09-20-2013, 06:12 PM
Since Halloween will be here before you know it I decided to up this. I still remember the first time I found this I was so pumped. This is a MASTERPIECE of orchestral synthestry. Stands out completely on it's own from any other music score. Click the pic for the file. Peace!!


09-20-2013, 07:31 PM
Hmm. I wonder what the source is for this. I have the La-la Land expanded cd and this post you have is actually longer and has more tracks. I've compared the 2 and (by titles and times, not listening), and there are 6 add'l tracks at almost 20 min. on your download. I'll have to listen and look into these add'l 6 tracks.

09-20-2013, 08:02 PM
honestly I'm not sure bro wherever I snatched it from I did it in A HURRY due to the LONG list ;) It's all there as far as I can tell. Love the last few action cues where chucky is running around PISSED that they burned him. Some EPIC string cues in there

09-20-2013, 08:52 PM

09-20-2013, 09:47 PM
honestly I'm not sure bro wherever I snatched it from I did it in A HURRY due to the LONG list ;) It's all there as far as I can tell. Love the last few action cues where chucky is running around PISSED that they burned him. Some EPIC string cues in there

I'm gonna try to check it out this weekend. Cause it does seem that there's some extra cues, which is cool. 1 of them is a song, which I don't care about and the other is just source music. But there's still 4 other cues that do seem to be add'l cues not on the official La-la Land release.

09-24-2013, 04:58 AM

09-24-2013, 01:35 PM

09-24-2013, 06:05 PM
Well, after being home over the weekend and looking at both my discs (still didn't get a chance to listen though) it appears that the 4 tracks missing from the La-la Land release are from the Italian release. But again, since I didn't get to listen, I don't know if they're under a different name on La-la, or if they are truly add'l tracks, which would be cool. Will inform when I get the chance.

09-24-2013, 11:52 PM
merci beaucoup.

09-25-2013, 01:03 AM
Joe Renzetti
Child's Play (Deluxe Edition)

17 tracks, TRT: 1:17:50, 320 MP3!oglCkSQZ!F8v0eRRqXaDsbatSyCtMliO83ct-BczB0Gfzpb82Lps

Note: I just edited my own version using this one as reference and I can tell there were 2 sources used: LaLaLand's and the French Milan album. I used the same two sources however I noticed hiss in some tracks on the LLLR version so I substituted them with the Milan version as it had a cleaner sound. Unlike scottfilm, I provided two versions of the Mama Walk cue, one with the Street Walk music mixed in (LLLR) and one with the Mama Walk isolated (Milan). I used the isolated version for the main program and included LLLR's version as bonus material. Also I noticed Batter Up/Chucky's Chant/This is the End/Chuck Roast on LLLR's features alternative mixing from the Milan version but instead of picking and choosing, I included both. The LLLR version is included in the main program as it features unreleased music and an overall consistent sound while the Milan version is included as a similarly mixed suite as bonus material. I've also included all 3 versions of the end titles (Milan's and the two versions included on LLLR's edition). I included the News Cast source music as a short break between the main program and the bonus material. Lastly, I kept LLLR's cover art but feel free to post your own custom designs.

I'm not sure where the Grass bonus track came from but it sounds like a cleaner version of the LLLR version from an alternate source but I enjoyed the LLLR mix so I opted to keep that version instead.


10-17-2013, 07:37 PM
Just got my copy of the Chucky Collection on Bluray and just passed the point where he makes the fact that he's really alive known to Andy's mother. Up to this point I love how playful Renzetti is with his scoring for the suspense scenes. From the film's explosive opening to the events leading up to Maggie's demise, they are masterfully handled in the scoring department along with that whole scene beginning with the batteries from the Good Guy doll box clattering to the floor, alerting us and Andy's mother to some pretty alarming realizations that confirm our own worst suspicions. The scene where Chucky attacks the detective as he's driving has to be some of the best movie magic created for the genre. Can you imagine anything more terrifying? I'm sure you can but between the thought of the airbags deploying at random to someone being stowed away in your backseat ready to surprise you at any time, I personally can't imagine anything much more terrifying to happen as you drive. The scene with the voodoo guy was pretty strong and powerful, as well. What a way to go. Too bad the score from that scene seems to be the only missing cue. Everything else is pretty much in both of our releases.

For a film of its budget and genre, it still holds up surprisingly well over the years minus a few awkward moments. The opening scenes with Andy acting made me cringe just a bit; he's not a terrible child actor but his enunciations were weird. Not to mention he must've been subconsciously trying to give his mother diabetes with the amount of sugar and butter he put in her breakfast. Haha. He can really make you feel for him when he cries though. It's almost heartbreaking. The 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio track is far more powerful than I ever would've expected; the bass is very supportive of the visuals and with the score, it makes every scene it accompanies pop. The image quality isn't reference quality and actually looks a little worse than I expected but overall, is a solid transfer. They really show off the AMAZING Chucky animatronics. I never realized before how truly believable Chucky appears at times throughout this film when he's not just a sitting duck. Every death scene is BIG and the special effects bundled with the masterful editing help to give this film an edge over its competitors in the genre. Now with CGI becoming the norm, I don't expect we will see another film quite like this for some time, if ever again. Add to everything else the voice talents of Brad Dourif and you've got yourself a recipe for one of the most solid and original horror films possibly ever devised for the genre.

I would've love to have caught this in theatres before it became the cheesefest it is now as a result of the later comedic sequels. Of course, with a movie centering around a killer doll you can only stretch it out so far before it loses its horror and just becomes funny. Curse of Chucky was an improvement over Bride and Seed by re-introducing moments of true horror but that ending just doesn't sit well with me. Oh well, perhaps the eventual Child's Play 7 will wash that taste out of my mouth.

06-28-2019, 10:25 AM
Joe Renzetti
Child's Play (Deluxe Edition)

17 tracks, TRT: 1:17:50, 320 MP3!oglCkSQZ!F8v0eRRqXaDsbatSyCtMliO83ct-BczB0Gfzpb82Lps

Note: I just edited my own version using this one as reference and I can tell there were 2 sources used: LaLaLand's and the French Milan album. I used the same two sources however I noticed hiss in some tracks on the LLLR version so I substituted them with the Milan version as it had a cleaner sound. Unlike scottfilm, I provided two versions of the Mama Walk cue, one with the Street Walk music mixed in (LLLR) and one with the Mama Walk isolated (Milan). I used the isolated version for the main program and included LLLR's version as bonus material. Also I noticed Batter Up/Chucky's Chant/This is the End/Chuck Roast on LLLR's features alternative mixing from the Milan version but instead of picking and choosing, I included both. The LLLR version is included in the main program as it features unreleased music and an overall consistent sound while the Milan version is included as a similarly mixed suite as bonus material. I've also included all 3 versions of the end titles (Milan's and the two versions included on LLLR's edition). I included the News Cast source music as a short break between the main program and the bonus material. Lastly, I kept LLLR's cover art but feel free to post your own custom designs.

I'm not sure where the Grass bonus track came from but it sounds like a cleaner version of the LLLR version from an alternate source but I enjoyed the LLLR mix so I opted to keep that version instead.


re-up please

06-28-2019, 01:24 PM
I would also be interested in a re-up. thanks.

06-28-2019, 05:26 PM
Here ya go:!u9ZhwASS!avP0OTamup-W5xMeekkykUigb_V05tnbBvkxcZrdQaY

06-28-2019, 09:52 PM
Here ya go:!u9ZhwASS!avP0OTamup-W5xMeekkykUigb_V05tnbBvkxcZrdQaY

Thanks for the share. And the original posterscottfilm.

06-29-2019, 01:55 PM
Huge Thanks for this! Love this film so much.

07-04-2019, 09:57 AM