09-25-2013, 06:32 PM
I found this soooooo don't ask how this was obtained ;). Been waiting 20 years for this. :) Click the pic for link.


09-25-2013, 07:45 PM
Track listing please :)

09-25-2013, 07:45 PM
If this is legit, I will lose my shit. This is my Holy Grail

09-25-2013, 07:52 PM
Unfortunately its the same edit job that's been floating about for a while. A re-edit of the commercial album with snippets of FX free music from the DVD audio.

T2 is also #1 on my hitlist. Consider me disappointed, but thanks for the share anyway.

09-25-2013, 07:58 PM
Unfortunately its the same edit job that's been floating about for a while. A re-edit of the commercial album with snippets of FX free music from the DVD audio.

T2 is also #1 on my hitlist. Consider me disappointed, but thanks for the share anyway.

09-25-2013, 08:00 PM
Thank you!

09-25-2013, 08:00 PM
Listening now. don't hear any sfx so far.

09-25-2013, 08:01 PM
Thanks for the post!

It's mp3 @320kbs.

01. Opening Title
02. War Against the Machines
03. Main Title
04. The Terminator Arrival
05. The T-1000 Arrival
06. Escape from the Galleria
07. The Canal Chase
08. Sarah on the Run
09. Escape from the Hospital
10. Desert Suite
11. Sarah's Dream
12. Attack on Dyson
13. Arm Surgery
14. Our Gang Goes to Cyberdyne
15. Trust Me
16. John & Dryson Into Vault
17. Swat Team Attacks
18. I'll be Back
19. Helicopter Chase
20. Tanker Chase
21. Hasta la Vista, Baby
22. Into the Steel Mill
23. Cameron's Inferno
24. Terminator Impaled
25. Terminator Revives
26. T-1000 Terminated
27. It's Over
28. You Could Be Mine

09-25-2013, 08:06 PM
Listening now. don't hear any sfx so far.

No, there are no sound effects. But the music here does NOT match the music as heard in the film.
These tracks have been 'chopped' together from the OST album tracks and snippets taken from the DVD, and they're sort of similar, but not the same.
Anyone who knows this score well will tell you the same.

In the meantime, why not listen to my Terminator cover on Soundcloud?
The Terminator by Dan.Hall on SoundCloud - Hear the world?s sounds (

09-25-2013, 08:29 PM

09-25-2013, 08:52 PM
yeah the Canal Chase is the one where its most evident that its not the movie version

and I am saddened to find out a complete was never released after all these years

09-25-2013, 09:49 PM
Unfortunately its the same edit job that's been floating about for a while. A re-edit of the commercial album with snippets of FX free music from the DVD audio.

T2 is also #1 on my hitlist. Consider me disappointed, but thanks for the share anyway.

Yes, just like Danhalluk said, it's the same bogus that's been around for years where someone did a re-edit of the actual OST and passed it off to everyone as a complete score. Supposedly there is a totally clean 2 disc complete score out there that these guys have but won't share. Yet, they'll post it for everyone to see and dangle it out there like a carrot, but won't share. Thanks a lot dirt bags. But of course, this can't be confirmed because nobody's ever heard it and you just have to take their word. La-la Land or Intrada need to get the rights to release this score complete. There is a LOT of missing music from the OST.

Hope Of The Future - Terminator 2 Ultimate Soundtrack (Terminator 2 Complete Soundtrack) (

09-25-2013, 10:17 PM
I've been starting to think that the Hope of the Future score might be just as bogus as this. A number of people have tried to replicate their described process and rip a complete score from the 5.1 channel DVD, and apparently there are a number of sections in the film where there are SFX on every channel. A score rip completely devoid of SFX is impossible, no matter what kind of skilled sound engineer you have access to.
The original score masters are apparently still missing - all internet speculation ofcourse. But it speaks volumes that Silva Screen, who recently re-released/remastered the OST album, were keen to include unreleased material, but couldn't find anything additional to add.

We can only wait and hope something surfaces.
The only other option being to re-record the whole score. Brad Fiedel is very public (search for interviews) about the exact synth setup he used to record the film. Someone could replicate this and reproduce the score (it's been done electronically for Bladerunner recently). If only the demand were there...

09-25-2013, 10:42 PM
No offense but WHO CARES. This is all the music that was in the film. Parts were re-editted and placed where needed in it. PREDATOR was released complete a long time ago but not commercially. Sound quality is awesome to have but to b*tch about this seems irrelevant considering at least now we have all the music. If they release it commercially awesome but at least it's not like DARKMAN where there's no way you can even get a DVD rip of the best bloody tracks off the film :(. That's one of my PET PEEVE scores that they need to finish! One of Elfman's top 10 for sure. Sorry it's not all commercial but it is complete. :(

Leon Scott Kennedy
09-25-2013, 10:47 PM
No offense but WHO CARES. This is all the music that was in the film.
Nope. This was an attempt to reconstruct the score, but as others have said, tracks presented here are different from their counterparts in the movie.

09-25-2013, 10:55 PM
No disrespect intended to scottfilm.
If people don't share things like this, there's no chance the score will ever come to light.

But this does NOT contain all the music.
Listen to the canal chase track alongside the film, and tell me if it's the same material.

Okay here's how I see it:

01. Opening Title - Sourced from DVD audio section without SFX (cut short)
02. War Against the Machines - Part DVD audio, the rest looped from other cues (incorrect parts)
03. Main Title - Album version of the main title (different mix to the one heard in the film)
04. The Terminator Arrival - Part DVD audio, the rest looped from other cues
05. The T-1000 Arrival - Part DVD audio, the rest looped from other cues
06. Escape from the Galleria - Part DVD audio, the rest looped from other cues (incorrect parts)
07. The Canal Chase - Part DVD audio, the rest looped from other cues (incorrect parts)
08. Sarah on the Run - Album cue
09. Escape from the Hospital - Album cue
10. Desert Suite - Album cue
11. Sarah's Dream - Album cue
12. Attack on Dyson - Album cue
13. Arm Surgery - Sourced from DVD audio without SFX
14. Our Gang Goes to Cyberdyne - Album cue
15. Trust Me - Album cue
16. John & Dryson Into Vault - Album cue
17. Swat Team Attacks - Album cue
18. I'll be Back - Album cue
19. Helicopter Chase - Album cue
20. Tanker Chase - Album cue
21. Hasta la Vista, Baby - Album cue
22. Into the Steel Mill - Album cue
23. Cameron's Inferno - Album cue
24. Terminator Impaled - Album cue
25. Terminator Revives - Album cue
26. T-1000 Terminated - Album cue
27. It's Over - Album cue
28. You Could Be Mine - From G&R album

Still missing entirely:
Police arrive at cyberdyne
Film mix of the main title theme
Extended canal chase (cue should be much longer)
T800 searching for John

I'm sure there is more. You get the point.

09-25-2013, 11:03 PM
The score will NEVER come out because they no longer have the rights nor the music. I was told this by LALA, Varese and Intrada

09-25-2013, 11:05 PM
Well like i said although i appreciate scottfilm posting things they are turning up to be not what it says on the tin if you get my drift.

09-25-2013, 11:15 PM
The score will NEVER come out because they no longer have the rights nor the music. I was told this by LALA, Varese and Intrada

Surely Silva Screen have the rights now? And they've done re-recordings of T2 cues on their compilation albums (themes from the films of Schwarzenegger). And they re-recorded the entire Raise The Titanic score because the masters went walkies.
Well, you never know.

09-26-2013, 12:08 AM
I knew it was too good to be true :(

Guys, this is identical to the one I introduced to the shrine 2 years ago. Only I didn't include Guns 'N Roses, because no one cares about them when compared to this score. And I'm a huge GNR fan

Thread 93112 - No, I will not re-up

09-26-2013, 12:15 AM
No offense but WHO CARES. This is all the music that was in the film. (

No offense scottfilm, but Not Even Close to all the music in the film. If they were to release an official complete score, it'd be twice the length of the official OST. As with you saying in your other post that your Predator 2 complete is all the music there is, that there is no more than on the OST. You couldn't possibly have gone through either of these films and actually listened to the music if you think either of those OST's are complete. Both T2 and Predator 2 have so much more that's missing.

09-26-2013, 12:53 AM
As much as I lament the impossibility of a complete score DVD rip due to SFX. I cannot shake the impact that Gary Rydstrom (Sound Effects Designer) had on my childhood...

I remember waking Mr. Treves up in the morning at my gaff after a piss up about 12 years ago...
I'd just finished clanking all the empty beer cans into the dustbin and emptying the partial's into the sink. I came back into the living room and young Frederick was completely sparko.
I decided to put on the T2 super DTS surround bonkers edition DVD, making sure the sound was down so as not to wake Fred. I fast forwarded to the scene a split second before Miles Dyson drops a weight on the bomb detonator and paused it.
I set the volume to reference level on a sizeable PMC monitoring system with no dynamic compression then I tip-toed out of the room.
I waited a minute or so for Mr. Treves to drift off again in case I'd disturbed his slumber.
I gritted my teeth and poked the remote through the crack in the door and pressed "play" before quickly closing it again.
My explosion of laughter was enough to rival that of the Cyberdyne building which was crashing down on poor hungover Fred at a sound pressure level of some 120+dB...
I sneaked a peek through the door to see him sit bolt upright, then a split second later realising he had a raging headache/hangover and had been rudely awoken...
I trundled in and plonked on the sofa with my feet in the air.
"Woo! Wanna cuppa tea?!"

Here's to hoping for a complete release.

09-26-2013, 01:18 AM
No offense scottfilm, but Not Even Close to all the music in the film. If they were to release an official complete score, it'd be twice the length of the official OST. As with you saying in your other post that your Predator 2 complete is all the music there is, that there is no more than on the OST. You couldn't possibly have gone through either of these films and actually listened to the music if you think either of those OST's are complete. Both T2 and Predator 2 have so much more that's missing.

:*) Well goodfellas let's just put it this way. Like I've said before. If you want every cue of music chronologically synced then compile all of this yourself. As for the music cues you are talking about...... all of it is REPROCESSED CUES from the rest of the score. George Lucas did a lot of this crap on Attack of the Clones. The most important missing cues are all here. THE GALLERIA, etc. These cues were keypoint distinctions in the movie. You guys crack me up how picky you are. That's okay though because maybe it will get these silly record labels attention to release the full score to begin with. Anyways sorry to repost but hundreds of links in here are dead because no one changes their ups enough so I'm just post sharing what I'm finding. ;)

09-26-2013, 04:11 AM
I'm going to chime in w/ my two cents to clear some things up.

A lot of of the unreleased music sounds NOTHING like the music on the OST, so there goes the argument of "reprocessed cues", whatever that means.

Second, the original masters may be missing, but Van Ling must have had access to a secondary source when he produced the Extreme DVD, because snippets of the unreleased music are heard on the various menus and featurettes; I don't know if Silva Screen asked Ling if he possessed any extra music, but if they forgot to inquire, they missed out on a GRAND opportunity to revisit the score.

09-26-2013, 04:37 AM
Scottfilm, all due respect, but like Pred 2 this is far from the real deal. It is emphatically not all the cues. Also, the original Predator HS had a complete official release by a label.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
09-26-2013, 04:58 AM
It seems a lot of words are just falling out of context and mutating into new concepts.

I had that edited album once.

I opted to delete it as the editing was too obvious and made me feel like I accidentally changed tracks.

We don't mean to offend. It's just turning out that way.

We get how music is done but this is far from the concept you have in mind.

We're thinking of two completely different scores from the same film by the same composer.

09-26-2013, 11:18 AM
:*) Well goodfellas let's just put it this way. Like I've said before. If you want every cue of music chronologically synced then compile all of this yourself. As for the music cues you are talking about...... all of it is REPROCESSED CUES from the rest of the score. George Lucas did a lot of this crap on Attack of the Clones. The most important missing cues are all here. THE GALLERIA, etc. These cues were keypoint distinctions in the movie. You guys crack me up how picky you are. That's okay though because maybe it will get these silly record labels attention to release the full score to begin with. Anyways sorry to repost but hundreds of links in here are dead because no one changes their ups enough so I'm just post sharing what I'm finding. ;)

It's cool, I'm extremely grateful of any share. Personally I'm not interested in this one because this extended edition has circulated before, and everyone quickly realised it was a dud. And if people stop sharing stuff like this, the genuine score will never see the light of day. So thanks!

People are just trying to explain to you that this 'fanmade' extended edition of the T2 score contains perhaps 5 more minutes score material than the retail OST album, and what is there is horribly chopped together. There is a lot of music from the film that is not accounted for here at all. It's not an extended score, but someone's attempt to reconstruct what's missing from other OST tracks and DVD audio material. And it's not a particularly good job at all, but that may be purely down to the limitation of the audio available.

So please don't accuse us of bitching, when we're simply telling you not to settle for substandard imitations of 'complete' scores.

09-26-2013, 11:47 AM
As I mentpned before, this is not meant to be an attack on you. At least not on my part. Most of us are mere talking purely about what is or is not on the album, as fanatics are want to do.

09-26-2013, 02:12 PM
The thread title should be changed. It's so horrible to read complete score, without getting one lol.

09-26-2013, 04:01 PM
Surely Silva Screen have the rights now? And they've done re-recordings of T2 cues on their compilation albums (themes from the films of Schwarzenegger). And they re-recorded the entire Raise The Titanic score because the masters went walkies.
Well, you never know.

No-one currently holds the rights to release the T2 soundtrack. Silva wanted to do a complete release three years ago but couldn't locate the masters in time to meet the release window, so had to go ahead with a re-release (which was actually OK - packaging was nice, and previous release was OOP anyway) or release nothing at all, which would have cost them a lot of money.

I doubt there will be another release until the Masters have been located, which is not out of the question - they are not "lost", just couldn't be located in time for Silva's window. I dare say they are there somewhere. When they appear, no doubt Silva will be in the bidding again.

09-26-2013, 04:19 PM
Cool thanks for the info. Extremely frustrating to be so close to a complete release, yet still so far. Some of the websites selling the Silva album even have it listed falsely as the 'complete' soundtrack.
I'm sure it'll appear eventually though, like everything else does. In the meantime, just need to be patient!

09-26-2013, 04:47 PM
I'm going to chime in w/ my two cents to clear some things up.

A lot of of the unreleased music sounds NOTHING like the music on the OST, so there goes the argument of "reprocessed cues", whatever that means.

Second, the original masters may be missing, but Van Ling must have had access to a secondary source when he produced the Extreme DVD, because snippets of the unreleased music are heard on the various menus and featurettes; I don't know if Silva Screen asked Ling if he possessed any extra music, but if they forgot to inquire, they missed out on a GRAND opportunity to revisit the score.

Go back and watch the film and listen to EVERY single track in this compilation. Example: The music where Glover uses his car as a shield is in one of the alternate ending tracks or something. I KNOW I've watched this movie about 700 times and have always wanted the cues you are thinking of. They are all in here just unfortunately all mixed and spread out of sequence :( I wouldn't bother posting this thing if I wasn't sure the music cues used in the film are there. This will be my last reply to this EXHAUSTING debate. ;)

09-26-2013, 05:41 PM
Go back and watch the film and listen to EVERY single track in this compilation. Example: The music where Glover uses his car as a shield is in one of the alternate ending tracks or something.

Glover uses his car as a shield?
Mate, you are seriously barking up the wrong tree.
Or are just trolling.

On another note, I've decided to share the complete Titanic score by James Horner. I cut it together myself with music taken from the two commercial albums and audio ripped from the DVD. I couldn't get all of the music without SFX, but don't worry. I've replaced those missing bits with music from other parts of the film. But I assure you, I wouldn't bother posting this if I wasn't sure the music cues used in the film are all there...somewhere. They're all just mixed up and out of sequence. Even the bit where Gibson mounts the crows nest in the alternate ending or something.


09-26-2013, 05:46 PM
Glover uses his car as a shield?
Mate, you are seriously barking up the wrong tree.
Or are just trolling.

DANNY GLOVER Yes he uses his car like a shield to protect the other officers from taking fire. Are you serious?

Thread 161941

09-26-2013, 05:59 PM
Oh I remember, Danny Glover from Terminator 2. How could I be so forgetful?

09-26-2013, 06:57 PM
I doubt there will be another release until the Masters have been located, which is not out of the question - they are not "lost", just couldn't be located in time for Silva's window. I dare say they are there somewhere. When they appear, no doubt Silva will be in the bidding again.

Regardless of the masters of the recording sessions, a complete score could also be compiled from the audio tracks from the negatives of the film itself. The music cues should be on their own channels from the mixing process. Maybe I'm wrong, but when a film is re-mastered for Blu-ray release lets say, and the audio remixed to 7.1 for current sound systems and all, they don't go back and take the master recording sessions and completely re-edit and mix it back in. They're already on their own channels to be manipulated. So there could be a couple of sources for a complete score if a label could acquire the rights and all.

Oh, and scottfilm, don't take my previous post as an attack or anything. I'm not trying to start quarrels. Just trying to point things out.

09-27-2013, 12:01 AM
Example: The music where Glover uses his car as a shield is in one of the alternate ending tracks or something

what glover are you talking about seriously

Glover uses his car as a shield?
Mate, you are seriously barking up the wrong tree.
Or are just trolling.

i think hes trolling but i cannot be sure he may be too stupid to troll

DANNY GLOVER Yes he uses his car like a shield to protect the other officers from taking fire. Are you serious?

uhhhh......ummm are you serious danny glover is not in terminator 2 hes in predator 2 you fucking dumbass

Oh I remember, Danny Glover from Terminator 2. How could I be so forgetful?

seriosuly the guy is so convinced that danny glover is in terminator 2 that hes got me tripping balls right now im watching my terminator 2 dvd annnnnnd nope mm mm danny glover is not in it hes thinking of the opening scene of predator 2 when the cops are fighting the gangs in los angeles

09-27-2013, 12:08 AM
its very odd someone who i have never seen before suddenly starts posting '' COMPLETE SCORES " which are not complete at all strange..

09-27-2013, 12:16 AM
debate :)

09-27-2013, 08:09 AM
its very odd someone who i have never seen before suddenly starts posting '' COMPLETE SCORES " which are not complete at all strange..

And then gets all defensive when the masses call him up on it, despite the obviously deliberate attempts to bait us!

09-27-2013, 09:03 AM
mmm... the Kuczynski version seem to be very cool....

09-27-2013, 09:07 AM
mmm... the Kuczynski version seem to be very cool....

Yet I find it hard to believe it can be entirely SFX free when ripped from the DVD source. ^ post #13

09-27-2013, 09:19 AM
there is a special editing software named "Sony Spectral layers" for exemple... you can delete a car engine noise over a human voice and only keep the voice... it's not easy but it's not easy to use

sfx free dvd rip soudtrack is possible...

09-27-2013, 09:51 AM
I've never used it (I'm a Cubase, Sony Sound Forge, Audition user) But even with an advanced tool like that, you're eliminating the sound effects from a channel by carefully removing entire frequencies of audio, and many of these frequencies will be shared by the SFX and music alike. It is impossible to separate what is occupying the same space. So yes it is possible, but not without quite drastically altering the sound of the music itself. i.e clipping, loss of audio frequencies.

This is why I think Kuczynski's version of the soundtrack is probably a lot less impressive than it sounds. But since he's not sharing, we will never know.

Hmm.... On watching the above examples though, I'm inclined to say they could have done it with an extraordinary amount of work and patience. But still, the music would have been compromised in one way or another. It's impossible to preserve everything when the SFX occupies the same space.

09-29-2013, 12:05 PM
Regardless of the masters of the recording sessions, a complete score could also be compiled from the audio tracks from the negatives of the film itself. The music cues should be on their own channels from the mixing process. Maybe I'm wrong, but when a film is re-mastered for Blu-ray release lets say, and the audio remixed to 7.1 for current sound systems and all, they don't go back and take the master recording sessions and completely re-edit and mix it back in. They're already on their own channels to be manipulated. So there could be a couple of sources for a complete score if a label could acquire the rights and all.

It doesn't quite work like that....first there is a question of quality (audio stems for Blu-ray etc are not Red-book audio)....listen to the LaLaLand release of "Hook" for example and listen to the tracks where the Blu-Ray stems were used....the difference is chalk and cheese. And no - for a new sound mix for home theatre it doesn't necessarily follow that the audio source for the music is the original masters. There is also the raw sound mix for previous release etc etc etc....I wish it were as simple as what you are suggesting (believe me, I really do!!), but in reality it just isn't. Labels have been on the lookout for the complete masters for a long time now, and at least 3 labels are ready with an offer should they appear....the rights to a complete release will not be difficult to secure.

Ultimately, the will and expertise to put out a great release is there, and so is the money. But the source material isn't (yet). But it will be at some point.

Currently enjoying watching Linda Hamilton laying the smack down in Predator 2.


09-30-2013, 12:54 AM
I attended a film music panel, and Brad Fiedel was on of the composers speaking. He told all of us (with representatives of LLL and FSM in attendance) that between that time and the time T2 was made, all of the original masters to the film were lost. All that is left is what was collected for the CD release. It's tragic.

09-30-2013, 01:01 AM
I'm not doubting you or Fiedel, but that's bullshit. Masters do not "get lost". I refuse to believe that

09-30-2013, 01:37 AM
I think that masters can get lost or damaged, but again, there is a case here to be made for secondary sources (film stems, Van Ling's archives, etc.)

09-30-2013, 01:40 AM
They didn't get lost they were destroyed

09-30-2013, 01:46 AM
But if they were lost / destroyed how did they release the movie on Blu Ray if they couldn't remaster the score for the Blu Ray. I believe it's there, still.

09-30-2013, 12:10 PM
Think about it, why should Fiedel lie about it? I mean, he has no real reason for doing so. Remastering his T2 score and releasing a 'definitive' edition' only seems to be a win-win situation. Why wouldn't Fiedel agree on that? Unless he really lost his master tapes and more music isn't available.

On the other hand, maybe he got a nasty scoring experience with Cameron (like Horner on Aliens) and decided to 'destroy' or magically make his sessions 'dissapear', out of remorse. But I don't believe that, he went on to score True Lies and T2:3D afterall. I guess we'll never find out what really happened.

I'm wondering though, is it completely impossible to recreate his original score? I mean, if Fiedel was paid enough to do so, wouldn't he be able to recreate his own score, or someone else for all that matters? His music is not the most musically complex thing in the world, let's face it. And I suppose with the original sheet music at hand, it could be done, right?

09-30-2013, 12:56 PM
Not meaning to spam this thread again with my work (it is sort of relevant).
A little while ago I posted this on Brad's personal FB page - The Terminator - Dan Hall (
It's my cover of his Terminator/T2/Hope of the Future theme using virtual instruments, synths and MIDI (home studio setup).

Anyway, he uses his FB profile to promote his solo show, Borrowed Time. I get the sense that he's over the film industry, and just wants to make music and enjoy family life.
I'm guessing if anybody asked him to recreate the complete Terminator 2 score, he wouldn't be particularly interested. I mean come on - as an artist, would you want to go back 23 years and recreate something that was done and dusted and in the past? I doubt it.

Someone else could do it though. Its fairly common knowledge that a pair of fairlight CMIs and some additional samples/percussion would replicate the original setup (anything else I've missed?). Seriously, I sense a kickstarter project that needs kickstarting....

09-30-2013, 03:53 PM
In a few years the rights to T2 return to Cameron. Perhaps then we will get a definitive release of the score.

09-30-2013, 08:19 PM
I'm guessing if anybody asked him to recreate the complete Terminator 2 score, he wouldn't be particularly interested. I mean come on - as an artist, would you want to go back 23 years and recreate something that was done and dusted and in the past? I doubt it.

From an artistic point of view, it's just not done, I totally agree. But the master tapes are lost, so someone is responsible for it. Maybe Brad himself, or maybe the studio, intentionally or not intentionally, that we'll never know. But I don't see why he wouldn't be involved in any projects (Terminator related) in the future. It still is his best score to date, hands down. And if maybe Cameron asks him, in a new future deal, who knows? If he gets a good deal, I don't see why he won't come back.

Someone else could do it though. Its fairly common knowledge that a pair of fairlight CMIs and some additional samples/percussion would replicate the original setup (anything else I've missed?). Seriously, I sense a kickstarter project that needs kickstarting....

Not a bad idea :)

09-30-2013, 09:35 PM
It still is his best score to date, hands down.

I really liked what he did for True Lies though. That, to me at least, is right up there with T2. I certainly wouldn't mind an expanded True Lies either.

09-30-2013, 09:38 PM
In a few years the rights to T2 return to Cameron. Perhaps then we will get a definitive release of the score.

What do you mean by this, who owns the rights to it now? I know that both The Terminator and Judgement Day have had a clusterfuck of ownership rights

09-30-2013, 10:30 PM
And if maybe Cameron asks him, in a new future deal, who knows? If he gets a good deal, I don't see why he won't come back.

When the rights revert to Cameron, we won't get any more Terminator films.
He has publicly stated that he wouldn't want to make any more. "Too many cooks have pissed in the soup" is a quote that comes to mind.
He was geared up to make T3, but the rights went elsewhere when he divorced Linda Hamilton (so i believe). It's a bit vague what happened exactly.

It's for the same reason he withdrew from an Aliens sequel, which he was in discussions with Ridley Scott to produce. He saw AVP, and subsequently decided the franchise was beyond repair.
Whatever gets filmed over the next few years could be the last in the Terminator series for a little while, but that's not an awful thing. Everything since T2 has been lacking.

Plus I thought Fiedel had all but retired from film scoring. He states that it's something to do with the politics of preassigned temp scores and the limited freedom they cause.

09-30-2013, 11:52 PM
When the rights revert to Cameron, we won't get any more Terminator films.
He has publicly stated that he wouldn't want to make any more. "Too many cooks have pissed in the soup" is a quote that comes to mind.
He was geared up to make T3, but the rights went elsewhere when he divorced Linda Hamilton (so i believe). It's a bit vague what happened exactly.

I refuse to believe that. It's HIS baby and nobody else. If one day, he gets a vision (like the nightmare he had that made him write the first film), I think he will be back on track with this franchise. I don't care if he makes another dozen of Avatar sequels in the meantime (not my most fav Cameron movie at all). In the end, I believe he will come back to what started his career. And if I'm wrong, well, let's all pray he will. Imo, there's just no better sequel (in sequel history) than T2. And ohh boy am I excited what he will do with current technologies. Still to this day, the cgi in T2 stands among one of the best executed visual effects in recent movie history. A 23 year old movie, go figure!!!

Plus I thought Fiedel had all but retired from film scoring. He states that it's something to do with the politics of preassigned temp scores and the limited freedom they cause.

Maybe he makes an exception for Cameron and only for him...

10-01-2013, 12:23 AM
In the end, I believe he will come back to what started his career. And if I'm wrong, well, let's all pray he will. Imo, there's just no better sequel (in sequel history) than T2.

Another Cameron directed Terminator film would definitely be fantastic, if it happened under precisely the right circumstances.

But it's worth noting that while T2 is (definitely) the finest sequel made, T3 is also probably the worst. I despise the film, with its weak terminator 2.5 screenplay, it's slip into self parody (inflating breasts, talk to the hand) and lack of respect for maintaining any kind of logical timeline. Add Salvation into that equation, and the timeline is in tatters. The only way to recover it now is to either run an alternate timeline or reboot entirely, and that's what Annapurna pictures are doing before Cameron regains the rights.

Plus Arnold will be 72 by the time Cameron is back in creative control.
And you forget that Cameron isn't the filmmaker he used to be. Kissing blue aliens are his thing now.

I fear the ship may have already sailed. The Terminator and T2 were superb, but I say it needs to be laid to rest. There are other ideas out there.

---------- Post added at 05:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 PM ----------

Also worth mentioning, if you want the James Cameron sequel that was never made, read Terminator: Nuclear Twilight (

This is the adaptation of the extended T2 script with Future War scenes. Van Ling and Lightstorm Entertainment were also involved in this one. It was published simultaneously with Cybernetic Dawn and picks up where the movie left off in the future, with Connor scanning the area. Shows the victory of the resistance and all the TDE scenes, as well as reprogramming of the T-800. It also throws in some original scenes and characters: for example, when the resistance reprogrammed T-800 they turned the power on but the entire row of terminators woke up. T-800 saved the resistance. Also, it shows the person which T-1000's default form was modeled after - a captured resistance soldier named Griffith.

The comic book uses all the unused conceptual artwork from the movie, like TDE complex, Skynet interiors, elevators, terminator storage chambers, as well as unused machine designs like Silverfish and Centurions.

10-07-2013, 12:14 PM
Please read previous posts - so that you understand just how far you are missing the point by.

For anyone else - the Masters are not "lost" - don't add this to your list of LOST SESSIONS OMG!!!1111! quite yet...they just couldn't be located in time for Silva's most recent release - that's it, bottom line, full stop, do not pass go, do not collect �200. Also - no-one is purposely holding this one back...all parties would like to see a complete release.

I dare say the masters will turn up...give a complete release a couple of years ;) .....I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Silva's search DID turn up the complete masters, but way too late for their release window....for example....ummmmm....

EDIT - sorry, not sure how it happened, but this was supposed to be a response to "Killgrave" above...was supposed to quote etc etc...bu8t it didn't....and I can't be arsed to change etc etc lol ffs smh....

10-07-2013, 01:56 PM
I'm guessing if anybody asked him to recreate the complete Terminator 2 score, he wouldn't be particularly interested. I mean come on - as an artist, would you want to go back 23 years and recreate something that was done and dusted and in the past? I doubt it.

Poledouris was actively involved With the Conan The Destroyer Rerecording before he passed. Although, admittedly, he was unhappy with the original set. Fpr me, btw, ST II: The Wrath Of Khan equals or surpasses T2 as "best sequel".

12-22-2013, 09:15 AM
link please

12-22-2013, 09:31 AM
Poledouris was actively involved With the Conan The Destroyer Rerecording before he passed. Although, admittedly, he was unhappy with the original set. Fpr me, btw, ST II: The Wrath Of Khan equals or surpasses T2 as "best sequel".

For me it is hands down the Empire Strikes Back. Besides T2 and Wrath of Khan, other sequels that match up to or actually surpass their original movies are the Dark Knight, Godfather Part II and Aliens.

12-22-2013, 01:44 PM
Those are all good choices as well. I agree with Aliens but I have seen some who don't. With that film I guess it is either action or horror, 'tis a tossup.

05-15-2014, 09:32 PM
pic? i see no pic to click

---------- Post added at 01:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:30 PM ----------

someone please link this for me

05-15-2014, 10:06 PM
You're right, there is no pic as the URL for the thumbnail is likely dead...however, you should see a tiny tiny blank box in the first post. That should get you somewhere.

05-15-2014, 10:24 PM
i must be blind, i dont see anything

---------- Post added at 02:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:21 PM ----------

why cant things just be easy lol

05-15-2014, 10:31 PM
Here (

05-15-2014, 10:36 PM
Thank you, greatly apprecaited!

Here (

06-02-2014, 04:18 AM
This is a complete track list (all with a lot of SFX and dialogues)... DVD rip...

01.Carolco logo 00'14
02.Opening Title-The Future Vision 00'34
03.Los Angeles 2029 War Against the Machines 02'04
04.Main Title Expanded (film version) 02'40
05.The Terminator Arrival~Looking For Clothes 01'25
06.The T1000 Arrival 01'50
07.Sarah treatment at the hospital 00'54
08.Kyle visiting Sarah (new scene) 01'00
09.The Nuclear Holocaust 03'00
10.Sarah's examination 01'01
11.Sarah's mutiny 00'23
12.Target Aquire 00'25
13.Escape from the Galleria & Meeting With T101 04'50
14.The chase 02'32
15.The Canal Chase 02'25
16.My Mission Is To Protect You~Arm Surgery 01'38
17.Visit to the hospital 01'05
18.Killing 'Wolfie'(new scene) 00'21
19.Police officer's interrogating Sarah &
John's memories revealed to T101 01'10
20.You are not a Terminator anymore 01'40
21.T1000's visit to the hospital 00'23
22.Locking Sarah on the bed 00'20
23.Sarah unlocking herself 00'57
24.T1000 appears 00'08
25.Sarah is unlocking the door 00'11
26.Preparing coffee 02'18
27.Sarah's fight 00'37
28.Sarah's revenge & Meeting T101 03'37
29.Car chase 04'21
30.Re - setting's T101 chip (new scene) 03'16
31.It is in your nature to autodistruct yourselves 02'16
32.The Nuclear Holocaust vision 03'26
33.No faith 00'48
34.Choosing new weapons 01'21
35.Preparing the plan 00'15
36.Detailed files about Miles Dyson 02'40
37.John and T101 playing games 00'49
38.A visit to Cyberdyne Systems 01'29
39.Setting the bombs 04'32
40.T1000 climbing by motorcycle 01'38
41.Trust me 01'41
42.Dyson death Blowing Up Cyberdyne 03'30
43.Escaping from Cyberdyne 01'51
44.Helicopter Chase 04'11
45.Factory chase 04'48
46.T101 vs.T1000 08'39
47.T1000 terminated (expanded film version) 03'24
48.T101 terminated One more chip 01'56
49.End title 04'21

06-02-2014, 04:41 AM
This is a complete track list (all with a lot of SFX and dialogues)... DVD rip...

Unless you have a link, what's the point of this? It's almost like listing the titles of the chapters from the DVD....

This score is my Holy Grail, so you can understand why I'm being a little forward...

06-02-2014, 04:58 AM
I don't have a good software to properly extract the music without dialogues and SFX.... yes, they are the chapters of the expanded DVD

09-14-2014, 04:21 PM
Thank you very much! :-)

08-05-2015, 06:25 PM
Unless you have a link, what's the point of this? It's almost like listing the titles of the chapters from the DVD....

This score is my Holy Grail, so you can understand why I'm being a little forward...

Same here. T1 and 2 are with RoboCop my Top 3 and also in this order.
If THIS is obtained, without any sfx whatsoever, release it.
It�s been sooo long!!!

08-05-2015, 10:46 PM
It would be nice if Brad Fiedel and all others involved start seriously looking around for any and all reels that might have everything. Next year is the 25th anniversary of the movie. There will never be a better time for it than that.

09-14-2017, 03:40 PM
I need this in flac/lossless. Re-Up possible?

09-17-2018, 10:22 PM

09-17-2018, 10:42 PM

09-17-2018, 11:11 PM
When it comes to the complete T2, remember "there is no spoon."

Wait, wrong movie.

09-18-2018, 12:29 AM
Since this thread is back, a YouTuber named Python Blue has been recreating some of the missing cues from the T2 score using the original synths and software ( and also a pretty cool documentary on the score too ( that's worth checking out.

09-18-2018, 01:29 AM
Damnit I just listened to his recreation of the Canal Chase and it’s awesome

12-13-2018, 02:54 PM
The other cues are amazing too. Not sure all of them he did are there though.

08-18-2019, 12:52 PM
Link please

11-06-2019, 05:21 AM
Since this thread is back, a YouTuber named Python Blue has been recreating some of the missing cues from the T2 score using the original synths and software ( and also a pretty cool documentary on the score too ( that's worth checking out.

Is this documentary still available somewhere? This link is dead. Sounds super interesting.