08-05-2004, 11:22 PM
Where do I get them? Someone said win Blitz tournies, so I have been, but get none of them

08-05-2004, 11:24 PM
Go to and look there for a way to learn them ***Warning : Site conatins tons o Spoliers***

08-05-2004, 11:29 PM
At the end of a Blitzball tournament, choose to cancel instead of continuing to play. Save your game.

Go back into the Blitzball menu and see what the prize is, if it's not Attack Reels, reload. If it is, play and win it.

Once you've been in a total of 250 battles with fiends (you should've done that by now), play the league and Status Reels should appear randomly, but only if you've obtained Attack Reels.

Once you've been in a total of 450 battles with fiends (you should've done that by now), play the league and Aurochs Reels should appear randomly, but only if you've obtained Status Reels.