10-02-2013, 03:02 PM

If anyone could do a gamerip of this game it would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

10-03-2013, 03:53 AM
Once I get me hands on the Club Nintendo Soundtrack, I'll do my best to upload it (unless someone does all this before me)

10-04-2013, 03:29 PM
I would love this as well. Thanks!

10-05-2013, 09:38 AM
yes me too thank you

10-05-2013, 07:40 PM
Please do upload ASAP Guitarist500, I would be so so grateful

10-05-2013, 09:33 PM
Once I get me hands on the Club Nintendo Soundtrack, I'll do my best to upload it (unless someone does all this before me)


10-08-2013, 05:03 AM
1+ Here, I'm so looking forward to this and it would be much appreciated.

10-09-2013, 05:01 AM
Once I get me hands on the Club Nintendo Soundtrack, I'll do my best to upload it (unless someone does all this before me)Can you do it in FLAC?
You're awesome.
Why can't the US get something like this?

10-09-2013, 12:53 PM
Can you do it in FLAC?
You're awesome.
Why can't the US get something like this?
because nintendo thinks audio isn't as important as rehashing the same game/series over and over.

10-09-2013, 06:02 PM
Once I get me hands on the Club Nintendo Soundtrack, I'll do my best to upload it (unless someone does all this before me)

I can't wait to listen to the tracks. I hope you'll be able to upload it by this weekend or sooner. ^_^

10-09-2013, 11:36 PM
because nintendo thinks audio isn't as important as rehashing the same game/series over and over.

Well that's pretty irrelevant and uncalled for but okay....

Anyway, when is the official soundtrack supposed to release again?

10-10-2013, 11:08 AM
It�s already available (unfortunately japan only): ゼルダの伝説 風のタクト HD:オリジナル音楽CD応募者全員にプレゼント! (http://www.nintendo.co.jp/wiiu/bczj/soundtrack/)

10-13-2013, 12:08 AM
Once I get me hands on the Club Nintendo Soundtrack, I'll do my best to upload it (unless someone does all this before me)

Would be greatly appreciated if you could do this. This game has amazing orchestrated versions. It sucks that that they couldn't do an international release for this soundtrack... (one of many)

Or a gamerip would be awesome too if someone could do that as well.

10-13-2013, 12:48 AM
Hello, everybody, I just want to let you people know that I've already purchased a Physical Copy of the "Wind Waker HD CD" Soundtrack. I bought it on a whim over at Yahoo Auction. I REALLY hope that this CD Selection Soundtrack has no fillers in it and I also hope that it will be Amazing!! My point: Hopefully, it'll be promising. ;) I'll let you guys and gals know when it ships out to me, ok? ;)

If people ask nicely, I'll be more then happy to upload it. ;)

Cheers, everyone for this release!!! xD

10-13-2013, 01:00 AM
I would be eternally grateful if you could do that for us. I think the HD version's re-orchestrated music sounds so much better. It would be cool to play the new Windfall Island music in my car hehe. But yeah, if you or Guitarist500 could rip it, that would be greatly appreciated!

10-13-2013, 02:55 AM
Dragon, I would like to say that I really appreciate your words, it really means alot to me. ;)
When my Physical Copy of this CD Soundtrack arrives to me, I will DEFINITELY rip it. You know? Just for your listening pleasure. :)

10-13-2013, 11:00 AM
Hi Qqqqqqwe,
I too would be so grateful if you could upload it, it's people like you that make the world a nicer place to live in.

10-13-2013, 11:21 AM
You guys are awesome! How'd you get your hands on it? Was it expensive?
Also, why is the US box art ALWAYS awesome, causing the US version to fade in comparison?

10-13-2013, 09:09 PM
Dragon, I would like to say that I really appreciate your words, it really means alot to me. ;)
When my Physical Copy of this CD Soundtrack arrives to me, I will DEFINITELY rip it. You know? Just for your listening pleasure. :)

Please do so. I'd really appreciate it too.

I love Zelda's orchestral music, it's so relaxing and lovely to listen to.

10-13-2013, 10:14 PM
Seriously, why can't the US get cool stuff like this? Aonuma himself said (referring to his Comic Con presentation):
"It was kind of crazy, the way I would say one little thing and get this huge reaction from people. It really made me realize that man, the fans here are so passionate. "I think they're even more passionate than the fans in Japan."

10-13-2013, 11:00 PM
You guys are awesome! How'd you get your hands on it? Was it expensive?
Also, why is the US box art ALWAYS awesome, causing the US version to fade in comparison?

Seriously, why can't the US get cool stuff like this? Aonuma himself said (referring to his Comic Con presentation):
"It was kind of crazy, the way I would say one little thing and get this huge reaction from people. It really made me realize that man, the fans here are so passionate. "I think they're even more passionate than the fans in Japan."

I saw some JP guys on ebay selling the CD for something like 40€/$. That's the usual price for something like that from the Club Nintendo (I remember it was the same price for the Pilotwings Resort / MK Wii CDs). I didn't check since the last couple of week, thought. The price may be different today.

As for US fans... I must admit as a French/PAL guy that you are definitely the best fan force for the Zelda franchise. Of course it's a little more easier when you are a 400M habitants country, but the fan community in the US is doing a good job with a steady ~2-3M people buying the games, a nice couple of fan site like zelda-universe and some fan "stars" like PikminLink. Just behind I think the brasilian community is very cool, just check the old good zelda.com.br fan site, they have crazy shit out there, like a dedicated Zelda convention. In Europe our german friends are historically well present due to the Nintendo Europe headquarters being in Germany. And in France we are pretty good imo :) Just not very good websites (well, until my next one is online :) ) but many Zelda cosplayers and a healthy retro gamers community that love Nintendo and Zelda.

But Japan? Good that Aonuma came out there and see how things are outside Japan. Japanese gamers stop buying Zelda games since Ocarina of Time. Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks have done good numbers only because the DS being a beast in 2007-2009. And TWWHD have just done the worst record debut in the franchise history, Skyward Sword doing something equivalent to Twilight Princess, on the same system, but with a x10, or x15 userbase...

If Kamigami No Triforce 2 can't wake up the japanese fans, it will quickly become hopeless.

10-14-2013, 09:47 PM
Hello, everyone, I would just like to let you guys and gals know that as of this morning, my order has shipped out to me. Won't be long now 'Till I receive it!! ;) :)

10-15-2013, 01:10 AM
Very enlightening news good sir! It would be awesome if this would happen to arrive within the next few days. But even if it would take a week or 2, I know the wait will be worth it. :)

10-15-2013, 01:33 AM
I did choose Expedited shipping, so, it should arrive either tomorrow or Wednesday. ;)
But, please, do not take my word on this. It might take a while longer. It's like what you said..."if it would take a week or 2, I know the wait will be worth it." ;)
It definitely will be. Zelda Music is just too good to miss out on... LOL ;)
While we wait, here is a video I found on YouTube, that has to do with the comparison of the Music from the Game Cube Version to the HD Version, have a look and tell me what you think, ok? :)

Zelda: Wind Waker HD vs. GCN - Music Head-to-Head Comparison Video - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tg-QhB6fVw4)

10-15-2013, 05:32 AM
That is awesome news! I eagerly wait with growing anticipation.

10-15-2013, 05:16 PM
Totally second this one, love the music in Wind waker :D

10-16-2013, 10:26 PM
Can't wait! The new music really adds to the 'remastered' feel of the game.

10-17-2013, 04:04 AM
I would love it! Thanks for when it happens.

10-17-2013, 07:12 PM
Looking forward to it.

10-18-2013, 02:24 AM
Good news, everyone, my package is now in the U.S, so, it should be arriving to me, pretty soon. Give or take a day or so. ;)

EDIT: I would like to thank everyone for their appreciation and patience. Now THAT'S something that I can really appreciate... ;) :)

10-18-2013, 02:45 AM
Your welcome Qqqqqqwe thanks for volunteering to upload this.

It will make a good addition to my TWW edit.

10-18-2013, 03:27 PM
Well that's pretty irrelevant and uncalled for but okay....
I don't think it's irrelevant. Link28469 asked why the US doesn't get soundtracks like this, and it's because Nintendo (of America, but Japan is at fault too) doesn't view audio/music highly, and they rather keep rehashing the same game/series over and over again instead of releasing OSTs.

When was the last new IP Nintendo did anyway? Maybe I've gone off topic but I don't see how what i said was "irrelevant", especially since it answers Link28469's question.

@-Dragon-: I don't think the music is orchestrated, but rather remade with new samples.

10-18-2013, 08:09 PM
This is something I'm also really looking forward to! Thanks a lot Qqqqqqwe for wanting to upload this for us :) Much appreciated as always!

10-19-2013, 12:56 AM
Ah!! xD KILLEY!!! :D Hello and loong time no chat, eh, good chum?! xD How have you been doing, as of late, sir? It's great to talk with you, again. ;)

(On Topic) - ...Ok, so...just a little update to everyone. My Wind Waker HD OST is in my City, now!! Yippeee!!! xD xD xD Can't wait to give it a listen. Should be promising!
If I calculate, correctly, it should arrive to my house, tomorrow, but.....we'll see... ;)

Once I receive it, I will rip it and upload it here. Stay tuned!!! :)

10-19-2013, 03:41 PM
Sorry for the double post, but, I have received my Wind Waker HD Soundtrack and I am now uploading it, please have a little more patience, ok? ;) :)

EDIT: Here it is, enjoy it!!! xD :D :)


10-19-2013, 04:24 PM
Sorry for the double post, but, I have received my Wind Waker HD Soundtrack and I am now uploading it, please have a little more patience, ok? ;) :)

EDIT: Here it is, enjoy it!!! xD :D :)

Download THE LEGEND OF ZELDA THE WIND WAKER HD SOUND SELECTION.rar from Sendspace.com - send big files the easy way (http://www.sendspace.com/file/km7t66)

Would you mind uploading it in FLAC? Thanks!

10-19-2013, 05:48 PM
Thank you very much, Qqqqqqwe ! :)

10-19-2013, 06:04 PM
You're very welcome, you two. :)

I might do FLAC...maybe. If I feel up to it. ;)

10-19-2013, 06:06 PM
Thank you, since it available, you could start a thread in the "Video Game Music Download Links".

Update -> I started a thread (http://forums.ffshrine.org/f72/legend-zelda-wind-waker-hd-%5Bsound-selection%5D-163006/#post2493739) in the "Video Game Music Download Links" with tracks tags in English.

But be sure to thank the original uploader. It's the proper thing to do !

10-19-2013, 09:54 PM
Sorry for the double post, but, I have received my Wind Waker HD Soundtrack and I am now uploading it, please have a little more patience, ok? ;) :)

EDIT: Here it is, enjoy it!!! xD :D :)

Download THE LEGEND OF ZELDA THE WIND WAKER HD SOUND SELECTION.rar from Sendspace.com - send big files the easy way (http://www.sendspace.com/file/km7t66)

Thank you very much for this and although I shouldn't complain I have to say that Sendspace is a terrible filehoster. I prefer Mega.com because of the speeds and reliability they have.

10-20-2013, 01:21 AM

10-20-2013, 03:36 AM
I should thank you for this amazing upload! You deserve it!

10-20-2013, 03:48 AM
THANK YOU SO MUCH Oqqqqqwe!! I comented on the download section but I wanted to thank you here as well because I was so looking forward to hear this since it was announced. All the best for you and thanks for sharing :D

10-20-2013, 06:37 AM
Thanks so much, Qqqqqqwe! :)

Edit: Is there any chance that someone can rip the actual game disc for the music tracks? A lot of the songs I'd hoped to listen to aren't even on the Sound Selection, unfortunately. Thanks.

10-21-2013, 11:07 AM
OMG, it's beautiful! Thank you! Would you perchance be willing to upload FLAC?

10-21-2013, 09:35 PM
You're a saint for uploading this for us. It sounds amazing. I'll have to listen to these with headphones on and get lost in the music sometime. + rep

10-24-2013, 12:17 AM
Wow...I just really want to say...THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR THE APPRECIATIOOOOOOOON!!!!!! xD Ok...that was overboard, but, who cares, right? LOL ;P
Like I say "Sharing is caring", amirite?! XD

10-24-2013, 09:03 PM
I don't think there can be enough appreciation for awesome music uploads such as this. So on that note, thank you very much!

11-01-2013, 12:59 PM

There's something weird going on with the quality of these files:

That hard cutoff at 16 kHz is typical of a low bit rate mp3 encode (say, 128kb), definitely not a 320kb encode.

It means one of two things:
Either the source audio encoded on the source CD doesn't contain any frequencies above 16 kHz, or these files were encoded at a low bit rate, then up-encoded to 320kb for no reason.

What's the deal with the quality?

11-02-2013, 03:10 AM
you're getting it for free and you're gonna bitch about it? talk about ungrateful

11-02-2013, 03:20 PM
It's interesting how misguidedly pugnacious some people tend to be, but at the same time uninterested in the meaningful details.
And I haven't downloaded, so I can't be ungrateful.

11-03-2013, 11:33 AM
I know some music in GC games was at 16khz, but I find it unlikely outside of fanfares.