08-02-2004, 06:14 AM
Your first GFs are Quezacotl
Starting level:1
Starting HP:300
found at:Squalls Study pannel.GF's
attack:Thunder Storm.

Starting level:1
Starting HP:298
Found at:Squalls study pannel.
GF's Attack:Diamond Dust.

Starting level:1
Starting HP:305
Found at: The end of the fire Cavern. You must defeat this GF before it will join you in battle.
Attack:Hell Fire

Element:None(cast silence)
Starting level:3
Starting HP:391
Found at: You must draw Siren during the Boss Fight with Elvort.
Attack:Silent Voice

Starting level:7
Starting HP:670
Found at: In the Tomb of the Unknown King. Must Defeat one of the Minotaur brothers (Sacred) first, and then defeat the two of them together to have them you.
Attack:Brotherly Love

Starting level:9
Starting HP:730
Found at:Speak with Master Cid when about to leave for your first mission to Timber save before using the lamp. Defeat Diablos in the lamp then he will join you.
Attack:Dark Messanger

Element:None(casts reflect)
Starting level:16
Starting HP:1220
Found at:You must draw during the boss fight with the Iguins(disk 1)
Attack:Ruby Light

Starting level:17
Starting HP:1349
Found at:Must be draw from the boss Norg during the battle at Blamb Garden(disc one)

Starting level:19
Starting HP:1442
Found at:Draw Pandemona from Fujin during the boss fight with Fujin and Raijin(disc 2)
Attack:Tornado Zone

Element:none(cast double&triple)
Starting level:23
Starting HP:1490
Found at:Challenge Cerberus while your in the main hall of Galbadia Garden(Disc 2)
Attack:Counter Rockets

Starting level:25
Starting HP:1925
Found at:Must Draw Alexander from Edea during the boss fight in Galbadia Garden (Disc 2)
Attack:Hly Judgement

Starting level:28
Starting HP:2521
Found at:Have to have the ring called Solomon Ring at Tears Point in Esthar. Also you need to gather 6 of the following items Malboro Tentacles, Remedy+,and steel pipes and use the ring. Doomtrain will join your party.
Attack:Runaway Train

Starting level:35
Starting HP:3274
Found at:Deep Sea Research center(disc three when you have the Ragnarok)
Attack:Mega Flare

14th:Jumbo Cactuar
Starting level:20
Starting HP:1766
Found at:Cactuar Island desert island east of the Centra Ruins. When fighting Cactuar Cactuar will Hesitate BE VERY CAREFUL AT THIS POINT!!! Cactuar is thinking about running away so finish him off fast Levianth will cause alot of damage.
Attack:1000 Needles

15th:Tonberry King
Starting level:30
Starting HP:2596
Found at:Goto the Centra Ruins there you would have to defeat 18 Tonberrys before the Tinberry King will appear so you can fight it.
Attack:Chef's Knife

16th:Eden(Strongest GF)
Starting level:30
Starting HP:4786
Found at:After defeating Bahamuat at the Deep Sea Research Center you come out and go back in and there you would find an opening to go down. There you would go through various rooms. After the rooms you would fight Ultima weapon you must draw Eden from Ultima weapon.
Attack:Eternal Breath

17th:Odin(Not really a GF you can use but comes out and helps you ocassionaly)
Found at:Centra Crater
Time to defeat Odin:20 min.

For Bahamut(Have Zell with you)

Bahamut:"So you wish to challange me..."

Choose:"It's not our will to fight"

Bahamut:"Begging for mercy?"


Bahamut:Damned imbeciles. Why do you wish to fight?"

Choose:Select the third option which is hidden below. "None of your Bisiness."

When going to Bahamuts blue core walk when the blue light isnt glowing.

When after the boss fight with Bahamut leave the room then return and a opening will be there for you to go down. There you will go in the rooms wich there are locks and numbers of RSP's.

Floor 1: 4 units automaticlly to open door to fl 2
Total RSP left:16

Floor 2: Spend 2
Total RSP:14

Floor 3: Use the moniter on the left under the stairs and spend four units to open the steam room. Inside you recharge 7 units for a total of 17 units. Use the sec. Station in the main room to spend 1 unit, and open the door to fl 4:Sector 6
Total RSP:16

Floor 4: Spend 1 unit
Total RSP:15

Floor 5: Spend 1 unit
Total RSP:14

Floor 6:Spend 4 units
Total RSP:10

Then from there on you will be brought to this room with a big machinary to the right of the levers, and Zell will suggest that he can handdle it allow him to do so, and the door will open without spending any RSP. Then you will be brought to a room with another machinary spend 10 units then you will be brought to the boss fight with Ultima Weapon and REMEMBER TO DRAW EDEN!!!

Good Luck

08-02-2004, 04:41 PM
...Erm shouldnt this be in the FFVIII forum...?
Possibly stickied?
Shame on you if it is.

08-02-2004, 08:43 PM
What he said. ;)


Do try posting things that make sense in the right place in the future. >=D

08-02-2004, 10:45 PM
Still in the *sarcasm* mood eh?

Vivi FF
08-02-2004, 10:59 PM
Thanks for the info. Although, it's a little late cause there's FAQ's on the GFs and I bet this site has a lot of info. But yeah. It is always helpful to those we haven't done so already.

08-10-2004, 01:24 AM
isn't there a GF that you get from Seifer and another you make like a Goblin thingy or somethin?

Vivi FF
08-10-2004, 02:54 AM
Yeah, the Guardian Helpers.

Location: Defeat him in Centra Ruins.
Randomly comes out and attacks with an instant death attack at the beginning of a battle. The frequency he'll show up depends on your party's luck stats.

Location: Boss Battle w/Seifer at Disk 3; must have Odin
If you obtain Odin before the end of Disk 3, he comes out to attack Seifer, but is killed instead. Gilgamesh takes Odin's sword, and joins your party to help.
Randomly comes out during battles and attacks with one of 4 attacks, one doing instant death, one doing 9999, one doing about 3000-6000, and one doing 1. IMO, not worth it. Hold of on Odin and Tonberry until Disk 4.

Use a Gyslls (sp?) Green during a battle under the item command and the cute little chocobo comes and attacks. His attack can be powered up via a little adventure exclusive to Pocketstation.

Found in the Pocketstation adventure. I think s/he comes otu restores everyone's HP.

Use a Pheonix Pinion during a battle under the item command in he comes out doing fire elemental damage to the enemy, and reviving any dead party members.

08-10-2004, 04:03 AM
gilgamesh can come when ever he wants unlike odin who comes at the start or not at all

and what about the moomba

08-10-2004, 10:02 PM
I had gilgamesh come out when i was fighting Ultimecia. He used Zantezuken on her :D , but she didnt die :( , just the background got cut in half.

Vivi FF
08-11-2004, 12:05 AM
Originally posted by streetskater169
I had gilgamesh come out when i was fighting Ultimecia. He used Zantezuken on her :D , but she didnt die :( , just the background got cut in half.

Yup, that's why I recommend not getting Odin until after Disk 3. Gilgamesh just isn't worth it. You have basically a 25% shot of him doing an instant death attack, but you never know when he'll do it (could be at the start of the battle, or could be at the end when the enemy has 1 HP left), or if the attack will work. With Odin, when he appears at the start of the battle, you know that the enemy party will die, no matter what. But that's just my opinion.

Note: If you have Odin before Seifer at Disk 3, you have a limited time in fighting Seifer, and thus, drawing the powerful Aura spell. W/o Odin, you have all day to stock as many as you want. :)

08-13-2004, 01:55 AM
i never did the whole odin thing, now i know. i think i'll try Gilgamesh just because, you know, just to do it.