01-27-2002, 09:08 PM
I am at the end of ff8 and my players levels are at about 30 and that is very low, and whenever I try and complete them game the levels are always like this when I try and beat ulitimecia.
Has anyone got any tips on how to level up, and make my players very strong, please tell me in datail. thanks *kisses*

01-27-2002, 09:35 PM
Go to the island closest to hell and keep using quistis' degenerator limit break on everything. To gain a.p go to cateur island each cacteur gives you 20ap.
If you need strength then fight some grendels and then draw some doubles then use the ability level up magic to turn them into triples then juction that to strength.(that can take a long time).
When you level up stick a hp/str bonus or something like that because you benefit later on.

01-27-2002, 11:43 PM
Ok also bring lots of aura( which is found around the edge of Island closest to hell) and have your str. about 200+ hp about 9000+. Mod the bahamut card to get 100 magalixers. Then just cast aura on your party and pound the last bosses with limits like lion heart and deul. Use the magalixers when your low on HP and u shouldn't have many problems.

01-28-2002, 01:39 PM
If you have the LionHeart sword or Eden (GF) the fight should be pretty easy. Just run around in her castle for about 50 hours drawing 99 of all magic. Also if you've gotten Gilgamesh card just turn him into 10 holy wars, invicibility for about 10 turns.

01-28-2002, 04:06 PM
Just spend time lvl'ing up @ the beginning of the game. Don't follow the story minute by minute., but once you can.. take a break from the storyline and run around for some hours to level up on the monsters that live where ever you are.
Once you got ragnarok go to the isles of heaven and hell and organize a trainings camp
It helps getting a certain level in mind.. like.... I want to reach level 25 before I go to Deling city the first time etc.
hope that helps ya

Dark Messenger
01-28-2002, 04:54 PM
You don't really want to be on too high a level, because all that does is make the bosses tougher too, the best thing to do is just get desent GF's and magic to junction to HP, so that you have high health and strong magic, but only have to fight bosses with low health.

Also if I was you Iwouldn't go to the islands closest to hell for battles because you do get loads of AP the battles are very hard and you will most likely lose 1 in 3 battles without Eden. So you would be better off going to the cliffs near winhill (with muddy ground) and fighting Vsages as they are fairly easy to beat and give you approximately 700AP per battle.

P.S: You shouldn't really go in to fight Ultemecia without Lionheart, some strong GF's and absolutely loads of Aura's and Hero's. It would also help to have Eden but its not a must.

01-28-2002, 06:00 PM
Well, I had Squall at a good level 35 or 40 before he even left the Garden to go to the fire Cavern.

It's not that hard, and a good trick is to learn the "Card" ability first; then use it every battle vs. single or double Grats in the training center, and summon Quetzecotl for the triple set of grats. That way, you're earning more AP than XP, so your GF's (Shiva and Quetz) will have a good number of their abilities before you even get into the game, this makes the rest of the game ALOT easier...Especially if you learn the junctions early; and draw all the spells from the Grats, with 100 of em, they'll give you a good +10 or so bonus on junctions. Heck, every boss so far has been cake; for me.