08-06-2004, 12:05 AM
I was wondering which games industry is winning at the moment, whos been releasing the best games, who put the most work into there games, and what makes them so good?

Companys in Question: Konami, Square(Soft/Enix), EA Games, Atari and Rockstar Games.

EA Games: Releasing titles such as the Medal of Honor series and the game Need for speed underground, these games have decent graphics, theres some plot in the games they make, they have a wide arrange of titles to supply, and theres always a new genre they are working on, there only weak point would be "Harry Potter" games, bad graphics, plot is extremely bad, and I just generally hate harry potter.

Atari: Bringing us games such as Driv3r and Space Invaders, Been with us from the start, always supplying us games, but the recent Driv3r has really shown what the new age of video games have brought us, intergrating superb CG animation with explosive and realistic game play, although atari have not been heard of recently, there in my good books after Driv3r, they put alot of hard work into it.

Rockstar Games: Briniging us titles such
as grand theft auto and manhunt, grand thefy auto has been loved by everyone, since the early playstation releases to the new age playstation 2 people have enjoyed the violence and entertainment it brings, Im sure people will agree rockstar has been a winner with this, then there is manhunt, banned from most stores in the United Kingdom for certain violent influences, Alot of effort has been involved the violence of this game, though some will agree, its too violent and often boring.

Square (Soft/Enix) : Yes the first thing that comes into peoples heads is Final Fantasy, which gives the company a high level of respect, although the one thing this comapny lacks is genre, most or all the games released will be "RPG" which gives the company a certain lacking quality, although Final Fantasy is good in all different perspectives, without it Square would not be a here today.

Konami: There Genre and Game titles have really given this company some of its memorable aspects, titles such as Silent Hill, Metal gear Solid and DDR, The horror of Silent Hill is always rememberable, Metal gear Solid will always be a great sneak shooter game, and DDR will always be
the party game to play, Konami in my eyes have everything going for them, so should really be the masters of the gaming industry.

So now i want your opinions, who wins in your eyes? The greatest company is for you to choose...

08-06-2004, 12:16 AM

08-06-2004, 01:43 AM
I think UbiSoft has been releasing the best games lately....

With Prince of Persia, Beyond Good and Evil, and the Splinter Cell Games.

EA is pretty terrible, it's only making money off the sports games and movie liscenses.

Konami only has Silent Hill

Capcom only has Resident Evil

Rockstar only has GTA... which only comes out about once a year.

Atari is pretty much crap.

Square has Final Fantasy, and that's about it. They're sucking up enough money from FFXI though.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
08-06-2004, 02:31 AM
EA also has the Legacy of Kain games. Only decent games by that company that I know of.

UbiSoft does rock, as far as making games that initially impress you when you start playing. But they tend to get extremely repetitive.

Treyarch/Activision looks like they're going to be a competitor, though. I mean, look at the detail they're putting into the Spiderman games (and Spiderman 2 has been plenty of fun, thus far, what with all the different ways you can do stuff).

Personally, the companies themselves don't garner as much fandom from me as the game series.

For example: I'm just looking for the next Ace Combat game, GT4, and a sequel to War of the Monsters (good ol' city smashing fun!) to come out.

08-06-2004, 02:51 AM

08-06-2004, 01:47 PM
As far as game development, you seriously can't beat Nintendo.

Mario, Pokemon (the games are fun, give things a chance), Metroid, Legend of Zelda, etc. No developer makes overall higher quality stuff than Nintendo.

08-06-2004, 02:14 PM
Nobody who saw Reggie's press briefing could say that any other company can beat Nintendo. He's a superhero.

08-06-2004, 03:32 PM
Konami for the most part has spawn great games. The only real problem is that they are more meant for the Japanese audience (with the exception of Metal Gear) which could turn off a lot of American players.

I would say that in Japan, Konami really has high props. With the Gradius series spawning off so many innovational games such as Ikaruga and even spawned the company Treasure which is known for a bunch of great games. DDR also has made a huge influence in the US. It's rather unfortunate that most of the Bemani series have not been able to translate well with the US audience.

Square serious has not hit a lot of things outside of the RPG/Adventure department... mostly because they're really just known for those types of games. Konami on the other hand has made a lot of great games for many different Genres. I was pleasantly surprised on how they added a lot of cameos in many of their games but most people never realize them (the Moai head in MGS2 for example, they're from the series Gradius).

Now Ubi-Soft has been making great games... but in all reality, they aren't as great as people think of them to be. Beyond PoP, Beyond Good and Evil (roffle), and Beyond Splinter Cell... what do they have? While these games are good, you really don't get that urge to play the game again upon beating it. A lot of games by other companies do try to make an everlasting effect throughout the years. When people are still playing Gradius 1 or Megaman 1 or whatever, it says a lot.

08-06-2004, 10:21 PM
I hate EA Games now..

Catwoman game?

I say no more..

08-06-2004, 10:42 PM
Square are an awful company. FFXI is a clusterfuck, FFXII looks abominable, and they are slowly declining into ridiculousness...I mean...before crisis? Why?

And remember.

Activision own Id (AFAIK), Neversoft, and Treyarch.

IE: They own Doom 3, Tony Hawk, and Spiderman.

08-07-2004, 11:22 AM
I actually like FFXI :x

But clearly Konami is the best, due to Bemani.
I've spent more money on DDR than FFXI o_o;

08-07-2004, 04:58 PM
well, i think that ubisoft and square are doing quite nicely

08-07-2004, 06:57 PM
Square are doing quite poor at the moment, They have no variation in genre.. Which means there only focusing on RPG players, and not reaching out to gamers that are fans of other genres, thus making there profits lower..

I do like Final Fantasy but thats the only game i can relate to square, with other companies i can relate them to many games..

08-07-2004, 07:01 PM
Well, a company can really just live with one genre of game. Look at id, all they make is FPS. The fan base for FPS and RPGs are so big that they can practically live off of it. I wouldn't say SE is doing bad, they're doing pretty well actually. Companies like Capcom, Nintendo, Konami, they're pros and huge companies that have been around the gaming business forever, it's hard to compare SE to something big as them.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
08-08-2004, 11:59 AM
I'm going with Konami on this one, for reasons already said (and Metal Gear Solid, and Loki you're a moron.) But for those who are saying Square aren't moving away from RPGs, I must say you're wrong, latelythey have been exploring other genres with the release of Drakengard ummmm........actually yeah thats about it, but they're trying at least.

08-08-2004, 01:48 PM
Square have explored other genres and utterly failed at them.

Konami has made ISS, MGS, Silent Hill and DDR. Those are their only really, really successful games.

Compare that to the range of stuff that Nintendo are bringing out and have brought out.

08-08-2004, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by Alpott87
Square are doing quite poor at the moment, They have no variation in genre.. Which means there only focusing on RPG players, and not reaching out to gamers that are fans of other genres, thus making there profits lower..

Square has no variation in genre, yes. But they're doing fine profit wise. They're making a killing off of FFXI alone.

And I have to agree with the masses and say Nintendo. Just about any game they put out is going to be great- I can't think of another developer you can say that about. I don't think a few signature titles makes for a great company.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
08-16-2004, 01:39 AM
Call me crazy, but I haven't been able to stand Nintendo since they redesigned their controllers so that you had to let go and hold the controller two or three different ways in order to play a game.

If not for that, I'd probably enjoy their games.

And another thing, you people talk about Nintendo as if they are the ones that actually come up with the concepts for every game they have.

You keep forgetting that all their truly great games are available on the other consoles. Except for The Twin Snakes. Konami has pissed me off to no end for not making that one a multi-console game.