01-27-2002, 09:43 PM
That's http://www.sacrifice.net if you don't know what I'm talking about. :)
Who has this game? Do you like it?
I'm currently having an obsession for it =D and I love to get some multiplayer maps.. so if you know any good sites ^_^
And who's your favorite god, spell, createure
I like the style of Stratos and his army as well as pershepone's ... James.. is just... heh.. let's forget about the reading worm and focus on Charnel.. the french god of death ^_^
The gfx are cool in the game, and it's a unique stratagy, 4 thumbs up for this game Imo.

06-13-2003, 03:22 AM
I used to play this game, james is quite funny. I thought it was fun, however the learning curve was simply too steep for me (not very good at rts games). The levels were fairly simple until about 5 I think. I still think it was fun running around in etheral form and zapping people with lightning and being like "you can't touch me!"

Would be a great game if I were any good at it.

Neo Xzhan
06-13-2003, 09:36 AM
This game is briliant, the way all the different creatures look, the looks of the 5 gods everything is just so weird and bizarre that it's fun to watch.

I also came across the unbalanced thingie, but playing this game via internet is one of the best experiences you'll get.

06-13-2003, 09:52 PM
ahhh, if only I had a fast internet connection, this thread got me interested in playing the game again so last night I found the disc but now I can't install it. Oh well, the pitfalls of having a crap comp.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
06-14-2003, 02:19 AM

Someone besides me acknowledges how good that game is.

The best RTS for PC that is based in a fantasy-world that I've ever run across IMO.

I especially love the Tolkein-ish creatures.

As for my favorite god/spell/creatures:

I currently have a custom spellbook which includes a pretty even mix of each of the five gods' spells up until the end with it being Charnel's Death and Intestinal Vaporization spells (the two most devastating spells in the game, IMO. Although you have to be careful with Death, since if you don't use it against a horde of enemies when it kills the enemies off it will turn on your own creatures.). As for creatures: my favorite melee is the Netherfiend, my favorite flying creature is the the Phoenix, and my favorite ranged creature is torn between the Ranger (if only because of the special ability it has which allows you to see a great deal of what is around you) and the Flurry (which is great for drawing enemies into an encounter with Netherfiends with that imploding ice bomb it hurls).

I just realized that I wasn't all that specific with my favorite spell. I guess it would have to be James' level nine spell Bovine Intervention, if only because it's so frickin' funny to watch.

For those of you that don't know:

When you cast the Bovine Intervention spell, you summon a cow (or bull, whatever) and toss it several miles into the air in an arc so that it lands atop the enemy you have targeted with such force that it causes a massive shockwave and instantly gibs the enemy you targeted (allowing you to collect that precious blue soul(s)).

Anyway, I've rambled way too much here when I should get on to other threads.