08-03-2004, 11:46 PM
I was just curious as to how many people like him.

I don't wasn't any trash talk on him in this thread.

Just a few questions for Seph lovers.

If you saw him walking down the street in you dircetion while weilding Masamune would you run a way from him?

What about him is it that you like?

As for me my body would want to run but my mind would hold me in place. I have always liked Seph ever since I first layed eyes on him. I'm not too sure but it may be his long silver hair.

Shinra Turk
08-03-2004, 11:53 PM
I would at least ry to make eye contact with him, so I could, you know, give him my "look of love"....then run. No. I'd do the look and see what would happen.

Most girl say it the looks they love, but I know his past has kept my attention

08-04-2004, 12:10 AM
Hmm.. why I like Sephiroth?

Well for fangirls, he's just too cute to hate, LOL, just kidding. Anyways, I like him because he's the coolest villain and I don't actually see him as a very, very, bad guy. I mean, it's the fault of stupid Hojo why Sephiroth ended like that, right? Sephiroth grew up not knowing that her mother was Lucrezia. I would actually love to have Sephiroth on my party if only possible! *selects Cloud Aeris Sephiroth*

If I saw Sephiroth on the street wielding a Masamune, I would first ask him if he's the real Sephy or the clone version. If he's real, I'd take his autograph and run away!

Shinra Turk
08-04-2004, 12:13 AM
I'm not cool enough to ask an autograph

08-04-2004, 12:17 AM
If it were really him I would ask himif he didn't mind me being a friend to him and if he did mind I'd run like crazy.

Shinra Turk
08-04-2004, 12:18 AM
I'd be to scared to say anything. I'm not even worthy to breathe around him, I suck.

08-04-2004, 12:21 AM
Well you're not entirely alone. Would also think myself unworthy to be any where near him. But I love him non the less.

Have any of you read a fanfic called "This Army Life"? That thing is soo funny

Shinra Turk
08-04-2004, 12:23 AM
No, I havn't. Have you read"Irony of Fate" ?

08-04-2004, 12:26 AM
No please post a link

here's a link to this army life
This Army Life (

Shinra Turk
08-04-2004, 12:28 AM
....I suck, I don't know how to post a link. Look it up on google or something.

08-04-2004, 08:58 AM
it was the power that done it 4 me, but then at the end u become stronger as cloud so i dunno... maybe its his evil look/attitude?

08-04-2004, 09:48 AM
dam i would run like hell do you no how scary he would really be.

08-04-2004, 09:51 AM
If I saw Sephiroth walking down the street toward me carrying his sword, I would take anti-psychotic drugs and send him back where he came from.

08-04-2004, 05:04 PM
Hey that's mean! What de he ever do to deserve such disrespect or mean looks. You guys are really mean to him. He may be powerful but deep down he's lonely.

08-04-2004, 07:29 PM
Dude if i were to see sephiroth walking down the street i would
first, totally freak out, second, i would run up to him and get his
autograph, and finally if he signs it i would try and steal his bad
ass sword while he's not looking!

08-04-2004, 07:29 PM
He's not being mean, just practical. If I saw Sephiroth walking down the street I would be pretty scared, not of him but scared because he's from a computer game and I can see him in the real world, lol. I would think I was dreaming.

08-04-2004, 08:22 PM
lets see, if i saw sepiroth walkin down the street, id stop dead in my tracks and say somethin along the lines of a four letter word and run in the complete opposite direction in fear of gettin sliced in two or more pieces with the big ass sword. yeah im kinda a chicken.

08-04-2004, 08:52 PM
Try to steal Masamune is not a very bright idea because its wayy too damn heavey for anyone but him to carry. As soon as he saw you even make a move for his blade he'd slice you in two.

Bear with me her pretending that he's real. Ok?

As for the for letter word does it sound anything like fudge or
$h!t. Because I would mouth a word similar to thaat as well.

08-04-2004, 09:28 PM
I would walk up to him and ask him to spit in my face...
He's such an odd character I'd wonder how he would react...

08-04-2004, 09:47 PM
Hmm...I'll probably try to step out of the way. He's cool but kinda scary. I wouldn't want to step over his boundaries and face his almighty wrath.
Although, I have to admit, he's too cool not to hate and he was just like Cloud. He had a clouded past and was his own way...sorta similar like Cloud.

Shinra Turk
08-04-2004, 10:52 PM
Hi Danny

That makes good sense

Master Nabeshin
08-06-2004, 02:32 AM
It's his awesome powers of destruction, his insanity, his looks, his coat, and his sword that does it for me. I'm not gay or anything but he looks awesome.

08-06-2004, 06:57 AM
you guys are all crazy he aint lonely hes power hungry like alot of other bad guys i no off e.g ultimecia

08-06-2004, 07:30 PM
if i saw sephiroth walking done the street i would challenge him to a fight. what i like about sephiroth is his bad ass attitude, how he looks, and his giant sword.

sephiroth is the strongest and coolest in ffVII and i dont care what anyone else says. i dont care if cloud beats him in the end. sephiroth could have killed cloud anytime he wanted to.

08-07-2004, 11:49 PM
wut i like is of course the sword, his whole swagger and the way he carries himself, and the fact that he is about the coolest villian i've ever seen. i kinda can relate to him, the way he was screwed out of his life. let's just say, i've been stressed out way too many times for my age. being stressed out by finding out he was created was the reason he did the things he did. stress aint healthy.
and if i saw him walkin down the street well i'd have to ask him to train me and make me his prodigy, i'm truly a villian at heart. soon you'd all see the two of us walkin down the street, then what would you do.

Lunatic HighVII
08-08-2004, 12:22 AM
I wouldn't run away. I don't get scared off very easily. I think it's his eyes that I like about him. They're so mysterious. I actually think sephiroth is really cool, even though aerith is my favorite character and he... you know. but what's a bad guy in the story if you have no grudges on him? so back on topic, i woudlnt run, and id make sure he saw me look at him- just to see what would happen.

08-08-2004, 01:11 AM
Originally posted by Lunatic HighVII
I wouldn't run away. I don't get scared off very easily. I think it's his eyes that I like about him. They're so mysterious. I actually think sephiroth is really cool, even though aerith is my favorite character and he... you know. but what's a bad guy in the story if you have no grudges on him? so back on topic, i woudlnt run, and id make sure he saw me look at him- just to see what would happen.

he would propobly kill you

Originally posted by u_aint_ready
wut i like is of course the sword, his whole swagger and the way he carries himself, and the fact that he is about the coolest villian i've ever seen. i kinda can relate to him, the way he was screwed out of his life. let's just say, i've been stressed out way too many times for my age. being stressed out by finding out he was created was the reason he did the things he did. stress aint healthy.
and if i saw him walkin down the street well i'd have to ask him to train me and make me his prodigy, i'm truly a villian at heart. soon you'd all see the two of us walkin down the street, then what would you do.

for one he would kill and you wont become his prodigy and two if i saw you and him walking down the street i would challenge both of you to a fight and kill you and leave sephiroth because i wouldnt be able to kill him.

08-08-2004, 08:07 AM
Yeah, I doubt many people would be able to kill Seph. They either be too weak or not have the heart to kill such a great and wonderful man. As for Seph having a deciple, well that would just never happen. I doubt he would even tolerate your presence lat alone train you. And I to would help destroy you by making such a fool of Seph by being anywhere near him. I would never have the heart to attack him. Not only that but I would be afraid to even hold a sword against such a great man.

08-08-2004, 11:07 AM
He might let you get close (really close) to him if he thought you were handsome enough.

08-08-2004, 02:58 PM
Let's face facts - If Sephiroth were real, he'd kick all of our asses.

08-09-2004, 02:19 AM
Originally posted by labrat
Yeah, I doubt many people would be able to kill Seph. They either be too weak or not have the heart to kill such a great and wonderful man. As for Seph having a deciple, well that would just never happen. I doubt he would even tolerate your presence lat alone train you. And I to would help destroy you by making such a fool of Seph by being anywhere near him. I would never have the heart to attack him. Not only that but I would be afraid to even hold a sword against such a great man.

dude i like the way you think. no one could kill sephiroth. He is the greatest man alive and could destroy anyone. i could match his skills but theres no way i could kill him because i wouldnt

08-09-2004, 05:33 AM
Sephiroth ain't so tough.

He's just an overly effeminate thug with a mother complex.

If you tell him Jenova says he's been a bad boy, he'll break down and cry.

08-09-2004, 02:58 PM
Hey Prak, what the hell was all that about? You know one way to really piss me off is talk shit abou the one that I love!

Seph would never break down and cry. He is one to never show such emotion. Not onmly that but guys never really show or like to shed tears in front of someone. How could he, an intensely trained SOLDIER, ever show such emotion? Not only that but he was never really tought to feel. He never grew up in a knid and caring invironment which really makes him who he really is. Had he been raised with love and care he would be a completely different man. Those are just facts.

There are a great deal many people that think they are vilans at heart, though not very many people are. I would love to be like him, never to reveal such emotion, but I am far weaker than he in more ways than one.

08-09-2004, 03:55 PM
Umm... Even if that was so, he's still a delusional megalomaniac who got his ass kicked in the end. Hardly a decent role model.

And anyway, if he's really so strong emotionally, how come he flipped out and went berserk? When I played the game, all I could think about that was how weak-minded he was and that the villain being such a crybaby didn't bode well for the rest of the game.

08-10-2004, 01:16 AM
ok, for 1 Sephiroth 9013, screw you. ok you understand that, SCREW YOU!!! SCREW YOU with a rusty nail!!! i think that Sephiroth having a disciple wouldn't be so strange, and imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...but he probly would be pissed instead of flattered. so i guess i'd try not to make any sudden movements and just back up and then call the police and watch them all get killed while i sat back and laughed!!!! i've seen it happen to my friend's dog before...IT'S HILARIOUS!!! try it, watch sum1 get there ass kicked by sum1 or sumthing that even they now they can't possibly stand against or didn't expect it to be that strong. Dog vs. 2 Raccoons: Dog, dead. Raccoons, winners, tip over garbage can in celebration. of course my friend was heart broken, but i laughed my ass that i think about it, i'm laughing again.

08-10-2004, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by u_aint_ready
SCREW YOU!!! SCREW YOU with a rusty nail!!!

calm down...............:o

08-10-2004, 08:08 PM
Hmmm....Sephiroth may have been beaten by Cloud...but he's still the coolest Villian ever. All those other villans in other FF wouldn't even match up to him...they'll be crush by his SuperNova. Anyway, there are speculations that Sephiroth may come back in AC..maybe in flashbacks or not..but if he did come'll be cool and another rematch. He was just a lost soul who was fed with secrets and lies. Sephiroth really went through a lot, of course that would really turn him to the darkside. I think if he had found his light, just like Cloud did, Sephiroth wouldn't had went to the darkside.
In many ways, Cloud and Sephiroth are pretty similar. They were fed with secrets and lies..and pretty much went downhill in their own darkness. But then, the coolest villian would still be Sephiroth....I just don't see Cloud for that role.:)

08-10-2004, 08:16 PM
well if i saw seph i would think i was in the kingdom hearts game cause that's the only game i ever saw him in so i would try callin on the keyblade........jus imagin a boy in the midle of the street callin for a key people would think i am "SPECIAL".......but if the KB came i would challenge him to a face off:p

Shinra Turk
08-10-2004, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by Prak
Sephiroth ain't so tough.

He's just an overly effeminate thug with a mother complex.

If you tell him Jenova says he's been a bad boy, he'll break down and cry.

I agree. He's quite the Mama's boy.

08-10-2004, 08:54 PM
I likely doubt it. He hasn't shown much emotions besides his confusion on those secrets and lies. More likely, he'll just give that evil smirk of his and slice that person in two. I don't think he would smile lightly if someone call him a mama's boy or says he's been bad.

08-11-2004, 01:04 PM
he has girly hair as well. tart.

08-11-2004, 09:33 PM
His long silky beautiful hair suit his personality. I find it quite interesting and just loves his long hair.;)

08-13-2004, 02:00 AM
i'm sorry, but i still think that Sephiroth would want a disciple, who would carry on his quote-unquote evil legacy? Me, that's who. and, you would be killed in a duel with Sephiroth. even if the keyblade would come, you'd be killed be4 you got your hands on it.

08-13-2004, 09:20 PM
That would be cool. If Sephi would accept someone to be his disciple, it would be great. I'm just wondering if that person who be able to weild his almightly Masamune sword...seeing that he was the only one who could.

08-14-2004, 03:43 AM
No matter how hard they would train, no one would ever be able to wield Masamune because since before born he had Jenova in him. The only way for another to wield it is if tehy had a past unbreably similar to his. Though the Shin-ra would want for another Seph , I doubt that it is indeed posible, because there would be more out there than just the one.

Again Seph would most likly no even tolerate you presence. I seriously recomend that you don't get your hopes up. Hell if I could I would attempt to be his wife, but even if he was real, that never would have been posible so deal.

As for him being a mamma's boy, wouldn't you want to get to know you "mother" if you just found out who she was. (Please forgive what I am about to say) Even for those who are adopted thay would want to know who their parents and why their parents gave them up. For the love of the planet, be reasonable people. ( heh heh)

Landlord of Sector 7
08-14-2004, 04:05 AM
Sephie SuCKs!! HE IZz sooo bad I kikced his asss in Ff7 and u r all liek stupd for lieking him cuz he stinks.[/noobism]

Omega sephiroth
08-14-2004, 02:10 PM
Sephiroth is not weak or stupid because who could wield such a powerful weapon the masamune no one could hold such powerful weapon.Cloud is to WEAK to hold the such powerful weapon and if sephiroth had an limit break it would be the end of cloud and the rest of the party sephiroth is mighty!

Shinra Turk
08-14-2004, 06:38 PM
Hey Landlord, I hope Sephiroth eats your face while you sleep.

08-16-2004, 12:56 PM
i have to side with shinra on this one. if hes so weak than how come he can kill asll those people??? hmmmm, maybe its cause hes the strongest freakin character in the whole freakin game>_< ahhhh!!!! stupid people annoy me.

08-16-2004, 01:00 PM
There are more kinds of weakness than lack of physical strength. Sephiroth's weakness is mental. That weakness of mind is, in fact, why he's driven to kill people in the first place.

08-16-2004, 01:05 PM
hmmmmm....very good point. ic where ur comin from now. but he still could kick clouds @$$ around the block 15 times before dinner. yeah that was kinda stupid.

08-16-2004, 06:21 PM
i dont disagree with the fact that he's an insane murdering michael myers type freak, but he's still unstoppable. if he was real, could you imagine the destruction? whoever calls him stupid, lame, weak, a loser, a mama's boy, or anything like that, just doesn't understand the base of an evil character. they all have some deep rooted problem that causes them to be evil, whatch the streets and skies for the coming of the great one....SEPHIROTH IS COMING!!!!

Omega sephiroth
08-16-2004, 08:54 PM
I agree with u_aint_ready sephiroth is coming.He is almighty stronger than anyone imaginable be able to destroy anythin oh and cloud you can wake up now defeating sephiroth was a DREAM!!!

Lunatic HighVII
08-17-2004, 02:39 AM
yeah you guys are both right. hes invincible! and we dont even know if cloud really killed him at the end of the game, it could have been his imagination, so he could really be invincible! He's great as a villan, and i like him, but hes so evil. I can't forgive him for what he did to Aerith.... GRRR.

08-17-2004, 08:07 AM
Well, to be frank, I'm sick to death of whiny FF villains who all have some sort of emotional issues. I want to see a villain I can take seriously. Someone cold, calculating, always in control, 100% self-assured, and with very clear goals stemming from pure selfishness instead of the usual emotional trauma.

I find Sephiroth less threatening than the average street thug.

08-17-2004, 05:47 PM
If you want to put it that way Prak, then just look at the way he used to be when he was in SOLDIER. True he still had a hard childhood but he never really gave any notice to it. There may have been times when he wanted to comit suicide but in the end he never did. Did he?

You do have apoint though, but then when youreally think about it never has there been an evil person that donesn't have a traumatic past, or something like it. It is either trauma in the past or just the way that the person was raised. Seph, however was both. The way that he was raised and the fact he was never told where he came from.

Even with street thugs they have had a bad life in a way. Isn't that why they become thugs to begin with?

Oh and Landlord I hope that Seph gets you for that remark. I'll make sure to let him know that you said that about him.

As for him being invincible, even I have my doubts about that. Everyone has a weak point of sorts. If he were invincible he would have been able to come accept his past and his life no matter what would have been thrown his way.

08-18-2004, 01:01 PM
labrat, I don't think Sephiroth would tolerate your spelling.

08-18-2004, 06:25 PM
can any of you beat him? have you ever seen the movie how to make a monster? what if i could create Sephiroth like that what would you do then? you would wimper in fear, you would never disrespect him like this!!!!

Omega sephiroth
08-18-2004, 06:34 PM
Sephiroth should not be tolerated cloud had help from his friends dident he?Sephiroth fought alone at the end while wimpy cloud had to have help from his friends.Think whos stronger and better cloud or sephiroth.Cloud is cowardly.Sephiroth is better

08-18-2004, 06:40 PM
Best things about Sephiroth, Top 5 Count Down:
5)He's a cool villain
4)He was a genius
3)He is all powerful
2)He is the only one who can handle his massive sword
1)He's a pretty-boy
PRETTY-BOYZ RULE!!!!! yes i'm 1 too if that's what you're wondering, but like Sephiroth, i won't hesitate to cut you down then wipe off my shoes.

Omega sephiroth
08-18-2004, 06:46 PM
Making that ten

6:He dosent hesitate cutting peoples heads off
7:His way of dealing with things
8:He hates cloud (Doesnt everybody?)
9:His hair
10:His name

08-18-2004, 08:29 PM
Originally posted by Ndi
labrat, I don't think Sephiroth would tolerate your spelling.

Yeah well its been about four months since anything that I worte was spell checked. Well that and the fact that I'm not in school. Look at the bright side though, at least I keep every thing in the same tense. But I guess no excuses I should have looked over what I had written. I will start to look what I post from now on.( so much for being a writer)

11) He doesn't use a gun (guns are really dumb)

Shinra Turk
08-19-2004, 12:44 AM
Right up until Vincent uses one.

Omega sephiroth
08-19-2004, 08:13 AM
I thought vincent neaded a new weapon his gun was really weak.

08-19-2004, 10:26 AM
Guns are generally weak imho.

08-19-2004, 10:51 AM
It makes sense for guns in FF to be weaker. After all, characters with guns can go into the back row and still attack at full power while gaining the extra defensive benefits. Guns get less power overall to ensure that all the characters are balanced.

08-21-2004, 01:14 AM
true, but swords and sword fighting just look and are cool.

08-21-2004, 01:37 AM
You won't hear any argument from me on that one. Now I'm gonna be quiet and see if this thread goes back on topic.

08-21-2004, 01:41 AM
next reason why Sephiroth is cool:
11)You cant give me a reason why he's not.

08-21-2004, 01:47 AM
Originally posted by u_aint_ready
next reason why Sephiroth is cool:
11)You cant give me a reason why he's not.

Read my other posts. I gave plenty of reasons. :p

08-21-2004, 01:56 AM
i bet if you saw him in real life, even if he was sittin on a park bench feedin pigeons, you would run far away, and do it fast.

08-21-2004, 05:54 PM
As I said before, if I saw Sephiroth in real life, I would take anti-psychotic drugs to put him back where he belongs.

08-22-2004, 09:42 AM
Originally posted by labrat

Yeah well its been about four months since anything that I worte was spell checked. Well that and the fact that I'm not in school. Look at the bright side though, at least I keep every thing in the same tense. But I guess no excuses I should have looked over what I had written. I will start to look what I post from now on.( so much for being a writer)

11) He doesn't use a gun (guns are really dumb)

I was just teasing, no worries. ^^

I agree with number 11, though I don't think guns are dumb, exactly.

They just have no soul.

This thread is great. XD

08-23-2004, 12:29 AM
1) Maybe i'm crazy and Prak is on his way to being like me.(off topic...i no)
2) Truly guns have no soul, any1 can pick 1 up and fire it off, but it takes a true master of themselves and their weapon to use a sword. That my friends is what makes swords and all who use them, especially Sephiroth, cool.

08-23-2004, 07:42 AM
Originally posted by u_aint_ready
2) Truly guns have no soul, any1 can pick 1 up and fire it off, but it takes a true master of themselves and their weapon to use a sword. That my friends is what makes swords and all who use them, especially Sephiroth, cool.

But have you ever thought about how hard it would be to use a gun in close combat against a guy with a sword? Any ordinary goofball carrying a gun would get hacked to pieces. So I'd say anyone who can master the use of a gun to the point where they could hold off a swordsman at that range is every bit as skilled, if not more so, than the swordsman.

Also figure that guns don't do nearly as much damage as swords, so a gunman has to be much more accurate than a swordsman. Then there's the fact that guns have to be reloaded.

I think there's a nice balance between them.

08-23-2004, 06:13 PM
If that were the case Prak, then i would shoot the sword holders hand sop he/she drops the sword and then i would steal it.

In FF guns are weak.

But in real life they are much more popwerful, who cares how painful someones dies, if they die they die and thats it. A sword might chop someone in half, but they would die before they could feel it most probably.

Guns are usefuil in both close combat and long range.

08-23-2004, 06:40 PM
u have a very good point there my friend.:)

08-23-2004, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by SephirothBizzaro
If that were the case Prak, then i would shoot the sword holders hand sop he/she drops the sword and then i would steal it.

Errrr... Do you really think there's a chance in hell you could shoot a swordsman's hand at close range? You'd have to be well beyond a master marksman to pull that off. Think about how fast that hand moves. Guns are crap at close range.

That's why cops are trained to shoot first and ask questions later anytime someone rushes them with an edged weapon. If that person gets too close, then the danger to the officer multiplies several times over.

To summarize: Guns dominate at long range. Swords rape guns up close. For a further example, just look at how soldiers attach bayonettes to their rifles.

08-23-2004, 10:37 PM
so are you sayin that Vincent could beat Sephiroth if there were a few yards distance between them? cuz i think that Sephiroth would murder Vincent, quite easily at that.

08-24-2004, 05:30 AM
Didn't say anything of the sort. I was just defending the role of guns in FF and it ballooned a little.

08-24-2004, 10:09 AM
yeah, if there was a fight between someone with a sword and someone with a gun, the gun would probably win. you'd just shoot them before they got to you. :)

08-24-2004, 10:16 AM
Only at a reasonably large distance though. At 15 feet, the gunman should get one good shot before the swordsman closes the gap. If that fails to at least incapacitate, it's game over. At point blank range, the swordsman rapes the gunman.

08-28-2004, 02:27 PM
Okay can we please get out of the gun topic. Although I do agree with most of what Prak had to say on the issue. At a decent enough rang a gun beats a sword, and at semi close to close rang a sword can beat a gun. The out come of a fight between the two would depend on the level of skill each of the wielders has.

If no one has anything else to add on any matter then whatever.

But I have a question ofr Prak: Would you want to meet him or anyother FF character, would out the ned to take any drugs? I mean keep in mind thatI know that they are fake, but what would you do if you took the antipsycotics and he was still there. What would you do then?

08-28-2004, 02:47 PM
I'd go up and ask him which convention he was going to.

dyne trance
08-28-2004, 05:22 PM
See Sephiroth on the street!? That'd be awesome! However, I'd cower into a feedle (SP?) position if he was carrying his Masamune. If he was just walking around unarmed I'd probably stutter my way into asking him some questions and his autograph. But just overall seeing him would be ccol!

Dot Centaur
08-28-2004, 11:50 PM
Originally posted by labrat
I was just curious as to how many people like him.

Just a few questions for Seph lovers.

If you saw him walking down the street in you dircetion while weilding Masamune would you run a way from him?

What about him is it that you like?

I love Sephiroth because he's my favorite FF villian;

1:A: I would only run away if it was the evil Sephiroth. If it was the good Sephiroth, I would go up to him and say "Hey sexy, that's a nice sword you got there sexpot !

2:A: I love him because he's the sexiest villian alive sexpot !

08-29-2004, 01:33 AM
ok Prak lets assume for a second that he asks you what the hell you're talking about then, you realize that no makeup could be that damn good and look that damn real and that much like him, what do you do then?

08-29-2004, 01:40 AM
Calmly step away from the man with inhumanly large eyes and no skin texture, then walk away and forget I ever saw it.

08-29-2004, 01:58 AM
again another snappy comeback from Prak...Good show ol' chap!!! seriously, where do you come up wit dis stuff.

08-29-2004, 02:00 AM
I have this little book...

08-29-2004, 12:11 PM
Prak, you are Allpott87 #2. Call that a privilage if you want. ;)

08-30-2004, 12:30 AM
hmmm...ok i got it what wood you do if he asked you to direct him to the mako reactor in Mt. Nibel, wut wood you do then?

08-30-2004, 01:45 AM
Okay Prak not what I was expecting but whatever. I must agree u_ain't_ready. What would you dop if he asked you for directions to North Crater? I want a serious answer not the way thay you normally reply.

08-30-2004, 01:52 AM
i meant to say what if he asked for directions to Northern Crater at sword point, come on there's no snappy comeback for that, 'cause i'm bout 2 take it from you.
the cops wouldn't have arrested him, 'cause let's say it was in a very quiet, deserted area where any1 who actually lives there is a bum or a drunk and doesn't know what's going on. ok what's your reply now.

08-30-2004, 03:39 PM
Sephiroth is awesome.Awesome, awesome, awesome. But if I even saw the handle of his sword, I'd run like hell.

08-31-2004, 12:53 AM
i don't know, i still think i'd try to get him to teach me how to fight like him and be like him, i probly wood never reach his skill level, but still it wood be kinda cool.

09-01-2004, 03:10 PM
By the way, if anyone could tell me how to put a sig on, please tell me

09-05-2004, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by Prak

But have you ever thought about how hard it would be to use a gun in close combat against a guy with a sword? Any ordinary goofball carrying a gun would get hacked to pieces. So I'd say anyone who can master the use of a gun to the point where they could hold off a swordsman at that range is every bit as skilled, if not more so, than the swordsman.

Also figure that guns don't do nearly as much damage as swords, so a gunman has to be much more accurate than a swordsman. Then there's the fact that guns have to be reloaded.

I think there's a nice balance between them.

And then you get the ultimate fusion of the two...The gunblade.

(THose are real by the way, I have seen them)

as for Sephiroth...Cool, If I saw him walking down the street I probably would hide untill he passed then follow him, then again anyone caught following him would be cloven in two, hmmm, I guess I'd just watch him go by then run in the opposite direction to save my skin

09-06-2004, 10:14 AM
Originally posted by BizarroSephiroth
By the way, if anyone could tell me how to put a sig on, please tell me

Sig info here (

09-06-2004, 06:53 PM
Thanks. I got one here. I've had it for a while, actually.

09-07-2004, 03:47 AM
Enough with the chating. If you have a question pm some one. Please back to the topic at hand, which in this case is Seph.

Jenova Filled Puppet
09-07-2004, 07:51 PM
Dude, Sephiroth walking down the street? It wouldn't matter, he'd just ignore all of us if he was bad unless we became too annoying in which case he would kill us without so much as looking at us. If it was good Sephiroth, sure, autograph, etc. Why not.

His history was what was really cool. That and how he manipulated Tifa and Cloud in the crater Burgenheim scene.