08-10-2004, 05:20 PM
I remember the good ol' days when Final Fantasy used to be released for the pc...

Do you think they should/will release 12 for PC?

08-10-2004, 05:44 PM
Good ole days? Not really. The PC ports of FF7 and 8 were horrible. If they do release FFXII for the PC (which I really doubt), they just better not make it look like crap.

08-10-2004, 06:05 PM
I agree. I never played the PC version of FFVIII, but FFVII was horrible on the PC. Buggy to the point of silliness.

I sincerely doubt that FFXII will be released on the PC. But hey, Square's suprised me before.

08-10-2004, 06:05 PM
Hey numbnuts, I hope you realize that FF7 and 8 had horrible graphics anyway.

Also, FF8 was buggy but they did have patches (never tried FF7).

08-19-2004, 03:32 AM
I first purchased FFVII for the computer and I ended up throwing it out. There was one problem after the other. There would suddenly be a 'system failure' at a specific point in a FMV sequence, and I'd lose many hours of unsaved gameplay. I think it's in everyone's best interest that they stick to them gaming consoles.

08-19-2004, 07:15 AM
Originally posted by MegaRoll
Hey numbnuts, I hope you realize that FF7 and 8 had horrible graphics anyway.

Heh, either this guy has a lot of nerve or is really stupid. No one with a post count of 2 ought to be insulting people. Hell, even I waited until I had over 100 before I started making fun of people like him.

But as far as I'm concerned, they should just leave FFXII on PS2. I have nothing against porting games over to PC, but FF control systems never translate well.

08-19-2004, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by MegaRoll
Hey numbnuts, I hope you realize that FF7 and 8 had horrible graphics anyway.

Also, FF8 was buggy but they did have patches (never tried FF7).

Final Fantasy 8's graphics were NOT horrible. Did you fall asleep while playing the WHOLE game and watching te FMV's?

10-25-2004, 11:34 AM
hehe FFVII and FFVIII are straight ports from the Playstation, that's why it looks dreadful

10-27-2004, 12:38 AM
Indeed - Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII were designed to run on a TV screen at 320 x 240 resolution - no matter how nice the effects, the lower resolution will always look worse on a computer monitor.

However, Square has had a bit of experience in porting Final Fantasy XI to the computer, adding support for higher res - so although I wouldn't rule out the possibility, the dismal sales of FF7 and 8 seem to suggest that Square Enix won't waste the development time or money.

11-03-2004, 05:00 AM
was it really that dismal? For me, I feel that maybe they should bring it over to the pc, if only for the fact that there are ppl like me that do not have ps at home. BUt graphics should not be a impt issue when deciding wether a game is good or not. I mean Doom 2 is not a nice looking game now but it is still good! Those with experience with the earlier FF's would note that the graphics did not attract them, rather the story did.

Granted the graphics make the game more platable but if it is just graphics that yu are looking for, then you can just go look for a POrn movie. NOw that is graphic. The best part is that you only need to press the play buton and everything plays out for you......

SOME ppl who don't know much about games should stick to what they are good at and leave the posting to others.