10-01-2013, 05:51 PM

As precious as my Inception vinyl was, Death Proof is even more precious to me. It is one of my favorite Tarantino soundtracks, and sounds great on vinyl. I ripped it at 96kHz/16-bit using Audacity, then separated the tacks using Audition. There are no gaps, so you will be hearing the raw vinyl in between tracks. Enjoy!!

Side A

A1 The Last Race
Jack Nitzsche

A2 Baby, It's You

A3 Paranoia Prima
Ennio Morricone

A4 "Planning & Scheming" (Dialogue)
Eli Roth & Michael Bacall

A5 Jeepster
T. Rex

A6 "Stuntman Mike" (Dialogue)
Rose McGowan & Kurt Russell

A7 Staggolee
Pacific Gas & Electric

A8 The Love You Save (May Be Your Own)
Joe Tex

Side B

B1 Good Love, Bad Love
Eddie Floyd

B2 Down in Mexico
The Coasters

B3 Hold Tight!
Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich

B4 Sally and Jack
Pino Donaggio

B5 It's So Easy
Willy DeVille

B6 "Whatever-However" (Dialogue)
Tracie Thomas & Zo� Bell

B7 Riot in Thunder Alley
Eddie Beram

B8 Chick Habit
April March

Side A:
https://mega.co.nz/#!zJ5XHKgT!CPmkG1bzthDNXv5vobyfNQhBUIpjabe859NHqam XNoY

Side B:

No password

10-01-2013, 09:55 PM
Great rip, beautiful upload!
The sound is excellent!
Thank you very much.

10-01-2013, 10:04 PM
I will download when I can:)

10-01-2013, 10:33 PM
thanks DAKoftheOTA

10-02-2013, 04:28 PM
Thanks DAKoftheOTA...can't wait to hear...

06-30-2014, 09:07 AM
ok so i know this thread hasn't been looked at in a long time, but i joined this forum just because i found this post, and i'm grateful for any and all uploads and also know i should expect only so much recording knowledge to be present on a final fantasy forum.

that being said:

Petros: "Great rip, beautiful upload! The sound is excellent! Thank you very much."

either this guy owes you money or something, or he's never heard a good vinyl rip in his life. no offense, for the reasons above, but this has got to be one of the worst vinyl rips i've ever found on the net, regardless of genre, gear used, age of recording, or any other factor. first of all, why did you rip to 16bit? that right there is pretty much all anyone needs to see; ripping vinyl at CD-level sample rate = you don't know what you're doing. 2nd of all, what the heck is is suppoed to mean that you "ripped it with audacity"? that's the extent of your description? dont want to tell us if your plates go on a nice audiophile deck, or DJ decks like technics, or some craptastic behringer? don't want to tell us if your mixer is a $100 numark, or a $1000 A&H xone, the least of the differences b/w those opposite spectral ends being that the difference in dynamic range of something like 20 decibels? what kind of cartridges you're using? what kind of phono preamp for the decks? what kind of A/D between preamp and computer? what did you do to it in audacity, because it sure doesn't sound like you cleaned up the recording at all, so is it supposed to mean anything to anyone that you're telling us you did it in audacity as opposed to another editor? again i'm not trying to be too harsh about audio stuff on a final fantasy forum but i mean jeez man how could you have possibly listened to this result and been like "now it's officially distro-ready!"? you're not just like sticking an 1/8th-inch into your headphone jack or nothing, right? if you are, it's time for you to hit about a gazillion books on audio engineering before you ever attempt to record anything ever again. sorry if that all came out harsh but this is my milieu; 13 years ago when i was dropping wax on belt-drives through a numark 950 run straight into consumer-grade input, i was still getting better results than this, and i dont think they even make gear that crappy any more. if you like i'll gladly walk you through getting a good recording up, but i can only assume anyone satisfied with this rip just doesnt care about having it very much; i was searching specifically for the death rpoof vinyl rip, found this, and threw it out because again, sorry, no offense, it's such an incredibly amateur recording i'd rather settle for mp3s; hell, a lossless copy with just like a "vintage-sounding" plug-in dropped on it would be superior to this. feel free to send some of that disposable income my way if you got the loot to buy these kinds of toys you don't know how to play with, but for now i'll settle for at least a half-decent second go at this if you wouldn't mind. cheers.

06-22-2016, 10:28 PM
thanks a lot

06-22-2016, 10:34 PM
Thank you..