08-09-2004, 05:22 AM
Ok, I've finished this game once clean without any cheats.

I'm in the middle of my second run, determined to use the knowledge I got in my first run to make the best use of materias (I've never morphed, got ribbons and such nor slow down the slot machine at Battle Square) and have no intention of cheating on this run either.

On the third run, I just thought it would be interesting to see what Aeris would be capable of doing when she reaches a high level. Honestly, Great Gospel is a waste of time when she dies so quickly...

BUT...I have heard of a cheat code to bring her back to life just for the battles and just thought...would be interesting to use Great Gospel on the final Sephiroth Battle.

I run a PC version of FF7.

08-09-2004, 09:01 AM
Never mind, found a hackware to change the savefiles.

Hacked one old savefile.
Aeris just got taken by the Turks in exchange for Marlene's safety and we gotta go through Sector 6 before getting to Ball Market to climb that wire...anything odd in the party?

08-09-2004, 04:30 PM
You know HellHouse is one of my favourite monsters?
Anyhow, the reason that Sephiroth and Cid are in the party will probably be due to a debug cheat.
I've never used it, but on Final Fantasy VIII, you are able to put Seifer and Edea in your team at any time; and i heard that in the Japanese version you could have Biggs and Wedge too.
I think you go on Debug, then PHS and Sephiroth will be available to you.

As far as i know, there is no cheat to bring Aeris back to life, however i think you were able to press a combination or something on the Japanese version to help her dodge the blade.

Rabid Monkey
08-09-2004, 04:34 PM
Don't double post. Don't attacked useless images. And don't ask questions that can very easily be answered by running a search on

Also, you POSTED in the other reviving thread. You KNEW there was a place to ask a question like this. FF7=teh nubz forum, I swear�