08-11-2004, 12:10 PM
Hey people,which game would you perfer to play,Dynasty Warriors 3 Or 4 ?

Wei has the power but Shu has the That guy with the fan who is very clever and Wu has Zhou Yu

08-11-2004, 12:17 PM
Moving to General Gaming...

EDIT: Those options don't sound right according to the thread's title. O.o;

I love Dynasty Warriors 3 however I cannot compare it to 4, becasue I haven't played it. :x

08-11-2004, 01:12 PM
ive played both games i think they are both good but if i have to deside i would pick dynasty warriors 4 purley cause u can make ur own general which is very good what weapon man or woman etc it has more modes of play and harder eneimes

08-11-2004, 02:51 PM
Well, Dynasty Warriors 4 has more things to do but Dynasty Warriors 3 had a Musou Mode for every character rather than every Dynasty. I still have to say Dynasty Warriors 4 is better than 3, simply because there were so many things added to the game.

08-11-2004, 05:25 PM
Personally, both games rock (especially with their Xtreme Legends expansion discs), but I'd have to say I perfer 3 over 4 myself. Why? Better gameplay.

For starters, battles seemed to be larger and more complex in DW3 than in 4. There were often far more officers and troops on the battlefield than the battles in DW4 tended to have. The weapon equip system worked better in DW3 than simply levelling the same weapon up as you do in DW4, and as MogKnight mentioned, the Musuo Modes were far more intersting to play than the 'Kingdom Play' Musuo Mode in DW4.

Having said that, I still love DW4 though. The Officer Edit mode alone makes DW4 extremely playable, although you can't use you edit characters in Challenge Mode! Plus, there is nothing like equiping the Elephant Harness and ploughing through enemy troops, and pounding them into paste with 'Stampy' in DW4! If DW3XL had the Officer Edit and the Elephant Harness of DW4, it would be close to my favourite game of all time... But alas..

Still, at least DW3 Xtreme Legends has the Bodyguard Edit mode, plus Musuo Modes for all the Unaligned characters which were ignored in the original DW3. Nothing more satisfying in Xtreme Mode rubbing Lu Bu's cockroach head into the dirt with Zhu Rong at the Seige of Hei Fei castle with a troop of Nanman Amazons as bodyguards! ;)

08-14-2004, 04:31 PM
Hey i think your almost correct,when i first played DW4 i was upset and angery because the characters seemed SO small i was playing as Xiahou Dun and i couldn't even see his sword and i swear his Lvl 9 weapon is smaller then in DW3's weapon when you get his 3rd weapon,BUT his lvl 10 weapon is the biggest out of all the other DW games.DW 4 is better because of 3 reasons 1:it sold more then DW 3 2: There are much more things to do 3:Everthing looks visualy better.

Darth Revan
08-18-2004, 04:21 PM
Almost everyone here, probably knows my love for the Dynasty Warriors games. The first one I played was Dynasty Warriors 3, which is an awesome game. I then got Dynasty Warriors 4, which at first I thought was a little weird. But after playing it for a while, it drew me in.

When I got the Xtreme Legends add ons for both DW3 and 4, they added more to the games, what with more items, edit bodyguards (and officers in DW4), not too mention the fifth level weapons (DW3) or eleventh level (DW4). Down side is, they are almost, repeat ALMOST, impossible to gain.

The voice acting in these games, while some of the DW4 voice acting is superior to DW3, are alright. The character designs, from DW2 to DW4, are quite nice (Even if DW3 character designs, are just slight alterations to DW2's designs.).

I couldn't really choose which one, out of DW3 and DW4, which is my favourite. They both are great games and personal favourites of mine, and with the Xtreme Legends expansion packs, are even better.

08-18-2004, 07:36 PM
DW3 rocks.. I like the claw guy he's really good well i think.

08-20-2004, 12:23 AM
Hey Dynasty Warriors fans,this is Rap.I wanted to ask people who have purchased Dynasty Warriors 4 XL that is it worth buying ? as i have thought about buying it my self,Thank You.I would also like to thank everybody who chosen to take there time and answer my thread.Best Wishes,Rap.

Dark Adonis
08-23-2004, 01:22 AM
I like dynasty warriors 4 more than 3(only due to gaming), but I like the music from DW3 more...

08-23-2004, 10:57 PM
Man I Don't Know What Youve Been Taking,But I'll Thank You For Answering My Thread.But Who Wil You Dynasty Warriors fans Rather Be ? Zhang Fei,Zhou Yu Or Xiahou Dun ?

Bahamut ZERO
08-23-2004, 11:07 PM
Originally posted by Rap
Man I Don't Know What Youve Been Taking,But I'll Thank You For Answering My Thread.But Who Wil You Dynasty Warriors fans Rather Be ? Zhang Fei,Zhou Yu Or Xiahou Dun ?

You started a thread about this already.


Try and keep this thread about the games, and that thread about the three characters, otherwise one of them will be redundant. :)

08-24-2004, 02:19 PM
I liked Dynasty Warriors 3 better.

08-25-2004, 05:11 AM
Hey Bahamut ( What Ever That Is ) i know i have already started a thread about The Three Characters and to mention i have had plenty of replies.I thought if i asked that question here it would make sense because everybody here is only chatting about dynasty warriors,right ? anyway i'll see you lot later. 'Rap' A.K.A 'Verbal AK'