09-25-2013, 02:08 AM
Tyler Bates
300 (Complete Recordings)

29 tracks, TRT: 1:14:34, 320 MP3


Note: not sure if these are the real complete recordings but that's what they are being marketed as so that's what I'm labeling it as. This is basically the official album with 4 extra tracks that I added back into their supposed chronological sequence in the film. Whether it's complete or not, it's a magnificent effort from an underrated composer nonetheless. So he "borrowed" from Goldenthal, big deal. At least he "borrowed" from a great source is all I have to say in the matter. The controversy back in the day was laughable. Sure, the track "Remember Us" is an almost direct copy of the finale cue from Goldenthal's Titus but who cares? It was a good piece then and it was a good piece to use in 300. I've never doubted Snyder's use of music, whether it be vintage music or composer Bates' original score, and this is no exception. I've heard Tyler Bates referred to as a 3rd or even 4th rate composer before when it's completely untrue. He has quite an impressive resume under his belt and I can't wait to see what he does next. I'd love to hear him do something similar to Slither again. The Day the Earth Stood Still score he composed was as drab and unlistenable as the film was drab and almost unwatchable. Anyway, enjoy this great score from Tyler Bates from the year in which I graduated high school. Ahhhh, what special (not quite great) times those were. Seeing this beast in IMAX made it slightly better.

09-25-2013, 02:09 AM
Thanks, cody!

09-25-2013, 02:15 AM
thanks cody

09-25-2013, 02:37 AM

<a href="http://imgur.com/OmmV3ZZ">

09-25-2013, 02:52 AM
Good score nevertheless if only he didn't forget to give credit where it is due no fiasco could have ever come out of it. I still admire some of his works and IMO he's also a good composer. Since it's about giving credit where it is due, thanks for this post!

09-25-2013, 03:04 AM
Good score nevertheless if only he didn't forget to give credit where it is due no fiasco could have ever come out of it.

Ah yes, of course. Wasn't Goldenthal influenced as well for the piece in Titus? Ah, well. No matter now.

09-25-2013, 03:14 AM
Ah yes, of course. Wasn't Goldenthal influenced as well for the piece in Titus? Ah, well. No matter now.

Indeed, lol. BTW the door asks for a decryption key?

09-25-2013, 03:16 AM
Indeed, lol. BTW the door asks for a decryption key?

If you're not using Google Chrome, the link might not work.

09-25-2013, 03:22 AM
I aint but I also have chrome and i just tried it. Same results, needed some "decryption key" (noticed from above the red and gray bar)

09-25-2013, 03:24 AM
I aint but I also have chrome and i just tried it. Same results, needed some "decryption key" (noticed from above the red and gray bar)

Not sure what to tell ya, mate. Loading just fine on my end. Anyone else having issues that isn't related to not having Google Chrome?

09-25-2013, 03:49 AM
I aint but I also have chrome and i just tried it. Same results, needed some "decryption key" (noticed from above the red and gray bar)

If you are still facing problems, use this key:

Thank you very much for sharing, Cody.

09-25-2013, 03:51 AM
I am looking to the(JXL trance) in the sequel.

09-25-2013, 03:57 AM
After refreshing the link for the 3rd time it works! The decryption noticed is finally gone. Thanks as well Petros for that suggestion, I thought i would try that but for unknown reason the noticed banished and allis well now.

09-25-2013, 06:35 AM

09-25-2013, 07:45 AM

09-25-2013, 02:53 PM
Thank you ^^

06-10-2014, 12:19 AM
Can someone re-upload this? Many thanks in advance.

11-11-2015, 12:51 PM
Please re-upload file. thanks

07-21-2017, 07:10 AM
anyone have this?