Dark Nation69
08-02-2004, 04:19 PM
Why do all you arses hate me all of a sudden? You all just cant face it that you are nerds. Fucking fools the lot of you.
SephirothBizzaro - Your snide remarks are not very amusing - and your rumble is crap

Smokey - Your a dickface - and your rumble is crap

Agent0042 - How sad do you haveto be -and your rumble is crap

MogKnight - Your a nerd and you are not funny.

Other people who i hate are Neo Xzhan or whatever the hell your name is, bahamut zero, the moderators and pretty much everone else.

08-02-2004, 04:26 PM
Having another little temper do are we.
Whats new?

Im sure that your opinion is sightly respected by some ppl, but i can assure you that it wont be valued.

BTW you know you've made 3 posts, two of which have been childish, stupid and immature.

Just go back to gaybar you was working at in gaytown in the planet gay.

N00b Jockey #1 - Dark Nation69

mr. Cheese
08-02-2004, 04:41 PM
Listen i aint goin get all pissed off call u child then make sum childesh remark bout u but coz ppl play ff games dosent make em nerds or geeks or whatever u think they r but even if they r so fckin wot u know neway if we r all nerds y r u on here

08-02-2004, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by mr. Cheese
Listen i aint goin get all pissed off call u child then make sum childesh remark bout u

So ... ... ... Im childish am I? Im pissed off am I?

Like i said yesterday - i could reply to this and get all pissed off, however, my pop tarts are ready now.
Mmmmmmm Chocomallow - *drools*

mr. Cheese
08-02-2004, 05:02 PM
lol im not callin childish or nothin like that but u called him a him childish then called him gay and that so ur a bit of hypocrite

08-02-2004, 05:10 PM
His/her childish level was 99%, mine was a mere 1%.

mr. Cheese
08-02-2004, 05:27 PM
I think it was more like 20% coz u called him gay an noob jockey

08-02-2004, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by mr. Cheese
I think it was more like 20% coz u called him gay an noob jockey

Listen, i aint arguing about who was the most childish, nor do i regret what i said.
This dude came on the other week and made a similar thread and theres no need.
I like to diffuse my anger at the beginning of my replies then finish of with a calm or witty or immature remark. Its me.

Toilets are smelly

08-02-2004, 05:35 PM
It's "You're a nerd" or "You are a nerd"

At least if you're going to redicule me, even though it's just a window for me to do whatever I want to you, at least have the respect of doing it right. Is that so hard to ask for in everyday life?

Then again, seeing as you're from Nottingham or whereever, I guess you among whoever lives in that place don't seem to give a crap.

THUS... you suck.