08-03-2004, 03:34 AM
I know theirs another thread on this, but if I post their i'll be scolded saying I'm reviving an old thread.

Anyway, I just bought this earlier today and it seems great. Although what they've seem to have done is combine a bunch of other RPG idea's into one. The main girl going on a pilgramage to save the world (FFX). The main charictar having no mom and a dad whose not really his blood dad... And The main charictar being banished from his village (SoM). They even used exact dialouge:

"You are here by banished from"...I forgot the name of the town..."Now get out!"
-Tales of Symphonia

"You are here by banished from Potos village, get outta here!"
-Secret of Mana

And theirs many more things like that I can point out.

But I can live with that. From what I've played its pretty fun. Their are a few things in the engine here and their that I'd like them to have changed but its quite fun so far. Whats your opinion on this game?

08-03-2004, 03:41 AM
I love it. I'm on the second disc, and I think I'm pretty close to beating it.

The gameplay is absolutely fantastic. Leveling up and such is so much fun. I just wish I could try it in multi-player mode.

The story is pretty good, and for once, I like all the voice acting in a game.

hb smokey
08-03-2004, 03:53 AM
Yes, I also noticed that there are several aspects from different games mixed into it. Colette going on a journey to regenerate the world, being banished from Iselia. These remind me of past games, but doesn't take away at all from the brilliance of this game.

I finished the game yesterday in just under 60 hours, and that was without doing most of the hidden side-quests, etc. I'm playing through it now with the replay bonuses, which are great too. The fighting system in this game is probably the most fun I have ever had. And this is one of the most incredible storylines I have ever seen.

Mandi, just wait until the end. :)

08-03-2004, 04:50 AM
Yay, tomorrow sky and caleb (people) are coming over and we're gonna try the multiplayer.

hb smokey
08-03-2004, 06:25 AM
Oh man, I wish that I had some friends that could play multiplayer with me. But I don't, because it looks like that would make the game more fun.