Blue Cat
08-07-2004, 03:00 AM
Alright, now I have just one question about FFX (and FFX-2 for that matter) that has ALWAYS puzzled me, and Im sure Im not the only one.
In besaid the first time you swim in a lake to get to the temple. What is the purpose of this area and why is the path to it ALWAYS blocked off after this 5 min sequence?!
Was it just a really lazy and odd idea for the game? An unsupported map?
Im at a loss... is there ANY purpose for this area at ALL?
Other than just being annoying, that is.
Can you ever get back to the lake?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

08-07-2004, 03:25 AM
There are tougher fiends along the road that would've been insanely difficult to beat without Lulu and Yuna. It was less trouble for Squaresoft to program an alternate route than alter the monsters on the road. The setting also sorta helps characterize Wakka.

08-07-2004, 03:26 AM
i was puzzled by it 2 u cant go to it after the first time or ffx-2 i wanted to go back there

Blue Cat
08-07-2004, 03:33 AM
Yeah Prak, That makes sense.
But yeah, I dont know why they didnt definativly close the path/area at least in FFX-2. Having Yuna just start running away for no reason seems weird. Put a fence there or *somthing*
Especially since they fixed everything else in the game.
Oh well, I guess the creators must have just forgotten about it :(

EDIT: I just realised... once you get to Besaid township, you can actually turn around and walk back to the beach using the path. Just Tidus and Wakka. But there are *no* battles on the path if you walk it then.
I just did that then, it made the whole lake thing even MORE pointless :( *sigh*

Aerith Gainsborough
08-08-2004, 03:24 PM
Well, maybe Wakka wanted to proof Tidus somehow. I mean, Tidus was the guy who came out of the sea, and he told Wakka about him being a Blitzball player from the Zanarkand abes. Maybe Wakka just wanted to see, how Tidus really is doing under water.... ;)

Anyway, I think it is more interesting like that, because later on, you have to walk the path how many more times.... :)

08-09-2004, 04:35 AM
I think a fence there would look a little silly.

I don't know. Stuff like that's never irked me. I prefer it if there's some dialouge saying "The monsters are too strong there" then just plain blocking you off though.