleg has come something new but I'm even happier that Intrada's provides additional never-before-heard material that adds to my already existing deluxe edition in a much better sound quality.

Another strength is just how damn playfully fun it is to listen to. This has to be hands-down one of the best Disney scores I have ever heard and I greatly commend Intrada for finally giving it the recognition it has greatly deserved for 20 years. It mostly trumps the bootlegs in every way but that's when the bootleg comes in handy to calm my nerves for sections that I simply have to replace which I will go ahead and say now is NOT all that many. All the changes I've made so far have been rather minimal. Due to the fact that I did not like the piano piece incorporated in Garden of Magic (even though it adds thematic weight to the track Sarah's Theme which we will get into in a minute), I removed that and substituted it with the track They Conjure from the bootleg. I isolated Intrada's version however and blended the fade out with the bootleg cue so it's very seamless and added that as bonus material. I, of course, included all the existing vocal-less tracks and blended the alternate cues into the Intrada set to create a more complete set of supplemental material. I deleted some cues as they were either replaced in better quality on the Intrada album or just extraneous (i.e. the 2 unused cues track from my last release). I also remixed some of the tracks to where they matched my last release (i.e. added silence in between the last section before the finale of Graveyard Attack and replaced the Thackery's Transformation cue from Intrada's album with my bootleg's version as it's the one used in the film and frankly sounds more complete. It still baffles me why the snake rattle sound effect was taken out but it is what it is).

Lastly, I found myself feeling moved by the Sarah's Theme as presented on the Intrada album. At first yes I did notice the awkward editing of the vocals but in my car, it was a very moving experience. It sounded perfectly fine. I opted to exclude it from my last deluxe edition edit but I'm keeping this version in.

Anyway, overall it was a very worthy purchase and you won't regret it!

10-05-2013, 03:14 AM
So I'm thoroughly upset about this set. I...I cannot even... I don't mind a little hype, I don't mind a little buzz, hell, I don't mind someone trying to push a product... but to be outright LIED to about a product is downright shameful.

10-05-2013, 03:19 AM
Many thanks!

10-05-2013, 04:56 AM
So I'm thoroughly upset about this set. I...I cannot even... I don't mind a little hype, I don't mind a little buzz, hell, I don't mind someone trying to push a product... but to be outright LIED to about a product is downright shameful.

How were we lied to exactly?

---------- Post added at 10:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:53 PM ----------

Only one thing that really bummed me: they didn't include the choirless version of Thackery Follows Emily. The most expected piece and they didn't include it. And I know I wasn't the only one expecting it.

I wasn't expecting it.

10-05-2013, 05:09 AM
This set sounds brilliant! Thanks for the share codyap09!

Will your deluxe version feature the film version of Sarah's Theme - where the choir hums the theme for a bit?

10-05-2013, 05:14 AM
I'm tempted to write my full review but in summation:

1) They couldn't find the original isolated vocals for Sarah Jessica Parker which are used twice in the film
a) 'Garden Of Magic'
b) 'Sarah's Theme'

Because of this, 'Garden Of Magic' would have started out with just strings maintaining a chord.
Also, 'Sarah's Theme' would be an instrumental.

OBVIOUSLY not wanting to release a CD with either, someone had the idea of layering a synth piano/chime performance over 'Garden of Magic' and looping a film rip (replete with SFX of crickets) in 'Sarah's Theme' which I was able to, with Blu Ray rip, make a far more impressive and ACCURATE reproduction available here:
https://mega.co.nz/#!uQtwGYSZ!Ds1WdQfrwrTCa3b1MO3dC0Tm6dg2PA_SrNASwVV B7Y0

Also, i'm almost certain both "Witche's Lair (Part 3)" tracks contain some sort of synth in their mix.

They tried to say on their forums how we should "wait for the cd" and how this "beautiful arrangement" with the "solo piano and full orchestra" on track 2 was sooo nice... and then to have a film rip for "Sarah's Theme"...

It's one thing to say "The masters are incomplete. We did the best we could with what we had. John Debney participated in the album and helped arrange a diminished piano and chime performance to replace SJP's Singing in "Garden Of Magic" since the isolated vocals are missing. Then for her song, we had to use a film mix."

That's the HONEST way to do it.

Then there's the way they did it...by obfuscating the truth and building it up to be something it's not.
I can't help but think they lied about not finding the Bette Midler music. They probably didn't want to pay the royalties and lied that it was missing.

10-05-2013, 05:15 AM
This set sounds brilliant! Thanks for the share codyap09!

Will your deluxe version feature the film version of Sarah's Theme - where the choir hums the theme for a bit?

Possibly. If someone could send it to me. I don't want to have to download a whole pack just to get it.

On another unrelated note, on the Garden of Magic cue on Intrada's album I notice there's a hint of Sarah's vocals very low in the mix but still there and rather awkward nonetheless. Still a mystery why Intrada decided to overlay the Horner piece in the main program. I really wish they had released the version similar to the one on the bootleg and used the Horner/Debney version as supplemental material. Oh well, just glad to have it all.

10-05-2013, 05:19 AM
Yes... it would seem when they recorded the pieces with vocal overlays, they played them during the sessions and the voices bled into the mixes a little. The sad thing is the piano performance doesn't even match up with SJP's performance so it's out of tempo ...

10-05-2013, 05:23 AM
Holy Moly. This film has a trillion versions! I'm so confused... so, now we have an official version. I can't keep this all straight. Is someone willing to summarize overall differences between this and the bootlegs? I mean, I understand that's a lot to ask. I see here there is an issue with Sarah's Theme, but we have good versions from the bootlegs.

10-05-2013, 05:30 AM
Well, there was the original conductors promo which had the main titles and then "max meets allison" pretty much to the end of the film, missing a few minor cues and some major.
Then came a second set which had most of the 2nd half of the films score.
Then came a third set which had the first half of the film's score.

None have ever had the voices mixed in and none have had the source cues for the party or the Bette Midler song.

Many sets were produced using these, including one I made.

Now Intrada has released the "complete" version (the first official release) but it has some issues that bother me. It has none of the source music except the classical piece heard in Allison's house. It has 'Sarah's Theme' but is a film rip, looped, and edited... and is not an authentic mix since apparently the voice track couldn't be located.

Also because of this, the 2nd track which would have had her singing has a synth piano layered in it.

This SHOULD technically be the best version, but there is work to do still.

10-05-2013, 07:04 PM
Mirror (http://adf.ly/Wzr4Y)

10-07-2013, 12:13 AM
New deluxe edition link posted: http://forums.ffshrine.org/f92/j-debney-hocus-pocus-deluxe-complete-score-121293/#post2167337.

10-07-2013, 12:16 AM
Nice. I've still been trying to get the answers as to why they used synth material in a few tracks on the Intrada set but they deleted my account and erased all my posts...

If I find out more, I'll post here.

I'm gonnna download your edit codyap, I'm interested to hear it. Does it include "I Put a Spell On You?" I had just done my own edit of that heh

10-07-2013, 12:21 AM
Nice. I've still been trying to get the answers as to why they used synth material in a few tracks on the Intrada set but they deleted my account and erased all my posts...

If I find out more, I'll post here.

I'm gonnna download your edit codyap, I'm interested to hear it. Does it include "I Put a Spell On You?" I had just done my own edit of that heh

No it does not include I Put a Spell on You. I do like the song but not when listening to this score. I only want to showcase Debney's music.

10-07-2013, 12:26 AM
Not a problem! The thread you linked to says FLAC, but the file I downloaded is mp3? Will you be uploading flac?

10-07-2013, 12:33 AM
Not a problem! The thread you linked to says FLAC, but the file I downloaded is mp3? Will you be uploading flac?

I couldn't change the heading. FLAC may come later but is not available currently.

10-07-2013, 12:59 AM
Thanks for this two bewitching post! Much appreciated!

10-07-2013, 01:41 AM
Aaaaaaaaahhhh, I had no idea Hocus Pocus was being released!!! It's about time! Thank you SOOO MUCH Intrada & codyap09!!! Just placed my order with Intrada!! :)))))

10-07-2013, 01:43 AM
Aaaaaaaaahhhh, I had no idea Hocus Pocus was being released!!! It's about time! Thank you SOOO MUCH Intrada & codyap09!!! Just placed my order with Intrada!! :)))))

Well well well. Lookee who we have here: the man of the hour. Without you, the previous work would not have even been possible. You will enjoy the Intrada set, just try not to focus too much on the flaws because there really aren't that many.

10-07-2013, 01:57 AM
LOL....No really, YOU'RE THE MAN!! You and ALL your hard work you put into making this soundtrack a real joy to listen to. Hats off to you my friend, hats off to you!! ;)

Well well well. Lookee who we have here: the man of the hour. Without you, the previous work would not have even been possible. You will enjoy the Intrada set, just try not to focus too much on the flaws because there really aren't that many.

10-07-2013, 02:13 AM
Yes Snoopy without you I wouldn't have something to listen to instead of Intrada's lol... although Cody's is a very nice mixing of the two :-)

10-07-2013, 02:24 AM
New FLAC link posted.

10-07-2013, 07:33 AM
Just returned from six hours on the interstate, eyes bleary ... and found this! A thousand thanks for your share!

10-07-2013, 03:04 PM
Yes Snoopy without you I wouldn't have something to listen to instead of Intrada's lol... although Cody's is a very nice mixing of the two :-)

My cd I got directly from John Debney's record company at the time. When I played it, it had long pauses in between tracks which wasn't all that great to listen too especially on the iphone. But boy, the things codyap09 did when I gave him my tracks was incredible!! He really did a GREAT job bringing it all together for ALL of us to enjoy the true magic of Hocus Pocus!! Thank you codyap09!!! :))

---------- Post added at 10:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:02 AM ----------

New FLAC link posted.

FLAC, even better! Just when I thought it couldn't get any better. It just did!! LOL ;)

10-07-2013, 04:13 PM
Thanks so much!

into the storm
10-07-2013, 04:55 PM
New deluxe edition link posted: J. Debney - Hocus Pocus (Deluxe Complete Score, FLAC).

I'm assuming you did your work based off uncompressed Intrada tracks and not mp3s?

10-07-2013, 05:26 PM
Thank you!

10-07-2013, 06:49 PM
I'm assuming you did your work based off uncompressed Intrada tracks and not mp3s?

You assume correct apart from the moments where utilization of the bootlegs were necessary. The final mix is in MP3 because right as soon as I was done, I needed to drop it to my iPod for review. FLAC was an afterthought due to the time issue; the issue being I don't have a lot of it. The leveling is off as is to expected but when I get more time I can correct it.

Also due to the inconvenience of living in an area with shared internet bandwidth, I don't always get to upload a FLAC archive due to the amount of time it takes to upload versus MP3 and the ensuing chaos it brings with my roommates.

into the storm
10-07-2013, 07:01 PM
You assume correct apart from the moments where utilization of the bootlegs were necessary. The final mix is in MP3 because right as soon as I was done, I needed to drop it to my iPod for review. FLAC was an afterthought due to the time issue; the issue being I don't have a lot of it. The leveling is off as is to expected but when I get more time I can correct it.

Also due to the inconvenience of living in an area with shared internet bandwidth, I don't always get to upload a FLAC archive due to the amount of time it takes to upload versus MP3 and the ensuing chaos it brings with my roommates.

I'm fine with having MP3 rather than FLAC.

I am going to use a combination of your work and other sources to organize my own "Ultimate Edition". It will be seperated into 3 discs/folders. The first two being the film version tracks and alternates and the third being the original promo, which may seem unnecessary, but the original promo has an entirely different mix now compared to the Intrada.

No offense, because you did great work, I just want things organized differently and prefer to have some tracks you left off included.

10-07-2013, 09:23 PM
New deluxe edition link posted: http://forums.ffshrine.org/f92/j-debney-hocus-pocus-deluxe-complete-score-121293/#post2167337.

Thank you so much for both editions!!

10-08-2013, 12:22 AM
On another unrelated note, on the Garden of Magic cue on Intrada's album I notice there's a hint of Sarah's vocals very low in the mix but still there and rather awkward nonetheless.

Even if they had released the bootleg version of Garden of Magic you would still hear Sarah's vocal hummed in the background. Take the track They Conjure from the bootleg and listen to it very carefully and you'll notice her vocal hummed in the background, very low but still there. As for the piano solo, I think it kinda gives the cue a more lovely tone. And yes, the intro is a little desychronized when you sing along mentally or actually sings but if you get the lyrics off your head and listen to it two or three times it starts sounding much better.

10-25-2013, 09:06 AM
Thanks for the upload!

02-16-2014, 06:03 PM
Muchas gracias.

02-16-2014, 07:38 PM
Thanks you

03-15-2014, 07:24 AM
So grateful that you have posted this. One of my favorite scores. Thank you!

05-10-2014, 11:48 AM

Hocus Pocus (1993) (2013) Soundtrack Score
Composed by: John Debney


01. Main Title (01:31)
02. Garden of Magic/Thackery Follows Emily (02:27)
03. Witches' Lair (05:42)
04. To the Stake (00:26)
05. Death to the Witches (01:11)
06. Meeting Allison (02:05)
07. Max Loses Shoes (00:38)
08. Hallowe'en (01:12)
09. Max and Dani (01:22)
10. Divertimento #17 in D, K. 334 (Mozart) (03:45)
11. To the Witches' House We Go (02:24)
12. The Black Candle (02:23)
13. Witches on a Rampage (04:25)
14. Graveyard Attack (03:56)
15. The Calming Circle (03:02)
16. The Master (00:18)
17. Fingers (01:09)
18. Springing the Trap (04:39)
19. Winnie's Lament (03:06)
20. Witches Flight (03:17)
21. Sarah's Theme (02:11)
22. Max Fools the Witches (02:53)
23. Winnie Catches Up (00:49)
24. Billy Speaks (01:30)
25. Witches Capture Dani (04:52)
26. Witches Demise Resurrection (04:50)
27. End Credits (03:18)
28. Witches' Lair Pt. 3 (original) (00:31)
29. Witches Take Dani (alternate) (01:26)
30. Winnie Catches Up (alternate) (00:39)
31. String Tremolo (00:23)
32. End Credits (alternate) (01:52)

05-10-2014, 09:31 PM

08-18-2014, 06:13 PM
Any chance for a re-upload?