Lagunas Backup
01-27-2002, 06:36 PM
i want the tonberry king but i cant beat the damn tonberries. degenerator wont work(damn it). my ppl are at high levels but the tonberries keep killin me. what r their weaknesses???

Dark Messenger
01-27-2002, 06:59 PM
The longer you take then the more chance there is of you being killed, just keep using your strongest GF's, If I was you i'd count because as soon as you finish the 20th battle you'll go straight into a battle with the king, so on the twentieth battle use Aura on squall before you kill the last Tonberry, so that as soon as the battle with the Tonberry king starts you'll allready have his limit ready.

P.S: I'm pretty sure you can go out and save inbetween battle, so you don't have to beat twenty in a row without saving.

01-27-2002, 07:40 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">The king won't necesarily turn up after 20 battles, it is a random amount. I've had it as low as 16 and as high as 28. Just keep fighting Tonberries until the king appears. :)

01-27-2002, 08:02 PM
Diablos does massive damage to them. Also, try junctioning something strong to someone's strength. When I played it, I just had Zell summon Diablos and Squall hit them a few times and they were dead.

01-27-2002, 08:45 PM
Cast Aura on your party, Summon Diablos and you might want to juction Death to status attack which will help you, but its also dangerous when you get confused ;)
As for the Tonberry King, just meltdown it and cast aura and have fun fighting a long battle or not :)

01-28-2002, 05:04 PM
I've found this to be the quickest/easiest way to get to Tonnberry King.

First, make Cactuar learn the 'Kamakazi' Command. Make sure the GF's that can learn 'Recover' and 'Revive' have learned them. Now decide which 1 of your 3 are going to perform the 'Kamakazi', but take into consideration that this person will not be able to fight Tonnberry King. Equip the other 2 with 1 Recover Command and 1 Revive Command. Now enter the battles with the Tonnberries and get your dud character to do Kamakazi. It will INSTANTLY kill both the Tonnyberry and your character. Now get into another fight with another Tonnberry and use the Revive Command on your dead character. He/She will be revived, and just make him/her do Kamakazi again. You wont have to waste Pheonix Downs reviving him/her. Continue this process untill you fight the Tonnberry before the King. There will be no gap between the battles so you cant revive your dead member. The fight shouldn't be too hard if you use Limits and the Recover Command. Sorry if that was a long explaination

01-28-2002, 05:55 PM
My personal strategy: (I just beat Tonberry King this time around, right before the trip to the White SeeD ship. Squall was level 56, Irvine was 13, Zell was 18)

I had Squall and Zell both Auto-junctioned for Attack power, and Irvine for Defense; I had 100 of some fairly good spells, curaga; life, death, thunderaga, blizzaraga, etc...on each of them.

Anyhow; I had Squall summon Shiva, had Zell summon Diablos, and had Irvine attack; the random counter-attack "Everyone's Grudge" only did about 180 damage to Irvine. Diablos took off about 5600 a turn, Shiva took about around 3000; and Irvine took about 500. So within 3 rounds, a Tonberry was dead. I killed them all, and the King was easy. Just kept drawing Cura from him and casting it on my guys, had Squall cast Aura on Irvine, and had Irvine use an Aura stone on Squall; had Irvine shoot with AP Ammo, and used Squall's limit break, doing this, Tonberry King took me about 5-6 rounds. By the way; Diablos doesn't work on the King, he's immune to it; and the Doom command doesn't work on Tonberries.