09-18-2013, 11:21 PM
CAPTAIN POWER official score by Gary Guttman

Can the person that upped this PLEASE do it again and tell me what you are looking for. I've been waiting a VERY long time to get this and I have MANY rare scores I can up here so let me know!

09-18-2013, 11:27 PM
look scott, I don`t have also, but you must put your request in the respective thread!!!

But, you can start sharing what you have got!!! :) Who knows someone will reup what you want!!!


09-18-2013, 11:33 PM
oops :( I'll search for it

09-19-2013, 04:11 AM
I do hope this score manages makes the rounds here again. I loved this show as a kid, and having the score would be awesome!