Bus Driver
08-05-2004, 06:02 AM
People say, if you think too much you can drive yourself insane. There was a time I didn't believe that, until one day life slowed down enough where I could hear the thoughts running through my head. You get so caught up in what you're thinking you forget about the moment at hand. You can't even see what's happening right in front of you. You begin to think and think so much that the slightest problem continually eats away at you. You become so obsessed with details you start forgetting what really matters.

You see, there was a time when I thought at the right time everything would play out perfect for me. Never considereding where I'd be in the next 5 years. Before you know it you go from being some care free kid to an adult who has to drink and smoke just ease the stress. Over the 5 years your life begins to be a wave, rising and falling. One day you feel like the happiest person in the world, no troubles. The next you wondering why the hell you even get up in the morning.

The light-hearted person you were is buried under the rough exterior your experiences built on the outside. Suddenly you realize the change, you ask yourself: "Did the world change? Did I change? Am I still the same person I was?" That's when you see you will and always be the same person, but without knowing let go of your childhood. You grew up, taking all the responsibilities that come with it. That's when you know, there is no turning back. You can act out the part all you want, but in your heart it'll never be the same.

After it all comes to pass, you suddenly see all those great times you had are in the past. The days you ran freely, let go of your troubles, and actually lived. Now your only company is your troubles. Thoughts lie with friends long gone, wondering about those who went their seperate ways. Your world becomes a shadow, you feel empty inside. This is when you are facing your worst enemy, yourself.

In the end, your the only person the can hold yourself back. Eventually you see that ray of light barely peeking through. That's when you realize you have to keep moving forward. We live in a fast-paced world, one day you're here the next your there. Happiness is always waiting right around the corner. But once in a lifetime does it find you, the rest is up to you. You can't expect everything to happen to you, you have to make it happen.

You can waste endless days away drowning yourself in the past. Sometimes we have to take a look back to see where we ended up where we are. The goal is to move forward, find a new happiness that eventually be in the past, a neverending cycle. You can't relive the past, you have to know when to move on. Eventually, you find out where you're supposed be.

ff7 forever
08-06-2004, 03:09 AM
very good!!

08-06-2004, 03:21 AM
Never considereding
I should not have to open a thread and have my eyes drawn to that.

This thing strikes me as a semi-anime narrative. Or at least, a narrative written to start something about self discovery. It's done how I expected to be done. It's not amazing, it's not good, but it's not awful.

And please, remember.

I will immediately look down on anything I read that has huge grammatical errors. I consider huge grammatical errors to be mixing up "your" and "you're." Mistakes like that usually lose you a year or so off your writing age.

This thing didn't strike me as being too passionate. That's what I like to see in writing - somebody who is really putting their heart and soul into every word. Even something as simple as an entering narrative can be given a lot of emotion. In this case, you could make it a lot more bitter - it verges on it, but doesn't quite go into it full swing.

It's promising though. Less Dr. Dre/Anime "go for the top! reach for the skies!" stuff, and more actual emotion and feeling. That'd make it nice. Read on the road by Jack Keroauc. That'll help you see what I mean.

ff7 forever
08-06-2004, 03:22 AM
yeah i know you corrected me