Kill Bill
08-10-2004, 01:13 AM
in KH2 you frequently see an blonde haired kid, that weilds 2 keyblades.....he is the double of sora....but who is he?

also that red haired guy.....i think his name is Axel...but i dont know about the blonde kid

anyone got a clue?

sorry if the pics are a little big

08-10-2004, 07:20 AM
Well, it's definitely possible. He sure does look a lot like Sora.

I couldn't tell you for sure though. =/

08-10-2004, 04:26 PM
I read a little into that and it is said in one website he is in fact not sora. but on another website the creater of the game said that how sora is wearing black clothes and the blonde haired kid is wearing white clothes in fact shows a connection. So in my opiniojn the blonde haired kid is the light side of sora or a sora from the future because he is always there to save sora when he is in a VERY tight spot. and the red haired guy's name is "Axel"

08-13-2004, 03:30 PM
that 2nd pic is just a fanart-BHK's face has not yet been claerly shown in any press releases. square-enix said something like-he also travels with 2 others that are not donald and goofy.
i also think that the clothing (dark/light) is significant.
try for more stuff.

Kill Bill
08-13-2004, 09:21 PM
ive been you think the trio of the other ones are the lighter sides of D, G and sora?...hmm...strange...but sora isnt a bad he?

ive got another pic...please tell me if im going nutts, but i think thats guy in the cloak on the right it ansem.... that him??

sorry...i know this pic is ginormic(far far too big)

08-14-2004, 03:45 AM
yea that 4 sure is ansem.

08-29-2004, 01:46 AM
This has been debated too many times. I have an opinion but I don't feel like sharing it. No offense.

08-31-2004, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by Axelredmage
This has been debated too many times. I have an opinion but I don't feel like sharing it. No offense.

Why post at all then?

I think that maybe its not that Sora is "Evil" persay, but that he is starting to go to the darker side of good. THe gray if you will. "Light" Sora is maybe ANother side of Sora from another dimension or something else entirely manifested from SOra's experience in Kingdom Hearts. ALso, could the 2 peeps be Riku and Kairi (I coudn't see the site so I cant tell) or a manifestation of them? Perhaps they were sent to nudge Sora to the side of the "Light" and that Axel is an agent of the opposite side?

I dunno please ignore my ranting and give me the number to a good asylum, because all of the possibilitys are making my head explode.

09-01-2004, 09:38 PM
Yes....of course he has a twin....IT'S YOU!!!

Kill Bill
09-01-2004, 09:54 PM
Moi? haha mebe but i dont look like him facaly