08-09-2004, 10:46 AM
I think that games should go in this order:

3. FFV
4. FFX-2
8. FFX
9. FFI
10. FFII

any feedback?

08-09-2004, 10:53 AM
any feedback?

You should've been more clear what you're basing your rankings on.

08-09-2004, 10:55 AM
sorry, I mean in order of how good they are. As you can see FFVII is at the top. A bit easier now?

08-09-2004, 10:58 AM
Then you should list what factors you judged them on. Give information to support your conclusions.

08-09-2004, 11:03 AM
1. FFVII - no explanation really needed to any FFVII fan.
2. FFIX - story is brilliant, character's great.
3. FFV - the job system is a classic
4. FFX-2 - same as FFV.
5. FFIV - the fact of all those world maps.
6. FFVI - graphics get better. game's longer. brilliant.
7. FFVIII - good, but too sci-fi like for most FF's
8. FFX - good for first FF on PS2, but didn't have that FF feel.
9. FFI - yeah, first one, but it's not that brilliant.
10. FFII - no levels. crap way of increasing stats.
11. FFIII - don't know. I've never played it.

now, any feedback?

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
08-09-2004, 11:52 AM
I have to pretty much agree with your list, switch the places of FFVIII and FF X-2, and switch the places of FFIV and V then for me it'll be perfect. Though many people here will greatly disagree with putting FFVII at the top.

Kill Bill
08-09-2004, 12:13 PM
1.10(mainly because they spoke, liked the story too)
2.9(im just a ff9 fan)
3.10-2(YUNA FRM 10-2!!!)
4.8(first ff game)
5.7(i jus dont have as much respect for this one as the others, still good game though)
6.6(i just didnt like this game)

i havent played i cant comment

FF:CC looks cool! really want it! saving up!

Lunatic HighVII
08-10-2004, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by Diorama
I have to pretty much agree with your list, switch the places of FFVIII and FF X-2, and switch the places of FFIV and V then for me it'll be perfect. Though many people here will greatly disagree with putting FFVII at the top.

totally agree.

08-10-2004, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by Sephiroth's Brother
[B]1. FFVII - no explanation really needed to any FFVII fan.[B]
Care to add a much needed explanation for the not-so-FFVII-fans among us? Me? :)

Vivi FF
08-11-2004, 12:20 AM
I would guess that those are opinionated lists because one FF may appeal to one person, but wouldn't appeal at all to another. So it's basically based on taste.

Mine would be:
2. FFX-2
4. FFX

I'm so ashamed, I've played only 5 FF games.

08-11-2004, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by Tokiko

Care to add a much needed explanation for the not-so-FFVII-fans among us? Me? :)

yeah, okay sorry, in quite a lot of people's opinions (not all) ffvii is seen as the best FF game. It has brilliant characters a brilliant story and wonderful extras such as the minigames. Okay, lets all come up with a game ranking list for the FF games. Sort of like a rumble, but you vote for what position of the game, so lets start with FFI.

Final Fantasy I - please reply with number 1-11, 1 being the top, 11 being the lowest.

08-11-2004, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by Sephiroth's Brother

yeah, okay sorry, in quite a lot of people's opinions (not all) ffvii is seen as the best FF game. It has brilliant characters a brilliant story and wonderful extras such as the minigames.

But those things that you call brilliant are the same things that many of us find so lacking. I can write better characters than those in my sleep, to be frank. The story has holes, is way too open-ended, and is badly paced. And I thought the minigames were nothing short of pathetic.

08-11-2004, 03:19 PM
Hmmm. . .

1. Final Fantasy VI
2. Final Fantasy IX
3. Final Fantasy IV
4. Final Fantasy X
5. Final Fantasy VIII
6. Final Fantasy
7. Final Fantasy X-2
8. Final Fantasy II
9. Final Fantasy V
10. Final Fantasy VII

I guess that's my list. I've never played FFIII, so that one's off the list.

Ask me in a week, and I'd probably switch a lot of those around though. V was my least favorite for a long time, but lately I've been warming up to it.

08-11-2004, 04:47 PM
HEY prak, if you want to discuss how crap ffvii is, then PM me or chat elsewhere! if you are going to vote do it like Ndi!

08-11-2004, 05:07 PM
For me it's... (and I won't include FFXI because that would be unfair for the top of my list to get topped by it)

1. Final Fantasy VI
- With all the great elements put together, a hard driven story, fun gameplay, extents to the extremes, this earns it's place at top. I have never played an RPG this great before.

2. Final Fantasy IV
- Dispite being the simple of simple stuff, the humor in this game will always stay with me. While there is nothing too deep in Final Fantasy IV or that thought provoking, it makes way for a great adventure that is deffinately memorable.

3. Final Fantasy X-2
- The X series were brought more to life thanks to the current technology. The reason why I placed X-2 over X is because the game took a huge turn in another direction in X-2. That is what I felt was missing in recent Final Fantasies is the non-serious factor of the story and mood. I give my hats off to Square on this.

4. Final Fantasy X
- As I mentioned in X-2, it had characters with more life in them. You can really understand the characters and how they are in the inside, something that is fairly hard to do with blocky arms, bad translated text, and a one-dimensional character (all of these refering to FF7 btw).

5. Final Fantasy
6. Final Fantasy V
7. Final Fantasy VIII
8. Final Fantasy II
- I should note that anything beyond this point are FFs that I don't like, even FFII holds a place in my FF heart.

9. Final Fantasy VII
- Uh... I think you guys know enough why I don't like FF7.

IX and III I have not played enough to make judgement on them but I think IX would be fairly high on the list.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
08-11-2004, 05:30 PM
First and foremost: FF Tactics is the best one out of the entire series, regardless of whether you're judging story or music or the battle engine.

1st Runner-up: FF6. Mainly for the story elements and music (in spite of the midi format), but second to Tactics in the battles.

2nd Runner-up: FF9 for the music and being the first FF to incorporate the summons (Eidolons, whatever) into the main storyline.

Distant third: FF7. Mediocre story, a now stale musical score (I mean, FF6 and Tactics blow FF7 away on this one), and the ill-timed attempts at humor throughout the game nearly ruin what would otherwise be a classic.

DEAD LAST: FF8. For reasons which I've stated so many times in other threads I'll just leave it for people to look for them if they're that interested in knowing.

08-11-2004, 11:29 PM
Hmm, interesting, I'll only put down the games I've played through.

And my list goes a little something like this...

1. FFVI: Still my favorite storyline, has yet to lose any of it's charm on subsequent playthroughs, and although it was 16 bit has the most emotion out of any FF game I've played.

2. FFTactics: It almost pains me to list this as number 2, that's just how good of a game it is. The most customization out of any FF, the most entertaining battles of any FF, and one of the most ambitious storys in any FF. If anything is at fault in this game it's that the story is overly ambitious with a very large cast of characters, thankfully there is an in game historical account of the proceedings to aleviate this flaw.

3. FFVII: Maybe I'm just a 7 fanboy, but this game holds a special place in my heart, filled with fond memories. I actually enjoyed the open endedness of the story. And 3 of the minigames were real winners, wich is much more than I can say for most FF minigames.

4. FFIV: There is a certain undefinable charm to this game, whether it be notorious one liners like "Spoony Bard!", or a spoon being the ultimate throwing weapon (they must have had many long hungry nights making this game). In fact the only major flaw I can think of in this game is the length it takes for the final boss to actually die after you defeat it, but that is a very minor flaw and not major at all.

5. FFIX: Reminds me of FFIV in a lot of ways, nothing groundbreaking was attempted with this game, but the results are still very solid. Certainly some of the coolest FMV scenes you'll ever see, some memorable characters, and some not so memorable.

6: FFX: I found this game to be missing that certain "something" that most of the rest of the series had, and the pacing seemed a bit off. What seemed very promising at the begining of the game slowly and surely faded into tediousness by the end.

7. FFVIII: I can still remember the first time I saw the opening movie for this game, my jaw literally dropped. Too bad the rest of the game wasn't that inspiring. This game has it's great moments to be, but those are almost all drowned out by the Draw system of magic and how utterly rediculous the story became after the nursery fiasco.

Note: I've omitted FFXI on the grounds that enjoyment in that game is not based on the quality of design, but rather the quality of gamers you meet whilst playing.

Aslo, FFX2 is rated below any and all future FF games and all past FF games which I've yet to play on the grounds of how rediculous it is.

terra child
08-11-2004, 11:41 PM
FF9- The game is brought to life far better than any other game, and provides much funner gameplay than the others

FFtactics- Reminded me alot of shiningforce for playstation which is something ive been dreaming of for a while

FF7- Materia System, and Chocobo breeding

FF10- Good storyline i guess

FF1- The original, good storyline, choice of charcters

FF2- didn't enjoy too much more than the first one

FF10-2 - what were they thinking?

as for the others, ive never played em

08-12-2004, 02:23 PM
so here's the results so far for 1st position:

FF1: 0 votes
FF2: 0 votes
FF3: 0 votes
FF4: 0 votes
FF5: 0 votes
FF6: 3 votes
FF7: 1 votes
FF8: 0 votes
FF9: 2 votes
FF10: 1 votes
FFX-2: 0 votes
FFT: 1 vote

come one, keep voting!

08-12-2004, 02:57 PM
well i havnt played X and X-2 yet
oh and 1,2,3 also not, don't know if i ever am gonna play them

Put VIII in the 1st spot for me, although i wasn't really a fan of the junctioning, i really loved the storyline.

I can't remember 4,5,6 that well but i like 6 the most (that's the one with the espers right?)
i like VII more then this decision is most based on the materia versus learning through weapons system (both story's were good)
so it would become something like this:
Oh and i havn't finished FFT-A yet (it just isn't that great when playing it on emu) so i can't really tell how good i think it is.


08-12-2004, 03:04 PM
so here's the results so far for 1st position:

FF1: 0 votes
FF2: 0 votes
FF3: 0 votes
FF4: 0 votes
FF5: 0 votes
FF6: 3 votes
FF7: 1 votes
FF8: 1 votes
FF9: 2 votes
FF10: 1 votes
FFX-2: 0 votes
FFT: 1 vote

come one, keep voting!

League Table:

1st ---- FF6 :cool:
2nd --- FF9 :)
3rd ---- FF7 :D
3rd ---- FF8 :D
3rd ---- FF10 :D
3rd ---- FFT :D
4th ---- FF1 :o
4th ---- FF2 :o
4th ---- FF3 :o
4th ---- FF4 :o
4th ---- FF5 :o
4th ---- FF10-2 :(

08-12-2004, 05:01 PM
It's weird how wrong you all are about you're lists and how correct I am.

1.) FF VII (had everything)
2.) FF Tactics (probably the most fun)
3.) FF VIII (great story)
4.) FF VI (great story and side-quests)
5.) FF X (side-quests)
6.) FF V (job system was pretty good)
7.) FF I (easily the best game on regular nintendo)
8.) FF IV (I liked how it wasn't as easy as others)
9.) FF Crystal Chronicles (got repetitive)

The rest of the games were no fun

10.) FF IX (sucked all over the place)
11.) FF II (rules for improving stats were stupid)
12.) FF Tactics Advance (The only one too boring to finish)

08-12-2004, 05:07 PM
hey, I'm glad someone likes FFVII as much as me! Thanks, U-turn!

so here's the results so far for 1st position:

FF1: 0 votes
FF2: 0 votes
FF3: 0 votes
FF4: 0 votes
FF5: 0 votes
FF6: 3 votes
FF7: 2 votes
FF8: 1 votes
FF9: 2 votes
FF10: 1 votes
FFX-2: 0 votes
FFT: 1 vote

come one, keep voting!

League Table:

1st ---- FF6
2nd --- FF9
2nd ---- FF7
3rd ---- FF8
3rd ---- FF10
3rd ---- FFT
4th ---- FF1
4th ---- FF2
4th ---- FF3
4th ---- FF4
4th ---- FF5
4th ---- FF10-2

but I would disagree with you about FFIX....

08-12-2004, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by Sephiroth's Brother
hey, I'm glad someone likes FFVII as much as me! Thanks, U-turn!

It seems like most people here have pretty extreme feelings when it comes to FFVII- almost everyone either loves it or loathes it.

FFVII isn't one of my favorites, and yeah, the story gets kind of weak near the end, but I did enjoy it, and I did think it was a good game.

I think I'm the only one in the middle on this one.

hb smokey
08-12-2004, 07:49 PM
Ok, here are my rankings:


I haven't played FFII or FFIII enough to give it a fair rank.

Bahamut ZERO
08-12-2004, 08:47 PM
Game Rankings... Lemme see...

1.) Final Fantasy X.

If you'd asked me six months ago, or maybe even four months ago, I'd have laughed to have placed this game here. But now, I don't. Quite simply, the storyline of this game is so very well constructed and so utterly dripping with emotion that I cannot help but place it here. The mirror image of Tidus and Seymour, battling for the future of Spira. The sacrifice of the Summoners. The spirit and sins of the past living within Auron's heart. The battle system is beautiful: I love switching party members during combat, it adds a new dimension tactically. Plus there is so much extra to do. Celestial weapons, dark aeons, the monster arena... Class. Absolute class.

2.) Final Fantasy IV.

Twenty five hours of pure pleasure for myself. One of the most difficult last dungeons I have ever faced. The original love triangle between Cecil, Rosa and Kain. A probable twist at the end of the story, that reveals why Cecil's turn to the light was required. The deaths of characters that built to a crescendo right at the end. The only game to feature five characters in the party, and yet the final battle was still difficult enough right at the death. Beautiful music, beautiful story, beautiful.

3.) Final Fantasy VII.

My first Final Fantasy, and a fond one. The years have faded the memory, as have the zealots who claim it's the greatest without actually explaining why it is the greatest, and my defence of the other titles as a result has made me appreciate them the more. Still, the game was revolutionary, bringing in a new breed of RPG fans. The characters are memorable, even if for different reasons to individuals. No one can forget Sephiroth turning in the flames of Nibelheim, setting him as the game's main villain. Moments that are forever engraved into my memory exist within the game, even if it hasn't aged as well as some of the others.

I hope you don't mind if I just list the rest...

4.) Final Fantasy VI.
5.) Final Fantasy IX.
6.) Final Fantasy VIII.
7.) Final Fantasy X-2.
8.) Final Fantasy 1.
9.) Final Fantasy V.

Yet to play: Final Fantasy 2, 3, Tactics.

08-12-2004, 09:20 PM
my list is a little bit different though

These are my opinions so say what you want its not like i should care

1. final fantasy 7 (first ff i played and got me hooked to it) - over 250 hours
2. final fantasy 10 (the story was great to me) - over 200 hours
3. final fantasy 9 (the gameplay and story) - over 100 hours
4. final fantasy 8 (I liked the whole point to it) - over 80 hours but less than 100
5. final fantasy 10-2 (The story, the battle system, and its graphics) - over 75 hours
6. final fantasy 5 (It was ok) - over 40 hours
7. final fantasy 6 ( I thought it was good but not the best) - over 50 hours
8. final fantasy 11 (Too spendy for me didnt like that part) - over 10 hours so far
9. final fantasy 4 (didnt like it too much) - over 30 hours
10. final fantasy 1 (the original but i didnt really like it) - over 35 hours

08-13-2004, 01:21 PM
so here's the results so far for 1st position:

FF1: 0 votes
FF2: 0 votes
FF3: 0 votes
FF4: 0 votes
FF5: 0 votes
FF6: 4 votes
FF7: 3 votes
FF8: 1 votes
FF9: 2 votes
FF10: 2 votes
FFX-2: 0 votes
FFT: 1 vote

come one, keep voting!

League Table:

1st ---- FF6
2nd --- FF7
3rd ---- FF9
3rd ---- FF10
4th ---- FF8
4th ---- FFT
5th ---- FF1
5th ---- FF2
5th ---- FF3
5th ---- FF4
5th ---- FF5
5th ---- FF10-2

08-13-2004, 10:42 PM
While I've played every final fantasy to some extent except for III, realize that my opinion on IV is limited by the fact that I never got far at all due to not owning it =\

1. FFVI - my favorite game of all time, I love it :x

2. FFXI - Yeah, most people are omitting it, whatever. I don't think this needs explaining.

3. FFVIII - Call me crazy, I really really liked VIII

4. FFV - Yay job system

5. FFIX - Would be higher, but I dislike the abilty-from-weapon system especially in this game

6. FFII - I really like the system, I find it entertaining and more "RPG-like"

7. FFX - I disliked the sphere grid =\

8. FF - haven't gotten too far yet, but the extreme lack of healing is depressing

9. FFIV - I got like nowhere, so I can't say much

10. FFX-2 - see FFIV

11. FFVII - God this game sucks ;_; I used to like it, but I also used to like Polly Pocket =\

If I were to place T or TA, they would be 3rd and 6th, respectively.

08-13-2004, 11:14 PM
FF7! Is in my opinion the best one.Maybe not graphic and battle wise and stuff. But was the best story and character wise.You can play it over and over again and still not get sick of it. (This is MY opinion plz do not bash me for it.Everyone is intitled to their own opinion.)

08-14-2004, 09:48 PM
so here's the results so far for 1st position:

FF1: 0 votes
FF2: 0 votes
FF3: 0 votes
FF4: 0 votes
FF5: 0 votes
FF6: 5 votes
FF7: 4 votes
FF8: 1 votes
FF9: 2 votes
FF10: 2 votes
FFX-2: 0 votes
FFT: 1 vote

come one, keep voting!

League Table:

1st ---- FF6
2nd --- FF7
3rd ---- FF9
3rd ---- FF10
4th ---- FF8
4th ---- FFT
5th ---- FF1
5th ---- FF2
5th ---- FF3
5th ---- FF4
5th ---- FF5
5th ---- FF10-2


08-18-2004, 10:56 AM
I think its whichever game of the series that you first played that determines how you find all the others. I started at VII, much like a lot of people. This was the first game to go 'mainstream' so to speak, so I can kinda understand why the majority of gamers either love or loathe it.

That said, I havent played I to VI enough to harbour any sort of opinion on them so I will leave them out of my voting;

1st -VIII
2nd - VII
3rd - X
4th - IX (stinker)

08-18-2004, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by PlasmaTorture
FFVIII - Call me crazy, I really really liked VIII

I really like VIII too. I guess I can understand why some people don't like the gamplay, even though I do, but I cant figure out how people couldn't get into the story. I think it's one of the very best.

Aerith Gainsborough
08-18-2004, 01:16 PM

It has by far the best storyline to me, and it was my first FF game. :)

2) FF-X

This one has a good story, too. The graphics are a lot better, the people talk, and the music is great. But it can't beat the story of FF VII, that's why this one is on the 2. place. ;)

3) FF-VI

Good story, a typical traditionell RPG! I love it.


The story is not the best, but I love playing it.

5) FF-V

The story is ok, and the job system is great.

6) FF-IX

This game is cute, but I prefer the more dramatic versions.

7) FF-X-2

The graphics are great, but the story is a little thin. I don't like a these mini games in there. The whole game is minigames, and everybody is too happy and freaky. But it is ok to play though.

8) FF-IV

I can't remember the story anymore, but I remember I couldn't beat it, because it was very hard at the end. And I got tired of trying it again. :(

I haven't played FF I-III, that's why they are not on the list. :rolleyes:

08-18-2004, 06:04 PM
Do not mean to put a dampener on this. But i am not really liking the way this thread is going.

I made a FF Game Rumble ( which ended about 20 days ago, and the way this is going, it looks to be very similar.

But i s'pose you can't really stop it now.

Just can you please look in the page 1 and 2 of the forum section first.

Thank You.

Nanaki Claws
08-19-2004, 06:18 PM
My current rankings :
1 Final Fantasy X
2 Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy X-2 (I cannot decide)
3 Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy IX (Nope, I cannot decide again)
4 Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
5 Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
6 Final Fantasy Chronicles (The reason this is placed here is because FF4 piss me off, I always get stuck on the Giant Of Babil. Plus I haven't played it for while.)
7 Final Fantasy Tactics (I don't like very much this game, FFTactics Advance is more fun, but the story of this game is way best than the one from FFTactics Advance.)

08-19-2004, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by SephirothBizzaro
Do not mean to put a dampener on this. But i am not really liking the way this thread is going.

I made a FF Game Rumble ( which ended about 20 days ago, and the way this is going, it looks to be very similar.

But i s'pose you can't really stop it now.

Just can you please look in the page 1 and 2 of the forum section first.

Thank You.

This isn't really a rumble though, it's just asking people what order they rank the games in. I don't see why it shouldn't be here. o_O

08-19-2004, 09:47 PM
I tried so hard to not post on this thread, but...

Not counting the ones I haven't played, I'd rank them like this:

3: FFX
4: FFT
5: FFX-2

08-20-2004, 09:16 AM
so here's the results so far for 1st position:

FF1: 0 votes
FF2: 0 votes
FF3: 0 votes
FF4: 0 votes
FF5: 0 votes
FF6: 6 votes
FF7: 5 votes
FF8: 2 votes
FF9: 2 votes
FF10: 3 votes
FFX-2: 0 votes
FFT: 1 vote

come one, keep voting!

League Table:

1st ---- FF6
2nd --- FF7
3rd ---- FF10
4th ---- FF9
4th ---- FF8
5th ---- FFT
6th ---- FF1
6th ---- FF2
6th ---- FF3
6th ---- FF4
6th ---- FF5
6th ---- FF10-2

08-20-2004, 02:54 PM
heres my penny's worth...

1st place is FF6
2nd place is FF4
3rd place is FF7
4th placeis FF9
next comes FF8
next comes FF5
then FF10
and finally FF mystic quest (to make it an even number :P)

08-20-2004, 02:59 PM
so here's the results so far for 1st position:

FF1: 0 votes
FF2: 0 votes
FF3: 0 votes
FF4: 0 votes
FF5: 0 votes
FF6: 7 votes
FF7: 5 votes
FF8: 2 votes
FF9: 2 votes
FF10: 3 votes
FFX-2: 0 votes
FFT: 1 vote

come one, keep voting!

League Table:

1st ---- FF6
2nd --- FF7
3rd ---- FF10
4th ---- FF9
4th ---- FF8
5th ---- FFT
6th ---- FF1
6th ---- FF2
6th ---- FF3
6th ---- FF4
6th ---- FF5
6th ---- FF10-2

08-23-2004, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by Ndi

This isn't really a rumble though, it's just asking people what order they rank the games in. I don't see why it shouldn't be here. o_O

Well, to me, this thread is al fine and dandy, seems my FF Game Rumble is down to Forum Page 3.
Its is similar though with the votes and the results and whatnot.

But seems as though my FF Game Rumble is gone, ppl can do this all they want! ^_^.

I fel that now i should post.

1 FFVIII - Superb, graphics were amazing for PSone, the story line is always crittcized but pretty great in my opinion, and the GF system rocked.

2 FFVII - Excelnt also, the storyline is better than VIII's, but only just IMO, but the thing that did it here for me is the materia system, easy to use and fun!

3 FFIX - Extremely underrated game, it makes me cry :( .Very good, the thing that let it down, are the large amount of random battles, and virtual impossible to solve with out help puzzles.

4 FFVI - Really quite good, but the systems were good as were the stroyline, however, i didn't seem to get as involved in this one.

5 FFV - - Great, the job system was.

...The rest.

6th - FF IV
7th - FFIII
8th - FFX
9th - FFX-2

(These are the ones i have played :P)

08-24-2004, 01:55 PM
so here's the results so far for 1st position:

FF1: 0 votes
FF2: 0 votes
FF3: 0 votes
FF4: 0 votes
FF5: 0 votes
FF6: 7 votes
FF7: 5 votes
FF8: 3 votes
FF9: 2 votes
FF10: 3 votes
FFX-2: 0 votes
FFT: 1 vote

come one, keep voting!

League Table:

1st ---- FF6
2nd --- FF7
3rd ---- FF10
3rd ---- FF8
4th ---- FF9
5th ---- FFT
6th ---- FF1
6th ---- FF2
6th ---- FF3
6th ---- FF4
6th ---- FF5
6th ---- FF10-2

08-29-2004, 09:33 PM
haha people agree - 6 IS the best FF ou there =D