08-07-2004, 03:59 AM
did squal ever found out that laguna was his father? if so why didn�t they develop that part? it was important right?
the same guy he called a "moron" turns out to be his father.
maybe he was ashamed? lol

08-07-2004, 11:03 AM
I think he realized it onboard the Ragnarok, what with Kiros and Ward's comments, and Laguna saying "We'll talk when this is all over".

However, he was probably too shocked and flustered to do anything about it. Considering afterall that he thought in his dreams that he was an idiot, and he had lived his entire life without parents.

08-10-2004, 10:04 PM
wow i totally didnt even remember that Laguna was Squall's father. Hadnt played that game in ages :D

08-11-2004, 07:22 AM
lol it is made odvious to him but no one actually tells US out straight! we are left to guess which is easy to say yes.

08-18-2004, 12:54 AM
I think either way Squall wouldnt be to happy with Laguna. I think he knew but just didnt bother to react, I mean Laguna was there for him anyways and Squall pretty much had to grow up alone. I think he just didnt really wonder to much on it.

Plus I bet he had more things in mind with the Lunatic Pandora, and Rinoa being a Sorceress and all.

08-18-2004, 01:16 AM
Squall never found out Laguna was his father, because no one in the game ever mentioned such a thing. It's a theory that fans have developed on their own, based on the Ellone connection, the fact that Laguna had Squall's card, and... and what else? It's not actually based on much, but most people are convinced of it.

08-18-2004, 01:49 AM
Originally posted by Ojousan
Squall never found out Laguna was his father, because no one in the game ever mentioned such a thing. It's a theory that fans have developed on their own, based on the Ellone connection, the fact that Laguna had Squall's card, and... and what else? It's not actually based on much, but most people are convinced of it.

I dont think its just something that fans popped out with. It is implied so much, that it should be quite obvious that squall knows, I just think he didnt pay much mind to it.

08-18-2004, 01:56 AM
Agreed! It's not just something that fans came up with. The whole thing from Kiros / Ward "You like your like your mother" "It's a good thing you don't look like your father" is a total giveaway that Squall is the child of Laguna and Raine. Ojousan - I think that's the piece of the puzzle you're missing. That and that the ending shows that Laguna and Raine got married.

08-18-2004, 08:49 AM
1) Laguna = Lagoon. Raine = Rain. Squall = Brief windstorm, usually with snow or rain.

All these names are connected, they are all to do with water. Do Square strike you as people who give their characters random names? Do Square strike you as people who don't care about the subtle parts of the plot?

2) Ellone and Laguna had a child together. That child was sent to the orphanage along with Ellone.
The children in the orphanage at that time were as we all know, Squall, Seifer, Ellone, Quistis, Zell, Irvine and Selphie.

Ellone is the halfsister to that newborn child, and spends a significant part of her life trying to get Laguna back to Raine and this child.

Coincidentally, who is the one person in the orphanage who Ellone is closely attached to?
Coincidentally, what does Squall call Ellone? "Sis" as in "sister".

Also notice how none of the other children are paid attention to at all when it comes to this plot question, and seeing as how it is a very relevant part of the game, you'd think Square didn't just decide to drop it completely.

3) In the Ragnarok, Laguna tellls Squall that "Ellone has told me everything" and "We'll talk when this is all over".

Since Ellone had just stopped her quest to get Laguna to see his newborn child, one would expect her to tell all about the child to Laguna, and it seems rather farfetched that she refused to give him the true identity.

This would also have been basically the most important thing Ellone would tell Laguna, so it seems plausible that he is going to talk to Squall on the same issue.

Starting to see the point?

4) Talk to Kiros and Ward in the Ragnarok, and Ward will say "Good thing you don't look like your father" in a joking manner,
Kiros says "you look more like your mother".

Kiros and Ward know the parents, and the father well enough to make fun of him jokingly.
Who fits into this description then? Oh right, Kiros and Ward only knew one such person; Laguna.

5) The tutorial tells us that Moombas recognize people by licking their blood.

In jail, a Moomba calls Squall "Laguna" many times. This means Squalls blood was so similar to Lagunas that it fooled the Moomba.

That kind of scene isn't just put in there for randomness, nor to prove that Moombas are mentally unstable.

6) Zells mother has Zells card, Rinoas father has her card, Laguna has Squalls card.

7) Squall is ALWAYS Laguna in the dream sequences, the rest switch around.

The "theory" isn't cooked up by the fans based on very little, is a very sound theory, and it would be ridiculous if Square didn't intend for it to be true.

08-18-2004, 01:04 PM
Laguna's Squall's father. This is generally considered a fact. Just because they don't have some big scene about it doesn't mean it's not true. ;)

It's not the first FF to do something like that- think FFVI.

08-18-2004, 11:04 PM
I never said it wasn't true, I just said that it's only a theory (though now I see that the theory is a lot more solidly-backed than I had initially thought.)

Anyway, now I remember the Moomba thing! At that time, I already believed that Laguna and Squall were father and son, so it probably didn't have much impact on me. When I reached Esthar, I was so suprised to find that no one mentioned it ingame that that probably had the biggest impact on me. (It's been a few years since I first beat it.)

And also, I think you're right about me missing a major piece of the puzzle, because I didn't get the Ragnarok in disc 4 -- I just went straight to Ultimecia. So, I didn't have those conversations with Laguna, Ward or Kiros. (I think I'll do that now.) Thank you for providing me with more of those reasons.

As for the names: I thought that Squall was just another hero with a "weather-type" name, like Cloud, and that's where Square was going with that one.

Sir Bahamut - I didn't recall ever having seen anything in the game about Laguna and Raine having a child together that was sent to the orphanage. However, when I look at a script I see that in the disc three dream sequence, there's a line "Raine wanted to show Laguna her new born baby..." Now I see. =)

I thought that the head of the party just became Laguna in the dream sequences. I've had another character be Laguna when they were the head of the party (I think it was Selphie), it's just that usually Squall is the head of my party.

08-19-2004, 12:37 AM
You may have thought you had another character be Laguna in one of the sequnces, but trust me that you're wrong. Laguna always takes on Squall's stats / GF, etc. in those sequences. Always.

08-19-2004, 12:43 AM
No, really. I don't think Squall was in my party, so that may have the only reason, if what everyone said was correct.

08-19-2004, 12:53 AM
In all dream sequences, Squall is always one of those who fall asleep, and he is always Laguna.

08-19-2004, 02:26 AM
Originally posted by Ojousan
No, really. I don't think Squall was in my party, so that may have the only reason, if what everyone said was correct.

I believe the only times you dont have squall in your party are when you go to the missle base, the prison (as the second party on the lift) and Ultimecia's Castle. During these times their arent dream sequences as far as I recall.

08-19-2004, 03:02 AM
I don't know, there's no way I can remember for sure, though my brother said he experienced the same thing. Maybe he wasn't in my party but he fell asleep anyway or something, at a time when the rest of the group comes in for a little scene anyway. Who knows.

08-19-2004, 03:08 AM
Most probably it, I think that happens in Esthar or something

Landlord of Sector 7
08-19-2004, 03:55 AM
Originally posted by Sir_Bahamut

2) Ellone and Laguna had a child together.

Ellone is the halfsister to that newborn child, and spends a significant part of her life trying to get Laguna back to Raine and this child.

ROFFLE...those damn incest bastards. Laguna and Ellone had a baby (DUDE SHE'S LIKE 6!!!) and then Ellone is the half-sister of that baby wait that doesn't make since....because if she was the half-sister that would mean one of the parents was the same between the two and one was different oh wait yeah that works but still, eww. :(

08-19-2004, 04:01 AM
that sounds a bit wrong ...

I remember somewhere in the game, I think Laguna explains how Ellone's parents were killed when trying to escape Esthar as they were tying to kill all the young to keep Sorceress Adel from spreading her powers. Raine took in Ellone, After meeting Laguna, Laguna had a strong affections towards Ellone, when Esthar soldiers raided Winhill and took Ellone, Laguna went to Esthar to save her, not knowing that Raine was pregnant with her child. Laguna saves Ellone and brings her to the orphanage, she is then taken again by Esthar Soldiers and taken to protection.

So Ellone is not related to squall by blood, he just grew close to her when she first came to the orphanage. Remember Quistis said that they all used to call her 'sis' since she was the oldest. Squall admired her more and Ellone became a pseudo mother to him.

edit// also Kiros says that squall looks a lot like his mother. Notice that Ellone has brown eyes, while Raine as Green like Squall. I think this would make that Laguna and Raine are his parents (Rinoa witness' there marrige during the time warp)

08-19-2004, 04:10 AM
Regarding the whole Laguna/Squall dream sequence thing, I checked a script and Squall is in the party during the Esthar dream sequence.

Let's see if we can pin this down:

Dream Squence 1 - Train - Squall's definitely here

Dream Sequence 2 - Forest - Yep, Squall's there.

Dream Sequence 3 - After the Edea battle at the end of Disc 1, in which she struck Squall with a block of ice.

Dream Sequence 4 - When Squall visits Rinoa in the infirmary

Dream Sequence 5 - Esthar - Yep, Squall.

Isn't that all the dreams? Squall's always there.

08-19-2004, 05:59 AM
I just had the impression that my party didn't include Squall. Who knows what I was thinking.

08-19-2004, 07:20 AM
Originally posted by Landlord of Sector 7

ROFFLE...those damn incest bastards. Laguna and Ellone had a baby (DUDE SHE'S LIKE 6!!!) and then Ellone is the half-sister of that baby wait that doesn't make since....because if she was the half-sister that would mean one of the parents was the same between the two and one was different oh wait yeah that works but still, eww. :(

i belive he meant raine.

Omega sephiroth
08-19-2004, 08:35 AM
I thought it was obvious that laguna was squalls father,like with the times you play as laguna they dident put that in with no meaning to the story did they so i hought there was a connection between them since the first time you played as laguna.

08-19-2004, 09:59 AM

Ellone had a child with Laguna! XD

Oh boy, yes, I DID actually mean Raine.

08-19-2004, 05:38 PM
Tha Fact is that Squall never found out that Laguna was his father.

08-19-2004, 05:49 PM
See thats what we are unsure of. Maybe Squall did know but wasnt overly excited because Laguna was his father.

I just dont think they made a scence with it, there was to much going on anyways at the point where we meet Laguna.

08-19-2004, 07:09 PM
i think he knew (too many hints during the game) but he also had that crappy attitude of a loner. he only changed that after he rescued rinoa. i also think he was embarassed about it. he was so different than laguna...

Lunatic HighVII
08-19-2004, 10:30 PM
Yeah, he was embarrassed about Laguna being his father because Laguna was always making a huge fool out of himself, and he's the opposite of Squall! Complete opposite!

08-20-2004, 01:19 AM
I also think Squall may hold a grudge against Laguna. I mean, the guy was never there for him..

08-20-2004, 01:56 AM
right and he only had Sis and when she was gone he forced himself into thinking he didn't need anyone.

08-20-2004, 12:55 PM
And then all of a sudden he's the only person in the orphanage who isn't actually an orphen, just with a lazy dad who can't be bothered to go pick him up from Edea's house. Well, a little exaggerated but anyway.

08-20-2004, 12:57 PM
lol well put there :D

08-20-2004, 12:59 PM
I think that Squall probably did know, but because (like most times) he doesn't express his views or feelings at all, but the game didn't follow that part of the story for some reason.

08-20-2004, 08:09 PM
Well, Laguna and Squall did have their chat "after the game," didn't they? Maybe Squall was still in denial while everyone kept dropping these hints. =P

08-20-2004, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by Ojousan
Well, Laguna and Squall did have their chat "after the game," didn't they? Maybe Squall was still in denial while everyone kept dropping these hints. =P *confused* I dont recall a chat between Squall and Laguna 'cept for Esthar..

08-20-2004, 10:36 PM
S/he's referring to Laguna telling Squall that "we'll talk when this is all over".

08-20-2004, 11:01 PM
Oh ok, now I understand :p

I think they should have added a scence with Laguna talking to Squall, it would have answered so many questions. Wonder why they didnt put it?

08-21-2004, 03:32 PM
that was my question in the first place. lol

08-23-2004, 04:56 PM
if i remember right.......

Squall is 17 right?

Laguna was 27 i think

if this is true then laguna must have been 10 years old when... well... use ur imagionation. I somehow think that is a bit dodgy. If i got me numbers wrong, prey, please do tell

08-23-2004, 06:01 PM
Referring back slightly.

Someone mentioned that Laguna was Ellones daughter.
This is wrong. So the fact the Squall called Elle sis is insignificant.

In the laguna dream when Laguna is looking for Ellein esthar, a slodier says something like
'Is she your daughter' and he replies
'...No but shes so cute, i want to hera her voice'


08-23-2004, 06:10 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by hellfire_1234
if i remember right.......

Squall is 17 right?

Laguna was 27 i think

if this is true then laguna must have been 10 years old when... well... use ur imagionation. I somehow think that is a bit dodgy. If i got me numbers wrong, prey, please do tell: QUOTE

laguna was 27 during the dream sequences. when squall meets him he's older right? otherwise square really blew it. lol

08-23-2004, 07:18 PM
god is dead is right. Laguna's a lot older when you meet him later in the game.

08-23-2004, 09:17 PM
Someone mentioned that Laguna was Ellones daughter.
This is wrong. So the fact the Squall called Elle sis is insignificant.

Far from it. It was their close relationship which was the issue, not their family tree.

Although Ellone isn't Squalls sister in blood, she's still his big sister, and they form a close relationship.
They actually form the closest relationship in the orphanage.

Squall even says that Ellone was always there to hold his hand and make him feel safe. If that doesn't sound like a big sister, then I don't know.

08-24-2004, 05:43 AM
Originally posted by hellfire_1234
if i remember right.......

Squall is 17 right?

Laguna was 27 i think

True, he was 27 when Squall first met him in the first 'dream sequence'. By the time he was in Winhill, he was about 29. So when Squall was born, Laguna was 30 odd. So in present day he would be at least 47 years old.

08-29-2004, 09:31 PM
thanks for clearing that up for me