Kill Bill
08-06-2004, 12:49 AM
Tenchi Muyo was the fidt anime i ever seen, it has lots of colorfull characters and the storyline is really good! i last seen this anime when i was 10yo so i dont rember much...i rember that Ryo-ohki used to turn into a ship, and the little white one did too....i rember that Ryo-ohki could turn human too.....

i can name most characters;

and Sauka....thats all i can rember....

i loved this anime, though my memory of it is limited, i know that it was great and i really liked it!:)

08-06-2004, 07:17 AM
I thought it was okay, but nothing really spectacular. It's the kind of thing I'll watch once and enjoy it (at least for a while), but never watch again.

08-06-2004, 09:42 AM
I pretty much agree with what Prak said.

If you've ever read up on all the editing that Cartoon Network did when they aired it, I actually think it's kind of cool that they went through all that trouble.

08-06-2004, 10:15 AM
I liked the original OAV series, and the first two movies. That one scene in Tenchi Muyo in Love, right after they go back in time, where it just shows everyone in the roles they've taken in the past with some light music playing is one of my favorite scenes in a movie ever.

08-06-2004, 10:36 AM
I actually really liked the first movie (and still watch it from time to time), but I didn't think much of the second one.

Kill Bill
08-06-2004, 10:44 AM
the only thing ive ever seen of TM is that one series....i know that there are films and other series....but i seen just that one series....dont mind! good enough for me!:)