08-05-2004, 02:28 AM
I'm quite curious about Professor Gast. Is he a bad or a good guy? I'm disappointed for the lack of information about him and why he ended up dead. Was he killed on purpose or was it because of some strange disease? What do you think?

08-05-2004, 02:58 AM
I personally think that Gast was a good guy. I'm pretty sure he left Hojo and the gang before all of the experiments on people were performed.

Also, when you watch the videos in that snow town, he seems like a pretty good Dad for Aeris and a good husband for her mother. He was killed when Shinra came and tried to take Aeris, and her mother took her and ran away while Gast held them off. Later on you see how Aeris ended up with Myra (Or whatever her name is =/) and when her mother dies at a Midgar train station.

08-05-2004, 05:00 AM
Yeah he did what he could to protect his wife and daughter from Hojo. Hojo was the one that killed Gast at the snow village. He was shot I think.

It was such a shame that he had never told Seph as to his true parents. The reason that Gast left Seph was because of Hojo. If you think about it Hojo is the cause of all the grief in VII. All that was bad that happened in the game was his fault, well the Shin-ra too but not as much.

08-05-2004, 07:07 AM
Ya he was definetly a loving and caring father and husband but he did also set into motion the up coming events!

08-05-2004, 05:29 PM
Weather or not he knew what was to come there was still nothing that he could do about it. Hojo would have never stoped injecting Seph with Jenova. He would have done until the day he died if he could. You really can't blame Gast because I'm sure that at one point he told Hojo to stop but never listen and that is why he left.

08-05-2004, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by labrat
Yeah he did what he could to protect his wife and daughter from Hojo. Hojo was the one that killed Gast at the snow village. He was shot I think.

It was such a shame that he had never told Seph as to his true parents. The reason that Gast left Seph was because of Hojo. If you think about it Hojo is the cause of all the grief in VII. All that was bad that happened in the game was his fault, well the Shin-ra too but not as much.

Damnit here was me thinking Seph was the bad guy is it ALL tht git Hojo's Fault ooo im gonna kill him again!

08-05-2004, 08:15 PM
Who? Seph or Hojo? Can't really tell fron your post.

08-05-2004, 09:02 PM
Prof. Gast wasn't evil but I guess he just wanted to protect his wife and his newborn baby daughter. I guess he thought he was safe but wasn't really at all. He did look like he was ready to settle down and raise/protect his family until Hojo came. I bet that if Prof. Gast wasn't killed, Seph. wouldn't had become evil. I mean, he was working for Shinra and was the top elite, but finding out the truth after all those secrets and lies can really hurt you...especially in Sephiroth's case.

08-05-2004, 11:14 PM
Originally posted by aeriscloud
Prof. Gast wasn't evil but I guess he just wanted to protect his wife and his newborn baby daughter. I guess he thought he was safe but wasn't really at all. He did look like he was ready to settle down and raise/protect his family until Hojo came. I bet that if Prof. Gast wasn't killed, Seph. wouldn't had become evil. I mean, he was working for Shinra and was the top elite, but finding out the truth after all those secrets and lies can really hurt you...especially in Sephiroth's case.

yeah for the main bad guy seph was a real emotional person who would have guessed??? :S

08-05-2004, 11:31 PM
I think he was killed protecting Aeris and Ifalna too, but wasn't he the one who initiated the Jenova project? (O_O) Didn't Hojo volunteer to Prof. Gast's project to inject Jenova cells to his and Lucrezia's baby?

08-05-2004, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by Chelsea
I think he was killed protecting Aeris and Ifalna too, but wasn't he the one who initiated the Jenova project? (O_O) Didn't Hojo volunteer to Prof. Gast's project to inject Jenova cells to his and Lucrezia's baby?

u'v did it i h8 Hojo now more than i H8 Kefka and tht Cross Dressin Weirdo Kuja im gonna go kill him this time.... *i hope*

08-05-2004, 11:45 PM
Good luck on killing Hojo! *cheers with her pom-poms* But wait, he's dead already, right? Hn, but rumors say that he's the wheelchair guy on AC, mwehehehe, oh well...

08-06-2004, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by labrat
Yeah he did what he could to protect his wife and daughter from Hojo. Hojo was the one that killed Gast at the snow village. He was shot I think.

It was such a shame that he had never told Seph as to his true parents. The reason that Gast left Seph was because of Hojo. If you think about it Hojo is the cause of all the grief in VII. All that was bad that happened in the game was his fault, well the Shin-ra too but not as much.

But if it wasnt for hojo, cloud would not exist. hojo created cloud as a sephiroth clone, but he thought it was a faliure and didnt give him a number. then some how cloud got the memories of tifa. when you get to the northeren cave the first time hojo said that cloud was the only clone to make it to the jonova reunion and askes what number cloud is. cloud says he doesnt have a number because he was a failed experiment. Then cloud floats up into sephiroth and gives sephiroth the black materia once again. So if it wasnt for hojo sephiroth wouldnt be created but niether would cloud

08-06-2004, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by sephiroth9013

But if it wasnt for hojo, cloud would not exist. hojo created cloud as a sephiroth clone, but he thought it was a faliure and didnt give him a number. then some how cloud got the memories of tifa. when you get to the northeren cave the first time hojo said that cloud was the only clone to make it to the jonova reunion and askes what number cloud is. cloud says he doesnt have a number because he was a failed experiment. Then cloud floats up into sephiroth and gives sephiroth the black materia once again. So if it wasnt for hojo sephiroth wouldnt be created but niether would cloud

That's not true! Cloud was indeed a real person. If you had paid attention what was being said then you would know that Cloud was real. He was also confued just like Seph. There were too many holes in his memory for him to know who he rally was. Have you even played the game all the way through?!

08-06-2004, 08:03 PM
I think that was solved by the guilty trip in memory lane with Cloud by Tifa. Cloud was a real person who live in Nielbihelm...who was picked and teased by Tifa and her friends...who's dreams were crushed...who found his goes on and on. He was no clone made by Hojo. It was just all those secrets and lies that Cloud had to endure and seeing his best friend,Zack, get shot not so far from him...which can really traumatized him. Cloud really did pulled through and got over his identity crisis.
Sephiroth on the other hand was really part of the Jenova project who had parents but was also fed with secrets and lies that led him to the darkside. Basically, it was Hojo's fault. I guess he just wanted power and world domination.

08-06-2004, 09:41 PM
i have not finished the game yet see im only on the huge materia quests in disc 2 i only got the game a couple of days ago

08-06-2004, 09:58 PM
Let me just tell you this then. After Cloud regain consciencesness all will become clear. Also go back to the basement of the Shin-ra manssion. You should see that video. NOt that I am intending to be mean but play the game all the way through before jumping to all these conclusins.

08-07-2004, 12:27 AM
sorry i guess ill have to play through then well im almost there i read like 15 ff7 walkthroughs today once clouds out of his coma and you fight ultimate weapon cloud and tifa go in life stream and clouds mind and you figur out who he really is

08-07-2004, 01:08 AM
NO need to be sorry. I never should have said it that way but I have not really been in a happy mood lately. Once Cloud wakes up you'll know the truth.

08-08-2004, 03:07 AM
I don't think Seph is evil just that he has some serious anger problems.

08-10-2004, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by sephiroth9013
But if it wasnt for hojo, cloud would not exist.

cloud has to thank hojo for that then really...

08-10-2004, 08:20 PM
Hmm....But Cloud did exist. He was just fed with secrets and lies that brought him to his own darkness. Just like Sephiroth..except he was part of the Jenova Project.

08-11-2004, 01:08 PM
sephiroth is evil. he killed aeris just to get holy. he could of asked.