08-05-2004, 12:36 PM
HEy guys! I went to this website recently and woah, there was this link to a bunch of guys that were planning to create a starcraft mod for warcraft3. It seriously sounds cool on paper and I can't wait for it to be functional.

BUt do you guys think that it would succeed? POst and tell me what you think would happen.

08-05-2004, 12:40 PM
A good bunch of mods of RTS are really just skin/model changes. Nothing can really be said. I rather wait for a legit SC2 to come out rather than a mod of a current engine.

08-05-2004, 12:56 PM
Meh... I think it's a lousy idea. I have no information on what they're planning, but I can figure out all the possibilities.

One, they simply make new skins to play Warcraft 3 with. Replace the undead with the Zerg and the Night Elves with the Protoss or something like that. Maybe they'd make some new missions for it. Sounds bad to me.

Two, they can try to make a new Starcraft game with the Warcraft 3 engine. They make new versions of the Starcraft skins, models, textures, etc. and:

a) Remake some of the old Starcraft missions


b) Try to come up with an entirely new story and basically make a game out of fanfiction.

It sounds lame all the way around to me.

08-06-2004, 01:14 PM
I have been to the website and the models are like nothing i have seen in wc3. I think it is like almost modding the entire game down.

But even if it is a remake of starcraft, I seriously would not mind it. it's still starcraft after all! Plus, if they do not lock it up we can use the skins and still create our own Sc missions in wc3!

Speaking of which, I think that there is a SC mod for generals as well.

10-05-2009, 09:54 AM
The SC mod for Generals is XEL'NAGA‘s vengeance,right?But is it interesting?No,
rapidfire sidewalk say,they simply make new skins to play Warcraft 3 /Generals with。If you wants mods for starcraft,you can send a message to me.........

10-05-2009, 11:31 AM
Dude, the thread you're responding to was made over five years ago.

10-05-2009, 02:52 PM
Just goes to show I need to get up earlier in the morning.